Mauwake Dictionary

Mauwake Dictionary Mauwake Dictionary


kerekenam kirisa snatched a lot of things for yourself, but I did not. Syn: tapurpurikiya. kerekenam nn. dollar bird. Eurystomus orientalis. Syn: keepol. kerekera nn. extended family, clan, lineage, clan house. (Relations living at the time when reference is made). See: kaka, samapora, teeria. kereriya happen, arrive, reach, appear. Uura maa ofofona kererek. In the night there was an earthquake. Mauwake kerereya omomiya? What happened so she is crying? Wi nan kererem-ikaimik. They are arriving/coming (right now). See: imenariya; fuuniya. kerew num. a lot. Mua nain waaya kerew akena. That man has a lot of pigs. kerew hard, fast, loudly. Kerew fuure! Blow hard! Kerew karuiya. He is running fast. Kerew akena kiririwkin ifana yame ofomam. When they shouted very loudly I stopped my ears. kerewariya get angry, sulk. Amukaremkun kerewarek. When I scolded him he sulked. kerewiya be angry. Wia kerewap maa me wiar enimiya. He is angry with them and refuses to eat their food. See: amukariya, bagiwiriya, irewiya, wirariya. keruka nn. tree sp. (With big round leaves.). kes nn. coffin. From: Pidgin. kesakesa nn. plant sp. Cycas circinalis. (Seeds are broken and grated, then the juice is used to cure tinea/ringworm.). See: maa korekore. keset nn. cassette. From: Pidgin. ketua mua np. medicine man, traditional healer. Performs various kinds of magic. Syn: serua mua. kia aj. white. kibarang nn. roof iron. From: Alam? kibol nn. stinging anemone. kibol mera np. clown anemonefish. kii nn. cone shell. kii See main entry: kiiya. nn. cassowary. (Used mainly in compounds.). kii pukiya id. grow by itself. (Without being planted by someone.). kii pukowa id. plant growing by itself. kii saimoma nn. cassowary wing bone. kii wuuta nn. cassowary crown bone. kii-kiira aj. many cornered. kiikimiya kick, beat. Muuka samor-ko kiikimok. He kicked at the boy badly. Syn: akup-ititiya. From: Pidgin. kiikir av.tmp. first. Nomokowa kiikir warep ikoka sukuwika puukamik. They first cut the trees, then the pitpit cane. (First in sequence.). See: mokomokoka. kiimiya v2. soften. Auwa-ke Miki uruwa kiimomak. Father made a loincloth for Miki. (Soften by hitting with a stick.). kiimoma nn. tree sp. (The trunk is notched to collect sap for a drink.). kiina nn. bamboo sp. (With yellow trunk.). See: pia. kiira nn. side, shin, back fin. See: olebenam. kiira oona nn. shin bone. kiiriw av.tmp. again, repeatedly. Kiiriw maeya baliwep miiminen. Say it again and I will listen carefully. Syn: nainiw. kiisa kuumiya vp2. cook in ground oven. kiisara nn. fish sp. (Freshwater fish.). Syn: mera kia. kiisua nn. kite, little eagle. Hieraaetus morphonoides. Fikera kuumiwkin kiisua-ke iinan-pa birine-miawiya. When kunai grass is burned, kiisua hawk flies over the fire. (Big, greybrown.). See: maa wiisa, kirisa, sikikin. kiit nn. bracelet. (Made of stone or shell.). kiiya Variant: kii. nn. cassowary. Casuarius unappendiculatus. kiiya afifa np. cassowary feathers. (Used as singsing decoration.). kikis nn. headman. Syn: saria. kilala aj. open. Ariman epa kilala-pa ikua. It is visible in the open (lit: in an open place). See: aakia, ariman. kiliniya clink, tinkle. Soomia anumeya kilinek. As she hit the spoons they clinked. kinepura nn. shrub sp. (With red and yellow leaves.). kiowa nn. meat piece. kira nn. wild sugarcane. (Florescence is edible, pitpit in Pidgin.). kiremuroka nn. part of spine and ribs. (A term used after slaughtering an animal.). See: mikikir suluma. kirikiri Variant: kirikira. nn. fish sp. (Very small fish, lives in rivers.). kiripiya turn, answer, return, repay, mix, stir. Miimowa miimimik, kiripowa weetak. They are able to listen and understand but not to answer. Auwa muuna yos-ke kiripinen. I will repay my father's debt. Aaya onaria kiripap enime. Mix it with sugar and eat it. See: apekariya, bilikiya. kiririya shout. Takira niiremi kiririmik. The children are playing and shouting. Syn: fariya, aluiya. kirisa nn. goshawk. Accipiter. (Big, brown, white neck.). See: kiisua, maa wiisa, sikikin. 34 Mauwake — English Dictionary 1/30/2007

kiriya change colour. Ama-pa wuamkun kia kirek. When I put it in the sun it turned white. Yoowa seesenep oka kirinon. When it gets hot it will get red. kiriya turn, be left over. Kirep ekapok. He came back. Maa epira maneka enakiwkin enakiwa kirek. They gave me a big plate of food, so half was left over. kirowa nn. stromb shell, scorpion shell. kisikisia aj. gentle, quiet, unassuming. See: kekelka. kisikisia quietly; meekly. O kisikisia pokap ikaiya. He is sitting there quietly, unassumingly. kofaron nn. large-tailed nightjar. Caprimulgus madrurus. See: saar, ilela. kofiya hammer, knock, break. Samapora fain suusa baliwep me kofiwkin pusunimik. The floor boards are not nailed properly, so the nails have become loose. Ikemika kofamkun aka oraiya. I broke a wound open and it bleeds. koka nn. jungle, rainforest, woods. Koka maneka-pa kiiya urufam. I saw a cassowary deep in the jungle. Syn: soora. koka maa np. jungle animal, wild animal. kokaiwiya nn. white spot. Takira nain mia kokaiwiya onaiya ikua. That boy has white spots. (Skin disease.). kokamiya go down. Siiwa kokameya arua karuiyan. When the moon goes down, we will go fishing with lamps. (Used of the moon.). kokasiya itch. Maa kikia-ke efa kokaseya mukun yoowa opawiyem. Taro peelings make my skin itch so get close to fire. See: alaliya, iririya. kokoma aj. dark. (Lack of light.). kokomariya become dark. Epa kokomareya inemik. When it got dark we slept. kokopiya see poorly, fail to see. Kokomareya era kokopap koka fookak. When it got dark he couldn't see the path and got lost. kokora nn. ravine, gorge. kokoreriya get stuck. Maa nain nomokowa opopiria kokorerak. That thing got stuck in the fork of the tree. (Be stuck in a narrow place.). Syn: koriniya. kokosa nn. blossom. Syn: kukura. kokosa nn. image, icon, symbol. mua kokosa ?? person belonging to the same group have different opinion (??) kokosariya resemble. Aasa saarik kokosarem-ikeya urufam. I saw something resembling a boat. kokot secretly. Kokot ikiwemik. They went secretly. kokot opaimika np. covert talk. (Talk with a hidden meaning.). kokotiya conceal, hide. I opora kokotowa marew. We don't conceal/hide any talk. (Abstract meaning.). kolelnaw nn. shining flycatcher. Miyagra alecto. kolem nn. funeral sago frond. (This is stuck with dog's teeth or coins and brought to a funeral by the dead person's relatives from neigbouring villages.). koleniya rattle. Ufem-ikaiwkin wulewul kolenam-ikaiya. The rattle is rattling when they dance. kolos nn. dress, blouse. From: Pidgin. kom nn. barn owl. Tyto alba. See: guur, muuma. komarka exc. woe. Nefa komarka! Woe to you! (=You will soon be in trouble for your own fault). kome nn.inal. my grandmother, our grandmother. (Used for a woman two generations upwards.). komora nn. cuscus, possum. komora muemua np. spotted cuscus. komosia aj. short, small. Takira nain arimowa keekenarep komosia muuta ikua. The boy's growth is delayed and he is short. komosiariya be short. Mua nain komosiarek. That man is short. konan nn. garfish. konapiya knock out. Maroka piokap isaimep aakisa konapap aawemik. They filled the bamboo with prawns and roasted them and now they knocked the bamboo and got them out. (Knock things out of a container.). konima nn. cloth, wrap-around. kookaliya like, want, love, desire. No nefar ikowa kookalep anane ekapiya. He wants to be with you and comes every day. kookari nn. fish sp. kookoniya cackle, cluck. Aar muneka aawem-ikaiwkin aara-ke kookonek. When its eggs were being taken the hen clucked. kookopiya circle around, hover. Kawus ikiwowa era marew pun kookopiya. The smoke has no escape route so it circles around. koomia nn. vine sp. (With needles.). See: akuka. kooniya be firm. Koora poka koonek, maa ofofona-ke koora me ofofinon. The house posts are firm, an earthquake will not shake the house. koonowiya make firm. koor imesuna np. back of house. koor samora np. toilet. Syn: siirik koora. 1/30/2007 Mauwake — English Dictionary 35

kiriya change colour. Ama-pa wuamkun kia<br />

kirek. When I put it in the sun it turned<br />

white. Yoowa seesenep oka kirinon. When it<br />

gets hot it will get red.<br />

kiriya turn, be left over. Kirep ekapok. He<br />

came back. Maa epira maneka enakiwkin<br />

enakiwa kirek. They gave me a big plate of<br />

food, so half was left over.<br />

kirowa nn. stromb shell, scorpion shell.<br />

kisikisia aj. gentle, quiet, unassuming. See:<br />

kekelka.<br />

kisikisia quietly; meekly. O kisikisia<br />

pokap ikaiya. He is sitting there quietly,<br />

unassumingly.<br />

kofaron nn. large-tailed nightjar. Caprimulgus<br />

madrurus. See: saar, ilela.<br />

kofiya hammer, knock, break. Samapora fain<br />

suusa baliwep me kofiwkin pusunimik. The<br />

floor boards are not nailed properly, so the nails<br />

have become loose. Ikemika kofamkun aka<br />

oraiya. I broke a wound open and it bleeds.<br />

koka nn. jungle, rainforest, woods. Koka maneka-pa<br />

kiiya urufam. I saw a cassowary deep in the<br />

jungle. Syn: soora.<br />

koka maa np. jungle animal, wild animal.<br />

kokaiwiya nn. white spot. Takira nain mia<br />

kokaiwiya onaiya ikua. That boy has white<br />

spots. (Skin disease.).<br />

kokamiya go down. Siiwa kokameya arua<br />

karuiyan. When the moon goes down, we will<br />

go fishing with lamps. (Used of the moon.).<br />

kokasiya itch. Maa kikia-ke efa kokaseya<br />

mukun yoowa opawiyem. Taro peelings make<br />

my skin itch so get close to fire. See: alaliya,<br />

iririya.<br />

kokoma aj. dark. (Lack of light.).<br />

kokomariya become dark. Epa kokomareya<br />

inemik. When it got dark we slept.<br />

kokopiya see poorly, fail to see. Kokomareya<br />

era kokopap koka fookak. When it got dark he<br />

couldn't see the path and got lost.<br />

kokora nn. ravine, gorge.<br />

kokoreriya get stuck. Maa nain nomokowa<br />

opopiria kokorerak. That thing got stuck in the<br />

fork of the tree. (Be stuck in a narrow place.).<br />

Syn: koriniya.<br />

kokosa nn. blossom. Syn: kukura.<br />

kokosa nn. image, icon, symbol. mua kokosa ??<br />

person belonging to the same group have<br />

different opinion (??)<br />

kokosariya resemble. Aasa saarik<br />

kokosarem-ikeya urufam. I saw something<br />

resembling a boat.<br />

kokot secretly. Kokot ikiwemik. They went<br />

secretly.<br />

kokot opaimika np. covert talk. (Talk with a<br />

hidden meaning.).<br />

kokotiya conceal, hide. I opora kokotowa<br />

marew. We don't conceal/hide any talk.<br />

(Abstract meaning.).<br />

kolelnaw nn. shining flycatcher. Miyagra alecto.<br />

kolem nn. funeral sago frond. (This is stuck with<br />

dog's teeth or coins and brought to a funeral by<br />

the dead person's relatives from neigbouring<br />

villages.).<br />

koleniya rattle. Ufem-ikaiwkin wulewul<br />

kolenam-ikaiya. The rattle is rattling when they<br />

dance.<br />

kolos nn. dress, blouse. From: Pidgin.<br />

kom nn. barn owl. Tyto alba. See: guur, muuma.<br />

komarka exc. woe. Nefa komarka! Woe to you!<br />

(=You will soon be in trouble for your own<br />

fault).<br />

kome nn.inal. my grandmother, our grandmother.<br />

(Used for a woman two generations upwards.).<br />

komora nn. cuscus, possum.<br />

komora muemua np. spotted cuscus.<br />

komosia aj. short, small. Takira nain arimowa<br />

keekenarep komosia muuta ikua. The boy's<br />

growth is delayed and he is short.<br />

komosiariya be short. Mua nain<br />

komosiarek. That man is short.<br />

konan nn. garfish.<br />

konapiya knock out. Maroka piokap isaimep<br />

aakisa konapap aawemik. They filled the<br />

bamboo with prawns and roasted them and now<br />

they knocked the bamboo and got them out.<br />

(Knock things out of a container.).<br />

konima nn. cloth, wrap-around.<br />

kookaliya like, want, love, desire. No nefar<br />

ikowa kookalep anane ekapiya. He wants to be<br />

with you and comes every day.<br />

kookari nn. fish sp.<br />

kookoniya cackle, cluck. Aar muneka<br />

aawem-ikaiwkin aara-ke kookonek. When its<br />

eggs were being taken the hen clucked.<br />

kookopiya circle around, hover. Kawus<br />

ikiwowa era marew pun kookopiya. The<br />

smoke has no escape route so it circles around.<br />

koomia nn. vine sp. (With needles.). See: akuka.<br />

kooniya be firm. Koora poka koonek, maa<br />

ofofona-ke koora me ofofinon. The house posts<br />

are firm, an earthquake will not shake the house.<br />

koonowiya make firm.<br />

koor imesuna np. back of house.<br />

koor samora np. toilet. Syn: siirik koora.<br />

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