Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


momop mufiya momop nn. fish sp. (Freshwater fish; different colours; flat.). momor aj. ignorant. Maa kererek nain me amisarem, momor ikem. I didn't know what had happened, I was ignorant. momor 1) indiscriminately, haphazardly. 2) foolishly. momora aj. stupid, confused, insane, dumb. momorariya become confused, go crazy. Eka enep momorarek. He got drunk. (literally: drank and went crazy) momoriya confuse, disturb. Aluemi kema efa momorimik. When they make noise they confuse/disturb me. momowiya nn. headdress. mona nn. tree sp. (Mon in Pidgin.). From: Pidgin. mona kiira np. batfish. monaterika nn. pygmy-parrot. Microspitta. mookasia nn. stone, seed. Fiiwua mookasia upimik. We plant mango seeds. (Big-sized seeds.). moolalia nn. caterpillar sp?, worm sp? (Destroys taro.). mooli nn. lemon, orange. From: Pidgin. moora nn. mushroom. moora asia np. wild mushroom. moorkas aj. poor. moram cnj. because. moram Variant: oram. qw. why. (Often has accusing overtone.). moram maneka aj. desolate, useless. moram naep qw. why. moram wia cnj. because. moramora See main entry: mulamula. nn. common scrub fowl. Megapodius freycinet. moreka nn. wild yam. morena aj. male. mores kamenap id. how come? No mores kamenap noma? What happened to you? No mores kamenap oron? How could you have fallen down? No mores kamenap naemi ariman maen? Why did you say that openly (which you should not have said)? (Expression of exaspiration.). moresa like, as. Ema nain me Karkar moresa awiya. That volcano doesn't burn like Karkar. See: saarik. moresariya organise, prepare, aim. Waaya umow epa-pa moresarep mikaka. Aim at the place where the pig will die quickly and then spear it. Maa moresarep-puap wia farek. After preparing everything he called them. morira nn. sweetlips. See: simasim. mosowa nn. tree sp. (Hardwood timber.). mot nn. island. Soora mot ema maneka buunek. The volcano on Karkar island erupted.) motaniya chew. Maa oposia motanep muiya. He chews the meat and swallows it. motawien nn. meliphaga. Meliphaga. See: toonwaw. mua nn. wart. mua nn. man, male, person, husband. mua unowa many people mua alewa np. man's younger brother? (One of a group of related men.). mua kuuma np. 1) disabled man, crippled man. 2) uncle. Syn: mua weria. Mua Maneka np. God. Mua Maneka pika kemena np. God's Kingdom. mua miikapura np. (face) carving. mua mikiya Variant: umua mikiya. vp1. bud. mua mikowa Variant: umua mikowa. np. bud. (Leaf bud, new shoot appearing after pruning.) (Also used when scolding for childish behaviour.). mua sepa np. selfish person. See: mua yamunsia. mua weria np. (maternal) uncle, (male) cross cousin. They are responsible for burying the dead and deciding the length of time for the mourning period. Syn: mua kuuma. muar nn. wild ginger sp. (Used as a singsing decoration.). mudi mua np. sorcerer. (Sanguma in Pidgin.). muenumariya request sorcery. Wiena muenumariwkin ifakimok. They themselves told him to work sorcery on him, so he killed him. muep orowawiya swallow. Ikin eliwa-ke naep muep orowawamik. We thought it had a good smell and swallowed/inhaled it. Bagiaw efar kerereya kekanep ikok muep orowawam. When my anger rose I swallowed it both concrete and abstract. muera nn. stromb shell. muera onak np. mitrid shell. muetuwuk See main entry: wake. nn. coucal. (Alternate name for wake used because of name taboos.). muewiya marry. (Used of women only.). mueyaniwa nn. totem, spirit carving, idol. mueyarowa nn. snake sp. mufiya pull, force, influence. Aasa opap mufep purupe. Take the canoe and pull it up. Eka luuma mufok. The flood has gone down. Wis-ke efa mufiwkin wiokam. They influenced me and I followed them. 48 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

muiya scrape. Iwera muep opap maa uupinen. I will scrape a coconut, squeeze it and cook food. (Used of coconut.). muiya swallow, flood. Marasin fain mue. Swallow the medicine. Episowa sipira-ke muok. The grass has covered the tobacco plants. Eka luuma-ke manina muok. The water has flooded the garden. mukiya smoke. Waaya epia mukeka. Smoke the pork. smoking meat. mukun iiwa np. firebrand. mukun oposia np. embers. mukuna nn. fire. Mukuna wilinek. The fire is burning brightly. mukuruna nn. shouting. Ufowa poromi mukuruna wuamik. When they brought the singsing down they shouted. (The noise made when a singsing group is brought in the open.). mukuwa nn. tangle, bundle. Iwoka mukuwa aawep makena wuiya. When the yam stems get in a tangle it produces tubers. mulalu nn. gift piglet. (Given to the donor of the mother pig.). mulamul nn. trevally. See: popotimaw, googok. mulamul kekela np. trevally. (Juvenile.). mulamula Variant: moramora. nn. scrub fowl. Megapodius freycinet. mulina aj. new fruits, new crops. Iwer mulina fiirimemik. They gathered the recently dropped coconuts. (Also newly planted crops after the main garden is ready.). mulupak nn. sunset glow. muma See main entry: mumua. nn. seed. mumua Variant: muma. nn. seed. mumula nn. ashes. Episow mumula cigarette ash fiker mumula ash of the burnt kunai (Very light ashes.). See: epia foma, saakia. munakia aj. big. ipok munakia big belly (Negative.). muneka nn. egg. Aara muneka wuap ifemakiya. The hen has laid eggs and is hatching them. munina nn. spark. Fikera-ke awemi munina-ke ikiwemi koka-pa enekarek. When the grass was burning a spark went and lighted fire in the bush. See: mukuna. muniniya whisper, grumble. Mua nain opora muninem-ikua. That man was whispering/grumbling. muninka nn. wasp. See: guur muninka, ununka. muniwiya finish, close. Emeria-ke sia weeser-wuami opaimika muniwak. The woman was finishing the netbag and closed the hole (at the bottom). (Only used about netbags.). See: upiya. murariya follow behind, go later. Yo miimep ikiwemkun wi murarep yookamik. I went first and they followed after me. murarow opora np. gossip, slander. murarowa nn. consequences, future. Murarowa kema suuwap wi mua samora me wiokam. I thought of the consequences and didn't go with the bad men. murarowa aj. following, next, last. muri av. behind, later. From: Austronesian? muri-koko av. much later. muris ikina np. stink. (Pungent smell of e.g. unwashed body.). muroka nn. stem. musimusia nn. bat. (Eats nectar from pao nut and Malay apple flowers; black; size of adult hand.). muskal nn. vulva. musuk naiya vp2. ? (Expression of dislike; sucking air in through teeth and lips.). musuwina nn. bamboo sp. (Thin, with hard inside; big leaves and edible shoots.). See: pia. muuguwer nn. tortoise. See: pon. muuk afimowa np. forefinger. Syn: epir surukowa. muuk maata nn. son, orphan. muuk sia np. womb, uterus. muuk wesusa np. infant. (Only when talking about the mother of an infant.). See: gia. muuk wesusa np. tree sp. muuka nn. young. aar muuka chick siow muuka puppy kasi muuka kitten waa muuka piglet muuka nn. boy, son, child. muukariya give birth. See: uroma yakiya. muuma nn. twine. muuma nn. Papuan frogmouth. Podargus papuensis. See: ae-muuna. muu-muuna nn. ridges, notches. muun iriya vp1. be rough (sea). muun irowowiya vp1. heap (soil). muuna nn. knot, projection, joint. wapen muuna elbow See: oon mikowowa, akuwa. muuna nn. debt. Muuna wuamik nain ikoka kiripiyan. Later we will pay the debt that we incurred. Sira samora nefa oninon-na muuna me urure. If he wrongs you don't pay back. maa muuna ookowa pay a debt muuna ururiya id. retaliate, pay back. Paapa, yo muuna ururome. Elder brother, pay back to him (what he has done to me). muupa nn. trace of food. Opaimik muupa ipiwoma. Wipe the food stuck around his mouth. amin muupa food stuck in the pot food sticking somewhere. 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 49

muiya scrape. Iwera muep opap maa<br />

uupinen. I will scrape a coconut, squeeze it and<br />

cook food. (Used of coconut.).<br />

muiya swallow, flood. Marasin fain mue.<br />

Swallow the medicine. Episowa sipira-ke<br />

muok. The grass has covered the tobacco plants.<br />

Eka luuma-ke manina muok. The water has<br />

flooded the garden.<br />

mukiya smoke. Waaya epia mukeka. Smoke<br />

the pork. smoking meat.<br />

mukun iiwa np. firebrand.<br />

mukun oposia np. embers.<br />

mukuna nn. fire. Mukuna wilinek. The fire is<br />

burning brightly.<br />

mukuruna nn. shouting. Ufowa poromi mukuruna<br />

wuamik. When they brought the singsing down<br />

they shouted. (The noise made when a singsing<br />

group is brought in the open.).<br />

mukuwa nn. tangle, bundle. Iwoka mukuwa aawep<br />

makena wuiya. When the yam stems get in a<br />

tangle it produces tubers.<br />

mulalu nn. gift piglet. (Given to the donor of the<br />

mother pig.).<br />

mulamul nn. trevally. See: popotimaw, googok.<br />

mulamul kekela np. trevally. (Juvenile.).<br />

mulamula Variant: moramora. nn. scrub fowl.<br />

Megapodius freycinet.<br />

mulina aj. new fruits, new crops. Iwer mulina<br />

fiirimemik. They gathered the recently dropped<br />

coconuts. (Also newly planted crops after the<br />

main garden is ready.).<br />

mulupak nn. sunset glow.<br />

muma See main entry: mumua. nn. seed.<br />

mumua Variant: muma. nn. seed.<br />

mumula nn. ashes. Episow mumula cigarette ash<br />

fiker mumula ash of the burnt kunai (Very light<br />

ashes.). See: epia foma, saakia.<br />

munakia aj. big. ipok munakia big belly<br />

(Negative.).<br />

muneka nn. egg. Aara muneka wuap ifemakiya.<br />

The hen has laid eggs and is hatching them.<br />

munina nn. spark. Fikera-ke awemi munina-ke<br />

ikiwemi koka-pa enekarek. When the grass<br />

was burning a spark went and lighted fire in the<br />

bush. See: mukuna.<br />

muniniya whisper, grumble. Mua nain<br />

opora muninem-ikua. That man was<br />

whispering/grumbling.<br />

muninka nn. wasp. See: guur muninka, ununka.<br />

muniwiya finish, close. Emeria-ke sia<br />

weeser-wuami opaimika muniwak. The<br />

woman was finishing the netbag and closed the<br />

hole (at the bottom). (Only used about netbags.).<br />

See: upiya.<br />

murariya follow behind, go later. Yo<br />

miimep ikiwemkun wi murarep yookamik. I<br />

went first and they followed after me.<br />

murarow opora np. gossip, slander.<br />

murarowa nn. consequences, future. Murarowa<br />

kema suuwap wi mua samora me wiokam. I<br />

thought of the consequences and didn't go with<br />

the bad men.<br />

murarowa aj. following, next, last.<br />

muri av. behind, later. From: Austronesian?<br />

muri-koko av. much later.<br />

muris ikina np. stink. (Pungent smell of e.g.<br />

unwashed body.).<br />

muroka nn. stem.<br />

musimusia nn. bat. (Eats nectar from pao nut and<br />

Malay apple flowers; black; size of adult hand.).<br />

muskal nn. vulva.<br />

musuk naiya vp2. ? (Expression of dislike; sucking<br />

air in through teeth and lips.).<br />

musuwina nn. bamboo sp. (Thin, with hard inside;<br />

big leaves and edible shoots.). See: pia.<br />

muuguwer nn. tortoise. See: pon.<br />

muuk afimowa np. forefinger. Syn: epir<br />

surukowa.<br />

muuk maata nn. son, orphan.<br />

muuk sia np. womb, uterus.<br />

muuk wesusa np. infant. (Only when talking about<br />

the mother of an infant.). See: gia.<br />

muuk wesusa np. tree sp.<br />

muuka nn. young. aar muuka chick siow muuka<br />

puppy kasi muuka kitten waa muuka piglet<br />

muuka nn. boy, son, child.<br />

muukariya give birth. See: uroma yakiya.<br />

muuma nn. twine.<br />

muuma nn. Papuan frogmouth. Podargus papuensis.<br />

See: ae-muuna.<br />

muu-muuna nn. ridges, notches.<br />

muun iriya vp1. be rough (sea).<br />

muun irowowiya vp1. heap (soil).<br />

muuna nn. knot, projection, joint. wapen muuna<br />

elbow See: oon mikowowa, akuwa.<br />

muuna nn. debt. Muuna wuamik nain ikoka<br />

kiripiyan. Later we will pay the debt that we<br />

incurred. Sira samora nefa oninon-na muuna<br />

me urure. If he wrongs you don't pay back.<br />

maa muuna ookowa pay a debt<br />

muuna ururiya id. retaliate, pay back. Paapa, yo<br />

muuna ururome. Elder brother, pay back to<br />

him (what he has done to me).<br />

muupa nn. trace of food. Opaimik muupa<br />

ipiwoma. Wipe the food stuck around his<br />

mouth. amin muupa food stuck in the pot food<br />

sticking somewhere.<br />

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