Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ

Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ
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God is faithful. I can see how this work in disability andstudy of theology of disability prepared me for having achild with disability. My work in disability and my studyhas prepared me to love and appreciate Abby fully. Ihad written articles on a disability and theology andhaving seen how disabled people can be used by God, Ihave no doubt that Abby will bring God glory.I feel like I have been writing my own script in manyways. Ironically, soon after I named our disabilityprogram Samvedna (Hindi for empathy) it became clearme deep empathy for those in the village who do nothave the Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speechtherapy etc that have been important for Abby. We aretraining community health workers to provide suchservices.Disability allows us to witnessto the love of Christ (in wordand deed) to those in our area.2. Community Lay Leaders Health TrainingCertificateNathan Coordinates the CHGN Uttarakhand Cluster.This is a network of 40 community health programs thatwork together to bring about health in the state ofUttarakhand. One objective is to provide healthtraining to volunteers & missionaries so they can betterrespond to the needs and expand the witness inUttarakhand.To this end, I initiated a health worker training certificateto train outreach workers and Church planters(missionaries) to provide basic health care. This oneyear distance education health training course isaccredited by CMC Vellore and delivered by theUttarakhand Cluster partnering with two Christianhospitals. 13 have already graduated and 50 areenrolled for 2011/12!SAMPAN: INDIA[Sam-pan]-complete spiritual andSAMPAN is a community development program seekingto improve the physical and spiritual health of theGarhwali people in India. This mainly Hindu area has highinfant mortality and malnutrition, and a low understandingof how to promote health and prevent disease.Promoting Physical WellbeingI wanted to make this update 2 pages which means that Itrained 208 holistic health workers in areas ranging fromhealth promotion to medical topics, immunisation andvocational training. In addition Sampan has undertakenmonthly clinics in each village and assisted numerouspatients to attend for treatment at the local Christianhospital. On the development side they also run twonursery school groups, literacy classes and morerecently, computer training. I think you will be greatlyencouraged by reading our most recent quarterly report.This report represents 7 of our 10 centres.Promoting Spiritual WellbeingWe are meeting with >60 family groups in the programarea to disciple new believers. They also assist variousseekers to explore Christianity. These small steps areexciting in this fiercely anti-Christian area, where beforeSampan started there were no local believers, despiteothers having faithfully planted many seeds. In addition tothe family groups, they have started two more formalchurches in villages and the light of the gospel is evidentto many in this area. One Sampan village health workersaid after training:with all the ladies in the village. This helps meremember what I learnt about Jesus andhealth. My husband told me to stop believing,Learning from this course:This course can make a difference! The volunteers havebeen able to use the skills in their villages andprograms.Those with a bias towards evangelism have learnt fromthe course the importance of showing the love of Christand not just preach to them like I have for so manyA number from nominal backgrounds were challengedby the experienced pastors doing the course. Twothe contact program.Thank God for the unintended consequence of peoplecoming to faith through the fellowship amongstcandidates.GROWTH AREAS:In 2011 we undertook a mid-term review, as planned inour original proposal. It was clear that Sampan hadgrown beyond what we imagined in the 5 years sinceYork St COC first supported Sampan. We hope to reach243 health workers this year! Our overall budget hasincreased significantly which means the percentage thatYork St has been contributing has decreased. We thankGod for a healthy exchange rate and some one-offdonors. The growth included the scaling up of theJagdarh Sub Centre. This is staffed by David and Ushaand has seen some excellent results since initiating threeyears ago. We identified David and Usha as experiencedand capable workers and we have not beendisappointed! The health training has beensupplemented by other development activities including acomputer training centre. More importantly, andunexpectedly, there has been an explosion of interest in28

Bible training. This was unexpected because this was adark area in the mountains of North India. It has beenthe relationships between David and the locals thathave led to this interest. 15 people did a month longBible course and now five have enrolled in long termtraining. David and Usha are planning to build acommunity drop-in and education centre and relocateto live in this village fulltime.The Uttarkashi Centre: The review determined that weshould go ahead and expand the work in 2012.Following an extensive search the new area becameclear when a major road was built through a mountainpass. Sampan saw the opportunity and has placed twonew staff, fresh from Bible College and completing theCHGN Cluster health training certificate. They will beresponsible for a number of villages and for traininghealth workers. They will be living in a remote area thathas little access to health services and no activewitness. The establishment of the centre was coveredby a one off grant from a church in the UK.Computer training rooms have been established at 3of the Sampan centres in response to requests from thecommunity for computer training. E-literacy is soimportant even in developing countries. This serves asvocational training to assist poor people to enter theworkforce, and preparing people for the workforce is anopportunity for income generation. We hope to increasethe number of computer centres and we have employedthree part time staff to assist with the training. We havealso developed a simple Hindi computer curriculum.Funding and FutureWe are seeing great fruit and we believe this year will bea harvest year. Our theme verse is John 4:35-38In this spirit we have gone ahead and expanded. Wewould love it if York St was to continue to journey with usin this amazing program. We are in stage of transitiongiven that our UK donor is unable to continue. Also, lastyear we restructured Sampan in order to grow the work,but that involved severing a link with an AmericanMissionary who previously provided some financialsupport.We planned to train 180 Health workers but by the end of 2012 we will have 243 and 2 new centresAPENDIX 2: TREASURERS REPORTSTATEMENT OF MONIES DISBURSED BY THE OVERSEAS MISSIONS COMMITTEE DURING THE PERIOD 1STJULY 2011 TO 30 TH JUNE 2012CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONSINDIVIDUAL GIFTSGMP 8,269.45 4,062.25EARS BARTLETTS 9,209.45 7,507.40A. & R. FRANCIS 3,600.00 1,000.00MAF-LYDEAMORES 5,761.20 414.55N. & C. GRILLS 8,209.45 970.00SAMPAN 2,280.40 2,364.17J. & K. BAYNE 3,770.40 1,000.20DR. CHAE 450.00 150.00PRC NEPAL 450.00 155.00COM 500.00CELEBRATE MESSIAH 800.00 418.60BIBLE SOCIETY 60.00 40.00OPEN DOORS 500.00BEC HOWLETT 1,300.00---------------------------------------------The fundsdistributed werereceived fromthe Church andfrom individualgivers.44,660.35 18,581.97 Submitted by Renata DempseyOverseas Missions Committee Coordinator29

Bible training. This was unexpected because this was adark area in the mountains <strong>of</strong> North India. It has beenthe relationships between David and the locals thathave led to this interest. 15 people did a month longBible course and now five have enrolled in long termtraining. David and Usha are planning to build acommunity drop-in and education centre and relocateto live in this village fulltime.The Uttarkashi Centre: The review determined that weshould go ahead and expand the work in <strong>2012</strong>.Following an extensive search the new area becameclear when a major road was built through a mountainpass. Sampan saw the opportunity and has placed twonew staff, fresh from Bible College and completing theCHGN Cluster health training certificate. They will beresponsible for a number <strong>of</strong> villages and for traininghealth workers. They will be living in a remote area thathas little access to health services and no activewitness. The establishment <strong>of</strong> the centre was coveredby a one <strong>of</strong>f grant from a church in the UK.Computer training rooms have been established at 3<strong>of</strong> the Sampan centres in response to requests from thecommunity for computer training. E-literacy is soimportant even in developing countries. This serves asvocational training to assist poor people to enter theworkforce, and preparing people for the workforce is anopportunity for income generation. We hope to increasethe number <strong>of</strong> computer centres and we have employedthree part time staff to assist with the training. We havealso developed a simple Hindi computer curriculum.Funding and FutureWe are seeing great fruit and we believe this year will bea harvest year. Our theme verse is John 4:35-38In this spirit we have gone ahead and expanded. Wewould love it if <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> was to continue to journey with usin this amazing program. We are in stage <strong>of</strong> transitiongiven that our UK donor is unable to continue. Also, lastyear we restructured Sampan in order to grow the work,but that involved severing a link with an AmericanMissionary who previously provided some financialsupport.We planned to train 180 Health workers but by the end <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong> we will have 243 and 2 new centresAPENDIX 2: TREASURERS REPORTSTATEMENT OF MONIES DISBURSED BY THE OVERSEAS MISSIONS COMMITTEE DURING THE PERIOD 1STJULY 2011 TO 30 TH JUNE <strong>2012</strong>CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONSINDIVIDUAL GIFTSGMP 8,269.45 4,062.25EARS BARTLETTS 9,209.45 7,507.40A. & R. FRANCIS 3,600.00 1,000.00MAF-LYDEAMORES 5,761.20 414.55N. & C. GRILLS 8,209.45 970.00SAMPAN 2,280.40 2,364.17J. & K. BAYNE 3,770.40 1,000.20DR. CHAE 450.00 150.00PRC NEPAL 450.00 155.00COM 500.00CELEBRATE MESSIAH 800.00 418.60BIBLE SOCIETY 60.00 40.00OPEN DOORS 500.00BEC HOWLETT 1,300.00---------------------------------------------The fundsdistributed werereceived fromthe <strong>Church</strong> andfrom individualgivers.44,660.35 18,581.97 Submitted by Renata DempseyOverseas Missions Committee Coordinator29

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