Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


walimiya watonoma walimiya delay, linger. Ni ewur ikiweka, me walimeka. Go quickly, don't linger (on the way). (Slowness of action in focus.). See: eeyariya. wamaiya Variant: wameiya. pr. with him. See: efamiya, nefamiya, wiamiya. wamanaw nn. co-husbands??, initiation guardian? (Men who have married the same woman.). See: yamanaw, namanaw. wame Variant: wama. pr. himself. Buririw wame puukak. He cut himself with an axe. See: yama. wame ifanpiya vp1.refl. strive, exert oneself. (Exercise self-discipline.). wame ileniya vp1.refl. give oneself away. See: ileniya. wame iriya fool around, boast. See: alakuiya, naruw iriya. wame purimiya vp1.refl. seclude oneself, fast, observe food taboo. Ufowa naep wiam purimap ikemik. They have secluded themselves for the singsing. (In preparation for certain ceremonies.). wame waakariya vp1.refl. strive for, press on, strain for. wamekua nn.inal. his daughter-in-law, her daughter-in-law. See: yamekua. wamerariya See main entry: mamaiyariya. approach, come close. See: tiilariya. wameria See main entry: mamaiya. av.loc. near, close by. wapa nn. tree sp. (Fruit is edible; leaves are used as greens.). wapen ama np. wristwatch. wapen arua np. torch, flashlight. wapen efefa id. prone to stealing. Ni mua nain wuam-ikeka, o wapen efefa-ke. Watch that man, he is prone to stealing. wapen inawiya id. five. Syn: ikur. wapen kemena np. palm. wapen maawa np. first child. wapen miira np. finger. See: tetelka. wapen muuna np. wrist joint. wapen ore np. empty-handed. wapen pina np. slow with hands. O wapen pina sia awiya nain naap awem-ikaiya. One who is slow with her hands and weaves a netbag weaves it a long time. wapen uma np. wrist. wapen walimowa np. clumsy, slow. (Slow with hands.). wapen wiisa id. healing hands. (Skill in fixing sores so that they heal quickly.). wapen woosa np. fingernail. See: ipamsika. wapena nn. hand, arm, style, help. Wapena wiam opap owora sererkamik. They shook hands and distributed betelnut. Wakiek nain wapena wiar kuok. When he fell his arm broke. Fain wi Saina wapena-ke. This is the style/way of the Chinese. Wapena-ko yie, yo yaisow me pepek! Give me a hand (help me), I cannot do it alone! wapena fienomiya vp1. flick hand. (Flick hand upwards for the expression "go!"). wapena iwiya id. help, lend a hand. wapena wasirkiya id. leave, die, forsake? Syn: eewua teekiya. wapeniw fariya id. beckon. wapupiya crawl, creep. Muuk gia wapupiya. The baby is crawling. (Used of a child.). See: geewiya. war nn.inal. his son-in-law, her son-in-law. See: yar. warikiya surround. Fikera warikamik. They surrounded the kunai grass (to burn it and catch wild animals). Mua iperowa muuka wiipa warikimik. The old man is surrounded by his sons and daughters. wariya found, establish. Wiena owowa piipuap oromi owowa fan waremik. They left their village and came down and founded a village here. (Used of a place.). wariya v2.oi. spear, kill, shoot, cut down. Nomokowa warep puukap owowa poraiya. He cuts down trees, cuts them and takes them to the village. Sipira warep reeneya kuuminen. I cut the grass and when it dries I will burn it. Waaya waremik. They speared/killed a pig. Kosonowa efa wariya. The cough "kills" me. See: enariya/nenariya/wariya. wariya sew. Konima pereneya wariya. She sews clothes that have torn. waron nn. surgeonfish. (Dark-skinned species.). See: kuwiwi, mawat. warum siisia nn. cowrie shell. waruma nn. ovula ovum shell. warusia Variant: barusia. aj. lazy. See: lebuma, labasia. wasakurup nn. grasshopper sp. (Hides in ground.). wasira nn. wild yam. (Edible.). wasirirowa See main entry: waasisirowa. nn. scorpion. wasirkiya loosen, let go. Ifa-ke siowa wasirkak. The snake let the dog go. wasiya wind around, wrap. Ifa nain-ke siowa wasiek. The snake wrapped itself round the dog. Wind the string! Ifara wasie! watap nn. tree sp. (Small.). watonoma nn. turban shell sp. (Small, white.). See: posa. 78 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

wator nn. circular bands. (Woven with stiff fronds; may be used as bracelets or to hold coconut frond together as a broom.). See: magok. wawalisa nn. tree sp. (Sap causes sores.). wawan aawiya id. suffer. (Suffer from sickness as a result of one's sins, or neglect to follow the customs.). weepa Variant: weepe. nn.inal. his elder sibling, her elder sibling. Syn: yeepa. weeser wuiya ser.v. finish. Moma waaya-ke wiar weeser wuak. Pigs finished (=ate up) their taro. (So that there is none left.). Syn: welawiya. weeseriya finish, end. Fofa weesereya owowa ikiwimik. The market is finished and we go to the village. weesuiya miss. Yo opa-weesuep oro-boonem. I missed catching the tree and fell down. (Miss doing something.). See: paufu eriya. weetak neg. no. Weetak, yo me urufam. No, I didn't see. Akimam na weetak. I tried but no, (I failed). (Negates the whole proposition.). Syn: wia; wia. See: me, marew. weewenariya move from side to side. Iker ifa weewenaremi oraiya. The breadfruit leaf glides down. Mua eka enep momorarep weewenaremi soomariya. A drunk man staggers from side to side. See: lebelbariya. weke nn.inal. his grandfather, her grandfather. See: kae. wekera nn.inal. his sister. See: ekera. wel nn. oil. From: Pidgin. welawiya finish, complete. Yo eka yoowa welawam. I have finished the tea. I koora mauwowa welawamik. We have completed the work on the house. See: silewiya, kapa teekiya. welewele ? (Go back and forth getting this and that, when going somewhere.). wemi nn.inal. his brother-in-law. See: yemi. weniw epa np. time of hunger. Weniw epa-pa moma iiwarimik. During the time of hunger we are short of taro. (From December to February, when there is no taro.). weniwa nn. famine. wenup num. many. Ipia saana-pa iina wenup. In the rainy season there are lots of mosquitoes. wenup av. separately. Wi wiena wenup ikok maa enemik. They ate separately (from others). Mua manina wenu-wenup uuwamik. The men worked separately in their gardens. Fofa-pa maa wenu-wenup wuaimik. At the market they put things separately (=different things in different piles). wenup ints. very. Koora maneka wenup nain owow saria koora-ke. The very big house is the village headman's house. weremena nn.inal. his nephew, her nephew, his niece, her niece. (Man's sister's or woman's brother's children.). See: eremena. weria nn. relative responsible for burial. (Mua weria: maternal uncle or male cross-cousin or nephew, responsible for one's burial.). weria nn. planting stick. Wi mua-ke weria opap wiinarimik. The men hold a planting stick and make planting holes. See: wiinariya. wesia nn. flea. wesuiya get in danger?, put in danger? Opa-wesuep orom. I lost my grip and fell. See: ekeriya. wesusa nn. infant. Emeria muuk wesusa onaiya ikok me mauwimik. The women who have a (small) baby do not work. (Only used when talking about the mother of an infant.). See: gia. wesusiya waste. Maamuma oram wesusimik. They waste money. Maa enemi wesusimik. They scatter the food around while eating. wi Variant: wis. pr. they. wia pr. them. See: wi, efa. wia neg. no, not. Wia, maa-ko me aawok. No, he didn't get anything. No yakien-i e wia? Did you wash yourself or not? (Negates the whole proposition.). Syn: weetak. See: me, marew. wiam pr. 3p, 3p.REFL ;3p.REC. Wiam irakemik. They fought with each other. wiam erup those four (people) See: wi. wiam aawimik v2.refl. gather, meet together. Wiam aawep opora anumamik. They met together and discussed it. (Only plural.). See: fiirimiya, kareriya. wiami See main entry: wiamiya. pr. with them. See: yiami. wiamiya Variant: wiami. pr. with them. Yo eremena wiamiya ikiwem. I went with my nephews/nieces. See: wamaiya; onaiya, unowiya, ikos. wiamun nn.inal. his younger sibling, her younger sibling. See: aamun. wiamun epia np. brothers. (Mainly when talking of only two.). wiar pr. from/to him/her/them, his, her, their. See: o, wi, efar. wiarik pr. his, hers, theirs. See: efarik. wiariya v2.oi. shoot them, kill them, hit them. Wi wiaremik. They shoot at them. Mudi wiaremik. Sorcerer(s) killed them. Ufem-ikaiwikin ipia-ke wiarek. While they 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 79

wator nn. circular bands. (Woven with stiff fronds;<br />

may be used as bracelets or to hold coconut<br />

frond together as a broom.). See: magok.<br />

wawalisa nn. tree sp. (Sap causes sores.).<br />

wawan aawiya id. suffer. (Suffer from sickness as a<br />

result of one's sins, or neglect to follow the<br />

customs.).<br />

weepa Variant: weepe. nn.inal. his elder sibling, her<br />

elder sibling. Syn: yeepa.<br />

weeser wuiya ser.v. finish. Moma waaya-ke wiar<br />

weeser wuak. Pigs finished (=ate up) their taro.<br />

(So that there is none left.). Syn: welawiya.<br />

weeseriya finish, end. Fofa weesereya<br />

owowa ikiwimik. The market is finished and we<br />

go to the village.<br />

weesuiya miss. Yo opa-weesuep<br />

oro-boonem. I missed catching the tree and fell<br />

down. (Miss doing something.). See: paufu<br />

eriya.<br />

weetak neg. no. Weetak, yo me urufam. No, I<br />

didn't see. Akimam na weetak. I tried but no, (I<br />

failed). (Negates the whole proposition.). Syn:<br />

wia; wia. See: me, marew.<br />

weewenariya move from side to side. Iker<br />

ifa weewenaremi oraiya. The breadfruit leaf<br />

glides down. Mua eka enep momorarep<br />

weewenaremi soomariya. A drunk man<br />

staggers from side to side. See: lebelbariya.<br />

weke nn.inal. his grandfather, her grandfather. See:<br />

kae.<br />

wekera nn.inal. his sister. See: ekera.<br />

wel nn. oil. From: Pidgin.<br />

welawiya finish, complete. Yo eka yoowa<br />

welawam. I have finished the tea. I koora<br />

mauwowa welawamik. We have completed the<br />

work on the house. See: silewiya, kapa teekiya.<br />

welewele ? (Go back and forth getting this<br />

and that, when going somewhere.).<br />

wemi nn.inal. his brother-in-law. See: yemi.<br />

weniw epa np. time of hunger. Weniw epa-pa<br />

moma iiwarimik. During the time of hunger we<br />

are short of taro. (From December to February,<br />

when there is no taro.).<br />

weniwa nn. famine.<br />

wenup num. many. Ipia saana-pa iina wenup. In<br />

the rainy season there are lots of mosquitoes.<br />

wenup av. separately. Wi wiena wenup ikok maa<br />

enemik. They ate separately (from others). Mua<br />

manina wenu-wenup uuwamik. The men<br />

worked separately in their gardens. Fofa-pa<br />

maa wenu-wenup wuaimik. At the market they<br />

put things separately (=different things in<br />

different piles).<br />

wenup ints. very. Koora maneka wenup nain<br />

owow saria koora-ke. The very big house is the<br />

village headman's house.<br />

weremena nn.inal. his nephew, her nephew, his<br />

niece, her niece. (Man's sister's or woman's<br />

brother's children.). See: eremena.<br />

weria nn. relative responsible for burial. (Mua weria:<br />

maternal uncle or male cross-cousin or nephew,<br />

responsible for one's burial.).<br />

weria nn. planting stick. Wi mua-ke weria opap<br />

wiinarimik. The men hold a planting stick and<br />

make planting holes. See: wiinariya.<br />

wesia nn. flea.<br />

wesuiya get in danger?, put in danger?<br />

Opa-wesuep orom. I lost my grip and fell. See:<br />

ekeriya.<br />

wesusa nn. infant. Emeria muuk wesusa onaiya<br />

ikok me mauwimik. The women who have a<br />

(small) baby do not work. (Only used when<br />

talking about the mother of an infant.). See: gia.<br />

wesusiya waste. Maamuma oram wesusimik.<br />

They waste money. Maa enemi wesusimik.<br />

They scatter the food around while eating.<br />

wi Variant: wis. pr. they.<br />

wia pr. them. See: wi, efa.<br />

wia neg. no, not. Wia, maa-ko me aawok. No, he<br />

didn't get anything. No yakien-i e wia? Did you<br />

wash yourself or not? (Negates the whole<br />

proposition.). Syn: weetak. See: me, marew.<br />

wiam pr. 3p, 3p.REFL ;3p.REC. Wiam irakemik.<br />

They fought with each other. wiam erup those<br />

four (people) See: wi.<br />

wiam aawimik v2.refl. gather, meet together.<br />

Wiam aawep opora anumamik. They met<br />

together and discussed it. (Only plural.). See:<br />

fiirimiya, kareriya.<br />

wiami See main entry: wiamiya. pr. with them. See:<br />

yiami.<br />

wiamiya Variant: wiami. pr. with them. Yo<br />

eremena wiamiya ikiwem. I went with my<br />

nephews/nieces. See: wamaiya; onaiya,<br />

unowiya, ikos.<br />

wiamun nn.inal. his younger sibling, her younger<br />

sibling. See: aamun.<br />

wiamun epia np. brothers. (Mainly when talking of<br />

only two.).<br />

wiar pr. from/to him/her/them, his, her, their. See: o,<br />

wi, efar.<br />

wiarik pr. his, hers, theirs. See: efarik.<br />

wiariya v2.oi. shoot them, kill them, hit them. Wi<br />

wiaremik. They shoot at them. Mudi<br />

wiaremik. Sorcerer(s) killed them.<br />

Ufem-ikaiwikin ipia-ke wiarek. While they<br />

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