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<strong>PHILOSOPHY</strong> <strong>234AA</strong>: <strong>PLATO</strong><strong>READING</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> <strong>III</strong>:<strong>ETHICS</strong>[<strong>Note</strong> <strong>Well</strong>: All Line Numbers Refer Specifically to the Plato: Complete Works Edition of Plato’s Works,John M. Cooper, Ed., Hackett Publishing Company, 1997]I. <strong>ETHICS</strong>:A. On Pleasure and Pain, Part I:i. Protagoras 351b1-e8, 353c1-354c4, 356b2-357e5ii. Gorgias 493a1-497a8, 497c1-d12, 499b4-500a10iii. Phaedo 60b2-c5, 64d1-65a8, 65c5-9, 69a5-c2, 83b4-e4iv. Republic II 357b3-8, IX 571b3-c1B. On Pleasure and Pain, Part II; and All Living Things’ Desire for the Good:1. On Pleasure and Pain, Part II:a. Republic 580d7-581c7, 582b2-d4, 583c3-585a7, 585e5-586c4b. Phaedrus 237d7-238b4 [Repeat]c. Timaeus 64c8-65b3, 86b8-9d. Philebus 11b4-c5, 22b2-9, 36a10-d2e. Laws II 653a5-c4, VII 792c10-793a5f. Letter V<strong>III</strong> 354e4-62. On All Living Things’ Desire for the Good:a. Euthydemus 282a1-6b. Gorgias 467e3-468c10c. Meno 77d8-e4, 78b2-5d. Republic VI 505d4-e5e. Philebus 20d1-11, 22a1-b9[For further passages on pleasure and pain, see: Protagoras 352b-353b, Gorgias 464b-465a, Republic <strong>III</strong> 402e-403c,Republic VI 505b-d, Republic VI 508d-509a, Republic VII 519a-b, Republic V<strong>III</strong> 561c, Republic IX 582e-583b, RepublicIX 586c-587a, Republic IX 585b-587b, Republic X 606a-e, Theaetetus 156a-c, Phaedrus 240a-b, Phaedrus 250e-252b,Phaedrus 258d-e, Timaeus 64a, Timaeus 69c-d, Timaeus 81e, Sophist 228b, Philebus 22c-e, Philebus 31e-33a, Philebus37c-38a, Philebus 38a-b, Philebus 39d, Philebus 40a-41d, Philebus 42a-d, Philebus 44e-45a, Philebus 46b-48a, Philebus50a-b, Philebus 50d, Philebus 51a-d, Philebus 51e-52d, Philebus 54d, Philebus 60a-b, Philebus 61a, Philebus 64a,Philebus 65b-d, Philebus 66a-c, Philebus 67a-b, Laws I 631e-632a, Laws I 633d-e, Laws I 635b-e, Laws I 649d, Laws II667d-668a, Laws <strong>III</strong> 689a-c, Laws V 732e-733a, Laws V 733b-c, Laws V 733d, Laws V 733e-734c, Laws IX 863b-d,Letter <strong>III</strong> 315c.For further reading on Desire for the Good, see: Philebus 60d-61a]C. That No One Errs Willingly:i. Lesser Hippias 372d4-373a1, 375e2-376c7ii. Protagoras 345d6-e5, 358c1-d6iii. Gorgias 468c4-10 [Repeat], 509e4-510a1iv. Meno 77b2-78b7v. Republic <strong>III</strong> 413a3-8, IV 437d2-438a5vi. Timaeus 86b2-e4vii. Laws V 731c4-8, IX 860d1-e4, 861b2-862a5D. On the Arts (music, crafts, and poetry):i. On Arts in General and Poetry:1. Republic II 379c8-380c3, 381d1-e4, 383a2-c3, <strong>III</strong> 400e8-401d3, X 595a1-c3,597d6-598d6, 601b7-d3, 601e6-b8, 606a3-d62. Sophist 235d4-236c93. Laws X 889a1-10, 892b3-c8

ii. On Music and Musicians:1. Republic <strong>III</strong> 398c8-399c4, 399e7-400d5, 401d4-402a6, 402c1-e1, 411e3-412a82. Laws II 654e3-656a62[For further passages on arts and poetry, see: Republic <strong>III</strong> 386a1-398b, X 598d-601b, 603a-c, 604b-606a, 606e-608b, Statesman 284a-b, Philebus 59a-c, Laws VI 769a-d, Laws X 888e]E. How Not to Live, part I:i. In General:1. Charmides 156d6-157b42. Republic V 451a4-6, VI 491a6-c5, IX 585e5-586d33. Theaetetus 176e3-177a104. Timaeus 86b2-87b10, 90b1-65. Laws I 649d3-6, V 726a9-728c6, IX 863d7-864a8ii. On Vice:1. Republic VI 491d1-e6, IX 571b3-d4iii. On Ignorance:1. Lesser Hippias 372e1-373a32. Protagoras 357b9-e5, 358b4-c9, 360c2-143. Euthydemus 281d4-e7 (where “the things we called good” = wealth, health,beauty at 281b1)4. Gorgias 477b1-c65. Phaedo 82d8-e36. Republic I 351a3-6, VII 535d8-536a1, X 609b7-c17. Timaeus 86b2-58. Sophist 228c6-d129. Philebus 49d9-1010. Laws IX 863b2-e1[For further passages on how not to live in general, see: Republic VII 535d-e, Sophist 228b, Laws II661d-e, Laws VII 792c-e, Laws VII 803b.For further passages on ignorance, see: Gorgias 518c-e, Republic IV 439e-440d, Republic IV 444a-c,Republic IX 585b, Phaedrus 238b-c, 277d-e, Timaeus 70b-d, 88b, Sophist 228c-d, Sophist 229c, Sophist230a-b, Philebus 48c, Philebus 49e, Laws V 734b-c, Laws V<strong>III</strong> 831c-e, Laws V<strong>III</strong> 837c-d, Laws IX 854ab,864d1-8.]F. How Not to Live, part II:i. On Impiety:1. Republic <strong>III</strong> 391a3-e3, VI 496c1-e1, X 607c1-62. Laws X 888b1-d6ii. Attachment to Self/Over-Concern for the Body:1. Phaedo 64d1-65a82. Laws V 731d7-732b5iii. On Timocracy and the other Forms of Imperfect Governments:1. Timocracy and the Timocratic Person:a. Republic V<strong>III</strong> 545b3-c6, 547d4-548c6, 548d5-6, 548e2-550d22. Oligarchy and the Oligarchic Person:a. Republic V<strong>III</strong> 550d3-552c4, 552d6-7, 553a2-e3, 554a2-c2, 554c9-555a53. Democracy and the Democratic Person:a. Republic V<strong>III</strong> 555b3-e2, 556b5-c5, 556e3-562a2, 562b9-563e24. Tyranny and the Tyrannical Person:a. Republic V<strong>III</strong> 562a3-5, 565c9-568a5, IX 572d7-573b5, 587d3-588a4

[For further passages on impiety, see: Gorgias 479b-c, Gorgias 505a-b, Republic <strong>III</strong> 417a, Republic V461a-b, Laws X 891c-d, Laws X 902e-903a, Laws X 907b-d]3G. How to Live, part I:i. In general:1. Phaedo 65b7-d3, 79d1-6, 107c1-d5, 114d1-115a22. Gorgias 526d5-527e63. Republic X 618b7-619b14. Theaetetus 176a5-b35. Timaeus 46c8-e6, 89e5-90d86. Laws V 743e2-6, VII 792c8-e8, IX 870b1-c27. Letter VII 344a2-b8ii. Philosophy, Philosophers, and True Philosophers:1. Euthydemus 307b7-c42. Phaedo 67d7-10, 82b9-d6, 83a1-b6, 84a2-b63. Republic V 475b7-476b1, VI 484b3-c1, 485c10-486b5, 488a5-489c7, 491a6-b2,496c1-e1, 500b1-d2, IX 580a7-c4, 581b5-114. Sophist 254a8-b1[For further passages on how to live in general, see: Timaeus 90b-d, Laws XII 962d, Laws V 731a,Epinomis 979b-d.For further passages on philosophy and philosophers, and the qualities of the philosopher-kings, see:Republic V 479e-480a, VI 484d, 485a-d, 486d, 489e-490c, 492a, 493e-494b, 495a-b, 500d, 501d, VII540d-e, IX 581e-582d, 582e-583a, Statesman 285a-b, Philebus 56d-e, 57b-d.For further passages on virtue, the necessity of all virtues, and the unity of virtue(s), see: Meno 98de,99e-100b, Phaedo 89e-90a, Republic I 353d-e, II 364c-d, IV 444e, X 608b, Theaetetus 176a-c, Laws I629e-630c, <strong>III</strong> 696b-e, IV 718d-719a, V 734c-e, IX 863e-864a, X 904a-c, 906b, XII 962d, 963c-964b,965b-966d.For further passages on justice and being just: Euthyphro 11e-12d, Laches 198b, Protagoras 330b-d,Cratylus 412c-413d, Gorgias 464b-d, 465c, 476e, 478b, 478d, 507a-e, 527b-c, Greater Hippias 287b-c,Menexenus 237d-e, Meno 73a-b, 78d-e, 78e-79a, Phaedo 67b, Symposium 209a-b, Republic I 335e, 345a,350c, 350d, 353d-354a, II 357d-358a, 359c-360d, <strong>III</strong> 413a, IV 433b-e, IV 434a, 435b-c, 441d-e, 442c-d,443c-444a, 444b, V 451a, 452d-e, 462a-b, 476a, VI 491d-e, 500b-d, 505d-e, VII 517d-518a, 518d-519a,519a-b, IX 571d-572b, 586e-587a, 589c, 590c-e, X 608d-609b, 612a-614a, Theaetetus 176a-c, Timaeus42b-e, 86b-87b, Sophist 247a, 267c, Statesman 293d-e, 310b-c, Philebus 39e, 62a-b, Laws I 629e-630b, II661c-d, 662d-663d, <strong>III</strong> 696c, IV 714c, 716c-717a, V 726a-727a, 728c, 728c-729a, 731e-732a, VI 757e, XII937d-e, 943e, 950c, 964b, Epinomis 979b-d, 988e, Letter VII 344a-b.For further passages on courage, confidence, and fearfulness, see: Laches 191c-e, 198b, 199d-e,Protagoras 351a-b, 360c-d, Gorgias 507c-508c, Meno 88b, Phaedo 68c, Republic IV 429b-d, 430b, 442c,Statesman 306b, Laws I 633c-d, 646e-647c, 647c-d, 649b-d, <strong>III</strong> 696b, XII 963c-d, 963e-964a.For further passages on high-spiritedness and gentleness, see: Republic II 375a-b, 410d-e, V 456a, IX581a-b, Laws V 731b-d.For further passages on temperance, moderation, and self-mastery, see: Charmides 164d-165b, 165c,Protagoras 332a-b, 333b-c, 358b-c, Gorgias 491c-e, 507a-e, Phaedo 68c-d, Republic <strong>III</strong> 389d-e, 402e-403c, IV 430e-431b, V 431e-432b, 442c-d, VII 536e, X 604b-d, 618e-619b, Statesman 306b, 309d-e, LawsI 626e, 636d-e, 644b, <strong>III</strong> 691c-d, 693b-c, V 733e-734c, VII 816e.For further passages on human grace and good disposition, see: Republic <strong>III</strong> 400d-401a, Laws VII792c-e, 729eFor further passages on intelligence, see: Statesman 310a, Philebus 22b, 59c-e, 61a, 65d, Laws XII961d-e.]H. How to Live, part II: Aristocracy, the Best Form of Government:i. Republic <strong>III</strong> 414b7-415d3 (the “Noble Lie”), 416c3-417b7, IV 420b4-c3, 421c2-5,427e4-8, 431b3-d7, V 451d4-452a6, 455c4-e4, 456a3-b3, 456c13-457d4, 459d6-e4,462a2-c2, 473c5-e4, VII 519e1-520a4, 520e1-521b10, 525a7-526b4, 526d6-e7, 528a4-b3, 534e2-535a2, 539d8-540e3, V<strong>III</strong> 544e3-545a1, IX 592a8-b6

[For further passages on Aristocracy, see: Republic V 472d-e, VI 488a-489c, Timaeus 17c1-19b1, Laws I632b2-d1, IV 711d6-712a4.]4I. On Purification and Reverence:i. Gorgias 507a5-c8ii. Phaedo 67a1-d3iii. Sophist 228e1-231b8iv. Laws VII 821b4-d3, X 888b1-d5, 907b1-d2v. Letter VII 331b8-d6J. On Love:i. Symposium 183d4-184a1 (<strong>Note</strong>: only this first Symposium passage of today’s reading isPausanius speaking, not Socrates or Diotima, both of whom represent Plato’s view),203c6-205a2, 205d2-206b8, 206e3-207d3, 210a1-212b1ii. Republic <strong>III</strong> 402e2-403c4iii. Phaedrus 237d3-238c4, 238e2-241d4, 242d15-243a3, 251a1-c1, 257a3-b6, 265a6-c4[For further passages on Love, see Symposium 198e-199b, 203a, 208e-209a, Phaedrus 252b-c, 255a-e,For passages on homosexuality, see “Optional Plato <strong>Note</strong>s” on my website]K. On Happiness:i. Charmides 171e6-172a7ii. Protagoras 356b2-357b8iii. Euthydemus 280d3-e5 (where “all the good things” are wealth, health, good looks, noblebirth, power and honor, from 279a-b), 282a1-c3iv. Gorgias 470d4-e11, 478c4-d14, 507a5-e1v. Menexenus 247e5-248a5vi. Meno 88c1-3vii. Phaedo 80e1-81c1viii. Symposium 202c6-d1, 204e3-205a2ix. Republic I 353e9-354a6, V 473c10-e4, X 618b4-619b1 (Golden Mean)x. Timaeus 90b6-c6xi. Laws I 636d6-e3, IV 716d5-e2, V 730c1-3, 734c2-e2, 742d7-743c4, V<strong>III</strong> 828d6-829a6,IX 870b7-c2xii. Letter V<strong>III</strong> 355a6-c4[For further reading on happiness, see: Charmides 173d, Gorgias 523a-b, Phaedrus 256a-b, Theaetetus 176e-177b, Philebus 11d, Epinomis 986c-d, Epinomis 991b-992e]

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