Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ

Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ Annual Report 2012 – compressed - York St Church of Christ
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<strong>2012</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> andOctober/November <strong>2012</strong>Helping people meet Jesus, become like Him and be equipped to impact the local and global community

Contents...............4-5What is happening this month.........................................................................................................................6People News....................................................................................................................................................6...................................7........................8-9..........................10Brekky Club <strong>Report</strong>.......................................................................................................................................11<strong>York</strong>ie Kids <strong>Report</strong>.........................................................................................................................................12MOPS <strong>Report</strong>...........................................................................................................................................13-14Kids Hope <strong>Report</strong>.....................................................................................................................................15-16Kindergarten <strong>Report</strong>......................................................................................................................................17Music and Creative Ministries <strong>Report</strong>...........................................................................................................18Building Committee <strong>Report</strong>...........................................................................................................................19Ministry Support <strong>Report</strong>...........................................................................................................................20-22Ballarat <strong>Church</strong>es Eureka Carols <strong>Report</strong>.......................................................................................................23Overseas Missions Committee <strong>Report</strong>....................................................................................................24-29Missions Focus for November.................................................................................................................30-33Prime Time <strong>Report</strong>.........................................................................................................................................33Art and Craft Company <strong>Report</strong>......................................................................................................................34......34.....35Country Speakers <strong>Report</strong>..............................................................................................................................35Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Article...................................................................................................36-37Calendar for November.................................................................................................................................37<strong>Church</strong> <strong>St</strong>aff and Office Volunteers...............................................................................................................38Attendance and Tithing Summaries..............................................................................................................39Financial Summary........................................................................................................................................40APPENDIX 1Summary <strong>of</strong> Minutes <strong>of</strong> AGM 2011..........................................................................................................41-42<strong>Church</strong> Service Times and Contact Details...................................................................................................433

What is happening on Sundays?October & NovemberCongratulations to Simone and Andrew Berry on thesafe arrival <strong>of</strong> Tiarnah, born Saturday 13 th October. MayGod bless Simone, Andrew, Tyson and Tiarnah.Sunday 21 st OctoberTHEME: Not Losing What We Worked ForSPEAKER: Blake MooreBIBLE READING: 2 JohnYOUTH TAKE OVER VCE GRAUATION AT 6PMSERVICESunday 28 th OctoberTHEME: Unity in the Body <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>SPEAKER: Don GallBIBLE READING: Ephesians 4:1-16Sunday 4 th NovemberCELEBRATION SUNDAYAGM at 1pmTHEME: Celebration SundaySPEAKER: Tim ClarkBIBLE READING: John 10:10 & Ephesians 1:15-23Sunday 11 th NovemberTHEME:SPEAKER: Tim ClarkBIBLE READING: Matthew 25:31-46Sunday 18 th NovemberTHEME:SPEAKER: Blake MooreBIBLE READING: Ezekiel 37:1-14Weddings in NovemberCongratulations to Andrew Brauman & Prue Whelanwho will be married on Saturday 17 th November and toRachael Walter & Anthony Clugston who will bemarried on Saturday 24 th November. Please be prayingfor these two couples and for their wedding days.Guys Like UsKeeping It TogetherMid-week breakfast for men in Ballarat2nd event - Wed Nov 7Come yourself or invite a non-church friendAt the BECS Shed, 730 Eureka <strong>St</strong>2 sessions: 6.15 and 7.15amSunday 25 th NovemberMISSION WEEKENDTHEME: Mission WeekendSPEAKER: Peter BartlettPEOPLE NEWSCongratulations to Dean Oliver who graduates fromThe Victoria Police Academy on 23 rd November.Our Aims To address issues relevant for men inBallarat today To provide an easy access to afriendly environment at a time thatsuits lots <strong>of</strong> men To take the opportunities to witness tomen as they arise, in a gentle wayRSVP Paul Harper 0430 16 22 94The Team: <strong>Christ</strong><strong>of</strong>f Muller; DaveHarmer; Trevor Clough; Dave Jollife;Ge<strong>of</strong>f Barlow; Jon Withers6

Over the past 12 months we have seen some pretty exciting milestones reached. Of course, it is always excitingto see some <strong>of</strong> the tangibles such as attendance, building projects and various activities. What I think the eldersare really excited about however, (and I know I am) is the level <strong>of</strong> focus shown to discipleship and evangelism.There are always those moments when we feel like thewind has dropped and our sails hang seemingly withoutpurpose. We think <strong>of</strong> those in our congregation who havepassed away. We think <strong>of</strong> those who have movedinterstate and so forth. Yet, what continues to amaze usare the stories <strong>of</strong> individual lives touched by a living God atwork in our community.Tim Clark has continued to speak biblical truths into ourto become <strong>Christ</strong>-like in every walk <strong>of</strong> life and purpose, inmature and biblically relevant way.Blake has had atremendous focuson ensuring<strong>Christ</strong>iandiscipleship is at thefront <strong>of</strong> our minds.My personal take on<strong>of</strong> this but I do know there are many troubled minds as weall go through this sometimes strange world together. Yet, Itruly believe Jesus wants us to claim spiritual victory in himright minds as we claim his forgiveness and victory overbrokenness.Areas in which we are also excited are Pastoral Care andMissions. The elders have spent many weeks discussingand organizing programs and policies to make sure we areable to sustain our congregation in a caring and organizedPastoral care is very good. We take note that Heather isquite at home to visit and call on those in need, as well asphone elders who have not attended church for sometimedue to being awayI’m constantly reminded that <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> is not just here tobe ‘good’ and to enjoy fellowship. We are called to bear witness to thetruth <strong>of</strong> the gospel and to speak this truth into both our own lives andthrough God’s grace, the lives <strong>of</strong> all we rub shoulders with.on extended leave!This is very excitingbecause we needboth an organizedapproach and acaring &understandingenjoy fellowship. We are called to bear witness to thetruth <strong>of</strong> the gospel and to speak this truth into both ourshoulders with. We are called to bear fruit to stand formercy, justice and a relationship with a risen Lord.We are not a holy club and while I believe <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet is aholy sanctuary where we can find refuge from darkness,our primary focus is on those we know, those we find andAs an eldership we are excited by the number <strong>of</strong>spontaneous baptisms we saw earlier this year. We areexcited by the responses we have seen to prayer andworship evenings. We are excited by the number <strong>of</strong> folkthat come to share their lives after services and requestprayer and support for the struggles they are goingthrough. We are excited by the healing service we heldwhere we believe God truly touched individuals and healedthem.One story <strong>of</strong> Jesus that captures my heart is the story <strong>of</strong>the man, possessed by demons, which Jesus healed. AtRecently we have put together a Missions Policy that webelieve tailors a biblical approach to us at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet andone which will take us well into the future, even if (Godwilling) we double in size.A final note and this is one <strong>of</strong> evaluation. We all endeavor toget an accurate evaluation <strong>of</strong> how healthy we are as a<strong>Church</strong>. To do this is very subjective we know however,there are means to approach this as well as anyorganization. One means is to spend time with other<strong>Church</strong> leaders which some <strong>of</strong> us did earlier this year. TimClark, <strong>of</strong> course spent some time with these leaders in theUSA. Three elders spent some time in Sydney reviewingwhat was seen and how we best adopt these ideas locally.In addition, the elders have discussed and agreed on aprocess <strong>of</strong> evaluation for our Senior Minister. We believethis approach is essential for the health <strong>of</strong> our church butultimately I return to my earlier comment we must beabout discipleship and evangelism. Regardless <strong>of</strong> theprograms and vision we must remain in Him and look tomeaning.Tim VealChair <strong>of</strong> Elders7

INTRODUCTIONWhat a wonderful local church God has blessed us withhere at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. Now at the completion<strong>of</strong> my 8 th year I am reminded <strong>of</strong> the privilege it is toserve in such a great church. <strong>2012</strong> has been a year <strong>of</strong>many highlights and also challenges. Some <strong>of</strong> thegreatest challenges this year has been in saying farewellto many key leaders and people as they have moved onto new opportunities and seasons. It seemed early on inthe year that we were farewelling people everyweekend! I must admit, it was exciting seeing peopletransition into new seasons <strong>of</strong> their lives, yet sad to seethem go nonetheless.SWITCH YOUTHWhat a fantastic bunch <strong>of</strong> young people we have hereat <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>. We are blessed with youth who desire togrow in their relationship with Jesus and serve Hischurch. If there was one thing holding the youth ministryback it would be the need for more leaders who arealways on the lookout for quality people who desire toBlake or Ben if you think you could contribute to thisvital ministry.For six months <strong>of</strong> 2011-<strong>2012</strong> in addition to my otherresponsibilities, whilst Angela Oliver was on MaternityLeave, I coordinated the Worship/Music Ministry whichincluded overseeing Order <strong>of</strong> Services, Rosters, liaisingwith Worship Leaders/Musicians. Unfortunately thismeant that less time was able to be directed into LifeGroups Ministry.<strong>2012</strong> Highlights have been:Light It Up Youth CampWorking closely with Ben Dainton as <strong>St</strong>udentPastor Youth Baptisms <strong>of</strong> Sean Blight, Aaron Blight,Amy Leach, Matthew Donaldson, RhysShelmerdine, Jemma Goodwin, MaxineGoodwin and Lydia McKee SYG <strong>2012</strong> Chicks Nite In and the Lads Arvo groups Regional Youth Alive Ballarat Event 40 Hour Famine Weekend with over $4000raised 40 hour Famine flash mob in Bridge Mall Teen Sex Youth Focus during Term 3Youth Takeover Services and in particular theVCE graduation in OctoberImplementation <strong>of</strong> Vetamorphous under theleadership <strong>of</strong> Ben DaintonCRAVE Young AdultsElders MeetingsLife Group Sermon Based <strong>St</strong>udiesWorship LeadingPreaching8One <strong>of</strong> the great encouragements for me in <strong>2012</strong> hasbeen seeing the growth and leadership development <strong>of</strong>Ben Dainton in his role as <strong>St</strong>udent Pastor. Ben hasdone a tremendous job this year in leading in manyaspects <strong>of</strong> the youth ministry. He is a faithful andswitched on young man <strong>of</strong> God and I believe is ready totake on a greater leadership role within youth ministryhere at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>.Thanks to our volunteer leaders who without we couldnot survive; Dean Oliver, Meg Bond, Alison Moore,Ash Barlow, Kerry Harper, Rhys Shelmerdine,Bigthanks t<strong>of</strong>or his faithful and committedleadership <strong>of</strong> the Youth Band and Rachael Walter forher assistance toJarrod. Thank youto all the parenthelpers who havecooked meals,providedtransport, orassisted at SYG.Thanks inparticular to ourSYG <strong>2012</strong> parentteam consisting <strong>of</strong> Paul and Kerry Harper, Jarrod, Carol Goodwin, Jonathan Withers and TrudiCuttler.

CRAVEYOUNG ADULTSOne <strong>of</strong> the sad losses this year was seeing Tim andEmily Drough move to Newcastle so Tim could take upa part-time role as Youth Pastor at Mayfield <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong>. Tim and Emily over the past 18 months have ledthis ministry to young adults and did a great job overthis time. Some <strong>of</strong> the events have included Worshipand teaching nights and social events. We were thrilledto see five young adults get baptised this year includingAimee Heyhorn, Sarah Clarence, Laura Ryan,Matthew Johnson, Chantelle Ten Hoopen and AdamElliott CRAVE will have two more events for <strong>2012</strong> beinga worship/teaching gathering in October with PattiDainton as guest speaker and a <strong>Christ</strong>mas party inDecember. We are praying for the right person orcouple to help coordinate and lead this importantministry to young adults into the future. Please speak tome if you feel God leading you.YORKIE LIFE GROUPSThe life groups here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> will require morefocussed work and what I hope to be able to focusmore on in 2013. We have over 20 groups meeting inthe life <strong>of</strong> the church and most groups meet on aLifekeys facilitator training through October-December<strong>2012</strong> and will be searching for people who would like tobe trained as facilitators as we prepare to launch twocourses in 2013 called Search For Life and ParentsWith Courage.these courses will be not only for hurting people in ourown church community but also people in the widercommunity who do not yet know <strong>Christ</strong>. These are indeedexciting times! Please speak to me if you believe Godmay be calling you into this significant ministry and to betrained as a facilitator.CLOSINGMinistry is always so much more enjoyable when done inteam ministry and I want to thank my dear ministrycolleagues over the past twelve months <strong>of</strong> Tim, Trace,Ben, Rob P, Angela, Chris and Collette. Thanks foryour support and putting up with me! Thanks also toKristin, Michelle, Maree, Val and Rob L for yoursupport and contributing to a really great workingenvironment. Much love to my awesome family Alison,studying books, traditional studies, to our Sermonbased studies which are available from the InformationDesk. Some <strong>of</strong> the new initiatives for 2013 are:Leadership Development & TrainingMore Leaders will mean more groups available andmore optionsService ProjectsOur life groups need to be seen as the major placewhere pastoral care, spiritual growth and <strong>Christ</strong>iancommunity takes place and are seen as safe placeswhere people can grow and develop in their relationshipwith <strong>Christ</strong>. There may be differing opinions about whatlife groups or small groups are for, but for the record letme say that <strong>York</strong>ie Life Groups are all about buildingConnection, Care and Commitment. Connectingpeople to other <strong>Christ</strong>ians, seeing pastoral careadministered to each group member and seeing howthe Bible can intersect and relate to everyday life.Jonas, Ruby, Amos and Ezekiel whose support <strong>of</strong> mycrazy work hours and demands <strong>of</strong>ten goes beyond thecall! Thank you Jesus for allowing somebody like me theprivilege to serve your Kingdom and advance yourpurposes. The journey continues...Blessings,Blake Moore.CAREFORCE LIFEKEYS <strong>2012</strong>/2013On October 9 we ran a vision and information eveningoutlining the benefits and ministry that can come aboutthrough Careforce Lifekey recovery courses. Walk downany street and knock on any door and you will findpeople who are hurting and are in pain through divorce,relationships or simply in need <strong>of</strong> significance andhealing. As this report goes to print we are running9

My role as <strong>St</strong>udent Pastor is one that is involved mainly in looking after and beinginvolved heavily in Youth Ministry but as a student also learning about other areas inministry such as the opportunity to get up and preach in a service, what the processis when people are getting married, to having the honour being able to baptise peoplewho are wanting to take the next step in their faith.The role this year has continued to help challenge meand develop both my gifting but also my relationshipwith God, having been tested through having to makedecisions that would ultimately cost me something tomake sure God was number one and placed above all.For me this year it has been full <strong>of</strong> highlights. Thebaptisms <strong>of</strong> Rhys Shelmerdine and Matt Donaldsonwere some <strong>of</strong> those highlights, seeing these two youngmen make that decision to publicly announce their faithin <strong>Christ</strong> and to see the way that they have grown andmatured in their faith. <strong>Christ</strong> is something that makes allthis worthwhile.Secondly the opportunity to run and lead a coursecalled Vetamorphus which is a certificate 3 in <strong>Christ</strong>ianMinistry and Theology for year 11 and 12 students hasbeen fantastic. This year we had a group <strong>of</strong> 3 kids with2 from <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> and one from Ballarat <strong>Christ</strong>ianFellowship. It has been a fantastic opportunity to investin the lives <strong>of</strong> some young people who are reallyinterested in digging deeper in their faith, as well as beingable to see them develop in their faith and be able tominister to each other.It has been a fantastic year, in seeing kids develop, growcloser to God and begin to take more active steps inliving out their faith, which includes sharing about Jesuswith their friends to helping the less fortunate! Such afantastic bunch <strong>of</strong> youth and I pray that we continue tosee this growth.This is what we must all be striving to help our youth toachieve and I hope that each and every one <strong>of</strong> you willteam up with myself, Blake and our youth leaders inbringing this goal about.God BlessBen DaintonWILDSIDEFriday 9th NovemberSports NightCost $37pm-9pm @ <strong>York</strong>ieGIRLS (Year 7 & 8)Fridays 2nd & 16th November7pm-8.30pm @ <strong>York</strong>ieFriday 23rd NovemberAmazing RaceCost $37pm-9pm @ <strong>York</strong>ieDETOURFriday 9th NovemberGuys and GalsCost $37pm-9pm @ <strong>York</strong>ieFriday 23rd NovemberEureka BBQ NightCost $37pm-9pm @ Eureka <strong>St</strong>ockadeWEDNESDAY NIGHT GALS(Years 9 & 10)Wednesdays 14th & 28th November7pm-8.30pm & <strong>York</strong>ie(Grade 6 Year 10 Lads)Sundays 4th & 18th NovemberCost $3 (includes tea)4pm @ <strong>York</strong>ie10

BREKKY CLUB REPORTAt the end <strong>of</strong> this month (November) another year <strong>of</strong>brekky club will have been completed.Delight, for his generous gift <strong>of</strong> 10 loaves <strong>of</strong> bread aweek over the past few years.This year, 50 to60 Ballarat EastSecondaryCollege campusstudents haveregularly enjoyedtheir Monday andWednesday breakfasts <strong>of</strong> toasted sandwiches,pancakes and drinks, which provided them withsome nourishment at the start <strong>of</strong> the day.Sadly this will be the last year that the current teamwill be operating this program, so if anyone sees thisas a possible future role <strong>of</strong> community service,please contact Blake before the end <strong>of</strong> the year.A special thanks to Dru, from Bakery Hill BakersI would like tothank the loyalteam memberswho have providedthis service sowillingly over theyears and wishwhoever chooses to undertake this role next year allthe very best.Sadly this will be the last year that the current team will beoperating this program, so if anyone sees this as a possiblefuture role <strong>of</strong> community service, please contact Blake before theend <strong>of</strong> the year.Yours in Him,Lennyce Westaway11

YORKIE KIDS REPORTGod has a plan for our kids.And… He wants them to know it!!!What a privilege we have here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> to be able to participate together with families in providing an environmentwhere kids can grow and develop in their own faith, as valued members <strong>of</strong> our community. As a community we have aresponsibility to teach our kids, by our words and actions, about the love and wonders <strong>of</strong> God!We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds <strong>of</strong> the Lord,about his power and his mighty wonders. For he issued his laws to Jacob; he gave his instructions to Israel. He commandedour ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them - even the children notyet born and they in turn will teach their own children. So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgettinghis glorious miracles and obeying his commands.Psalm 78: 4-7 (NLT)I am sure youare all awareministry hasundergone afair bit <strong>of</strong>change thisyear with theloss <strong>of</strong> TraceValentine, moving to Queensland with her family, earlierthis year. In the interim <strong>York</strong>ie Kids was very ably led byEileen Bennett. Many thanks to her for her hard workand commitment to maintaining continuity in providing aquality Sunday morning kids program and in helping mesettle in to the new role. Special mention must also bemade to all the <strong>York</strong>ie Kids leaders and helpers whohave faithfully volunteered their time to serve ourchildren and families in this way. I have only been in thisrole for a few weeks but already I am impressed by thededication <strong>of</strong> all these wonderful, servant heartedpeople; Eunice, Aaron, Maurice, Dan, Brenda, Alice,Toby, Zac, Maddy, Michelle, Emily, Jemma, Aimee,Rachelle, Lydia, Ryan, Simone, Sam, Maxine, Chris,anyone!<strong>York</strong>ie Kids begins with the congregation at the10.30am service. We then move either to the youth hallor, for the Grade 5/6 girls and boys groups, straight totheir small group. In the youth hall we have a time <strong>of</strong>worship, where the story or theme is introduced. Thekids then move to their small groups for further learningand building on what took place in the large group.Finally, all primary school groups meet back in the hallto finish <strong>of</strong>f with worship and prayer.This year wehavecontinued touse thecurriculumfrom 252Basics,written by thedifferent virtue each month which helps encourage thekids to put into their lives the lessons we learn. In term 3we focused on the virtues <strong>of</strong> trust and <strong>of</strong> individuality.The Bubbles Group (pre-schoolers) have a separateprogram, in the kindergarten, faithfully led by Meg Bondwith help from Caleb Milburn and a great group <strong>of</strong> youthhelpers... <strong>of</strong> whom I am still learning their names!Apologies!!!! Michelle McCausland has continued to planthis role in term 4. Many thanks to Michelle for herdedication to this ministry each week and please pray fora replacement for her.Desley Hopkins has continued to lead and coordinate thegroup <strong>of</strong> parent leaders and youth helpers in the Creche.Thank you to her, to the parents and to all the awesomeyouth helpers!Thanks also to Sarah Bolton and all the MOPS team, andBrenda Peralta, Alisa Walter and the Mainly Music team,for allowing me to step in and work alongside you all. Inmany different and creative ways these wonderful peoplecontribute to serving the wider community with the love<strong>of</strong> Jesus. Continue to pray for these ministries,term 4, and for all the opportunities we have <strong>of</strong> reachingFinally, a big thank you also to Tim, Blake and all thestaff, as well as all <strong>of</strong> you who have made my family and Ifeel so welcome here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Like you, I look forwardto seeing the completion <strong>of</strong> the playground and all theopportunities it presents. I am really excited as we lookforward, and work together, to continue the work that hasgone before for the sake <strong>of</strong> the gospel <strong>of</strong> our wonderfulLord and Saviour Jesus<strong>Christ</strong>!Colette Harrison12

Parent Alert!!!Read on to find out what is in store for the first half <strong>of</strong> term four...<strong>York</strong>ie Kids are thinking about how...(1) God is omnipotent. He can do anything.(2) God still chooses to work through us, and use us according to His purposes. Hechooses to cooperate with us(3) If we cooperate with God, and if we cooperate with others as God has designed us to do, we will see Hispower at work in our lives to do more than we could ever imagine.memory verse helps kids understand:(Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIrV).how to work with God and others that, in His strength, we can do incredible things!!!21 OctoberBible <strong>St</strong>ory: Moves Like Moses (Joshua wins the battle over the Amalekites) Exodus 17:8-13Bottom Line: With God, we can work together to help someone else succeed.28 th OctoberBible <strong>St</strong>ory: Another Brick in the Wall (Nehemiah and the wall) Nehemiah 1:1-6; 2 4; 6:1-16Bottom Line: With God, we can work together to do what seems impossible.4 NovemberBible <strong>St</strong>ory: Luke 5:17-26Bottom Line:MOPS REPORTMOPS is fortnightly gathering for Mothers <strong>of</strong> Pre-Schoolers where the children are cared for and so arethe mums.The purpose <strong>of</strong> MOPS is to encourage, equip anddevelop every mother <strong>of</strong> preschoolers to realise herpotential as a woman, mother and leader in the name <strong>of</strong>Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>. We try to address the physical, cognitiveand spiritual needs <strong>of</strong> our Mums and their families.We endeavour to do this is in many ways; by providingthem with food, c<strong>of</strong>fee and conversation, by selecting abroad range <strong>of</strong> topics to present to our mums, withactivities for them to participate in and extracurricularactivities and events.We visited topics such as All Things Fruit and Veg,Physiotherapy and the core muscles, Tough Q & A, apampering morning, Paediatric dietary needs, MOPSOlympics, Breast Care/cancer awareness, just to namea few.MOPS is prepared and planned by a steering committee<strong>of</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> COC attending mums. They are an amazingbunch <strong>of</strong> women who do an incredible job. This yearthere have been many changes to the committee lineup,with more changes to come in 2013.This is my first year in the role <strong>of</strong> Coordinator , Mel13Fulcher joined the team in the area <strong>of</strong> hospitality, AlishaKynoch moved over to the MOPPETs coordinator, HayleyMah in the publicity position and Jenny Fulcher took onthe creative activities. Danielle Valentine, Jenny Fraserand Desley Hopkins have continued on in their existingand supportive roles. Heather Luttrell is also on the teamand has been for several years. She has given so much <strong>of</strong>her time, energy, wisdom, ideas and knowledge to <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong> MOPS. It will be very sad to say goodbye to her at theend <strong>of</strong> the year due to her graduating as her youngestchild will commence primary school.More recently Rachel Bryant has joined the team with acouple moremums tojoin soonalso.The running<strong>of</strong> MOPS isa teameffort witheveryonedoing theirbit to createa fantasticmorningevery

fortnight. As coordinator I cannot thank them enough foreverything they do.This year we were able tohonour our two Mentors,Euncie Clay and Muriel Grills,with the prestigious Hands OfMOPS awards, given fromMOPS Australia andpresented by MargaretSanders, director <strong>of</strong> MOPSAustralia. These two faithfuland committed women do anincredible amount <strong>of</strong> workeach MOPS and have doneso for many many years. They are a true inspiration andsupport to us all.tremendous carers, who volunteer their time to comeand look after the children with such love andtenderness. They <strong>of</strong>ten have to put up with a lot <strong>of</strong> tearsand trantrums, but they do it in such a caring way,need more carers, young or old, so that we cancontinue to <strong>of</strong>fer this vital ministry to local mums. If youcan volunteer your time only once a fortnight during theschool term, please make contact with us. Uni studentsand parents <strong>of</strong> school aged kids, please considerhelping with this great mission.Again, to all these volunteers we say a massive thankyou!We must also say a big thank you to Wilsons Fruit fortheir generous contribution to MOPS every fortnight.They have been a big supporter <strong>of</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> MOPS forseveral years now and it is very very much appreciated.This year we have seen a drop in numbers, averagingaverage numbers during the winter months with somany families suffering from illness. Although we havehad lower numbers, we have seen some exciting thingstake place to advance the kingdom. Early in the year westarted a group for mums interested in learning moreabout who Jesus is and what He requires <strong>of</strong> us. I am stillmeeting weekly with these 4 women who are so eager todiscover who this Jesus character is. It is very exciting.This year we held a MOPS dinner at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>, which was afun and delicious night out for mums. It was a greatsuccess and something we hope to make an annualevent.Term 3 / 4 we will commence using the new buildings forour meetings and hope to be able to use the newplayground by the end <strong>of</strong> the year.We look forward to hosting our 3 rd family fun day midNovember, which we hope to hold at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> and utilisethe new playground facilities.<strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> MOPS is a well oiled machine, running smoothlywithout much great effort. This allows us to focus moreon being intentional with our relationships, steering themtowards Jesus and discovering effective ways to do this(all while keeping up with the MOPS machinemaintenance, ensuring it will continue on for many moremums).MOPS gives us, as a church, a window <strong>of</strong> opportunity tominister to mums in our community over a period <strong>of</strong>several years. We may see a mum only once or we maysee them for regularly for 4 years. Either way, we aim forevery encounter to be an uplifting experience from whichthey leave being encouraged, empowered and motivatedto be the best mum they can be. Sowing seeds <strong>of</strong> theGospel at every given opportunity.It is a privilege to be a part <strong>of</strong> the MOPS team and servethe Lord and mums in what can be such a stretching timeto MOPS.Sarah BoltonMOPS CoordinatorHere we are in term 4 already! The MOPS year has flown by due to all the fun we'vehad and these last few months will be no exception.We ended <strong>of</strong>f term 3 by hosting a child focused first aid course run by Child ReviveFirst Aid. Amanda, our presenter, is an experienced paramedic plus a mum <strong>of</strong> 2young children so her knowledge was very practical and helpful. It was a fantasticcourse and because it was so good we are currently taking names <strong>of</strong> anyone who isinterested in participating in another first aid course in early November. This coursewill be full industry accredited level 2 first aid, it will run for 7 hours and cost $110. If you are interested please let meknow ASAP so we can go ahead and book the course.We have many great speakers and topics planned for MOPS this term, one being a Tea and Testimony morning. Wewill hear from a <strong>Christ</strong>ian mum or two <strong>of</strong> the testimony <strong>of</strong> God's guidance on for their mothering journey and then enjoya delicious high tea. It would be so wonderful if you could remember this special MOPS morning in your prayers andask that the hearts <strong>of</strong> our non-believing mums will be s<strong>of</strong>tened and opened, and that anyone who especially needs tohear these stories will be able to make it along. Our Tea and Testimony morning will be on Wednesday 14 November.Also, on Saturday November 17 we will be holding our annual MOPS Family Fun day which is always a highlight <strong>of</strong> theyear and a great chance for all our MOPS families to enjoy a fun day out together. Please pray for good weather andgreat opportunities to share the light <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> with the other family members.Our final MOPS gathering for the year will be on December 12.Sadly, this will also be my final <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> MOPS meeting as my family and I will be moving back to Geelong. My husbandhas received a permanent teaching position which will commence in 2013. I have made so many wonderful friendsthrough <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> and MOPS that I know I will keep for life and it will be a sad day saying farewell. It has been an honourand privilege to be involved with such a fantastic ministry and team at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>. I'm confident the next wave <strong>of</strong> MOPSleaders will continue to have a strong and fruitful influence on mums Ballarat wide.Sarah14

KIDS HOPE REPORTAt Easter we had a Celebration afternoon. I was able to share a message with those whoattended.Six new mentors have trained.And we had a Youth Night at the school with 7 students that came. Some <strong>of</strong> them are keen tocontinue to be involved in youth.This year I decided to let some <strong>of</strong> the mentors share a bit about their mentoring experiences :Michelle McCauslandTell us a bit about you time as a mentor.I have been mentoring for about a year and a half. Mystudent loves to cook and do craft. She is in year 4.Have there been hard times?No it is always a pleasure and an honor.Tell us what you have enjoyed the most about being aKids Hope mentor?I enjoy the things we do together and I enjoy the impactthat she has on my life. I enjoy the opportunity to shareher life and that she is finally starting to trust me.Would you recommend this to other <strong>Christ</strong>ian friends?What would you say to them?I would absolutely recommend mentoring to my with children who would probably never even hearabout God.Any other comments?We do best and worst at the dinner table and everyTuesday my best is going to mentoring!!!Val TonkinTell us a bit about you time as a mentor.I have been mentoring since the beginning <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong>. Mylittle girl is in grade 1/2. She has lots <strong>of</strong> energy and sheis always very excited to see me. We have packed in awide variety <strong>of</strong> activities eg. Reading, puzzles,crosswords, cooking, lots <strong>of</strong> different crafts and art/painting.Have there been hard times?Not really! I think I have been very blessed with my littlegirl.Tell us what you have enjoyed the most about being aKids Hope mentor?Developing a relationship with another person andsharing my knowledge and skills. My vision for her isthat she grows into a beautiful and talented youngwoman who has been given the opportunity to exploreher creativity and develop a healthy self-esteem ( nice tothink that I can make a small contribution to this ). Ihave also met her siblings and both parents. HerWould you recommend this to other <strong>Christ</strong>ian friends ?What would you say to them?stretches you and it is a real opportunity to make aAny other comments?Chris Barlow has been a great role model and support. Ihave also enjoyed the catch up meetings.Lerise FrewTell us a bit about you time as a mentor.I have been mentoring for 4 years . I mentor a girl whois now in grade 5 , some things we do togetherare :cooking , crafts, board games or trivia games ,times tables ,reading and talkingHave there been hard times ?No , only that I wish I could help her situation moreTell us what you have enjoyed the most about being aKids Hope mentor?Having a laugh , Every week I say something or doto leave.Would you recommend this to other <strong>Christ</strong>ian friends ?What would you say to them ?One hour a week you get to make a difference in aChildShe is nice andkind and she isoutgoing. I enjoyedmaking a dog withher and the cooking.I like doing all thethings we do.Love From Maddyand like to talk with me too. I also enjoy the schoolgenerally it is a fantastic nurturing environment to bepart <strong>of</strong>.15

Ben DaintonTell us a bit about your time as a mentor.I have been involved in kids hope just for thisplay sport together because he loves thatwhich is fantastic and he is from Grade 6.Have there been hard times ?Times have been hardest with changing uni schedulesand trying to fit everything as well as his health hasbeen bad the last few weeks which has been sad.Ultimately though he has been great to mentor andhelp.Would you recommend this to other <strong>Christ</strong>ian friends ?What would you say to them ?Yeah I would recommend it. It gives a greatopportunity to invest in the upcoming youth <strong>of</strong> ourknow <strong>Christ</strong> is a great opportunity to have that sort <strong>of</strong>really pr<strong>of</strong>ound life changing impact on them as well asshow them the love and care He has for them all.Tell us what you have enjoyed the most about being aKids Hope mentor?Probably the fact that I can hang out with this kid andreally help him with his education, have conversationswith him and even been able to have him come to youthhas been fantastic really seeing him grow and come out<strong>of</strong> his shell.Canadian Lead <strong>St</strong>aff Encouragement Morning TeaRecently, with the help<strong>of</strong> many <strong>of</strong> you, awonderful morning teawas provided for thestaff at Canadian LeadPrimary School. Thiswas an opportunity toencourage them in theirrole as teachers andeverything else they doas they supportstudents and familiesand this community. Itwas to also say that asthe local church we arehere to support them,and inspire them thatwhat they do does makea difference. I was able(Thank you to Robyn and Dave - Cold Rock Icecreamery.They loved this extra special cake <strong>of</strong> the staff)to give them a ribbonI Am Makes Ayou to everyone whohelped with thecatering it was a realblessing for them theywere so taken abackand very appreciative ,Thank you to thosewho are involved withthe school weekly , REand Kids Hope andthose dedicated toprayer weekly. You aremaking such ameaningful differencetoo.Thank you to these wonderful dedicated mentors who give hope to their students :Blake MooreLerise FrewBen Dainton<strong>St</strong>ephanie KoshMichelle Mc CauslandAnn CahillKay LawsonDan HerpergerSuzanne HuckerWendy CampbellVal TonkinEvan MilneIf you would like to know more ways <strong>of</strong> helping at this school, please contact Chris Barlow at the church <strong>of</strong>fice.16

KINDERGARTEN REPORTThank you to the <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> community for my warm welcome in my newposition as Director <strong>of</strong> the Kindergarten.We started our year with two groups <strong>of</strong> very excitedand have become friends to the children. The childrentransition to either 3 year old or 4 year old kindergarten.We had parent/teacher interviews to share informationand ensure that communication between the familiesand educators got <strong>of</strong>f to a good start.The staff have supported each other and despite busyschedules we have managed to share somepr<strong>of</strong>essional development opportunities together. Val,Chris, Tanja, Vicky and Briony have all made valuablecontributions and I thank them very much for their hardwork and efforts.challengingly role as all kindergartens prepare forincreased hours, accreditation and more challenges.Rob Munro and TimClark have supported,nurtured and assistedme in all ways and Ithank them verymuch. I was fortunateto have a great handoverfrom Marjorie who has also filled in for me as arelief teacher thank you very much Marjorie. ValBassett is my co-educator and is a wonderful earlychildhood practitioner and I rely on her excellence andknowledge to support me in many ways.Thanks to the small group <strong>of</strong> parents who organizeFundraising activities. We have purchased some lovelynew resources and new chairs for the kindergarten andhope to re-furbish the tables and add to the beautifuloutdoor environment. The Administration Committeehas been a great support to me and thank you to thosemembers. Thanks also to the wonderful <strong>Church</strong>members who have assisted with working bees andmaintenance at the kindergarten.The children have enjoyed many experiences thus far in<strong>2012</strong> and we have a busy 4 th term still to come withmore school visits, a visit to the Ballarat Art Gallery, amusic/mime performer coming to the centre and <strong>of</strong>course preparations for <strong>Christ</strong>mas. They have becomepassionate Francophiles as they learn some French17and the Kindergarten is apparent and we enjoy watchingthe new building and comings and goings. The childrenfinish <strong>of</strong>f their day with a quiet reflection and thanksgivingprayer. They are constantly encouraged and reminded tobe thoughtful and caring <strong>of</strong> each other and think aboutthe consequences <strong>of</strong> their words and actions and thishas resulted in 4-5 year olds implementing <strong>Christ</strong>ianvalues that we all need to remember in our interactionswith each other.The children are learning many life skills to equip themwith confidence, resilience and coping skills as well asthe educational skills necessary to begin formal learning.During the year the children experience much Literacyand Numeracy in incidental and intentional learning.Relationships andinteractions between thechildren and educatorsand the children andtheir peers teachcollaboration, cooperation,conflict management, negotiation andempathy for others. All <strong>of</strong> these experiences arepresented in a play based programme which reflect theEarly Childhood Frameworks and National Quality<strong>St</strong>andards that underpin our curriculum.The children are learning many life skills to equip them withconfidence, resilience and coping skills as well as theeducational skills necessary to begin formal learning.Thank you to the children and families for making my firstyear at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet such a happy and inspiring one. Ourenrolments for 2013 are very healthy and I hope this isthe start <strong>of</strong> a very vibrant and exciting period for thekindergartencommunity. As welook toward the end<strong>of</strong> the year and newadventures for ourchildren I realise, yetagain, that I am solucky to have thebest job in the world.Peace, Joy andBlessingsCath ZalaDirector

MUSIC & CREATIVE MINISTRIES REPORTyour bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to GodAs we are a church ALL ABOUT LIFEhope our TRUE AND PROPER worship is holy andpleasing to God - and that we as a team are <strong>of</strong>fering ourbodies as living sacrifices before Him. Each week, wehave a team <strong>of</strong> 76 people (and counting) that continuallygive <strong>of</strong> their time and talents to one or more <strong>of</strong> the 3services <strong>of</strong>fered every Sunday.It has been a somewhat bumpy ride over the past year,as the leadership position <strong>of</strong> the music ministry haschanged hands 3 times. In July <strong>of</strong> last year, I had tostep out <strong>of</strong> my role to be on bed rest, pregnant withtwins. Tara Cameron happily stepped up to thechallenge, and only a few months later, fell pregnantwith twins herself. Thankfully Blake Moore was able tooversee the role for the remainder <strong>of</strong> my maternityleave. I was able to return to my role in Aug <strong>2012</strong>. Thechurch has continued to grow while I was away, andmany new people have joined our church which I hopemeans our music teams will continue to grow as well.Since my return, we have worked hard on setting someconcrete systems in place and redeveloping our musicteam into working bands. It is my hope to developconfident bands that create a place where we can allcome together and meet with Jesus. Currently our 8:45service is a more traditional style service, the 10:30service is family focused, and the 6:00pm service isyouth and young adult focused. Our music tends toreflect that.In July last year we were privileged to have Ge<strong>of</strong>fBullock come and play a concert at our church as well asspeak at all 3 <strong>of</strong> our services. Since then we have alsohad Sons <strong>of</strong> Korah and Anchor and Kings play at ourevening services. Just recently we saw around 300people attend our church on a Saturday afternoon for achildren's concert with entertainer Colin Buchanan.Paul Mah has helped to oversee and add some ambienceto our Monday night prayer nights, by adding an element<strong>of</strong> worship that has been well received by thoseattending. I hope to use our music more in the future forministry purposes like these ones.I have also been in conversation with the Mt Clear <strong>Church</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> Worship leaders as well as One 2 One Worshipleader, in the hopes that we can work together to moreeffectively reach and bless our city.forserving and giving so much <strong>of</strong> your time and talent. TheWorship Leaders, deserve a big shout out for theircontinued faithful service and love. Thank you to ValTonkin for her hard work in organising and filing all themusic every week. It is a true blessing having youvolunteer your time here very week! I also want to thankthe rest <strong>of</strong> the ministry team and the <strong>of</strong>fice staff for yourcontinued awesome support and encouragement. Youmake my job so much easier so thank you!BlessingsAnge18

BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORTIn this report last year, I outlined the progress on thethat it had been decided by the Project Control GroupProject Manager to basically use his industry contactsand capabilities to handle all <strong>of</strong> the physical andorganisational aspects <strong>of</strong> the project.It was also pointed out that, in adopting this process, itwas more than likely that the project construction timewould exceed what would be desirable, but as an<strong>of</strong>fset, we would more than likely make some financialeconomies overall.In having just recently obtained the Certificate <strong>of</strong> FinalInspection (dated 14 August <strong>2012</strong>), both <strong>of</strong> theaforementioned anticipated outcomes have happened.Certainly the actual construction took considerablylonger than we all would have liked, and has left usattempting to complete some external works right in themiddle <strong>of</strong> possibly the wettest and coldest winter wehave had for a number <strong>of</strong> years. However, internallyapart from a few minor items, the building is complete,whilst there remains some external works to befinalised, not the least <strong>of</strong> which is some site works, andpainting.However, on the positive side, it appears we haveachieved our aim <strong>of</strong> making economies financially. Theprevious report indicated an anticipated overall cost <strong>of</strong>the order <strong>of</strong> $450,000.00 to $500,000.00; whereas itnow appears that the construction costs will more thanlikely be considerably less than the $450,000.00considered originally as the lower limit cost.Savings made along the line, have in the main, beendue to the quite considerable voluntary labour inputfrom members <strong>of</strong> the congregation, coupled withgenerous assistance from a number <strong>of</strong> sub contractorsand suppliers including the relocation <strong>of</strong> the containerwhich was used to transport the playground to the site.I do not intend to list names and details <strong>of</strong> those whohave assisted in any way, as I would probably <strong>of</strong>fend byunintentionally leaving somebody out, but to allconcerned please accept personal and collective thanksfrom the writer and the Project Control Group.manufacturers to actually visit the site, do an audit <strong>of</strong>what parts are available and provide us with a detailedquotation for a number <strong>of</strong> options for final design anderection possible using some volunteer labour to keepthe overall price as low as possible. By the time you readthis report hopefully all <strong>of</strong> that will be past history andthe unit will be erected and being enjoyed by the childrenattending our programs..Additionally, once all building works accounts are to handand costs finalised, we will provide a detailed statementon the overall financial situation, remembering that it hason the actual playground purchase and installationseparate from the building component, and againseparate from some works done to the existing buildingsin particular the installation <strong>of</strong> the carpet to the main<strong>Church</strong> Foyer. I might add that, in making the savingsalong the line, the PCG decided to carry out someadditional works to those originally planned, for example,extension <strong>of</strong> the concrete driveway along the westernside <strong>of</strong> the new building, additional drainage works to themain rear car park, landscaping to the Courtyard and rearentry areas, upgrading <strong>of</strong> the hot water supply to theBaptistry and Kindergarten areas to mention just a fewitems.In conclusion, I wish to reaffirm sincere thanks to all whohave assisted in anyway in this project. It is the hope <strong>of</strong>the PCG that the overall result will be to the satisfaction<strong>of</strong> the congregation at large, and that the complex will beused to fulfil the goals, aims and policies <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Church</strong> toprovide the anticipated needs <strong>of</strong> those coming into theembrace <strong>of</strong> the activities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Church</strong> in general.Graeme Hewitt,For the Project Control Group.August <strong>2012</strong>.The matter <strong>of</strong> the erection <strong>of</strong> the actual playground is inlimbo as this report is being written. It was intended,based on advice received from the previous owners,that we would be able to erect the unit ourselves, but onunpacking the container and layout out all <strong>of</strong> the parts,it has become very obvious that it is not as easy as wasindicated to us, or we are not as clever as wasassumed!. Consequently we have been waiting formany weeks for a representative <strong>of</strong> the unit19

MINISTRY SUPPORT REPORTROLEWell my brothers /sisters and friendshere at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet<strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>, myrole as the MinistrySupport staff worker isone that is <strong>of</strong> greatchallenge and rewardto me personally. We are members <strong>of</strong> a church that isgrowing and very dynamic and we seem to be alwaysunder resourced when it comes to congregationmembers that have a servant heart and are able toserve in kingdom business. I guess that this is normal inthe western church and this is a constant challenge forme in my areas <strong>of</strong> responsibility here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>.Current Ministry Support activities performed on behalf<strong>of</strong> the Senior Pastor are as follows: Coordination <strong>of</strong> Pastoral Care for congregationmembers and those associated with <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet<strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>, Emergency Service Ministry activities with theVictorian Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>Church</strong>es EmergenciesMinistry (VCC EM) and the Country Fire Authority(CFA).Each <strong>of</strong> the aforementioned ministry activities is eitheressential to our well being or necessary to fulfill ourbecome like Him; and be equipped to impact the localis on a Mission!Although my position here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong> is a Volunteer <strong>St</strong>aff role, nevertheless, it is aposition that requires competence, capacity, spiritualgifting and the ability to be a team player. It is myprivilege and honor to serve in the Kingdom through thelocal church, which I believe is part <strong>of</strong> the actualcoalface <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>endom.The following is a summary <strong>of</strong> my activity since the lastAGM in November 2011.PASTORAL CAREThe MinistryThe Pastoral Care Ministry hastwo elements <strong>of</strong> service, theyare; Visitation and Welcomers.Both <strong>of</strong> these areas <strong>of</strong> serviceand ministry are vital to ourcontinued growth and sustainment as a large regional. It cannot be stressedenough that without consistent believing and passionateservice, these ministry activities could not be sustained.Praise God for the servants <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> who not onlymaintain this ministry but grow this ministry within <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>.The TeamsWe are blessed to have teams <strong>of</strong> believers who serveweekly and who <strong>of</strong>ten go unnoticed by our large churchfamily. Neither pastoral care ministry activities, Visitationand Welcomers, could happen without these teams <strong>of</strong>believers being lead by passionate servant leaders. Forthose <strong>of</strong> us who have responsibility in the pastoral area <strong>of</strong><strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>, not only appreciate theseservants <strong>of</strong> the King, we support them in every way wecan.Visitationsuch a large church family, pastoral care cannot beperformed successfully by two pastors and a couple <strong>of</strong>Elders. Our church family can be approximately 400 to500 attendees on any Sunday and extended toapproximately 700 people for those connected to <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. What a ministry challenge for<strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet. We Praise God! For He is supplying thegifted servants to meet the need.development <strong>of</strong> the Pastoral Care Visitation Team lead bythe Visitation Coordinator Heather Gordon. Throughleadership the Pastoral Care Visitation team has not onlygrown in servant numbers but has seen growth inpastoral care contacts and follow up activity. Anotherpart <strong>of</strong> this success story is the commencement <strong>of</strong>monthly church services at Kirralee Retirement Homeand regular communion services at the Messer Hostel,both conducted by the Visitation Team. A snap shot <strong>of</strong>this ministry activity can be appreciated when you reviewHours and days worked at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> = 815 hours, or days at 7.5 hours per day = 108.6 days (normalweek is three working days).Eureka Men <strong>–</strong> ‘Wild at Heart’ monthly sessions = eight (total session hours = approx 28 hours).Emergency Service Ministry = 96 hours to date (includes regular role and call out).20

the following statistics: March <strong>2012</strong> = 13 contacts andJuly <strong>2012</strong> = 199 contacts. Each contact is a person <strong>of</strong>worth that we at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> value andserve as part <strong>of</strong> our Kingdom activity. Visitation PastoralCare is happening here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>.Praise God!WelcomersOf recent times we have seen the appointment <strong>of</strong> twoWelcomer Team Leaders; Pam Oxlade for the 8.45 amSunday service and Pam Hillas for the 10.30 am Sundayservice. These two ladies supervise and lead theWelcomer teams at each <strong>of</strong> the am Sunday services.This ministry activity is all about being intentional in theway we welcome guests and congregation members toour services, do guest follow up and provide pastoralsupport to our church family. These are key roles in ourefforts to provide pastoral care at the doorway, in thecafé/foyer and in the auditorium on any Sunday.Pastoral Care here at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet church <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> istruly(Jill McGilvary).EUREKA MENThe MinistryEureka Men was berthed during<strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. It becameapparent during the later part <strong>of</strong>2011, that what was needed was anabsolutely intentionalat <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. We needed a way totake men on a journey to understand what God requires<strong>of</strong> us as men and how we can serve together in Hiskingdom. We commenced this journey in <strong>2012</strong> byat Heart, John Eldredge). This ministry approach isabout providing an opportunity for men to buildrelationships, share and grow together as well as havingadventurous fun activities as a group <strong>of</strong> men.The ProgramAt Eureka Men we meet the 3 rd Saturday morning <strong>of</strong>every month between 7am and 9am, have breakfasttogether, watch a short DVD and then break into smalldiscussion groups to share together. From time to timeafter the breakfast session, we gather to enjoy someadventurous activity such as abseiling, Lazer Skirmishetc, all good fun men stuff. Our mission and purpose isto: grow the masculine heart; grow Godly men fit forkingdom service and to give men the opportunity toknow the Savior, Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>. This is a sub set <strong>of</strong> ourHim and be equipped to impact the local and globalThe TeamThe <strong>2012</strong> team for Eureka Men is made up <strong>of</strong> six men(Peter Deutscher, Dave Jolliffe, Colin Dorn, TrevorGray, Geordie McCausland and myself) <strong>of</strong> varying ageswho act as facilitators forthe Wild at Heart sessions.These men give <strong>of</strong> theirtime, experience andpassion to have input intowalk with the Lord and be a blessing to God, theirfamilies and the kingdom. Men journeying together into aEureka Men is all about. We continue the journey in 2013,Ephesians 2:10 (TMSG)<strong>Christ</strong> Jesus to join him in the work he does, the goodwork he has gotten ready for us to do, work we hadEMERGENCY SERVICEMINISTRIESCommunity Pastoral CareVCC Emergencies MinistriesA number <strong>of</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong> congregation members havenow been trained as PersonalSupport and Chaplains and have nowbecome a part <strong>of</strong> the VCCEmergencies Ministry activity insupport <strong>of</strong> our local and otherVictorian communities that find themselves in a disaster,emergency or crisis situations. Since May this year, three<strong>of</strong> the VCC EM Ballarat team members have beendeployed on Recovery work (flood recovery) in the MoiraShire and five members have attended Department <strong>of</strong>Human Services (DHS) additional pr<strong>of</strong>essional trainingcourses.As part <strong>of</strong> my role as the Ballarat Local Area Coordinatorfor the VCC Emergencies Ministry, I am now therepresentative for this ministry with the Ballarat CityCouncil Emergency Management organization and meetas part <strong>of</strong> the Ballarat City Council EmergencyManagement Sub-Committee at least twice a year. I amalso called upon to attend special training sessions andmeetings with Local Government outside <strong>of</strong> Ballarat. Wecurrently have a team <strong>of</strong> 35 trained local personnel, themajority <strong>of</strong> who are from <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. Thesevolunteers can be called upon to support ourcommunities in an emergency, crisis or disaster.21

CFA ChaplaincyI am currently the part timeChaplain for the CFA FiskvilleTraining College (near Ballan). Myresponsibilities are to providepastoral care and support to: theFiskville staff and firefighterfamilies as required. I attend CFAFiskville regularly every week and I respond to call outs(crisis etc) as required. I am also occasionally calledupon to act as a relief Chaplain for CFA District 15Ballarat and District 14 Ararat. This CFA Chaplaincy roleallows me the privilege <strong>of</strong> speaking with staff from alllevels in the organization, a unique position <strong>of</strong> privilegemy Lord has allowed me to serve and minister in for Hiskingdom.Blessings and Shalom,Rob PettyMINISTRY SUPPORTEUREKA MENSaturday 17 NovemberCome and join us!A unique morning for men <strong>of</strong> all ages.We will have food, fellowship, challenge and fun.WHERE: <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> TIME: 7am to 9amBreakfast cost is $5 per personWild At Heart DVD Session 822

BALLARAT CHURCHES EUREKA CAROLS<strong>Christ</strong>mas is a fantastic time <strong>of</strong> the year and it is a privilege for us as a church tocoordinate the main Carols <strong>of</strong> Ballarat. The Ballarat <strong>Church</strong>es Eureka Carols was voted asthe best Community Event <strong>of</strong> the Year. This is something that we need to celebrate<strong>Christ</strong>mas Celebrations.The carols last year was the first time we used the nameCarols. This is a deliberate move to promote unity in thecity and for the city <strong>of</strong> Ballarat to know that thechurches worktogether. It alsomeans thatchurches that areunable to hold aCarols event areable to be part <strong>of</strong>the Eureka Carols.Unfortunately thecarols were held again indoors at the Badminton Centredue to the poor weather. Although this is not the sameas being outside we still saw around 3000 people gathertogether to celebrating <strong>Christ</strong>mas.The carols are an important connection that we havewith the community and a reminder that <strong>Christ</strong>mas is atime to celebrate the birth <strong>of</strong> our Lord Jesus. The carolsare filled with tremendous reminders <strong>of</strong> the truemeaning <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>mas with words that are so familiar topeople that they are <strong>of</strong>ten sung without really graspingBallarat, an opportunity to portray the positive messageThe carols are an important connection that wehave with the community and a reminder thatway that is familiarto all who attend thecarols.We would like tothank everyone whowas involved in thecarols from set up &pack up teams,performers, organisers, helpers, technical crews andsupporters. Many thanks to Carols Team <strong>of</strong> Glenn &Trace Valentine, James and Pam McKee, MareeChapman and the Ministry Team.<strong>Christ</strong>mas is a time to celebrate the birth <strong>of</strong> ourLord Jesus.23

OVERSEAS MISSIONS COMMITTEE REPORT 2011-<strong>2012</strong>Role <strong>of</strong> the OMC:The Overseas Missions Committee (OMC) meets once amonth on the 3 rd Monday. At the monthly meetings,OMC members: Discuss and manage general business. Examine and discuss the financial report andapprove funds to be distributed. Pray for <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> congregation, leadership, andsupported missionaries and missions.OMC Activity for 2011- <strong>2012</strong>:1. The Committee:Henry Deutscher joined the OMC and isproving an active and valuable member.Eunice Clay has been a steadfast andhighly valued contributor to Mission at <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong> for many, many years. In 2011 EuniceClay retired from Coordinator <strong>of</strong> the OMC,but maintains her role as Treasurer.Renata Dempsey was nominated andappointed to Coordinator.Andy Francis has taken leave from theOMC to serve God in Northern India withhis family long-term.2. Overseas Mission Support:The OMC- Commenced support <strong>of</strong> one additional long-term missionary family: A and R Francis(North India). Provided support for one medium- termMission engagement: Bec Howlett (Africa) Provided support for six <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> memberswho engaged in a short term mission trip toNorthern India in September/October 2011,where they observed first hand, andMissionary work.3. Overseas Mission Initiatives:The OMC met with Leadership in April todiscuss the evolving mission framework andassist in developing a more vertically integrated,dynamic and collaborative approach to Missionat <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>.The OMC initiative <strong>of</strong> Pray Encourage Give Go(PEGG) was commenced November 2010 toengagement in effective ways to connect withMissionaries.In 2011-<strong>2012</strong> the PEGG initiative has been usedas a framework to increase the availability andaccessibility <strong>of</strong> Missionary information through: The incorporation <strong>of</strong> the Overseas MissionsMagazine in the Vine as an informativeresource for <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> congregation on thework <strong>of</strong> the missionaries and missions theysupport. The introduction <strong>of</strong> Mission Focus updatespresented by Pastors Tim and Blake. Thesewere formerly untaken by members <strong>of</strong> theOMC; however the new arrangement hasprovided further promotion <strong>of</strong> verticalintegration in Mission at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>.and Missions to facilitate ongoingaugmentation in: Partnership, a strong reciprocalcongregation/ Mission relationship. Congregational engagement inMission at all levels- Local, Nationaland Global. The newly established <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet OverseasMission webpage has been set up as part <strong>of</strong>the PEGG initiative to enable <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>congregation greater individual access toMissionary: Newsletters Prayer/Praise requests Email contact to encouragecorrespondence Giving avenues.24

Individual Missions giving through theenvelope system was reviewed and approvedto continue as a complimentary giving avenueto the newly available Mission website.The OMC utilises Mission Sunday as a day t<strong>of</strong>urther inform and inspire <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>. The OMCcoordinated a successful Missions Sunday inNovember 2011, reiterating missioninvolvement through the PEGG initiative andengaging a dynamic speaker to inspire theMission Heart <strong>of</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>.ANDY & RACHEL: INDIAAfter one month here in India we have settled in well toour new home.Proposed Initiatives for <strong>2012</strong>-2013The OMC is looking to initiate an annual missionstraining program for interested <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> membersWhilst our Missionaries can currently accessmonthly news updates on <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> happeningsonline via the Vine, the OMC is looking toestablish a reciprocal prayer letter for our currentOverseas Missionaries to enable them to engagein praying and encouraging <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>. Thisinitiative, based in the PEGG initiative framework,seeks to nurture an ongoing sense <strong>of</strong> belongingand home for Missionaries and will further enrichthe partnership between <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> and ourMissionaries.In Closing:The OMC advocate a Mission Heart at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>, andview this as the Heart <strong>of</strong> Mission. We encourage all <strong>of</strong><strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> to be intentional and active participants inall nations, baptizing them in the name <strong>of</strong> the Father and<strong>of</strong> the Son and <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit, and teaching them toobey everything He commanded (Mat 28:19-20). Bypartnering with our Overseas Missions andMissionaries, <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> can fulfil the great commission inoverseas nations, helping people meet Jesus becomelike Him and be equipped to impact their local andglobal community.Missionary Partnership <strong>Report</strong>s:We thank you and appreciate each one <strong>of</strong> you foryour financial support, encouragement, and prayerfor us and our families in the work He has called usto. We wish to express our sincere appreciation foryour support <strong>of</strong> this important and successful work.Please be inspired and celebrate with us all ourmighty God is doing through us. Thank you forstanding with us to see His Kingdom come here onearth.Food Sunday will be held SundayNovember 18th. Donations <strong>of</strong> non-perishable food items aregratefully received. Just dropthem in the shopping trolley in thefoyer.25What Rachel is doing:Leading in <strong>Christ</strong>ian kids club (30 studentsattending weekly). The program involves teachingthe Bible, prayer, singing and games. Liaising between Woodstock students and<strong>Christ</strong>ian disability program and visiting villageswith the students once a fortnight.Ran a training day for students and volunteers ondisability- great success with students challengedin their perspective on disability and God'smandate to love all people.Has begun monthly visits to a village school,helping run ESL activities.Teaching a boy with autism twice a week- buildingrelationship with him and his family.Hosting boarding students in our home to buildrelationships and show <strong>Christ</strong>'s love.Helping her boys settle into their new environment.What Andy is doing:Full time teaching grade 5 class (including 8 Hindustudents, 2 Sikhs and 3 Buddhists).Teaching RE 4 times per week- with full freedomto share <strong>Christ</strong> with his students.Being salt and light in his classroom and the juniorschool as a whole.Leading junior school devotions regularly.

J & K BAYNE: BENIN, AFRICAP & R BARTLETT: MALAWI, AFRICAWhat we have been doing: Working for Orama <strong>Christ</strong>ian Trust as volunteers inassisting with maintenance and general groundskeep <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Christ</strong>ian retreat and camp centre. Home assignment: visiting people, churches andorganizations that help with work in Benin Republic. Returning back to Benin Republic and continuingwith the following: Discipleship course and mentoring forengineering students English for engineering students to broadenskills to help local and national <strong>Christ</strong>ians tobe more influential in their pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Fulani camps, Ditamari communities anddiscipleship for those who have turned t<strong>of</strong>ollow <strong>Christ</strong>. Supporting local churches in film projection,seminars, retreat and counselling Practical project to help support LiweitariCentre in reducing costs for those who wouldwant to come for seminars and training andto subsidise their living expenses To show the love <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> in assisting needyindividuals and local communities financially(the average daily wage is $4 Aud) To educate community members in the areas<strong>of</strong> financial management, pharmaceuticalplants, health and general knowledge. To pray for the sick where no medicine canhelp and to see those in bondage to Satanset free through deliverance (animism andvoodoo are common in Benin).Our vision is to establish a <strong>Christ</strong>-centredpr<strong>of</strong>essional and comprehensive audiologyservice and training program in LilongweMalawi for the purpose <strong>of</strong> increasing accessibility <strong>of</strong>audiology services, through an expanding network.Life-changing services, pr<strong>of</strong>essional training and needmeetingoutreach are the three essential components <strong>of</strong> ourwork.Some laugh, some cry, some sit stunned, but all notice thedifference when their hearing aids are first switched on. Forthose with significant hearing loss and no previous hope <strong>of</strong>hearing again, having sound flood in comes as quite ashock. The privilege we and accompanying friends or familymembers have when witnessing this event, also seems toogood to be true. Although the number <strong>of</strong> people we see inthe ABC Hearing Clinic is just the tip <strong>of</strong> the iceberg, forthese ones, it means everything. We spend a lot <strong>of</strong> time witheach patient, and endeavour to pray with them before theyleave, most being very grateful that we take the time tohonour our wonderful God who makes it all possible.Throughout the year we have also continued to visit schoolsfor the deaf and hospitals to provide services and training.From north to south, locations include Karonga, Bandawe,Embangweni, Lilongwe, Mua and Blantyre. A significantoutreach in June with international audiologists andaudiology students covered most <strong>of</strong> these locations andallowed 127 hearing aids to be fitted in a three weekoutreach.In March, we initiated training for eighteen African BibleCollege students. This group was reduced to twelve for theJune practical outreach program. In August we accepted six<strong>of</strong> these students in to formal audiology study as part <strong>of</strong>their ABC undergraduate program.In June this year we broke ground on the construction <strong>of</strong>Malawi's first specialised Hearing Clinic and TrainingCentre, a ministry <strong>of</strong> EARS Incorporated. The funds for thisfacility have come from AusAID, Hear The World, <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> and other donors. It is expected thebuilding will be completed by early 2013.Additionally we host church Bible study at our house on aTuesday night, participate in small group outreach activitiesin the community and mentor the leader <strong>of</strong> the group - anABC college student. We are able to identify and respond tothe needs <strong>of</strong> people we encounter who are unable to affordschool fees, food and clothing; and use money given to usfor these purposes.26

D & M LYDEAMOREtheir own community development initiatives and manywould be from the <strong>Christ</strong>ian relief and developmentorganisations like TEAR, World Vision, Compassion,Baptist World Aid etc. Our girls started teaching Sunday school and alsoinvolved in the music team)NATHAN & CLAIRE: INDIA2011-<strong>2012</strong> Activities: Sept/ Oct 2011, organised a training2011, involved in the process <strong>of</strong> purchasing and thenpreparing a new GA8 aircraft for service in PNG In addition to the MAF aircraft maintained at theMareeba facility, we recently established anagreement to provide the ongoing maintenanceresources and support to remote stations andcommunities. ( Mareeba continues toprovide the maintenance support for the local Uniting Involved in the induction training <strong>of</strong> several groups <strong>of</strong>new staff (pilots and engineers) going through theirfinal preparation before starting with MAF Involved in MAF stand/ display at the recent air showat Mareeba. Able to share the way that God is usingMAF/ MAF staff to support isolated communities. In the last quarter alone (Apr-Jun <strong>2012</strong>), MAF in theAsia Pacific Region transported 1,293 passengersdirectly involved in church work and evangelism for429 different organisations, including Pacific IslandsMinistries, Samaritans Purse, Pioneer BibleTranslators and Pioneers as well as small indigenousorganisations and local churches including localindigenous churches.FAMILY:Jacobexceptional as his sister.Abby:seem to have been answered and she has started to eatthrough the mouth. This is very encouraging!Ps 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, sothe LORD has compassion on those who fear him.Nathan: I am blessed to be able to continue the work, orat least hold ground, via the following links. I speak tosomeone from these programs each week and emailthem multiple times. Being in Australia is strategic as itallows me to share about the work <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Christ</strong>ianprograms and help them apply for funding from AusAID,it has nearly doubled in the last couple <strong>of</strong> years.The biggest growth area has been in our disabilityand health training programs. A further 1,859 passengers were flown in support <strong>of</strong>rural health programs, including many working forchurch-run rural medical services, in addition to manyhundreds <strong>of</strong> kilograms <strong>of</strong> medical supplies to healthclinics, aid-posts and rural hospitals. 1,806 passengers were flown in support <strong>of</strong> educationand training in remote areas. Many rural schools in thedeveloping world are provided through the efforts <strong>of</strong>churches and missions. 12,703 passengers were flown for relief anddevelopment services. Some <strong>of</strong> these would begovernment workers, some local people involved in271. Disability:We are helping the Cluster programs to undertakedisability work and make sure that each <strong>of</strong> their programsincludes people with disability. Showing disabled peopleis transformative. Responding to disability requires anintegrated approach in India as usually kids with disabilityare outcasts, a shame on the family and are <strong>of</strong>ten left todie. Bringing value to such vulnerable lives involveschallenging the religious beliefs as well as providing basicservices and therapy through our health workers andeyes.

God is faithful. I can see how this work in disability andstudy <strong>of</strong> theology <strong>of</strong> disability prepared me for having achild with disability. My work in disability and my studyhas prepared me to love and appreciate Abby fully. Ihad written articles on a disability and theology andhaving seen how disabled people can be used by God, Ihave no doubt that Abby will bring God glory.I feel like I have been writing my own script in manyways. Ironically, soon after I named our disabilityprogram Samvedna (Hindi for empathy) it became clearme deep empathy for those in the village who do nothave the Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speechtherapy etc that have been important for Abby. We aretraining community health workers to provide suchservices.Disability allows us to witnessto the love <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> (in wordand deed) to those in our area.2. Community Lay Leaders Health TrainingCertificateNathan Coordinates the CHGN Uttarakhand Cluster.This is a network <strong>of</strong> 40 community health programs thatwork together to bring about health in the state <strong>of</strong>Uttarakhand. One objective is to provide healthtraining to volunteers & missionaries so they can betterrespond to the needs and expand the witness inUttarakhand.To this end, I initiated a health worker training certificateto train outreach workers and <strong>Church</strong> planters(missionaries) to provide basic health care. This oneyear distance education health training course isaccredited by CMC Vellore and delivered by theUttarakhand Cluster partnering with two <strong>Christ</strong>ianhospitals. 13 have already graduated and 50 areenrolled for 2011/12!SAMPAN: INDIA[Sam-pan]-complete spiritual andSAMPAN is a community development program seekingto improve the physical and spiritual health <strong>of</strong> theGarhwali people in India. This mainly Hindu area has highinfant mortality and malnutrition, and a low understanding<strong>of</strong> how to promote health and prevent disease.Promoting Physical WellbeingI wanted to make this update 2 pages which means that Itrained 208 holistic health workers in areas ranging fromhealth promotion to medical topics, immunisation andvocational training. In addition Sampan has undertakenmonthly clinics in each village and assisted numerouspatients to attend for treatment at the local <strong>Christ</strong>ianhospital. On the development side they also run twonursery school groups, literacy classes and morerecently, computer training. I think you will be greatlyencouraged by reading our most recent quarterly report.This report represents 7 <strong>of</strong> our 10 centres.Promoting Spiritual WellbeingWe are meeting with >60 family groups in the programarea to disciple new believers. They also assist variousseekers to explore <strong>Christ</strong>ianity. These small steps areexciting in this fiercely anti-<strong>Christ</strong>ian area, where beforeSampan started there were no local believers, despiteothers having faithfully planted many seeds. In addition tothe family groups, they have started two more formalchurches in villages and the light <strong>of</strong> the gospel is evidentto many in this area. One Sampan village health workersaid after training:with all the ladies in the village. This helps meremember what I learnt about Jesus andhealth. My husband told me to stop believing,Learning from this course:This course can make a difference! The volunteers havebeen able to use the skills in their villages andprograms.Those with a bias towards evangelism have learnt fromthe course the importance <strong>of</strong> showing the love <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>and not just preach to them like I have for so manyA number from nominal backgrounds were challengedby the experienced pastors doing the course. Twothe contact program.Thank God for the unintended consequence <strong>of</strong> peoplecoming to faith through the fellowship amongstcandidates.GROWTH AREAS:In 2011 we undertook a mid-term review, as planned inour original proposal. It was clear that Sampan hadgrown beyond what we imagined in the 5 years since<strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> COC first supported Sampan. We hope to reach243 health workers this year! Our overall budget hasincreased significantly which means the percentage that<strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> has been contributing has decreased. We thankGod for a healthy exchange rate and some one-<strong>of</strong>fdonors. The growth included the scaling up <strong>of</strong> theJagdarh Sub Centre. This is staffed by David and Ushaand has seen some excellent results since initiating threeyears ago. We identified David and Usha as experiencedand capable workers and we have not beendisappointed! The health training has beensupplemented by other development activities including acomputer training centre. More importantly, andunexpectedly, there has been an explosion <strong>of</strong> interest in28

Bible training. This was unexpected because this was adark area in the mountains <strong>of</strong> North India. It has beenthe relationships between David and the locals thathave led to this interest. 15 people did a month longBible course and now five have enrolled in long termtraining. David and Usha are planning to build acommunity drop-in and education centre and relocateto live in this village fulltime.The Uttarkashi Centre: The review determined that weshould go ahead and expand the work in <strong>2012</strong>.Following an extensive search the new area becameclear when a major road was built through a mountainpass. Sampan saw the opportunity and has placed twonew staff, fresh from Bible College and completing theCHGN Cluster health training certificate. They will beresponsible for a number <strong>of</strong> villages and for traininghealth workers. They will be living in a remote area thathas little access to health services and no activewitness. The establishment <strong>of</strong> the centre was coveredby a one <strong>of</strong>f grant from a church in the UK.Computer training rooms have been established at 3<strong>of</strong> the Sampan centres in response to requests from thecommunity for computer training. E-literacy is soimportant even in developing countries. This serves asvocational training to assist poor people to enter theworkforce, and preparing people for the workforce is anopportunity for income generation. We hope to increasethe number <strong>of</strong> computer centres and we have employedthree part time staff to assist with the training. We havealso developed a simple Hindi computer curriculum.Funding and FutureWe are seeing great fruit and we believe this year will bea harvest year. Our theme verse is John 4:35-38In this spirit we have gone ahead and expanded. Wewould love it if <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> was to continue to journey with usin this amazing program. We are in stage <strong>of</strong> transitiongiven that our UK donor is unable to continue. Also, lastyear we restructured Sampan in order to grow the work,but that involved severing a link with an AmericanMissionary who previously provided some financialsupport.We planned to train 180 Health workers but by the end <strong>of</strong> <strong>2012</strong> we will have 243 and 2 new centresAPENDIX 2: TREASURERS REPORTSTATEMENT OF MONIES DISBURSED BY THE OVERSEAS MISSIONS COMMITTEE DURING THE PERIOD 1STJULY 2011 TO 30 TH JUNE <strong>2012</strong>CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONSINDIVIDUAL GIFTSGMP 8,269.45 4,062.25EARS BARTLETTS 9,209.45 7,507.40A. & R. FRANCIS 3,600.00 1,000.00MAF-LYDEAMORES 5,761.20 414.55N. & C. GRILLS 8,209.45 970.00SAMPAN 2,280.40 2,364.17J. & K. BAYNE 3,770.40 1,000.20DR. CHAE 450.00 150.00PRC NEPAL 450.00 155.00COM 500.00CELEBRATE MESSIAH 800.00 418.60BIBLE SOCIETY 60.00 40.00OPEN DOORS 500.00BEC HOWLETT 1,300.00---------------------------------------------The fundsdistributed werereceived fromthe <strong>Church</strong> andfrom individualgivers.44,660.35 18,581.97 Submitted by Renata DempseyOverseas Missions Committee Coordinator29

MISSIONSThen Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and makedisciples <strong>of</strong> all nations, baptizing them in the name <strong>of</strong> the Father and <strong>of</strong> the Son and <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit, and teachingthem to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end <strong>of</strong> the age." Matthew28:18-20Welcome to World Missions! God has a part for you to play in His mission to spread the hope <strong>of</strong> the Gospel and helpbuild His <strong>Church</strong> world-wide. When you share the hope <strong>of</strong> the Gospel, when you pray, provide financial support, encouragethrough correspondence or provision, or work to plant churches, you are playing your part in world missionand the great commission.Global Mission PartnersLinking People,<strong>Church</strong>es andResourcesAcross NationsGlobal Mission Partners (GMP) is a <strong>Christ</strong>ianinternational mission, aid and development organisationcommitted to facilitating life-changing partnerships.GMP works in partnership with local people, churchesand overseas agencies, connecting them with partnersin Australia.GMP seeks to establish life-changing partnershipsthrough:<strong>Church</strong> Health: Supporting church development anddeveloping leaders.Aid & Development: Committing to creative andsustainable overseas aid and development projects inthe areas <strong>of</strong> literacy, water and sanitation, child-centreddevelopment, income generation, gender equality,community development, agriculture and education.Advocacy & Lifestyle: Enabling Australians to takejustice seriously through education, lifestyle change andadvocacy for, and with, those in situations <strong>of</strong> injusticeglobally.Go overseas: Facilitating opportunities for people andteams to serve in mission overseas.Partnership: Developing partnerships with people andchurches in Australia and with those overseas.Prayer: Encouraging prayer as a central response as theGMP PartnershipsBangladeshIndiaPapua New GuineaVanuatuZimbabweFijiIndonesiaSouth SudanVietnamSome are called to go and some are called to send.Who will go and who will send?Those called to go cannot go unless they are sentand those called to send cannot send if no one willgo.30

Evangelists and Motorcycles: ZimbabweThe <strong>Church</strong>es <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong> havemany churchesand pastors inan area <strong>of</strong>Matabeleland.Despite themany hardshipsthe churchesthere arethriving.Doctors,lawyers,engineers andmany otherhighly qualifiedpr<strong>of</strong>essionals, who would seldom attend church, nowjoin in regularly for worship.Most pastors serve up to 8 churches due to increasedchurch growth and the inability to pay a full-time pastor.They have to walk long distances from one preachingpoint to the next, particularly in rural areas. Recently 6motorbikes were purchased by Australian churches tohelp pastors visit each <strong>of</strong> their congregations more <strong>of</strong>ten.As yet, many rural churches do not have buildings and soto train young people in building, carpentry and weldingby involving them in the building <strong>of</strong> churches.For further information on how to get involved go to are currently in the middle <strong>of</strong> the Rainy seasonwhich lasts from May to mid-October. For us this is aquiet time as most people are at work in their fields. Itinvolves more maintenance and grounds-keeping workfor Jo, as conferences and teaching are during the dryseason.Please prayfor thepreparation <strong>of</strong>the New Yearwhich startsin thebeginning <strong>of</strong>October. Wewill have newstudents toget to know,some <strong>of</strong>whom arenonbelievers.Johann will be involved with the discipleshipcourse, English and team building/unity projects for theapprentices at the Liwietari Vocational Centre (CFL),have visits from missionaries and pastors who come fora retreat and for prayer. Actually a non-stop part <strong>of</strong> lifehere is receiving daily visits from anyone and everyonewho comes to greet the family, usually in severaldifferent languages.Blind and Mute meets JesusWe continue to seek and pray for God's love and powerto be at work in and through us, and we are lookingforward to what God will be doing.Germain is a pastor who works with us. Two weeks agohe was able to pray with a man in Natitingou called Bio,who had been to a fetisher (a worker <strong>of</strong> voodoo) and whohad returned blind and mute. For that week Bio wasexperiencing the feeling <strong>of</strong> bonds around his neck andbody. His tongue was attached to the ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> his mouth,and his eyes were glued closed. He was breathing onlywith difficulty and was unable to eat or get up. The familywere preparing for his funeral when they asked for prayer.Germain spoke with Bio and he indicated with a nod thathe wanted to become a <strong>Christ</strong>ian. After praying for halfgood meal. Bio now has a new church meeting in hishouse.We are all going well, despite finding 14 scorpions in ourhouse! None <strong>of</strong> has have been stung we appreciateyour prayers! Again, thank you for your prayers andthoughts, especially in this Malaria-prone season. Hopeside too.Kristie, Johann, Enoch, Zion and <strong>St</strong>efan Bayne31

He who has ears to hear,let him hearInaugural audiology course has commencedThe last week <strong>of</strong> May we were very busy wrapping upan introductory course we have been running with 18African Bible College (ABC) students. We then reducedthe numbers to 12 second year students. When theystart the 3rd year <strong>of</strong> their 4 year degree in August, fouror five <strong>of</strong> these students will attend an audiologycourse.In the middle <strong>of</strong> May we ran practicalsessions every afternoon for them topractice hearing testing, otoscopy andmiddle ear testing on other students.We ran this in our house, fun butexhausting! The students are doing very well. They havebeen exploring and presenting their ideas on how to linkthe message <strong>of</strong> hearing loss prevention with a message<strong>of</strong> the gospel and they all came up with lots <strong>of</strong> differentideas.The Malawi students have also produced educationalbrochures in the local Malawi language Chichewa onear health and hearing loss prevention. The Malawiteam ran a medical ear camp at Chinsapo secondarycollege in the outer villages <strong>of</strong> Lilongwe with the teamfrom the USA, a rather overwhelming experience.Welcome visitorsIn early July a team <strong>of</strong> seven audiologists and audiologystudents visited Malawi: five from USA, one fromEcuador and one from the UK. The team traveled withPete to different areas <strong>of</strong> Malawi to run hearing clinics atschools for the deaf and in hospitals. The ABC Malawistudents traveled with them so were able to observeand be supervised by the international team. We havereceived funding for this purpose.New clinic well on its wayWe are very excited that construction has begun on apurpose-built hearing clinic funded by an Australian-African community grant scheme. It is expected to becompleted by September/October this year. This willhouse the VRA unit and ASSR/ABR equipment which isthe World Foundation.We’re coming home onfurlough!We plan to return to Australia from mid November tomid January for much needed recuperation. We lookforward to seeing you all again and updating you on ourlatest news in person.See you very soon!Peter & Rebecca Bartlett.We are so grateful for the support youhave given us and the role you haveplayed in supporting EARS.RETURNING IN NOVEMBERThe Bartlett Family is returning onfurlough from Malawi for a fewweeks for a much needed rest andcatch up with family and friends.Peter and Rebecca will be speakingon Mission Sunday 25 th Novemberat <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>, for all three services.Jessica, Brianna and Elouise will be sharing theirexperiences with <strong>York</strong>ie Kids at 10:30am.Bec Howlett left in May for her six monthWe are looking forward to Bec sharing herMission experience in the coming weeks.Global Hearing Health ConferencePeter and I attended a conference on Global HearingHealth in Pretoria South Africa late May <strong>2012</strong>. Petepresented a session on our work in Malawi and thevarious challenges <strong>of</strong> setting up services in a developingcountry. The conference was for people who areinterested in hearing health in developing countries. Wewere very excited to meet several people who havesupported the clinic. A few days after the conference,Pete also completed the Comrades run <strong>of</strong> 89km inDurban South Africa. He even got to see a few peoplefrom his Ballarat running group!Assessments <strong>of</strong> at-risk infants now possibleWe recently received funding from Hear the WorldPhonak for objective testing to test children from 1 dayold who are at risk <strong>of</strong> hearing loss, like children whosemother had malaria in pregnancy or had meningitis orneeded quinine treatment for malaria. This will reallychange the way we do things and has significantimplications for early hearing aid fitting within thenormal speech acquisition stages <strong>of</strong> childhood.32MISSION SUNDAY 25 th NOVEMBERPlease join us Mission Sunday as we celebrate <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>Jesus.SPEAKING: Peter BartlettPeter holds a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science, Graduate Diploma <strong>of</strong>Audiology and a Masters in Business Administration.A <strong>Christ</strong>ian since first at University, Peter has served asan Elder at <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> prior to August2010 when he and his family moved to Lilongwe inMalawi, Africa. The move was for a two year Ears Inc.project placement with African Bible CollegesCommunity Clinic, to establish permanent hearingservices and an audiology training program. Peter is aCo-founder and Vice-President <strong>of</strong> Ears Inc.Peter has worked both in Australia and abroad in anumber <strong>of</strong> developing countries in the Asia-Pacificregion as an audiologist on mission trips associatedwith Ears Inc.

Ears Inc. is an Australian, not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it, nondenominational<strong>Christ</strong>ian association <strong>of</strong> audiologists,audiometrists and allied health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsdedicated to the training and equipping <strong>of</strong> healthworkers in developing countries, so that they can assistin the rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> the hearing impaired who wouldotherwise not have the capacity or opportunity toovercome their disability. Ears Inc. provides ongoingtraining and support to local workers <strong>of</strong> health clinics,hospitals, deaf schools and mission groups indeveloping countries. Through this training, thesevolunteers are equipped with the necessary skills andresources to rehabilitate people with hearing loss andhelp them become self-sufficient and independent.on the <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> Overseas Missions Committee prior toworking in Malawi. Every year, either Peter or Rebeccahave been overseas doing voluntary audiology work,with the exception <strong>of</strong> 2000 when their first child Jessicawas born, 2002 when Brianna was born and in 2006when their youngest Elouise was born. Their longestoverseas placement was in Papua New Guinea for oversix months in 2004/05.Jessica, Brianna, and Elouise, actively participate insharing the hope <strong>of</strong> Jesus in Malawi and will be sharingtheir experiences in Kids <strong>Church</strong> on November 25 th .We ended 2011 with a <strong>Christ</strong>mas Dinner at the church,Waitresses for the evening, followed by Entertainmentall who attended.<strong>2012</strong> started in January with a large number enjoyingLunch at the Ballarat Leagues Club.February was to be a BBQ out at Kirks Reservoir but dueto the inclement weather we ended up at the <strong>Church</strong>!!!March we had lunch at the <strong>Church</strong> with a speaker fromSovereign HillApril was our bus trip to Melbourne for a Yarra RiverCruise to Williamstown a great day was had by all.May meeting was held at the Specialist School where wehad lunch and visited their farm in Norman <strong>St</strong>reet (oldNorth Secondary School)while June, July & August meetings were into recess.Counter Lunches were arranged each month, which werewell attendedSeptember meeting, lunch at the church then everyoneOctober was lunch at the church, with entertainment!!!Our thanks also go to Noel & Judy Jenkins, & Jack & AnnWhite & Bob & Jan McCallum who helped us to organizeand run our get-togethers!!Thank you to everyone who supported us throughout<strong>2012</strong>, and look forward to another great year in 2013.Ian & Annette LoaderPRIME TIMEPrime Time exists to provide life enrichment to the 50+age group. Meeting on the Fourth Tuesday <strong>of</strong> themonth.33Prime Time <strong>Christ</strong>mas Dinner will be held at thechurch at 6pm on Tuesday Evening 20th Novembercost $22 we need numbers with money by 11thNovember, we look forward to seeing you all for agreat night to finish our yearIan & Annette Loader

CRAFT GROUPWe have had abusy andenjoyable yearwith up to 20membersmeeting on aFriday forfriendship,craft and achat. On 14 thSeptember wecelebrated our27 th birthday.Some <strong>of</strong> ourmembers arestill busy withknitting andcrochet,making rugs,scarves andcaps whichare regularlysent to theLeprosyMission.We continue to support anIndian orphan through<strong>Christ</strong>ian OutreachMinistries (COM) and wealso send money to beused by pastors in theirwork among the villagepeople and to providemattresses and bunks forthe children in theorphanages and a bike tobe used in villages.Through <strong>Church</strong>es <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong> Overseas Aid (COCOA) we help to make animprovement in the lives <strong>of</strong> people in Zimbabwe throughself-help projects.We also make an annual donation to the ongoing work<strong>of</strong> thechurch hereat <strong>York</strong><strong>St</strong>reet.Jan HowlettWe have had another very successful and busy year withgood numbers attending the Quilting Days held on thefirst and third Saturday <strong>of</strong> each month.Our first major activity was making Breast Cancer Bagsfor Breast Cancer Patients in support <strong>of</strong> a project run bythe ZONTA Club. We worked on the project for one dayand managed to complete over 80 cushion covers thatwere handed over to Zonta to be filled.Then in April we had a 12 hour day where many <strong>of</strong> theladies worked on a mystery quilt and shared a take-awayshared luncheon. In May we had a quilt painting day andJune saw Bev organise a project day where many lovelyquilting bags were produced. Sue had given a<strong>Christ</strong>mas Cup Bag as a Kirs Kringle give in Decemberand many <strong>of</strong> us were envious <strong>of</strong> the recipient, Sue waskind enough to help us make one for ourselves. InAugust we held our annual Getaway where 20 ladiesspent a fun weekend at Bacchus March quilting andworking on their projects.Saturdays are shared with everyone working hard on theirquilting projects and sharing what has been happening intheir lives many funny stories are shared along with thesad and everyone continues to support the members <strong>of</strong>our group. The year has seen a lot a quilts completed byour members, some they keep for themselves and othersare given to family and friends.We would like to thank Val for being there every weekand supporting and encouraging us with our projects.ART AND CRAFT COMPANYArt and Craft Company are a group <strong>of</strong> craft-lovingpeople who meet for a day <strong>of</strong> fun, fellowship andCRAFT each Friday at the church from 10am until2pm.Please see Jan or Harold Howlett for moreinformation.SEW & SEWSThe Sew & Sews quilting and patchwork group meettogether for fun and fellowship whilst sharing theirinterest in patchwork.The meeting place is at the church on the first andthird Saturdays <strong>of</strong> the month from 10am-3pm. Costis $5 per session. Morning and afternoon teasupplied.Beginners are most welcome!34

BECSBallarat East Communityoperating at 730 Eureka <strong>St</strong>for over 6 years. We arepart <strong>of</strong> the fastest growingwith over 800 shedsAustralia wide. The modelhas been implementedoverseas and in Irelandwhere year ago theProtestants and Catholicswere killing each other theyare now meeting togetherclaim to be a <strong>Christ</strong>iangroup but a number <strong>of</strong> men from <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> are membersand are helping to run BECS. We are continuallyreminded <strong>of</strong> the biblicalcommand to be in theworld but not <strong>of</strong> theworld. When you sitdown and talk to the menand to hear stories <strong>of</strong>their background and lifeexperience they havecome a long way just to beat the shed. It is still ourdesire that these men wouldcome to a <strong>Christ</strong>ianexperience but lots <strong>of</strong>prayer and support isrequired and this is wherethe church family can beinvolved. Some <strong>of</strong> theissues that our men arefacing are social isolation,separation, depression,anger management,bereavement , familydysfunction and numerousother debilitating situations.It is encouraging to see the change in some <strong>of</strong> the menwhen given some encouragement and support.Doug JenkinsCOUNTRY SPEAKERS<strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong> <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>, as a large regional church, has been providing visiting speakers for some smallcountry churches for many years now. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to partner with our Brothers andSisters in <strong>Christ</strong> in places like <strong>St</strong>. Arnaud and Wedderburn. It also provides a great chance for people to stepout in faith and stretch themselves as they prepare a message and present a sermon to othercongregations.This year we have looked to expand the number <strong>of</strong> speakers to include some members from one2one church as well.This ties in with our core value <strong>of</strong> unity and widens the pool which will hopefully enable us to <strong>of</strong>fer assistance to othersmall congregations in western Victoria.Thanks to Ben Dainton, Neil Davies, Tim Drough, Bruce Harmer, David Harmer, Julian Hopkins, Aaron Maskell, CharlesMilne, Blake Moore, Rob Petty, Neil <strong>St</strong>einman, Tim Veal for making yourselves available to share in this ministry.Blessings,David J WestawayPlease pray for Julian Hopkins andAaron Maskell who are supporting our sisterchurches through preaching this month.35

FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADESalt and Pepper ArticleTHE HEAD OF THE BODYPart Two <strong>of</strong> TwoCharles Plum was a jet fighter pilot in Vietnam. After his75 th combat mission his plane was hit by a surface-toairmissile forcing him to eject and to parachute intoenemy hands. He survived six years in a Communistprison, before his release when he became amotivational speaker, lecturing about his experiences.One day he was sitting with his wife in restaurant whena man from the opposite table got up and walked overfighters in Vietnam from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk.That night Plum could not sleep as he wondered abouthow that man would have looked in his Navy uniform: aDixie-cup hat, a bib in the back and bell bottommight have seen him on the Kitty Hawk, and passed himby without even speaking with him, because, you see, Iimagined the man spending many hours in the bowels<strong>of</strong> the ship carefully weaving shrouds and folding thesilks <strong>of</strong> each chute, especially the chute which saved hisEvery part <strong>of</strong> the Body is important. This true storyillustrates what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians about thebody being a unit made up <strong>of</strong> many parts such as limbs,organs and cells. He makes it clear that the sum <strong>of</strong> themany parts makes up one body and that it makes nodifference whether the part is visible or clothed, higherto hear. We know that our olfactory senses are capable<strong>of</strong> discriminating 10,000 different odours and detectingone garlic molecule from the smell <strong>of</strong> 50,000 othermolecules. Messages, whether from the ear, nose,tongue or fingertips are changed into much higher levels<strong>of</strong> meaning, thanks to the amazing capacity <strong>of</strong> oursecluded brain. Every sensation that we experience,every piece <strong>of</strong> data that we receive from our senseorgans, terminates in that ivory fortress. Nothing hasmeaning until our brain, which is made <strong>of</strong> edible meat,takes hold <strong>of</strong> it, and translates it into a sense either <strong>of</strong>smell, taste or vision.describes another amazing function <strong>of</strong> the brain. Hein from the various organs <strong>of</strong> the body and sendingmessages out to the extremities. In the entire brain, onlyone in one thousand cells will report in from theextremities: all visual images, sounds, all touch and painsensations, all smells, the monitors <strong>of</strong> blood pressure andchemical changes, the sensation <strong>of</strong> hunger, thirst,muscular tension, occupy only 0.001 % or one-tenth <strong>of</strong>one percent <strong>of</strong> the brains cells! Our very selective brainsadmit just a few hundred messages out <strong>of</strong> one hundredmillion. Another two-tenths <strong>of</strong> one percent <strong>of</strong> cells controlall motor activities: the motions <strong>of</strong> playing a pianoconcerto, speaking a language, dancing a ballet, typing atogether in an intercommunication system that allowsanother process to happen we know it as thought andwill!Sometimes the body will need healing. As the physicalbody can sometimes get sick, so the Body <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> canbecome ill, causing disconnection and dissensionmight consider itself to be more important than another.members <strong>of</strong> the church can suffer from disconnection toone another. He describes people who become legalistic,am not elegant like you, embellished with rings, I guess I<strong>of</strong> the body is fearfully and wonderfully made. Forexample, when a friend talks to us, molecules vibrateand move our eardrum one ten thousandth <strong>of</strong> acentimetre before that mechanical energy is convertedto electrical current and fired along thousands <strong>of</strong> wiresor neurons- to the auditory part <strong>of</strong> our brain, enabling us36has seen in others, and his unspiritual mind puffs him upwith idle notions. He has lost connection with the-a theological word for such poisons in the Body: sin. Sinsteals into the intimate channel between Head andmember, interrupting communication and separating thecell from the higher authority that directs and coordinatesits actions. If a prophetic cell refuses to warn the rest <strong>of</strong>

November <strong>2012</strong>Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday123Mainly MusicArt & Craft GroupSew & SewsGroup45 6 78910CELEBRATIONSUNDAYAGM @ 1pmWorship PracticeMainly MusicArt & Craft GroupSwitch YouthCWiBArvo Group111213 14151617Miss anOpportunityService at KirraleeMOPSYear 9 & 10 GirlsGroupWorship PracticeMainly MusicArt & Craft GroupGroup<strong>St</strong>eve GraceConcertSew & SewsEureka Men1819 2021222324FOOD SUNDAYPrime Time<strong>Christ</strong>mas DinnerWorship PracticeMainly MusicArt & Craft GroupSwitch YouthWeddingArvo Group252627 282930Theme: MissionSundayPrayer & WorshipMOPSYear 9 & 10 GirlsGroupMainly MusicArt & Craft GroupWorship Practicethe body, we may stumble <strong>of</strong>f course. If one part <strong>of</strong> ourbody becomes insensitive to pain in a finger or limb,that part will gradually deteriorate. The member cellsfrom all parts <strong>of</strong> the body continually send in a flood <strong>of</strong>data about the health <strong>of</strong> the Body, informing the Headabout the condition <strong>of</strong> cells themselves and the sentientworld outside. If the way in is accurate and complete,and the cells receiving the messages along the way outare obedient and responsive, only then will the bodyIn our analogy, the brain is truly the holy <strong>of</strong> holies. It isthe place where one hundred trillion nerve cells <strong>of</strong> thebody are managed. As an analogy <strong>of</strong> the Body <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>as used by Paul, it is <strong>Christ</strong> who is the Head and thesource <strong>of</strong> all Godly wisdom and unity <strong>of</strong> the wholeBody. When <strong>Christ</strong> ascended to heaven he left His Bodyhere on earth consisting <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> individual cells ormembers <strong>of</strong> his <strong>Church</strong>. As the Head, he nowestablishes his presence in the world through peoplelike us. Some will be the eyes, some the ears, some thevoice and some will be the heart <strong>of</strong> his <strong>Church</strong>. In a waytoo mysterious to understand, he has chosen us as hisonly way <strong>of</strong> communicating to the rest <strong>of</strong> the world. Inorder to be healthy members <strong>of</strong> his Body we must relyon the messages coming from the head to each <strong>of</strong> usbecause only the head can determine the needs <strong>of</strong> thewhole body.Paul speaking to the philosophers in Athens told themmaintaining spiritual mental and physical health. As theBody <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>, the <strong>Church</strong> has to deal with the tensionsand pressures <strong>of</strong> modern life and become a presence inan increasingly secular society. But God has provided uswith a way <strong>of</strong> doing this. God who created us in hisimage is ever waiting and willing to re-create us. Thesecret is simple: we are to maintain contact with him,and to allow him to restore our strength and power andvitality to every part <strong>of</strong> our body, mind and soul.Ray Veal.37

CHURCH STAFF AND OFFICE VOLUNTEERSYORK STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST PAID STAFFPosition Name Days/Week2011Days/Week<strong>2012</strong>Senior Pastor Tim Clark 5 5Associate Pastor Blake Moore 5 5Colette Harrison 1.5 3Music and Creative Ministries Angela Oliver 3 2Kids Hope Coordinator Chris Barlow 1 1<strong>St</strong>udent Minister Ben Dainton 1 1Operations Manager Robert Ling 2 2Office Administrator 3.5 3.5Administration Trainee * Michelle McCausland - 1.5 *CleanerSimone Berry/ RaquelMarbella2 2* This is a fixed term position for <strong>2012</strong>/13YORK STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST OFFICE VOLUNTEERSPosition Name Days/Week2011Days/Week<strong>2012</strong>Ministry Support Rob Petty 3 3Treasurer Kay Wilson 1 1Administration Support/ Office Assistant Maree Dorn 0.6 0.6Finance Support Ron Greenwood 0.5 0.5Music Support Val Tonkin 0.25 0.25IT/ Data SupportPastoral CarePaul Duthie/ JamesMcKee/ Josh McKeeHeather Gordon &Team1 1- 2-438


FINANCIAL SUMMARYYORK STREET CHURCH OF CHRISTFINANCIAL SUMMARYFOR THE YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, <strong>2012</strong>INCOME $474,937.02EXPENDITURE $426,509.74SURPLUS $ 48,427.28Average Weekly Offering is $ 8,647.64EXTRAORDINARY INCOME $ 26,709.10EXTRAORDINARY EXPENDITURE $ 18,658.08BUILDING FUND INCOME $114,769.67Audit has been completed by Barry BrownAs at 15/10/12 $384,396.22 has been expended on the Building extensions and Playground.Approximately $110,000 will be required to complete the project. Loan repayments on thisamount would be $1,300 per month or $300 p.w for a 10 year loan.A budget has been prepared. Offerings would need to increase to $9,150 pw to cover costsexcluding any loan repayments.Kaylene WilsonTreasurerN.B. A more detailed report about church finances for 2011/12 is available from the church <strong>of</strong>fice,on request.40

APPENDIX 1SUMMARY OF MINUTES OF 2011 AGMThe <strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting (AGM) <strong>of</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> was held on Sunday 13th November, 2011.Meeting opened at 1pmTim Clark opened the meeting by thanking the staff and all those involved in the life <strong>of</strong> the church, then opened inprayer.Tim Veal also stated that the AGM was being recorded and requested anyone speaking uses a microphone and statestheir name.1. Attendance and ApologiesTim Veal asked that all attendees fill in the attendance sheet.2. Acceptance <strong>of</strong> the 2010 AGM MinutesRichard Lyons stated that the nomination and election <strong>of</strong> Kay Wilson was not minuted, but with that amendment,Richard agreed to move the motion. It was seconded by Max Duthie.3. Business arising from the 2010 AGM MinutesNothing arising.Motion carried4. Adoption <strong>of</strong> 2011 <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>s (taken as read)Moved by David J Westaway and seconded by David G Westaway.5. Business Arising from 2011 <strong>Report</strong>sMotion carriedTim Clark thanked Kristin and Lynden and others who put the reports together and asked for a round <strong>of</strong> applause fortheir assistance.- Kay WilsonKay thanked Tim and staff for their support.Offerings: a lot <strong>of</strong> people have taken advantage <strong>of</strong> direct credit. We have raised $70,000 for the building fund duringthe year which has resulted in a small drop in general <strong>of</strong>ferings.Budget: Operating surplus <strong>of</strong> $32,000.Barry Brown - questioned the increase in administration fees. This relates to the change in method that <strong>Church</strong>es <strong>of</strong><strong>Christ</strong> use to calculate membership fees. i.e. percentage <strong>of</strong> our income, and we are likely to get a rebate.Need to find extra for increase in photocopier expenses each year ($12,000).Barry Brown queried capital expenses. Kaylene responded by saying that most expenses are due to playground &building design fees. Computer equip, gardening equip and sound and lighting equip.Missions - <strong>Church</strong> contribution is not 10% <strong>of</strong> the <strong>of</strong>fering - queried by Barry Brown. Kaye will investigate but thinks it isdue to a classification error.Ge<strong>of</strong>f Barlow - questioned assets register. We have not had land and buildings formally valued hence they are notrecorded as current market value -Kaye discussed the loan arrangements through the Property Fund and annual servicing costs. Interest rate wasquestioned and Richard advised <strong>of</strong> the key decision to use Property Corp as compared to other major lendinginstitutions, principally to ensure our property is not sold from under us in the event <strong>of</strong> the worst case scenario <strong>of</strong> us notbeing able to service the loan.7. Election <strong>of</strong> Kay Wilson as Treasurer for <strong>2012</strong>Tim Veal moved that Kaye be voted Treasurer for next year and it was seconded by Rob Petty.41Motion carried

8. Notice <strong>of</strong> Motion for Special MeetingsMotion read by Tim Veal (Chair <strong>of</strong> Elders)Moved by Elders, seconded by EldersNigel Maloney --Bob Feary - raised concerns about the shortening <strong>of</strong> the term <strong>of</strong> notice.Heather Maloney - suggested that the caveat be it will only be 2 weeks if absolutely necessary, otherwise it will be 8weeks.Glenn Valentine clarified that the church would be given as much notice as possible to make major decisions, and thisapplied only for urgent decisions where absolutely necessary.Max Duthie - raised concerns about people being away on holidays during the short notice period and suggested thatthe term be changed to extra-ordinary meetings instead <strong>of</strong> special meetings.Tim Clark - some things cannot wait 8 weeks for a decision to be made. Some people who go away go away forlonger than 8 weeks in any case. With all the contact options available most people will be notified.Barry Brown - asked the question if borrowing $250,000 would be classed as a major decision?Tim Clark - responded it would be. Question is what is a major decision?David G Westaway - stated it was a case <strong>of</strong> trust in the Eldership to make the right decisions.Ron Greenwood -Henry Deutscher -It was seconded by Sue Leaney.Richard Lyons - explained in the event <strong>of</strong> people not understanding the detail <strong>of</strong> a special meeting, they can vote inthe negative and this is a checking mechanism that can be relied on.Motion carried9. General BusinessNone raised.10. AGM for <strong>2012</strong>11. Closing PrayerTim Veal closed the meeting in prayer.Please note:The <strong>of</strong>ficial record <strong>of</strong> the 2011 AGM is an audio file. Please contact the church <strong>of</strong>fice to request a copy, if desired.There is in excess <strong>of</strong> one hour <strong>of</strong> discussion. This is a summary <strong>of</strong> what occurred.42

Regular Service TimesTraditional Service 8.45amFamily Service 10.30am(including <strong>York</strong>ie Kids)Worship6pmSenior PastorTim Clark PastorBlake Moore Harrison and Creative MinistriesAngela Oliver Hope CoordinatorChris Barlow Barlow.<strong>Christ</strong><strong>St</strong>udent MinisterBen Dainton SupportRob Petty ManagerRobert Ling AdministratorAdministration TraineeMichelle McCausland 03 5331 1079EMAIL: <strong>of</strong> 410 <strong>York</strong> <strong>St</strong>reet Ballarat 3350OFFICE HOURS: 9am-3pm Monday-FridayKindergarten DirectorCath ZalaPHONE: (03) 5333 4116EMAIL:

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