January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers

January - Just For Openers


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2 5 T H Y E A R I S S U E # 9 7J U S T FOR OPENERS JAN U A R Y 2003PAGE 10“Opener and eBay Trivia”Todd Milano did contact Tom Lothridge about his two I-7-37 Schaefers but they turned out to just be the commonI-7 Schaefer. No one else has the rare Schaefer so wewill assume it was listed in error.This quarter sees the highest number of results I have reportedso far on eBay. Several outstanding openers asusual and just a lot of good solid openers. My best purchaseby far after the P-30-2 shown on the front page wasfinally obtaining a Harley Davidson Motorcycle spinneropener (shown on the last page of the October issue) for$135. Twice before on eBay I had bid $366 and $466and lost both times. <strong>For</strong>tunately this time it was listed ina strange category and many thanks to John Patton fortelling me about it.Special note for the eBay listings and the current JFOauctions. I will start using –CAN, -MEX and –FOR forCanadian, Mexican and <strong>For</strong>eign listings. Also DNMRmeans “Did Not Meet Reserve”. Lots and “A”s and “B”swere sold this past quarter with the best being an A-37-1Hand and an A-59-1 Providence. A B-10-1 Congress wasa little surprising bringing only $81.80 but beer openerstypes do not always bring good prices if the local collectorsall have the opener. A B-19 Browning Bros (nonbeverageI believe ???) brought a lot of interest from Utahcollectors. There have been a few B-23 spinners withCoca-Cola ads on eBay but one from Hutchinson, Kansasbrought a high price of $177.55.One of the more interesting wires was an E-14-364 Fritzfrom Freeport, Ill bringing $51.01. It was bought by alocal Freeport collector with several JFO members losingout. Some seller was dreaming if they did not sell the F-2Coca-Cola from Dyersburg, Tenn for $129.27. It Did NotMeet Reserve but that was a very generous price. As forFigural Cast Iron openers, two Dodo birds sold within acouple of days of each other. Lately there have been several“Seahorses” being sold but the first brought $177.45.There is always a Black Boy Being Bitten by an Alligatorfor sell (almost always fakes), but one marked JohnWright on the bottom was bought for a good price at$76.00.A very nice G-9 Potosi was a very hot item before endingat $123.71. This has to be a record for a G-9. I have alwayswanted a H-5-17 Senate and had never had a chanceto buy one before getting one this quarter on eBay for$37.01. “K”s continue to see large numbers sold and thisquarter had a K-1-UL Rainier offered (it had a nice decalon it). John Weatherhead continued selling off his L-4wooden bottle collection. The Manru, Manhattan and tallSouthern Select all bringing $200-$300. John had originallybought the collection from Bob Kay about 5-6 yearsago. He got over 50 different L-4s for $2000.Sliders were readily available for more common ones andit seems for the most part, collectors are concentratingmore on condition when these openers come on the market.Two M-73s brought nice prices with Art Johnsongetting the 13th of 14 known beer M-73s. He only needsan M-73 Kessler Hotel Placer (Green) to complete hiscollection of M-73s. I wish someone would tell me whyall of the Coca-Cola collectors keep paying big money forthe “Fake” M-19s. The same seller has quit foolingaround listing one every couple of months and has beenlisting them every 10 days. He wants $9 and change andusually gets three figures for most of them. The N-29Storck pencil was a hot commodity for Wisconsin collectors.Jim Osborn figured out my bid routine as he beatme by a penny on the N-52-1 Emmerling.Starr openers continued their good sales record with severalof the tougher ones being offered. Even when oneappears 2 or 3 times a month such as the Frigidaire, itbrings a good price the third time. (See Starr story page2). The steal was a Starr “Flight Malted Milk” at$236.49. The last one brought in the $600 range and isvery rare. Wood handle corkscrews with the right beername can bring the big bucks as the P-8 Strohs and P-8Miller did. Most usually bring $20-$40. The P-26 Dickknife in near mint condition brought an astounding$771.06. It is a fairly common knife in average condition,but obviously in high demand when in great shape.The P-509 White Rock was a little plastic sleeve corkscrewbut had not been seen except by serious WhiteRock collectors.Corkscrews continue to see lower end ($1000 and under)bring mixed results while good stuff continues to bringgood prices. Several good corkscrews DNMR but asusual rare American patents were very much in demand.Members should note that some American patents such asthe Strait and Woodman were bringing $1500-$3000 twoto three years ago are usually sold for $600-$1000 in today’smarket. More have turned up than the market canbear. As I say now about eBay, you either love it or hateit but it is where the action is.

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