Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ

Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ
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He who has ears to hear,let him hearInaugural audiology course has commencedThe last week of May we were very busy wrapping upan introductory course we have been running with 18African Bible College (ABC) students. We then reducedthe numbers to 12 second year students. When theystart the 3rd year of their 4 year degree in August, fouror five of these students will attend an audiologycourse.In the middle of May we ran practicalsessions every afternoon for them topractice hearing testing, otoscopy andmiddle ear testing on other students.We ran this in our house, fun butexhausting! The students are doing very well. They havebeen exploring and presenting their ideas on how to linkthe message of hearing loss prevention with a messageof the gospel and they all came up with lots of differentideas.The Malawi students have also produced educationalbrochures in the local Malawi language Chichewa onear health and hearing loss prevention. The Malawiteam ran a medical ear camp at Chinsapo secondarycollege in the outer villages of Lilongwe with the teamfrom the USA, a rather overwhelming experience.Welcome visitorsIn early July a team of seven audiologists and audiologystudents visited Malawi: five from USA, one fromEcuador and one from the UK. The team traveled withPete to different areas of Malawi to run hearing clinics atschools for the deaf and in hospitals. The ABC Malawistudents traveled with them so were able to observeand be supervised by the international team. We havereceived funding for this purpose.New clinic well on its wayWe are very excited that construction has begun on apurpose-built hearing clinic funded by an Australian-African community grant scheme. It is expected to becompleted by September/October this year. This willhouse the VRA unit and ASSR/ABR equipment which isthe World Foundation.We’re coming home onfurlough!We plan to return to Australia from mid November tomid January for much needed recuperation. We lookforward to seeing you all again and updating you on ourlatest news in person.See you very soon!Peter & Rebecca Bartlett.We are so grateful for the support youhave given us and the role you haveplayed in supporting EARS.RETURNING IN NOVEMBERThe Bartlett Family is returning onfurlough from Malawi for a fewweeks for a much needed rest andcatch up with family and friends.Peter and Rebecca will be speakingon Mission Sunday 25 th Novemberat York St, for all three services.Jessica, Brianna and Elouise will be sharing theirexperiences with Yorkie Kids at 10:30am.Bec Howlett left in May for her six monthWe are looking forward to Bec sharing herMission experience in the coming weeks.Global Hearing Health ConferencePeter and I attended a conference on Global HearingHealth in Pretoria South Africa late May 2012. Petepresented a session on our work in Malawi and thevarious challenges of setting up services in a developingcountry. The conference was for people who areinterested in hearing health in developing countries. Wewere very excited to meet several people who havesupported the clinic. A few days after the conference,Pete also completed the Comrades run of 89km inDurban South Africa. He even got to see a few peoplefrom his Ballarat running group!Assessments of at-risk infants now possibleWe recently received funding from Hear the WorldPhonak for objective testing to test children from 1 dayold who are at risk of hearing loss, like children whosemother had malaria in pregnancy or had meningitis orneeded quinine treatment for malaria. This will reallychange the way we do things and has significantimplications for early hearing aid fitting within thenormal speech acquisition stages of childhood.32MISSION SUNDAY 25 th NOVEMBERPlease join us Mission Sunday as we celebrate York StJesus.SPEAKING: Peter BartlettPeter holds a Bachelor of Science, Graduate Diploma ofAudiology and a Masters in Business Administration.A Christian since first at University, Peter has served asan Elder at York St Church of Christ prior to August2010 when he and his family moved to Lilongwe inMalawi, Africa. The move was for a two year Ears Inc.project placement with African Bible CollegesCommunity Clinic, to establish permanent hearingservices and an audiology training program. Peter is aCo-founder and Vice-President of Ears Inc.Peter has worked both in Australia and abroad in anumber of developing countries in the Asia-Pacificregion as an audiologist on mission trips associatedwith Ears Inc.

Ears Inc. is an Australian, not-for-profit, nondenominationalChristian association of audiologists,audiometrists and allied health care professionalsdedicated to the training and equipping of healthworkers in developing countries, so that they can assistin the rehabilitation of the hearing impaired who wouldotherwise not have the capacity or opportunity toovercome their disability. Ears Inc. provides ongoingtraining and support to local workers of health clinics,hospitals, deaf schools and mission groups indeveloping countries. Through this training, thesevolunteers are equipped with the necessary skills andresources to rehabilitate people with hearing loss andhelp them become self-sufficient and independent.on the York St Overseas Missions Committee prior toworking in Malawi. Every year, either Peter or Rebeccahave been overseas doing voluntary audiology work,with the exception of 2000 when their first child Jessicawas born, 2002 when Brianna was born and in 2006when their youngest Elouise was born. Their longestoverseas placement was in Papua New Guinea for oversix months in 2004/05.Jessica, Brianna, and Elouise, actively participate insharing the hope of Jesus in Malawi and will be sharingtheir experiences in Kids Church on November 25 th .We ended 2011 with a Christmas Dinner at the church,Waitresses for the evening, followed by Entertainmentall who attended.2012 started in January with a large number enjoyingLunch at the Ballarat Leagues Club.February was to be a BBQ out at Kirks Reservoir but dueto the inclement weather we ended up at the Church!!!March we had lunch at the Church with a speaker fromSovereign HillApril was our bus trip to Melbourne for a Yarra RiverCruise to Williamstown a great day was had by all.May meeting was held at the Specialist School where wehad lunch and visited their farm in Norman Street (oldNorth Secondary School)while June, July & August meetings were into recess.Counter Lunches were arranged each month, which werewell attendedSeptember meeting, lunch at the church then everyoneOctober was lunch at the church, with entertainment!!!Our thanks also go to Noel & Judy Jenkins, & Jack & AnnWhite & Bob & Jan McCallum who helped us to organizeand run our get-togethers!!Thank you to everyone who supported us throughout2012, and look forward to another great year in 2013.Ian & Annette LoaderPRIME TIMEPrime Time exists to provide life enrichment to the 50+age group. Meeting on the Fourth Tuesday of themonth.33Prime Time Christmas Dinner will be held at thechurch at 6pm on Tuesday Evening 20th Novembercost $22 we need numbers with money by 11thNovember, we look forward to seeing you all for agreat night to finish our yearIan & Annette Loader

He who has ears to hear,let him hearInaugural audiology course has commencedThe last week <strong>of</strong> May we were very busy wrapping upan introductory course we have been running with 18African Bible College (ABC) students. We then reducedthe numbers to 12 second year students. When theystart the 3rd year <strong>of</strong> their 4 year degree in August, fouror five <strong>of</strong> these students will attend an audiologycourse.In the middle <strong>of</strong> May we ran practicalsessions every afternoon for them topractice hearing testing, otoscopy andmiddle ear testing on other students.We ran this in our house, fun butexhausting! The students are doing very well. They havebeen exploring and presenting their ideas on how to linkthe message <strong>of</strong> hearing loss prevention with a message<strong>of</strong> the gospel and they all came up with lots <strong>of</strong> differentideas.The Malawi students have also produced educationalbrochures in the local Malawi language Chichewa onear health and hearing loss prevention. The Malawiteam ran a medical ear camp at Chinsapo secondarycollege in the outer villages <strong>of</strong> Lilongwe with the teamfrom the USA, a rather overwhelming experience.Welcome visitorsIn early July a team <strong>of</strong> seven audiologists and audiologystudents visited Malawi: five from USA, one fromEcuador and one from the UK. The team traveled withPete to different areas <strong>of</strong> Malawi to run hearing clinics atschools for the deaf and in hospitals. The ABC Malawistudents traveled with them so were able to observeand be supervised by the international team. We havereceived funding for this purpose.New clinic well on its wayWe are very excited that construction has begun on apurpose-built hearing clinic funded by an Australian-African community grant scheme. It is expected to becompleted by September/October this year. This willhouse the VRA unit and ASSR/ABR equipment which isthe World Foundation.We’re coming home onfurlough!We plan to return to Australia from mid November tomid January for much needed recuperation. We lookforward to seeing you all again and updating you on ourlatest news in person.See you very soon!Peter & Rebecca Bartlett.We are so grateful for the support youhave given us and the role you haveplayed in supporting EARS.RETURNING IN NOVEMBERThe Bartlett Family is returning onfurlough from Malawi for a fewweeks for a much needed rest andcatch up with family and friends.Peter and Rebecca will be speakingon Mission Sunday 25 th Novemberat <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>, for all three services.Jessica, Brianna and Elouise will be sharing theirexperiences with <strong>York</strong>ie Kids at 10:30am.Bec Howlett left in May for her six monthWe are looking forward to Bec sharing herMission experience in the coming weeks.Global Hearing Health ConferencePeter and I attended a conference on Global HearingHealth in Pretoria South Africa late May <strong>2012</strong>. Petepresented a session on our work in Malawi and thevarious challenges <strong>of</strong> setting up services in a developingcountry. The conference was for people who areinterested in hearing health in developing countries. Wewere very excited to meet several people who havesupported the clinic. A few days after the conference,Pete also completed the Comrades run <strong>of</strong> 89km inDurban South Africa. He even got to see a few peoplefrom his Ballarat running group!Assessments <strong>of</strong> at-risk infants now possibleWe recently received funding from Hear the WorldPhonak for objective testing to test children from 1 dayold who are at risk <strong>of</strong> hearing loss, like children whosemother had malaria in pregnancy or had meningitis orneeded quinine treatment for malaria. This will reallychange the way we do things and has significantimplications for early hearing aid fitting within thenormal speech acquisition stages <strong>of</strong> childhood.32MISSION SUNDAY 25 th NOVEMBERPlease join us Mission Sunday as we celebrate <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>Jesus.SPEAKING: Peter BartlettPeter holds a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science, Graduate Diploma <strong>of</strong>Audiology and a Masters in Business Administration.A <strong>Christ</strong>ian since first at University, Peter has served asan Elder at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> prior to August2010 when he and his family moved to Lilongwe inMalawi, Africa. The move was for a two year Ears Inc.project placement with African Bible CollegesCommunity Clinic, to establish permanent hearingservices and an audiology training program. Peter is aCo-founder and Vice-President <strong>of</strong> Ears Inc.Peter has worked both in Australia and abroad in anumber <strong>of</strong> developing countries in the Asia-Pacificregion as an audiologist on mission trips associatedwith Ears Inc.

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