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CDEPARTMENT✬✵✸✼✮ ✑✾✹DEPARTMENT✸✰ ✽✲✹✼Pro Tips1. Don’t be a Ding-Ding, always wear a helmet.2. Be a defensive kiter, yield to others.3. If you think you can get barreled, then get barreled; don’t be a puss.4. Depower your kite when you launch it.5. When riding the waves, the guy upwind has the wave. When heading out,the guy on the wave has the right of way.6. Pray before every session.Tony Brady on patrol in Texas.Lens: Ryan RiccitelliName: Tony BradyAge: 48Street name: T-boneOrigin: TexasHood: Corpus ChristiRide: 12 Crossbow and130 Zero GravityClaim: Helped launchZero Gravity KiteboardsShout: Don’t let gravityget you down.Ding Ding charging his favorite spot in Santa Cruz,Waddell Creek. Lens: Kim KernWhen and where did you start kiteboarding?I started kiting at the end of the summer in 2004 on thelower beach of Scott’s Creek.Do you ever get hassled by surfers?Surfers are only a problem at Pleasure Point. Otherwise,it’s not really an issue.Who has helped you along the way?Mom and Dad are always huge, Blake Pelton from PeltonWindsports (U.S. distributor for Peter Lynn Kiteboarding),Joe at Davenport Surfsail, Mark Lemon, Jan & Troy, JoshNehf, The Scheibels, Erik Nelson and many more. I’mreally sorry for anybody I didn’t mention.What riders influence you most?Josh Nehf, Keegan Mayo, Aaron Harsh, Bruce Eliashof,Brendan Richards, Lou Wainman, Jonah Lepak, PaulKoots, and everyone that I’ve witnessed who absolutelyrips the waves around Waddell Creek.What do you do off the water to help you on thewater?I do some handlepass work on a bar hanging from a tree,lift weights, swim laps, water aerobics, wakeboard, surf andlean in to strong wind.Talk to the locals about conditions and hazards if you are notfamiliar with the location.Take time when there is no wind to care for equipment. Inspectbar, lines, and pig tails often. You won’t do this if it is blowing.Pay attention when rigging. Walk your lines one extra time just tobe sure.Always think safety first when launching and landing. This is whenmost accidents happen.If you are not feeling it, trust your instincts, live to kite another day.Be nice to everyone and help keep the kite site safe.Tony sits in front of his museum of over 60historical kiteboards. Lens: RiccitelliBy JAMES BROWN28vitalsAGE:20HEIGHT: 6’2”WEIGHT: 220 lbs.STANCE: RegularYEARS KITING: 1.5 yearsFAVORITE SPOTS: Scott’sCreekFAVORITE CONDITIONS: 30knots with 10 ft. waves andbarrelingFavorite Moves: Fishing polewith a nose grabBoards: Custom 130cmsemi-directional twin tipLiquid Force, Jimmy LewisPicklefork 142cm withLiquid Force bindings twintipBINDINGS: Liquid ForceKITES: Peter Lynn Venoms 8,10, 13, 16, 19Bars: 50 cm, 60 cmHARNESS: Dakine PyroLines: 27, 30mTim Wallace, a.k.a. “Ding Ding” is a locallegend on and off the water.Lens: Kim KernTim Wallace actually went through the learningstages of kiteboarding in Santa Cruz, California- talk about trial by fire! In a short amount oftime he has be<strong>com</strong>e a wave-charging madman. He is known for riding with power andaggression in the face of ballistic wind andmassive surf. Unhooked kiteloops and boostinghandlepasses on flat water demonstrate theversatility in his riding. Keep your eye on thisguy.Where is your favorite place to ride and why?I like Scott’s Creek because it has every type of wave;barreling shore break, peeling reef and everything inbetween. Plus, it’s close to home.What is your view on contests?They work for some people, but not for me. I don’t see thejoy in sitting around all day to ride for a total of maybe anhour.What is something about you that you do outside ofkiteboarding that most people wouldn’t know?I’m a math major in college and I spend more time tutoringpeople in math than I do kiting.How do you feel the ‘flava’ of kiteboarding in SantaCruz differs from most other riding spots in the U.S.?I think that Santa Cruz has a lot of press for being veryhardcore local, which it can be. Its reputation has kept lotsof people from wanting to stop here because they don’t feelsuper confident about their skills in the waves and theywant to avoid confrontation. Most other spots have a lot ofdifferent kiters passing through, partially because mostother places are warmer and also because they don’t getthe gnarly press.

CDEPARTMENT✬✵✸✼✮ ✑✾✹Heather playing at her favorite playground.Lens: Ozone SnowkitesWhen and where did you start snowkiting? Whatinspired you to learn?I learned to snowkite in 2001 when I moved to Utah.Snowkiting is at the top of my list because I can explorenew terrain and fresh powder all day long, and you cango wherever you want. When I go out for a day ofsnowkiting I no longer have to waste time riding a chairand getting cold. Snowkiting keeps you warm.How has snowkiting grown since you first startedand do you think it will surpass water kiting?It is cool because each year when I travel around theUS the numbers have increased in each riding area. Ithink that snowkiting will be the largest kite sport due tothe unlimited amount of locations and the amazingpotential for exploring mountains.Landboarding is just starting to catch on in the US.Why do you think this form of kiting is more popularin the UK and Europe than the States?The riders on the other side of the drink are more closelylinked with riding locations so development has beenquicker, whereas the US is so spread out that it is slowerfor the word to get out. But it won’t be long nowbecause I’m telling and showing everyone how fun it is.What riders influence you most?The riders that influence me most are my husbandBrian Schenck, because he is always helping me outand encouraging me to go bigger, and GuillaumeChastagnol and his wife Titaua. Chasta is alwaysshowing us how simple the unimaginable is and Titauabecause she is very hard core and tears it up on thesnow.Where is your favorite place to ride and why?My favorite place to snowkite is Skyline Drive becausethere is so much to explore. You can go down ridgelines,up hills and find natural jumps all day long. Forlandboarding my favorite place is Seaside, Oregon. Thebeach is so big and hard packed and the winds arealways good.What do you think of contests?I think some contests are good as long as they keepthe fun aspect of kiting around. I think the things thatare going to help the sport grow are all based aroundfun events and freeriding.By Marina ChangvitalsAGE:29HEIGHT: 5’7”WEIGHT: Light as a featherSTANCE: RegularYEARS SNOWKITING: 6FAVORITE SPOTS: SkylineDrive, UTFAVORITE CONDITIONS:Bluebird with fresh powderFAVORITE MOVES: 360 with agrabSNOWKITE SETUP: RossignolSnowboard, bindings andboots and Ultra Nectar kitejacket.BINDINGS: Strap inKITE: 12m Ozone FrenzyBARS: StockLINES: 25mHARNESS: Dakine PyroSPONSORS: Ozone kites,Ultra Nectar, Zeal OpticsHeather gets ready to hitthe road for anotherdemo. Lens: Brian SchenckPro Tips- When you start learning to snowkite, always startwith a smaller kite —-you don’t need that muchto get going.- Always think about the other people you aresnowkiting with and around.- Keep your lines rolled up when you are taking abreak. It saves you from being upset becausesomeone didn’t see them and boarded overthem.-Have fun because this sport is about having agood time and riding with your friends.Heather Schenck is the VP of Windzup LLC, the US distributor of Ozone Kites andGround Industries boards. When you first meet her, you would never know thatthis modest and somewhat shy woman is one of the driving forces behindsnowkiting and groundboarding in America. Since the late 1990’s, she alongwith husband and partner Brian hit the road every year to travel more than40,000 miles coast to coast promoting snow and mountain/landboardingevents and demos. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Heather was raised at a skiresort and was on skis starting at age 3. It’s no wonder she rips!How do you think we can get more women interestedin our sport?Last weekend I had four of my girlfriends <strong>com</strong>e out andtry snowkiting for the first time and at the end of theday, everyone was smiling and ready to <strong>com</strong>e out formore. Also, while kitesurfing can be intimidating, thereare tons of women who already ski or board and arewilling to add a kite to their winter sports.30

11 12 13SEND IT1 2 3 4516615141878 9172010191. Julie Simsar coordnates herswimwear with kite colors.Lens Broneah.<strong>com</strong>2. James Brown’s posse wreakinghavoc on Vail, Colorado.Lens James Brown3. Jessie Simon’s outfit says it all.Courtesy of Jessie Simon4. Captain Kiteboarder rides SanCarlos—a.k.a. Chuck Patterson.Lens Clark Merritt5. Laurel Eastman and her littlemutt. Lens Karen Futernick6. Davey Blair tests the new LFkites on the Old San Juan Fort inPuerto Rico. Lens Ryan Riccitelli7. Josh Marinos, eXtreme Hotel’smanager, hard at work.Lens Morton Skoll8. Chasta drinks a “Chasta” atthe Montana Snowkite Rodeo.Lens James Brown9. The Kiteboarder Magazine’sJames Brown on location in Frisco,Colorado. Lens Patrick Needlham10. The wakeboarding scene isblowing up in Cabarete,Dominican Republic.Lens Josh Marinos11. Miguelito singing the no windblues in Cabarete.Lens Morton Skoll12. Bill Lee <strong>com</strong>es in from a morningsurf session at eXtreme Hotels.Lens Morton Skoll13. Todd Greaux and DamianLeroy working hard on a photoshoot in the Bahamas.Courtesy Damian Leroy14. Real Slider Park engineer SamBell works out the plans for a newrail. Lens Tekko15. People surfing is better crosstraining than any indo boards.Lens Nikki Ivanoski16. Broneah brothers cruise thecrystal waters. Lens: Broneah.<strong>com</strong>17. Royce Reid diving for lobstersin Puerto Rico. Lens Ryan Riccitelli18. Brad Jensen suits up to bravethe Northwest chill. Lens: MarinaChang19. Jessie Sherriffs pumps up for aSanta Cruz session. Lens Kim Kern20. Canadian ripper NadinaKaminer visiting Hood River.Lens John Malmberg3233

BDEPARTMENT✫✪✬✴❀✸✸✭✼A typical view from aWhite Beach rental.Lens: Evan MavridoglouBy Evan Mavridoglou andEduard LloraBolobog is great placeto practice new tricks orwork on your waveriding skills.Lens: Evan MavridoglouSCHOOLSThere are eight kite schools in Bolabog Beach and you can findmost major brands and accessories. The largest ones are HanginKiteboarding, Habagat Kite School, Isla Kiteboarding, and OceanRepublic.Boracay was a secret spot in the 60s, when discovered by European and American backpackers. With no electricity,ac<strong>com</strong>modations or formal transfers to the island, tourists were dropped off by local fishermen for days where theycamped under the stars around fires. A lot has changed since then for this 4-mile long by 7-mile wide tropical paradisein the central part of the Philippines. This exotic destination is now recognized as one of the top beaches in theworld, attracting international travelers seeking sunshine, white sandy beaches and crystal blue water.Launch in front of Hangin and Isla Kiteboardingschools. Lens: Evan MavridoglouLODGINGThere are many options in Boracay since it is a well organized touristdestination.- There are two seasons which affect pricing: November-June is highseason, and June-November is low season.- The lowest budget would be non A/C rooms in small hotels in the centerof the island (aprx. $20-30/night) to luxurious 5 star hotels($300+/night).- Alternatively you can rent houses by White Beach which offer luxuriousac<strong>com</strong>modations for 2 to 10 people.Internet resource: visitboracay.<strong>com</strong>34What is the official site name?Boracay has two distinct sides:- White Beach: a 4-mile longwhite sand beach where all theresorts, hotels, restaurants andbars are located. Most visitorsstay here as it is only about halfa-milefrom Bolabog Beach.- Bolabog Beach: The main ridingspot on the windward side ofthe island with intense flat waterinside the reef, and small waveriding on the outside.What is the best time of yearto hit this spot? Mid-Decemberto the end March offer the mostconsistent and strong wind conditions.From April onwards thewind changes to NW whereWhite Beach is ridable a day ortwo per week. No kiting isallowed on White Beach duringthe winter months.How do I get there (closestcity to fly into, road directions)?Fly to Manila Int’l Airport.Take a short taxi ride to theDomestic Airport (exchange topesos at airport ATMs) and fly toCaticlan (flights ever hour, about1:15 min long). From Caticlan,go to the harbor (5 min) andtake the local boat ride toBoracay Island (15 min). InBoracay, porters can carry youand your gear over the water toshore. Take a local tricycle ortaxi to your hotel or cottage.What is the usual wind direction?Northeast from Novemberto March, Northwest (lighter)from April to October.What conditions should Iavoid? Locals say the full moonstops wind for a couple of days.What gear should I be sure topack? Bring your full quiver.Winds tend to be strong forextended periods of time (6-8mweather) followed by mild windconditions for a few days (1620m weather). Booties arere<strong>com</strong>mended due to coral andsea urchins on the bottom of thesea, along with water sunglassesand 50+SPF sun block.What is the water temp like(wetsuit/booties needed)?Water is warm to really warmmost of the time. There is noneed for a wetsuit fromNovember to March.What is the launch/landing?Winds blow primarilyonshore/side-onshore whichmakes it an advanced launchspot most of the time. Beginnerswalk about a hundred yards inwater for lessons and launchingpractice. The beach is narrowwith heavy palm trees whentides are high. Otherwise, thereis plenty of beach for launchingand landing.What is the nightlife like?Nightlife is active with many barsopen till early morning. Somerestaurants convert to open airbar/clubs in the late evening withlive music and people enjoyingdrinks by the beach.Is there anything else I needto know about riding thisspot? Be prepared for a tropicalparadise. Although credit cardsare accepted in some locationsaround the island, bring enoughcash with you for your stay. Thelocal language is Filipino butEnglish is <strong>com</strong>mon in Boracaydue to tourism. English andSpanish are also widely spokenin Manila and other major cities.The kite schools in BolabogBeach offer lessons in English,German, French, Korean andJapanese.What is the best internet siteto check the wind?Windguru.czInternet info:kiteboardingboracay.<strong>com</strong>kite-boracay.<strong>com</strong>kiteboracay.<strong>com</strong>ocean-republic.<strong>com</strong>kitebora.<strong>com</strong>TIDBITS- Be cautious when launchingin onshore conditions.Don’t ride when it’s low tide.- Steak House in WhiteBeach is a kiteboarder hangoutas the owner is one ofthe kite school operators onthe island. In general, youcan have a great meal with adrink for $15 USD or less.TRIVIA- The local ‘delicacy’ on Boracay is Balut - a soft boiled egg containing apartially formed duck embryo. Otherwise known as the ‘Treat with Feet’,Balut is rumored to be an aphrodisiac.35

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