January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers


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2 5 T H Y E A R I S S U E # 9 7J U S T FOR OPENERS JAN U A R Y 2003PAGE 36Closing February 19, 2003 Name & Member #: _____________________________________352 G-008-LOT#1 Becks #3Columbia#24Esslingers #5Gibbons #14Manru #9Ruppert #10Standard #11Sunshine(22)353 G-009-004 Downs NY 4354 G-009-011 Ortlieb PA 6355 G-009-021 Star MA 4356 G-009-022 StegmaierPA357 G-009-023 StegmaierPA358 G-009-038 Schreiber NY 8359 G-013-003 PerfectionPA360 G-013-004 Buck IL 4361 H-002-LOT362 H-002-LOT363 H-003-LOT364 H-003-LOT365 H-005-LOT#4 Berghoff#16 Duquesne#21Goetz #21Goetz #37Schmidt #42Tru-Blu (16)#7 Burger#21 Goetz#24 Hornung#27 Monarch#37 Schmidt#42 Tru-Blu(15)#2 Beverwyck#4 Duquesne#6Edelweiss#22 Schlitz#22 Schlitz(18)#4 Duquesne#6 Edelweiss#17 Koehler#22 Schlitz#23 Simon(17)#16 Hazelton#7 Jolly Scot#9 Neuweiler(13)366 H-006-011 Olympia WA 8367 H-006-012 Pabst WI 6368 H-006-LOT#1 Blatz #11Olympia #5Pabst #9Pabst (14)369 H-007-005 Kingsbury WI 46468464464370 H-007-010 Grafs WI 6371 H-008-019 Atlantic IL MIN$40372 H-011-001 Adler Brau WI 6373 H-011-002 Blatz WI 8374 I-004-LOT #3 BallantineAle Beer#6Canadian Ace#8 Drewrys #10Esslinger #13Genesee #15Harvard #17Hornung #18Hyde Park #36Hamms #41Meister Brau#51 Narragansett#21 Pabst#22 R & H #24Rheingold #52Piels #26Scheidt #44Schaefer(Opener BrokeOff) MIN $20375 I-007-029 NorthamptonPA376 I-007-LOT #4 A-B #6 Ballantine#24Krueger #25Liebmann #32Pabst A #36Ruppert (23)377 I-022-001 A-1 AZ 10378 I-022-004 Duquesne PA 8379 I-022-005 E & B MI 8380 I-022-006 Erin Brew OH 6381 I-022-009 Fisher UT 8382 I-022-016 Silver Bar FL 6383 I-022-017 Standard PaleIL384 I-022-018 Tavern Pale IL 8385 I-022-027 Canadian AceIL386 I-022-LOT #1 A-1 #27 CanadianAce #4Duquesne #6Erin Brew #13Rahr #17 Standard#19 TopperBeer387 I-999-LOT Over 70 Different,Mainly I-11,I-12, I-17 MIN$2084668644388 J-001-LOT389 J-006-LOT#2 Gluek #3Gluek #8Schmidt #9Schmidt (Steel)#9 Schmidt(Copper) (25)#2 Arrow #3Atlas #5 Ballantine#6 Blatz#8 DiamondState #25Esslingers #11Krueger #16Rheingold #34Tavern Pale390 J-011-003 Schlitz WI 6391 L-001-001 Blatz WI 8392 M-002-020393 M-003-005394 M-009-001395 M-029-007396 M-029-015397 M-030-061398 M-999-LOT64Bola OH 4EdelweissGreen IL6Ballantine NJ 8Sterling IN 6Sterling 63 IN 6Carlings MD 6Ballantine M-11-1 M-11-1 M-13-1M-13-1 (12)399 N-018-001 Chief OshkoshWI400 O-005-LOTBarqs, Dr Pepper,Pepsi-Cola,7Up (4 <strong>Openers</strong>)401 P-007-012 Smith PA 4402 Q-999-LOT403 Z-999-LOTOver 75 Different,All Kinds ofBeer Qs, YouWont De DisappointedMIN $25F-2-3 EsslingersG-3-5 EngelkingG-35-5 Miller I-23-1 Fehrs J-9-1Coors M-4-2Blatz M-4-2Blatz M-4-2Blatz M-24-1Coors M-24-1Coors M-54-1Strohs (21)48686

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