January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers


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2 5 T H Y E A R I S S U E # 9 7J U S T FOR OPENERS JAN U A R Y 2003PAGE 2“Starr X Collection Being in the Right Place at the Right Time”The first of November I had the pleasureof meeting a local soda collector,who shall remain anonymous for thearticle. The month before he had thegood fortune of buying the Starr X collectionwhich was mounted on an oldwooden board and shown in the threepictures to the right.Casey as I will call this collector hadknown that a dealer at a local flea markethad some Starr X openers for salebut he always seemed to forget to bringthem to the flea market. Casey saidthat finally at one flea market this pastfall he sees the dealer and asks whereare the openers? They were not on histable but the dealer said they are leaningagainst a tree behind me. Sureenough there was “The Board”. Caseysaid he was amazed at what was on theboard. The dealer came out and said hewanted a $1000 for the collection. Heeven told Casey that he had the collectionat the big Hillsville flea market thefirst of September and someone hadoffered him $800 but he turned itdown.Let your editor interject that as I heardthis story I was like, “this is not real”.Who would be dumb enough to walkaway from this board for a $1000 ifthey knew anything about openers.The sad part was I was at Hillsville andI didn’t see this board. A once in alifetime opportunity missed. Oh well.Casey continues by saying he told thedealer that was more than he wanted topay (talk about being greedy). He getsthe dealer’s card and tells him that hewants to think about and call him.Again someone walks away from thiscollection. That night Casey calls andtells the dealer he wants to pay $700.Now usually in this situation, my luck

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