Letter of Agreement Sponsorship of RIMS 2014 “RIMS Treasure ...

Letter of Agreement Sponsorship of RIMS 2014 “RIMS Treasure ...

Letter of Agreement Sponsorship of RIMS 2014 “RIMS Treasure ...


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<strong>Letter</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong><strong>Sponsorship</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>2014</strong>“<strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>Treasure</strong> Trek Passport”PARTIESThe parties to this <strong>Agreement</strong> are the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc.(<strong>RIMS</strong>), with its principal <strong>of</strong>fice at 1065 Avenue <strong>of</strong> the Americas, New York, NY 10018 and“Sponsor.”BENEFITS & DESCRIPTION OF SPONSORSHIPSponsor will receive the following benefits from this <strong>Agreement</strong>: Black and white logo ineach “<strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>Treasure</strong> Trek Passport” to be distributed to <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>2014</strong> Denver attendees.<strong>Treasure</strong> Trek Passport to be promoted in the following far-reaching mediums: <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>2014</strong>Conference Guide, onsite announcement, pre-conference emails, <strong>RIMS</strong> Show Daily.LIAISON TO <strong>RIMS</strong>The individual at Sponsor who will work with <strong>RIMS</strong> on any marketing or logistic activitieswill be (please complete):Name: _____________________________________________________________Company:___________________________________________________________Address: ___________________________________________________________City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________________________Tel: _________________________________Fax:___________________________Email: ______________________________________________________________DESCRIPTION OF SPONSORSHIP ITEMThe <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>2014</strong> “<strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>Treasure</strong> Trek Passport” will be a booklet size passport, distributedon-site inside each <strong>of</strong> the registrant bags. There will be approximately 5,200 piecesprinted. Sponsor will be one <strong>of</strong> a maximum <strong>of</strong> 30 companies slated to be incorporated intoeach booklet. Each attendee will have the opportunity to collect all stamps from each <strong>of</strong>the sponsoring companies. After completion, the attendee will deliver his/her passportbooklet to the <strong>RIMS</strong> booth inside the exhibit hall to be entered into the Grand PrizeDrawing to win a $10,000 in cash (USD); or, an Apple Product Suite (or $3,500 cashequivalent); or, a flat screen TV (or $1,500 cash equivalent). The drawing will occur duringthe <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>2014</strong> Grand Finale/Keynote on Wednesday, April 30 beginning at 3:15pm.Winner must be present to win. <strong>RIMS</strong> reserves the right to alter these prizes as deemednecessary.PERMISSIONS GRANTEDThe parties agree that each party may promote or otherwise report on the <strong>RIMS</strong> event andmay identify the other party in such communications. The parties will allow themselves tobe identified with the <strong>RIMS</strong> event and may market the <strong>RIMS</strong> event to others. Each partyrepresents that it owns its logo and approves the other party’s use <strong>of</strong> its logo inpr<strong>of</strong>essionally prepared materials describing or promoting the <strong>RIMS</strong> event, subject to theright <strong>of</strong> each party to view and approve materials in which its logo is used. The partiesagree that <strong>RIMS</strong> shall have the final right to approve or reject any and all materialsproduced by Sponsor for publication or distribution prior to, at, or after the conference toany conference attendees or other guests, prior to such publication or distribution.LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITYAll sponsorship items <strong>of</strong>fered in relation to the <strong>RIMS</strong> event are <strong>of</strong>fered as is. <strong>RIMS</strong> disclaimsall warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties <strong>of</strong>

merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and any implied warranties arising formcourse <strong>of</strong> dealing or course <strong>of</strong> performance. <strong>RIMS</strong> specifically disclaims all liability forbreaches or failure <strong>of</strong> security, printer errors, power outages, mechanical breakdowns andloss or theft from or relating to the sponsorship items ordered herein. <strong>RIMS</strong> hereby grantspermission to Sponsor to use its trademarked name and conference logo as needed toperform Sponsor’s duties under this <strong>Agreement</strong>. The <strong>RIMS</strong> name and conference logo shallbe used in accordance with a standardized format to be developed with <strong>RIMS</strong>. The use <strong>of</strong>the name and conference logo must be pre-approved by <strong>RIMS</strong>. Nothing herein shall beconstrued to divest <strong>RIMS</strong> <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> its proprietary rights or interests in its name orconference logo, or to convey any proprietary rights or interests in the name or conferencelogo to Sponsor. Sponsor hereby grants permission to <strong>RIMS</strong> to use its trademarked nameand logo as needed to perform <strong>RIMS</strong>’ duties under this <strong>Agreement</strong>. The Sponsor nameand logo shall be used in accordance with a standardized format to be developed withSponsor. The use <strong>of</strong> the name and logo must be pre-approved by Sponsor. Nothing hereinshall be construed to divest Sponsor <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> its proprietary rights or interests in its nameor logo, or to convey any proprietary rights or interests in the name or logo to <strong>RIMS</strong>.AGREEMENT & PAYMENT TERMSSponsor agrees to pay a fee <strong>of</strong> $2,700 USDIf Sponsor signs this <strong>Agreement</strong> and subsequently elects not to Sponsor the item(s)described, <strong>RIMS</strong> shall retain all sponsorship fees paid prior to the cancellation. In thisevent, <strong>RIMS</strong> may, at its own discretion, solicit another Sponsor for the item(s).IN AGREEMENT (signatures required):XPeter BordesExhibitions ManagerRisk and Insurance ManagementSocietyDate: ______ / ______ / ______Payment Method:XName:____________________________Company:__________________________Date: ______ / ______ / ___________ Check _____ VISA _____ AMEX _____ MC _____ Please invoice meCredit Card Number: __________________________________________________Name on Card:_____________________________________________________Exp Date: _______ / _______ Authorized Signature: ________________________Amount to Charge: $ 2,700Please fax completed form to: (212) 655-6042Email your logo to: pbordes@<strong>RIMS</strong>.orgDeadline: Friday, February 21, <strong>2014</strong>Contact Peter Bordes at pbordes@<strong>RIMS</strong>.org or 212-655-6052 with any questions.

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