Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


aka era alakuowa aka sepenariya id. be feeble. Panewowa nain aka sepenarek, naapeya inepiw ikaiya. The old man (or woman) is feeble, therefore he sleeps much of the time. (Used about old people.). 2) rust. aka opiya rust. Ifer yoowa-ke kaapa opiya aka opinon. The salt spray will make the roofing iron rust. Syn: ros opiya. aka era np. blood vessel. See: ifara. akakarap nn. Swiss cheese vine. Iwera nain akakarap-ke irak. The swiss cheese vine grew up the coconut tree. akakarupa nn. garfish spawn. akema nn. creeper shell. Akema enep woosa afura kuumimik. We eat the creeper shellfish and cook the shell to make lime. akena 1) aj. right, real, true. Wapen akena ekeria-pa pokak. He sat on the right-hand side. 2) — ints. very, really, truly. Teeria nain maneka akena, epa me pepek. The group is very big, the space is not enough. Me ikiweka akena. You really must not go. akeniya know well, be well acquainted. Yo wia akenap ikem, eliw wia nokarinen I know them well, so I can ask them (for help). aketuma nn. firefly. akia nn. banana. akia aroguma np. banana sp. (Dark red skin.). akia biliwa np. banana. (Sweet, eaten without cooking.). akia enuma np. (Cooking banana.). akia epia takera np. banana sp. akia fuuka np. banana sp. (Long cooking banana.). akia gerewuan np. banana sp. akia kalapua np. banana sp. (Cooking banana.). akia kapasisia np. banana sp. (Eaten ripe.). akia kasukasu np. banana sp. (Eaten ripe.). akia kekariwa np. banana sp. (Eaten roasted.). akia labus np. banana sp. (Cooking banana; also a generic name for a type of cooking bananas: labus kekel iiwa, labus gura.). akia matewow np. banana sp. (Eaten cooked and mashed.). akia meekraw nn. banana sp. (Short.). akia mootram nn. banana sp. akia munek np. banana sp. (Eaten roasted or cooked.). akia niik mumua np. banana sp. (Very small, eaten ripe.). akia saasawia np. banana sp. (Eaten roasted.). akia sia np. banana sp. (Eaten ripe; the skin is red.). akia sikalkowa np. banana sp. (Cooking banana, type of labus.). akia soolia np. banana sp. (Eaten roasted or cooked.). akia sosora np. shredded banana leaves. (Used as singsing decoration.). akia tiria np. banana sp. (Cooking banana, long and thick.). akia tiria naora np. banana sp. (Eaten roasted or cooked and mashed.). akia tore nn. banana sp. (Has big black seeds.). akia tuutu np. banana sp. (Eaten ripe.). akia waaya nn. banana sp. akia yaawa nn. banana sp. (Cooking banana.). akia yarinika np. banana sp. (Eaten cooked and mashed.). akia biliwa nn. cowrie shell sp. akimiya try, learn, practise. Trausis fain akimap urufe. Try this pair of trousers (to see if it fits). Sia awowa me amisarem, oram akimiyem. I don't know how to weave netbag, I am just learning. akua nn. upper arm, shoulder. Yo nomokow iinan-pa oro-boonep akua pusunem. I fell from a tree and dislocated my shoulder. akua muuna np. elbow. aku-fieniya ser.v. kick. Ona mua-ke aku-fieneya wakiek. Her husband kicked her and she fell. akuka nn. vine sp. See: koomia. akup-ititiya ser.v. kick, step on. Ifa akup-ititeya kerawak. He stepped on the snake and it bit him. akupiya search, look for. (Looking for things that may or may not be hidden.). See: nopiya, urumiya. akuwa nn. knot. Mona nain me aawe, fiker akuwa wuamik. Don't take fruit from that mona tree, they tied a kunai grass knot on it (to forbid the fruit). (Also meaning something made taboo/forbidden through tying a knot.). Syn: muuna. akuwariya become knotted. Ifara maala akuwarek. The long rope is knotted. akuwis muuna np. shoulder joint. akuwisa nn. shoulder. akuwiya tie knot, bind. Ifara nain kekanowa akuweya me ululinok. Tie the rope tightly so it will not loosen. alakuiya show off, be silly. Takira konima enuma suuwap soomare-miawemi alakuiya. The boy wears a new shirt and is walking around showing off. Syn: wame iriya, naruw iriya. alakuowa aj. frivolous, silly. 4 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

alaliya itch, tickle. Mia alalep airikiyem. I feel itchy so I scratch my skin. Ifara fain'ke efa alaleya ifa-ke naem. When this rope tickled me I thought it was a snake. alewa nn. tail. Siow alewa ararumeya siowa eliwa-ke nainan. When a dog waves its tail you say it is a good dog. alimakiya lick, kiss. Maa enep epira alimakek. After eating he licked the plate. alimawiya v1. replace, make up. Iwer opa wiar awok nain enuma alimawiya. He is replacing his coconut shoots that burned. Yo maa me pepekeya os-ke efa alimawak. When I didn't have enough, he made up for the rest. (Make up for what is missing.). aluiya make noise. Siowa-ke alueya i inowa me pepek. The dog is making noise and we can't sleep. aluowa nn. noise. No siow aluowa ifarimeya miiminen. Imitate the noise of the dog and I will listen. ama nn. 1) sun. Ama yoowa wenup. The sun is very hot. ama orowa np. west. ama urupowa np. east. 2) daytime, hour, time of day. Ama-pa mauwimik, kokomareya uurarimik. We work in the daytime and rest when it gets dark. Ama kaanin ekapok? What time did he come? amapekapiya bring. to a person. Syn: pekapiya. amapekiya bring, take. (To a person.). Syn: pekiya. amapepiya bring, take. Syn: pepiya. amaperiya bring, take. Syn: periya. amapikiwiya take. Syn: pikiwiya. amapiriya bring up, take up. Syn: piriya. amapiwiya bring in, take in. Syn: piwiya. amap-niiriya ridicule, laugh at, scorn. amaporaiya bring down, take down. Syn: poraiya. amapurupiya bring up, take up. Syn: purupiya. ame Variant: amen. and others. Aite ame fofa ikiwimik. Mother and the others are going to the market. used for human beings. amen See main entry: ame. and others. ametop nn. kingfisher. Halcyon. (Sacred k/f, yellowbilled k/f, forest k/f, collared k/f, blue-black k/f, beach k/f.). See: sumun, guruwien,sapien, tororok. ami nn. army. From: Pidgin. ami mua np. soldier. amia1 nn. bow, gun. See: ariwa, sokoka. amia2 nn. trough. Emer sowa amia-pa sawikimik. They pour the sago mash in a trough. amia mua np. policeman. amil ilua np. beetle caterpillar. (Becomes merebuma beetle.). See: merebuma. amin awowa np. shell sp. Latirus smaragdula. amina nn. pot, saucepan. amin awowa np. burnt rice. (At the bottom of a saucepan.). amin-amina Variant: amin-amin ifara. nn. pitcher plant. amirika nn. noon. Amirika ama kekaneya uurarimik. At noon when the sun is hot we rest. amirika epa-pa maakiya id. lie. Amirika epa-pa nefa maakiya oo. He is lying to you. amisa nn. knowledge, wisdom. amis mua np. knowledgeable man. amisariya know. Iiriw momor ikem, aakisa amisarem. Before I was ignorant, but now I know. (Past tense form also with present tense meaning.). amua nn. dropped genitals? amukariya scold, be angry. Kae takira wiam iriwkin wia amukariya. Grandfather scolds the children when they act silly. Iwera muuta nain wiam amukaremik. They quarrelled about the coconuts. Fiirimowa kema irinarep yame amukarem. I was angry with myself for forgetting the meeting. amumaw nn. insect sp. (Small white insects that string themselves together.). amurien nn. snake sp. (Small, yellow, nonpoisonous snake.). amurkiya carry. Raapa amurkap fofa ikiwimik. They hang the woven bag from shoulder and go to the market. (Carry something hanging from shoulder.). See: umakiriya, iwakiya. ana nn. yam. anane av.tmp. always, every day, constantly. Anane mande komiti uuwowa onimik. Every Monday we do community work. Anane akiminen-na paayarinen. If I try constantly I will know. andet num. hundred. From: Pidgin. ane-bilikiya mix together. ane-kekanowiya encourage. e.g. encourage one of two fighters. anekuan nn. vine sp. (Big red fruit with black edible seeds like pumpkin seeds.). ane-kurumiya thicken. thicken a mixture. ane-maisiya add, increase. Ane-maiseya puinok. Add more till it is full. Syn: maisomiya. 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 5

alaliya itch, tickle. Mia alalep airikiyem. I<br />

feel itchy so I scratch my skin. Ifara fain'ke efa<br />

alaleya ifa-ke naem. When this rope tickled me<br />

I thought it was a snake.<br />

alewa nn. tail. Siow alewa ararumeya siowa<br />

eliwa-ke nainan. When a dog waves its tail you<br />

say it is a good dog.<br />

alimakiya lick, kiss. Maa enep epira<br />

alimakek. After eating he licked the plate.<br />

alimawiya v1. replace, make up. Iwer opa wiar<br />

awok nain enuma alimawiya. He is replacing<br />

his coconut shoots that burned. Yo maa me<br />

pepekeya os-ke efa alimawak. When I didn't<br />

have enough, he made up for the rest. (Make up<br />

for what is missing.).<br />

aluiya make noise. Siowa-ke alueya i inowa<br />

me pepek. The dog is making noise and we<br />

can't sleep.<br />

aluowa nn. noise. No siow aluowa ifarimeya<br />

miiminen. Imitate the noise of the dog and I will<br />

listen.<br />

ama nn. 1) sun. Ama yoowa wenup. The sun is very<br />

hot.<br />

ama orowa np. west.<br />

ama urupowa np. east. 2) daytime, hour, time of<br />

day. Ama-pa mauwimik, kokomareya<br />

uurarimik. We work in the daytime and rest<br />

when it gets dark. Ama kaanin ekapok? What<br />

time did he come?<br />

amapekapiya bring. to a person. Syn:<br />

pekapiya.<br />

amapekiya bring, take. (To a person.). Syn:<br />

pekiya.<br />

amapepiya bring, take. Syn: pepiya.<br />

amaperiya bring, take. Syn: periya.<br />

amapikiwiya take. Syn: pikiwiya.<br />

amapiriya bring up, take up. Syn: piriya.<br />

amapiwiya bring in, take in. Syn: piwiya.<br />

amap-niiriya ridicule, laugh at, scorn.<br />

amaporaiya bring down, take down. Syn:<br />

poraiya.<br />

amapurupiya bring up, take up. Syn:<br />

purupiya.<br />

ame Variant: amen. and others. Aite ame<br />

fofa ikiwimik. Mother and the others are going<br />

to the market. used for human beings.<br />

amen See main entry: ame. and others.<br />

ametop nn. kingfisher. Halcyon. (Sacred k/f, yellowbilled<br />

k/f, forest k/f, collared k/f, blue-black k/f,<br />

beach k/f.). See: sumun, guruwien,sapien,<br />

tororok.<br />

ami nn. army. From: Pidgin.<br />

ami mua np. soldier.<br />

amia1 nn. bow, gun. See: ariwa, sokoka.<br />

amia2 nn. trough. Emer sowa amia-pa sawikimik.<br />

They pour the sago mash in a trough.<br />

amia mua np. policeman.<br />

amil ilua np. beetle caterpillar. (Becomes<br />

merebuma beetle.). See: merebuma.<br />

amin awowa np. shell sp. Latirus smaragdula.<br />

amina nn. pot, saucepan.<br />

amin awowa np. burnt rice. (At the bottom of a<br />

saucepan.).<br />

amin-amina Variant: amin-amin ifara. nn. pitcher<br />

plant.<br />

amirika nn. noon. Amirika ama kekaneya<br />

uurarimik. At noon when the sun is hot we rest.<br />

amirika epa-pa maakiya id. lie. Amirika<br />

epa-pa nefa maakiya oo. He is lying to you.<br />

amisa nn. knowledge, wisdom.<br />

amis mua np. knowledgeable man.<br />

amisariya know. Iiriw momor ikem, aakisa<br />

amisarem. Before I was ignorant, but now I<br />

know. (Past tense form also with present tense<br />

meaning.).<br />

amua nn. dropped genitals?<br />

amukariya scold, be angry. Kae takira<br />

wiam iriwkin wia amukariya. Grandfather<br />

scolds the children when they act silly. Iwera<br />

muuta nain wiam amukaremik. They<br />

quarrelled about the coconuts. Fiirimowa kema<br />

irinarep yame amukarem. I was angry with<br />

myself for forgetting the meeting.<br />

amumaw nn. insect sp. (Small white insects that<br />

string themselves together.).<br />

amurien nn. snake sp. (Small, yellow, nonpoisonous<br />

snake.).<br />

amurkiya carry. Raapa amurkap fofa<br />

ikiwimik. They hang the woven bag from<br />

shoulder and go to the market. (Carry something<br />

hanging from shoulder.). See: umakiriya,<br />

iwakiya.<br />

ana nn. yam.<br />

anane av.tmp. always, every day, constantly. Anane<br />

mande komiti uuwowa onimik. Every Monday<br />

we do community work. Anane akiminen-na<br />

paayarinen. If I try constantly I will know.<br />

andet num. hundred. From: Pidgin.<br />

ane-bilikiya mix together.<br />

ane-kekanowiya encourage. e.g. encourage<br />

one of two fighters.<br />

anekuan nn. vine sp. (Big red fruit with black edible<br />

seeds like pumpkin seeds.).<br />

ane-kurumiya thicken. thicken a mixture.<br />

ane-maisiya add, increase. Ane-maiseya<br />

puinok. Add more till it is full. Syn:<br />

maisomiya.<br />

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