Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ

Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ
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MUSIC & CREATIVE MINISTRIES REPORTyour bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to GodAs we are a church ALL ABOUT LIFEhope our TRUE AND PROPER worship is holy andpleasing to God - and that we as a team are offering ourbodies as living sacrifices before Him. Each week, wehave a team of 76 people (and counting) that continuallygive of their time and talents to one or more of the 3services offered every Sunday.It has been a somewhat bumpy ride over the past year,as the leadership position of the music ministry haschanged hands 3 times. In July of last year, I had tostep out of my role to be on bed rest, pregnant withtwins. Tara Cameron happily stepped up to thechallenge, and only a few months later, fell pregnantwith twins herself. Thankfully Blake Moore was able tooversee the role for the remainder of my maternityleave. I was able to return to my role in Aug 2012. Thechurch has continued to grow while I was away, andmany new people have joined our church which I hopemeans our music teams will continue to grow as well.Since my return, we have worked hard on setting someconcrete systems in place and redeveloping our musicteam into working bands. It is my hope to developconfident bands that create a place where we can allcome together and meet with Jesus. Currently our 8:45service is a more traditional style service, the 10:30service is family focused, and the 6:00pm service isyouth and young adult focused. Our music tends toreflect that.In July last year we were privileged to have GeoffBullock come and play a concert at our church as well asspeak at all 3 of our services. Since then we have alsohad Sons of Korah and Anchor and Kings play at ourevening services. Just recently we saw around 300people attend our church on a Saturday afternoon for achildren's concert with entertainer Colin Buchanan.Paul Mah has helped to oversee and add some ambienceto our Monday night prayer nights, by adding an elementof worship that has been well received by thoseattending. I hope to use our music more in the future forministry purposes like these ones.I have also been in conversation with the Mt Clear Churchof Christ Worship leaders as well as One 2 One Worshipleader, in the hopes that we can work together to moreeffectively reach and bless our city.forserving and giving so much of your time and talent. TheWorship Leaders, deserve a big shout out for theircontinued faithful service and love. Thank you to ValTonkin for her hard work in organising and filing all themusic every week. It is a true blessing having youvolunteer your time here very week! I also want to thankthe rest of the ministry team and the office staff for yourcontinued awesome support and encouragement. Youmake my job so much easier so thank you!BlessingsAnge18

BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORTIn this report last year, I outlined the progress on thethat it had been decided by the Project Control GroupProject Manager to basically use his industry contactsand capabilities to handle all of the physical andorganisational aspects of the project.It was also pointed out that, in adopting this process, itwas more than likely that the project construction timewould exceed what would be desirable, but as anoffset, we would more than likely make some financialeconomies overall.In having just recently obtained the Certificate of FinalInspection (dated 14 August 2012), both of theaforementioned anticipated outcomes have happened.Certainly the actual construction took considerablylonger than we all would have liked, and has left usattempting to complete some external works right in themiddle of possibly the wettest and coldest winter wehave had for a number of years. However, internallyapart from a few minor items, the building is complete,whilst there remains some external works to befinalised, not the least of which is some site works, andpainting.However, on the positive side, it appears we haveachieved our aim of making economies financially. Theprevious report indicated an anticipated overall cost ofthe order of $450,000.00 to $500,000.00; whereas itnow appears that the construction costs will more thanlikely be considerably less than the $450,000.00considered originally as the lower limit cost.Savings made along the line, have in the main, beendue to the quite considerable voluntary labour inputfrom members of the congregation, coupled withgenerous assistance from a number of sub contractorsand suppliers including the relocation of the containerwhich was used to transport the playground to the site.I do not intend to list names and details of those whohave assisted in any way, as I would probably offend byunintentionally leaving somebody out, but to allconcerned please accept personal and collective thanksfrom the writer and the Project Control Group.manufacturers to actually visit the site, do an audit ofwhat parts are available and provide us with a detailedquotation for a number of options for final design anderection possible using some volunteer labour to keepthe overall price as low as possible. By the time you readthis report hopefully all of that will be past history andthe unit will be erected and being enjoyed by the childrenattending our programs..Additionally, once all building works accounts are to handand costs finalised, we will provide a detailed statementon the overall financial situation, remembering that it hason the actual playground purchase and installationseparate from the building component, and againseparate from some works done to the existing buildingsin particular the installation of the carpet to the mainChurch Foyer. I might add that, in making the savingsalong the line, the PCG decided to carry out someadditional works to those originally planned, for example,extension of the concrete driveway along the westernside of the new building, additional drainage works to themain rear car park, landscaping to the Courtyard and rearentry areas, upgrading of the hot water supply to theBaptistry and Kindergarten areas to mention just a fewitems.In conclusion, I wish to reaffirm sincere thanks to all whohave assisted in anyway in this project. It is the hope ofthe PCG that the overall result will be to the satisfactionof the congregation at large, and that the complex will beused to fulfil the goals, aims and policies of the Church toprovide the anticipated needs of those coming into theembrace of the activities of the Church in general.Graeme Hewitt,For the Project Control Group.August 2012.The matter of the erection of the actual playground is inlimbo as this report is being written. It was intended,based on advice received from the previous owners,that we would be able to erect the unit ourselves, but onunpacking the container and layout out all of the parts,it has become very obvious that it is not as easy as wasindicated to us, or we are not as clever as wasassumed!. Consequently we have been waiting formany weeks for a representative of the unit19

MUSIC & CREATIVE MINISTRIES REPORTyour bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to GodAs we are a church ALL ABOUT LIFEhope our TRUE AND PROPER worship is holy andpleasing to God - and that we as a team are <strong>of</strong>fering ourbodies as living sacrifices before Him. Each week, wehave a team <strong>of</strong> 76 people (and counting) that continuallygive <strong>of</strong> their time and talents to one or more <strong>of</strong> the 3services <strong>of</strong>fered every Sunday.It has been a somewhat bumpy ride over the past year,as the leadership position <strong>of</strong> the music ministry haschanged hands 3 times. In July <strong>of</strong> last year, I had tostep out <strong>of</strong> my role to be on bed rest, pregnant withtwins. Tara Cameron happily stepped up to thechallenge, and only a few months later, fell pregnantwith twins herself. Thankfully Blake Moore was able tooversee the role for the remainder <strong>of</strong> my maternityleave. I was able to return to my role in Aug <strong>2012</strong>. Thechurch has continued to grow while I was away, andmany new people have joined our church which I hopemeans our music teams will continue to grow as well.Since my return, we have worked hard on setting someconcrete systems in place and redeveloping our musicteam into working bands. It is my hope to developconfident bands that create a place where we can allcome together and meet with Jesus. Currently our 8:45service is a more traditional style service, the 10:30service is family focused, and the 6:00pm service isyouth and young adult focused. Our music tends toreflect that.In July last year we were privileged to have Ge<strong>of</strong>fBullock come and play a concert at our church as well asspeak at all 3 <strong>of</strong> our services. Since then we have alsohad Sons <strong>of</strong> Korah and Anchor and Kings play at ourevening services. Just recently we saw around 300people attend our church on a Saturday afternoon for achildren's concert with entertainer Colin Buchanan.Paul Mah has helped to oversee and add some ambienceto our Monday night prayer nights, by adding an element<strong>of</strong> worship that has been well received by thoseattending. I hope to use our music more in the future forministry purposes like these ones.I have also been in conversation with the Mt Clear <strong>Church</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> Worship leaders as well as One 2 One Worshipleader, in the hopes that we can work together to moreeffectively reach and bless our city.forserving and giving so much <strong>of</strong> your time and talent. TheWorship Leaders, deserve a big shout out for theircontinued faithful service and love. Thank you to ValTonkin for her hard work in organising and filing all themusic every week. It is a true blessing having youvolunteer your time here very week! I also want to thankthe rest <strong>of</strong> the ministry team and the <strong>of</strong>fice staff for yourcontinued awesome support and encouragement. Youmake my job so much easier so thank you!BlessingsAnge18

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