e·on - Rezayat Commercial

e·on - Rezayat Commercial

e·on - Rezayat Commercial


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" .. ~ , ' ...SERVICE PRODUCTS "E.ON I ES ElektroSanbergE.ON is in the business of both Power and Gas- the place to come to for your energy needs. Itis on track to becoming the world's leadingpower and gas company. With annual sales ofjust under EUR69 billion and close to 88, 000employees in almost 30 countries, we arealready the world's largest investor-ownedenergy service provider.e·onKEMA~~! ~ ~:.w10WI- La...jLiJIj Ulhll J~ ~ ~ 0J1.~A6:.~10.,s:J ~..;-k ~ ~j .~lhll 0-A ..u.¥!"~ LA ~ J~~ ~ ~I ~~I L.;;j~ t-" .jL.llIJ ~lhll ~ o.J,jlJ.!1~WI~i 4>YU.~.J.4j J~ ~ .:=.JLA-~ ~iKEMA is a consultancy organization serving theenergy sector. It specializes in the provision of ~high-level technological consultancy services, ':'LA..L>.~"':; ~ d 0 0;' -~'J ~lhll tLW ~ J.-:l ~~I o~ ~as well as testing and certification. KEMA....a..t=. - I' - I . 1.:=.J.:.6 - 1..oL ~~I ~I ~Ipetrochemicals, product application, evaluation, ." J:' ". - "i:. . - J J:' " .process design. Analytical services, technical .:.LA...->JIJ~I 44....;-kJ ~'J F' .:.~ J ':'l:!J~Jconsultation, training programs, technical .~I ~Ij -,.u..;..:..J1 ~I;-;J ~I':'G~~IJ ~Iinspection. -Russian Engineering CompanyTechnical Diagnosis and Control by nondestructivemethods for the equipments of Oil &Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical & other industries- Pipelines of all types, Vessels & Units workingunder Pressure & Vacuum, Reservoir & Tanks,Hoisting Equipment..:.I..ul o~~I':'GL;->~1 dJ.k 4.b-1y' ~Ij ~I':'~I.:.WL..:..JI~~~! ~~I ~1J-lIJ':'~~J~IJjL.llIJ u..jJlJ-.j ~1':'1..u.~Ij ~J'ilj ~u'il J.,~ tl":'i ~J •.•.»'11.~..;JI':'I..l.a.4J.:.ulj.i>JIJ .:.t.:.~~IJ t-'yi:.JIJ ~I i"~26 I •. REZAYAT TRADING

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