Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


poreporek puusuma poreporek nn. pitta. Pitta. poroma nn. vine sp. (Grows on ground; used for making rope.). posa nn. turban shell. Emeria posa menat arimik. Women are catching turban shells at low tide. posela nn. small quantity, very little. Eka yoowa uupowa nain eka weeserek, eka posela gelemuta akena ikua. I wanted to boil water but the water is finished, there is just a drop left. (Used of liquids.). posiposa nn. tree sp. (Bean-like edible fruit grows from trunk.). pote av. equally?, one's share?, enough? Maa unowa seserkap pote-pote aawem-ikemik. When they distributed all they each got equally. potekiya Variant: patekiya. pinch. Kerewarep wiawi potekak. He was angry and pinched his father. Uroma-ke efa potekiya. My stomach has cramps. pris nn. priest. From: Pidgin. profet nn. prophet. From: Pidgin. puiya scoop up. Maa tawowola puep wafure. Scoop up the rubbish and throw it away. puiya break, die, faint. Ifara pueya maa sererimemik nain orop tuminarek. The rope broke and the things they had hung fell and got dirty. Inep puep me miimiya. He is fast asleep and doesn't hear. Ikiwow fofa puem-ikaiya. The day of going is close. Syn: umiya, kuiya. pukemik pukiya separate, disperse. Ni feek ikeka, i pukimik. You stay here, we will disperse. Emeria fiirimowa-pa ikok pukemik. After the meeting the women went their separate ways. [Gram: plural only] pukiya start. Maapora pukok. The feast started. Mesa mokoka pukiya. The winged bean is getting known/spreading. pukiya burst, crack, split. Pia puukam-ikaeya pukok. When he was cutting the bamboo it split. Inasin afura orop pukok. The bottle fell and burst. pulu-palaniya be active, bubble. Eka fofola urupeya pulu-palaniya. The water is boiling and bubbling Mera eka-pa pulu-palaniya. The fish jumps about in the water. Enowa muuta nain pulu-palanimik. They were boisterous (?) when they had food. pun av. too, also. Yos pun maa uuwinen. I want to work, too. punum nn. whistling duck. Dendrocygna. puowawiya make up balance. Mua nain maa sesenarekam naep onak-na me pepek. Naapeya wiamun-ke ikiwemi puowawomeya maa aawok. The man wanted to buy something but he did not have enough money. So his younger brother went and gave him the balance and he bought it. pupiya check, examine, inspect, evaluate. Libabi soo pupiya. Coralfish checks the trap out. pupura nn. shadow, shade. Owor pupura-pa nefa urufam. I saw you in the shade of the betelnut trees. See: epa ununa, kukusa. puput nn. insect sp. Puput isakeya koor poka puok. The insects attacked house post and it broke. (They bore holes in house timber.). pura nn. bundle. Fikera perekap pura kaikimik. We pull out kunai grass and tie it in bundles. purekiya tie; bundle. Nomokowa purekap owowa porainen. I tie the trees into a bundle and take them to the village. Wapena purekak. He crossed his arms. Afifa purekimik. They tie their hair. purer mua np. wanderer, stranger. (One who does not have land in the village where he is staying.). purimiya conserve, stock up, store up. emeria purimowa woman who stores food for bad times puririya swell. Airikap mia purirem. I scratched myself and had swollen scratch marks. (Red swollen scratch marks, insect bites.). purowa nn. armband. Onak-ke umeya purowa suuwimik. They wear an armband after their mother's death. puruniya drizzle. Ipia sisina purunem-ikaiya. It is drizzling. purupiya take up, bring up. See: urupiya, piriya, fakeriya, siikiya. pusuniya become loose, come off, run loose. Nomona-ke arufeya meren ipamsika pusunek. A stone hit the foot and a toenail came off. pusunowiya detach, loosen. Suusa me pusunowe. Don't loosen the nail. puukiya cut, break, intervene, wipe. Nomokowa warep puukap porok. He felled the tree, cut the trunk and brought it down. Fura-ke efa puukak. A knife cut me. Bagela puukiya. He wipes his nose. Sira puukak. He has broken the law/custom. Opaimika me puuke. Don't intervene in his talk. puuniya crackle. Pia pukemi puuniya. When the bamboo split it crackles. Amia puunowamik. The fired the gun. puusum eka np. honey. puusuma nn. bee. See: ununka. 62 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

puut nn. moth. puut mikiya (Yems 5:2) be eaten by moths raapa nn. basket, woven bag. Raapa amurkap soomariya. He walks with a Sepik basket hanging from shoulder. reeniya dry. Miiwa ama saana-pa reenek. The ground dried during the dry season. (Become dry and hard.). See: eresiya, ififariya, saanariya. reenowa aj. dry, hard. epa reenowa dry ground reenowawiya smoke. reenowiya dry. rek nn. rake, zipper. From: Pidgin. rekerek mixed. (Various kinds of things are mixed together.). See: bilibalak. rekerekiya mix. Maifa baliwep wuam, no me rekereke! I put the papers in order, don't mix them up! See: bilikiya. res nn. razor. From: Pidgin. resis nn. competition. From: Pidgin. riiniya stretch, draw. Amia riinep urema warimik. They draw the bow and shoot a bandicoot. See: nomiya, wariya. sa exc. exclamation. saa nn. sand, beach, rice. Emeria saa wiimimik. Women carry sand (to the village). Saa-pa soomaremi merena supukaremik. We walked on the beach and got our feet wet. Moma miatinep saa muutiw enimiya. He doesn't like taro and only eats rice. See: luul. saa pona np. beach. See: ifer pona, ifer eneka. saabeberka nn. sinew. saabibiria See main entry: saapereka. nn. cobweb. saakia nn. ashes. (From something that has completely burnt up.). See: epia foma, mumula. saalolokiya love, pity, take care of. Muuk maata saalolokiya. He takes good care of the orphan. See: kemaliya, usuniya. saama nn. cleared bush. Saama kuumimik. They are burning cleared bush (for new garden). (For new gardens.). See: manina, nopiya. saana nn. sandbar. Inasin aasa ikiwemi saana-pa korinek. A ship got stuck in a sandbar. R - r S - s puuwa nn. trumpet shell, spindle shell, horn. riiriniya be bad-tempered, quarrel. Mua samora, anane riiriniya. He is a bad man, always in a bad mood. rinai nn. Chinaman fish. ririsa nn. tree sp. (Used in housebuilding.). rirismiya braid, plait. ron nn. dregs. Iwer ron wafure! Throw away the used scraped coconut! emera ron sago pith dregs rookasiya sift, check, sort out, separate. Afura rookasiyem. I sift lime. Owora rookasep sesekak. She checked the betel nut and sold it. Iwok upowa rookasiya. She separates the yam roots for planting (into another pile). ros nn. rust. See: aka. From: Pidgin. rotorot nn. painted moray. See: iperuma. rowirow nn. clam. (A variety that is not stuck fast to the reef.). See: selela. rurukeriya be exhausted, be speechless. Mk 16.5 rurupariya be dark. (Before storm.). saana nn. season. Owor saana weeserek. Betelnut season is over. Ama saana-pa manin enuma onimik ne ipia saana-pa manina-pa uuwimik. In the hot/dry season we make new gardens and in the rainy season we work in the gardens. saanariya dry. Ama kekaneya eka saanarek. When the sun got strong the river dried. (Used about liquids.). See: eresiya, reeniya. saapereka Variant: saabibiria. nn. cobweb. saapipia nn. trap. (For small animals like rat or bandicoot.). See: top. saar nn. Papuan nightjar. Eurostopodus papuensis. See: ilela, kofaron. saarik av. like; similar to. Mua eliwa saarik aakunek. He talked like a good man (but was not one). (A point of similarity between essentially different things.). See: naap, epaskun. saasa nn. ? (Baby talk.). saasaria nn. dragonfish, lionfish. 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 63

poreporek puusuma<br />

poreporek nn. pitta. Pitta.<br />

poroma nn. vine sp. (Grows on ground; used for<br />

making rope.).<br />

posa nn. turban shell. Emeria posa menat arimik.<br />

Women are catching turban shells at low tide.<br />

posela nn. small quantity, very little. Eka yoowa<br />

uupowa nain eka weeserek, eka posela<br />

gelemuta akena ikua. I wanted to boil water<br />

but the water is finished, there is just a drop left.<br />

(Used of liquids.).<br />

posiposa nn. tree sp. (Bean-like edible fruit grows<br />

from trunk.).<br />

pote av. equally?, one's share?, enough? Maa unowa<br />

seserkap pote-pote aawem-ikemik. When they<br />

distributed all they each got equally.<br />

potekiya Variant: patekiya. pinch.<br />

Kerewarep wiawi potekak. He was angry and<br />

pinched his father. Uroma-ke efa potekiya. My<br />

stomach has cramps.<br />

pris nn. priest. From: Pidgin.<br />

profet nn. prophet. From: Pidgin.<br />

puiya scoop up. Maa tawowola puep wafure.<br />

Scoop up the rubbish and throw it away.<br />

puiya break, die, faint. Ifara pueya maa<br />

sererimemik nain orop tuminarek. The rope<br />

broke and the things they had hung fell and got<br />

dirty. Inep puep me miimiya. He is fast asleep<br />

and doesn't hear. Ikiwow fofa puem-ikaiya.<br />

The day of going is close. Syn: umiya, kuiya.<br />

pukemik<br />

pukiya separate, disperse. Ni feek ikeka, i<br />

pukimik. You stay here, we will disperse.<br />

Emeria fiirimowa-pa ikok pukemik. After the<br />

meeting the women went their separate ways.<br />

[Gram: plural only]<br />

pukiya start. Maapora pukok. The feast<br />

started. Mesa mokoka pukiya. The winged<br />

bean is getting known/spreading.<br />

pukiya burst, crack, split. Pia<br />

puukam-ikaeya pukok. When he was cutting<br />

the bamboo it split. Inasin afura orop pukok.<br />

The bottle fell and burst.<br />

pulu-palaniya be active, bubble. Eka fofola<br />

urupeya pulu-palaniya. The water is boiling<br />

and bubbling Mera eka-pa pulu-palaniya. The<br />

fish jumps about in the water. Enowa muuta<br />

nain pulu-palanimik. They were boisterous (?)<br />

when they had food.<br />

pun av. too, also. Yos pun maa uuwinen. I want to<br />

work, too.<br />

punum nn. whistling duck. Dendrocygna.<br />

puowawiya make up balance. Mua nain maa<br />

sesenarekam naep onak-na me pepek.<br />

Naapeya wiamun-ke ikiwemi puowawomeya<br />

maa aawok. The man wanted to buy something<br />

but he did not have enough money. So his<br />

younger brother went and gave him the balance<br />

and he bought it.<br />

pupiya check, examine, inspect, evaluate.<br />

Libabi soo pupiya. Coralfish checks the trap<br />

out.<br />

pupura nn. shadow, shade. Owor pupura-pa nefa<br />

urufam. I saw you in the shade of the betelnut<br />

trees. See: epa ununa, kukusa.<br />

puput nn. insect sp. Puput isakeya koor poka puok.<br />

The insects attacked house post and it broke.<br />

(They bore holes in house timber.).<br />

pura nn. bundle. Fikera perekap pura kaikimik. We<br />

pull out kunai grass and tie it in bundles.<br />

purekiya tie; bundle. Nomokowa purekap<br />

owowa porainen. I tie the trees into a bundle<br />

and take them to the village. Wapena purekak.<br />

He crossed his arms. Afifa purekimik. They tie<br />

their hair.<br />

purer mua np. wanderer, stranger. (One who does<br />

not have land in the village where he is<br />

staying.).<br />

purimiya conserve, stock up, store up. emeria<br />

purimowa woman who stores food for bad<br />

times<br />

puririya swell. Airikap mia purirem. I<br />

scratched myself and had swollen scratch marks.<br />

(Red swollen scratch marks, insect bites.).<br />

purowa nn. armband. Onak-ke umeya purowa<br />

suuwimik. They wear an armband after their<br />

mother's death.<br />

puruniya drizzle. Ipia sisina<br />

purunem-ikaiya. It is drizzling.<br />

purupiya take up, bring up. See: urupiya,<br />

piriya, fakeriya, siikiya.<br />

pusuniya become loose, come off, run loose.<br />

Nomona-ke arufeya meren ipamsika<br />

pusunek. A stone hit the foot and a toenail came<br />

off.<br />

pusunowiya detach, loosen. Suusa me<br />

pusunowe. Don't loosen the nail.<br />

puukiya cut, break, intervene, wipe.<br />

Nomokowa warep puukap porok. He felled<br />

the tree, cut the trunk and brought it down.<br />

Fura-ke efa puukak. A knife cut me. Bagela<br />

puukiya. He wipes his nose. Sira puukak. He<br />

has broken the law/custom. Opaimika me<br />

puuke. Don't intervene in his talk.<br />

puuniya crackle. Pia pukemi puuniya.<br />

When the bamboo split it crackles. Amia<br />

puunowamik. The fired the gun.<br />

puusum eka np. honey.<br />

puusuma nn. bee. See: ununka.<br />

62 <strong>Mauwake</strong> — English <strong>Dictionary</strong> 1/30/2007

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