Vol. 33, No. 3 -- Fall - Traditional Small Craft Association

Vol. 33, No. 3 -- Fall - Traditional Small Craft Association

Vol. 33, No. 3 -- Fall - Traditional Small Craft Association


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At the WoodenBoat ShowBy Andy WolfeTalk about a good time! The 2012WoodenBoat Show was a spectacularfamily event. As always, the staff ofthe Mystic Seaport Museum made theexecution of a massive event look easy.From my vantage point on AustraliaBeach it was calm water everywhere.The TSCA, Mystic Seaport, andWoodenBoat sponsored the <strong>Small</strong><strong>Craft</strong> Workshop. Member boats andvendors like Chesapeake Light <strong>Craft</strong>and Adirondack Guide Boats werelaunching and beaching in a nearlynon-stop cycle of motion.My story starts with the front coverphoto. After a long drive to Mysticfrom the sunset side of the Blue Ridgemountains, I woke up to a beautifulmorning and a picture perfect setting…so I took the picture.Most of my time was literally spenton the beach meeting members andshow goers, and talking about myfavorite subject. I rowed “to work”with my grandson and son-in-law ina Gloucester Gull. We were joined onthe sand by a dozen or so TSCA boatsthat were available for everyone to useand enjoy. A grant from WoodenBoatmagazine opened the museum’s smallboat livery for free public use of theirboats, creating a very busy waterfrontfrom opening to closing every day.When break time came I wanderedthe grounds just like everyone else, keelkicking and smiling and dreaming andmaking pictures of some eye-catchingboats and exhibits and taking a fewphotos to share.3 The Ash Breeze, <strong>Fall</strong> 2012

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