Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


wiawi woosa were dancing, the rain fell on them. See: wariya. wiawi nn.inal. his father, her father, their father. See: auwa, niawi. wiawiya move around. (Mainly used as an auxiliary verb.). See: yaaw, miaw. wibigaur nn. spirit name. (This spirit is said to strengthen a wild pig so that it will bite anyone who spears it.). wie nn.inal. his uncle, her uncle. See: yaiya. wiena pr. their. See: wi. wienakiya v2.oi. feed them. See: enakiya. wieniw pr. by themselves, of their own accord. Anim onoma wieniw me aremik. The authorities didn't come up on their own accord. See: wiisow, wi-wieniw. wiimar av.tmp. later, another time. Miiwasa samorarek nain naap ikua, wiimar sariwikuan The car which has broken down is like that, later they will repair it. Wiimar ikiwiyan, ikoka weetak. We will go another time, not later today. See: ikoka. wiimasip nn.inal. his grandchild, her grandchild, their grandchild. See: iimasip. wiimiya bring along, take along, escort, collect. Lasen-pa epowa keker opap Lasen mua-ke efa wiimemik. I was afraid to come back from Lasen so the Lasen men escorted me. Emeria-ke saa wiimimik. The women are bringing sand (from the beach). Iwera wiimep-puap kaisimik. When we have gathered the coconuts we husk them. wiimiya dawn, become light. Inep ikaiwkin epa wiimok. While they were sleeping the day broke. Uuriw epa wiimeya orom. In the morning, when it was becoming light, I went down. wiinariya make planting holes. Wi mua-ke weria opap wiinarimik. The men hold a planting stick and make planting holes. (For planting taro.). See: weria. wiip takira np. young girl. wiipa nn. daughter, girl. Yo wiipa unowa ne muuka kuisow efar ikua. I have many daughters and one son. (Also the daughter of a same-sex sibling.). wiira nn. centipede. wiira nn. aibika green. Hibiscus manihot. (A leafy green which grows as a bush.). wiisa nn. singsing name. See: iraga, woo, dabol. wiisak exc. sorry. (Expression for mild regret, for minor losses.). See: emawa. wiisiw pr. they only. See: osiw. wiisow pr. they alone, by themselves. See: wi, waisow, wieniw. wiitakira See main entry: wiip takira. nn. young girl. wiiya v2.oi. give them. See: iwiya. wiiya nn. cane grass. wiliniya Variant: wuliniya. shine, be bright, light up. Mukuna wilinek. The fire is shining. Mokoka wiliniya. His eyes are bright/open. wilinowa nn. flame, flare. See: mukuna, omaiwa. winis nn. winch, lift. From: Pidgin. wiokiya v1.oi. follow them. See: ookiya. wionariya v2.oi. hide among them. See: yionariya, nionariya. wiowa Variant: woowa. nn. spear. (Long, onepronged spear for killing pigs.). See: kakap, sokoka. wirariya be angry, be displeased, be envious. Mua erup wia wiraremik. They were angry with the two men. Maa unowa me wiiwikin wiraremik. They were not given things so they were envious. See: bagiwiriya, irewiya, kerewiya, amukariya. wiriwiri nn. wrath, hatred. Yo maa wiriwiri nain Yeesus-ke aawok. Jesus took the wrath that was mine (directed at me) Syn: bagiaw. wis See main entry: wi. pr. they. wiswis nn. spinefoot?, rabbitfish? wit nn. wheat. From: Pidgin. wi-wieniw pr. among themselves. wiwisa aj. murky. wiwisar be murky. Eka luuma maneka oraeya ifera wiwisarek. Because of the big flood the sea is murky. wokome nn.inal. his grandmother, her grandmother. See: kome. womar nn.inal. his/her/their friend, his/her/their cousin. See: yomar. womar arowiya id. fight?, make friends? womawa nn.inal. his namesake, her namesake. See: yomawa. womokowa nn.inal. her brother. See: yomokowa. womora nn.inal. her sister-in-law. See: yomora. woo nn. singsing name. See: iraga, dabol, wiisa. wool nn. paddle, oar. See: aasa. woolaliya paddle, row. Aasa suuwap woolaliya. He has pushed the canoe to sea and is paddling. See: wool. woopan nn.inal. his aunt, her aunt. See: paapan. woos mua np. headman. Syn: saria. woosa nn. shell. Iwer woosa kekaneya yo fookowa me pepek. The coconut shell was so hard I couldn't split it. Maa woosa fofa-pa sesekimik. 80 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

They are selling sea shells at the market. munek woosa egg shell woosa nn. head. Syn: ikiwosa. woowa See main entry: wiowa. nn. spear. (Long, one-pronged spear used for killing pigs.). wopariw nn.inal. her sister-in-law. See: yopariw. wowol nn. moth. See: ofafilka. wowosa nn. bud, small flower, small seed. Wowosa fookiya. A buds open into flowers. Labuel wowosa pawpaw (male) flowers (In a cluster.). wowosa nn. insect egg. karia wowosa ant eggs wuailiya See main entry: wailaliya. be hungry. wuakiya encircle with arms. wuara nn. space. (Space between lines, solid mass etc.). wueliwa well, safely. Wakinon naem-na wia, o wueliwa orok. I thought that he would fall, but no, he came down safely. (Used with third person only.). See: yeeliwa. wuepiya bend, break, fold. Wakiep merena wuepak. He fell down and broke his leg. Fikera wuepimik. They fold the kunai (for a house roof). See: kuepiya. wueskaliya curl. Ifa wame wueskalep iniya. The snake curls itself up and sleeps. Paaskurowa wapena wu-wueskalep ikua. Octopus tentacles are curled up. Ifa yaamun Variant: yiamun. nn.inal. my younger sibling, our younger sibling. (Term of reference, not of address.). Syn: aamun. yaamun sarua nn. weed sp. Sida acuta. (Brumstik in Pidgin; root eaten with betel nut to cure gripes.). yaanuma nn. creeper sp. (Leaves are like spider lily leaves, and with a sharp taste; used for healing magic. The bark is used to spit on betel nut, tobacco, water etc. during food taboo period before singsing - then those things can be eaten.). Syn: takor. See: furuna wariya. yaapiya supervise, keep checking. Muuka mauwam-ikaeya ikiwep yaapak. While his son was working he went to supervise him. Muuka inem-ikaeya yaapam-ikua. While the child was sleeping she kept going to check on him. Manina yaapikuan. They will watch while the garden is being divided up. Y - y wu-wueskal-ikiwiya. The snake glides from side to side. wueskiya fold, bend. Maifa wueskeya paros kanima-pa wuominen. Fold the paper and I'll put it in an envelope for you.. Oowa wueskap pokam. I folded the limbum sheath and sat on it. Wueskap pokimik. We sit cross-legged. See: wuepiya, kuepiya. wui nn. shell sp. (Used as singsing decoration.). wuiya watch carefully. Mua nain wuam-ikok opamik. They watched the man carefully and caught him. wuiya put, set, place, treat. Epira pikiwep samapora-pa wue. Take the plate and put it on the table. Baliwep akena efa wuamik. They treated me very well. wulewul nn. cowrie shell sp, (Used as rattling singsing decoration.). wuliniya See main entry: wiliniya. shine. wuuniya blow. Ewar wuunemi ipia pekapiya. The west wind blows and brings rain. Ewar-ke konima wuunowiya. The wind is blowing the clothing. wuut kekela nn. squid, calamari. See: maros. wuuta nn. crown bone. (Cassowary crown bone.). wuuta Variant: wuut. nn. tree sp. Barringtonia asiatica. (The root is ground to stun fish.). From: Pidgin. wuwusirap nn. month name. yaawiya See main entry: yiawiya. move around. yaaya nn.inal. my uncle. (Mother's brother or father's sister's husband. A very important relative who performs various rites of passage.). See: eremena, paapan. yabuela See main entry: labuela. nn. pawpaw. yabugirina nn. coral sp. (Big, round; brain coral?). yaemam nn. parrotfish female. See: lalu. yaga aj. generous. yaisow pr. by myself, I only. Yo yaisow me efa kerawak, mua unowa wia kerawak. It didn't bite only me, it has bitten many people. See: yo, naisow, waisow. yaiwumowa fienam-ikaiya id. lightning strikes. yakefaria nn. zoe imperial pigeon. Ducula zoeae. See: ipiamun, fiir, muura. yakeyak nn. crowd. See: pamua. yakikira nn. porcupinefish. 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 81

They are selling sea shells at the market. munek<br />

woosa egg shell<br />

woosa nn. head. Syn: ikiwosa.<br />

woowa See main entry: wiowa. nn. spear. (Long,<br />

one-pronged spear used for killing pigs.).<br />

wopariw nn.inal. her sister-in-law. See: yopariw.<br />

wowol nn. moth. See: ofafilka.<br />

wowosa nn. bud, small flower, small seed. Wowosa<br />

fookiya. A buds open into flowers. Labuel<br />

wowosa pawpaw (male) flowers (In a cluster.).<br />

wowosa nn. insect egg. karia wowosa ant eggs<br />

wuailiya See main entry: wailaliya. be<br />

hungry.<br />

wuakiya encircle with arms.<br />

wuara nn. space. (Space between lines, solid mass<br />

etc.).<br />

wueliwa well, safely. Wakinon naem-na<br />

wia, o wueliwa orok. I thought that he would<br />

fall, but no, he came down safely. (Used with<br />

third person only.). See: yeeliwa.<br />

wuepiya bend, break, fold. Wakiep merena<br />

wuepak. He fell down and broke his leg. Fikera<br />

wuepimik. They fold the kunai (for a house<br />

roof). See: kuepiya.<br />

wueskaliya curl. Ifa wame wueskalep<br />

iniya. The snake curls itself up and sleeps.<br />

Paaskurowa wapena wu-wueskalep ikua.<br />

Octopus tentacles are curled up. Ifa<br />

yaamun Variant: yiamun. nn.inal. my younger<br />

sibling, our younger sibling. (Term of reference,<br />

not of address.). Syn: aamun.<br />

yaamun sarua nn. weed sp. Sida acuta. (Brumstik<br />

in Pidgin; root eaten with betel nut to cure<br />

gripes.).<br />

yaanuma nn. creeper sp. (Leaves are like spider lily<br />

leaves, and with a sharp taste; used for healing<br />

magic. The bark is used to spit on betel nut,<br />

tobacco, water etc. during food taboo period<br />

before singsing - then those things can be<br />

eaten.). Syn: takor. See: furuna wariya.<br />

yaapiya supervise, keep checking. Muuka<br />

mauwam-ikaeya ikiwep yaapak. While his son<br />

was working he went to supervise him. Muuka<br />

inem-ikaeya yaapam-ikua. While the child was<br />

sleeping she kept going to check on him.<br />

Manina yaapikuan. They will watch while the<br />

garden is being divided up.<br />

Y - y<br />

wu-wueskal-ikiwiya. The snake glides from<br />

side to side.<br />

wueskiya fold, bend. Maifa wueskeya paros<br />

kanima-pa wuominen. Fold the paper and I'll<br />

put it in an envelope for you.. Oowa wueskap<br />

pokam. I folded the limbum sheath and sat on it.<br />

Wueskap pokimik. We sit cross-legged. See:<br />

wuepiya, kuepiya.<br />

wui nn. shell sp. (Used as singsing decoration.).<br />

wuiya watch carefully. Mua nain wuam-ikok<br />

opamik. They watched the man carefully and<br />

caught him.<br />

wuiya put, set, place, treat. Epira pikiwep<br />

samapora-pa wue. Take the plate and put it on<br />

the table. Baliwep akena efa wuamik. They<br />

treated me very well.<br />

wulewul nn. cowrie shell sp, (Used as rattling<br />

singsing decoration.).<br />

wuliniya See main entry: wiliniya. shine.<br />

wuuniya blow. Ewar wuunemi ipia<br />

pekapiya. The west wind blows and brings rain.<br />

Ewar-ke konima wuunowiya. The wind is<br />

blowing the clothing.<br />

wuut kekela nn. squid, calamari. See: maros.<br />

wuuta nn. crown bone. (Cassowary crown bone.).<br />

wuuta Variant: wuut. nn. tree sp. Barringtonia<br />

asiatica. (The root is ground to stun fish.).<br />

From: Pidgin.<br />

wuwusirap nn. month name.<br />

yaawiya See main entry: yiawiya. move<br />

around.<br />

yaaya nn.inal. my uncle. (Mother's brother or father's<br />

sister's husband. A very important relative who<br />

performs various rites of passage.). See:<br />

eremena, paapan.<br />

yabuela See main entry: labuela. nn. pawpaw.<br />

yabugirina nn. coral sp. (Big, round; brain coral?).<br />

yaemam nn. parrotfish female. See: lalu.<br />

yaga aj. generous.<br />

yaisow pr. by myself, I only. Yo yaisow me efa<br />

kerawak, mua unowa wia kerawak. It didn't<br />

bite only me, it has bitten many people. See: yo,<br />

naisow, waisow.<br />

yaiwumowa fienam-ikaiya id. lightning strikes.<br />

yakefaria nn. zoe imperial pigeon. Ducula zoeae.<br />

See: ipiamun, fiir, muura.<br />

yakeyak nn. crowd. See: pamua.<br />

yakikira nn. porcupinefish.<br />

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