Taking Back The Night - Grocott's Mail

Taking Back The Night - Grocott's Mail Taking Back The Night - Grocott's Mail

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Grocott’s Mail Tuesday, 27 April 2010SportBoys get down and girlyMeggan MccarthyBoys raided girls’ wardrobes to look the part for theRhodes inter-residence men’s netball tournament onWednesday. Participants took a while to realise that thiswas not basketball, with many struggling to stand still and followthe pattern of catch, step and pass. The only conformity tothe actual netball rules was the uniform, with many men decidingto wear skirts for the occasion.Over 14 residences, along with two oppidan teams, took partin the tournament. Teams played in a round robin, with matchesbeing ten minutes long.The first match was played by Stanley Kidd and Joe Slovoresidences. An excellent long-distance goal from the Slovo goalkeeper and a missed goal from Skidd ensured an early lead forthe Slovo team. Skidd struggled with an excellent defence fromthe Slovo centre who ensured that the ball couldn’t reach theirterritory for a while. Mike Chimhini from Skidd managed tobreak through the strong Slovo defence but lost the ball, givingSlovo an opportunity to get the ball to their goal shooter, whoseheight helped him to get an easy goal. Chimhini bounced back,managing to score an equalising goal. The teams were thenforced to go to sudden death. A weak defence and a missed goalby Slovo saw Chimhini score the winning goal, securing a 3-2victory for Skidd residence.The winner of the inter-residence netball was Centenaryresidence who beat Chris Hani in the final.COLOUR CO-ORDINATED... Some participants took greatcare in choosing their outfits for the men’s inter-residencenetball on Wednesday. Photo: Karen TennentSilver at SA karate champsStaff reporterYork SeniorYORK Senior, a Grade 9 pupilat St Andrew’s College,recently represented BorderJKA at the National SouthAfrican karate championshipswhich took place on 16 and 17April. The event was held atthe Standard Bank Arena inJohannesburg.York represented BorderJKA in both kumite (sparringor fighting against an opponent)and kata which is (setsof defence and attack movementsagainst an imaginaryopponent).York Senior shows off his moves at the National South African karate championship.Photo: SuppliedYork was awarded secondplace (silver) in the kumiteyouth elite black/brown beltboys in his category. The finalbout was closely contest withYork losing three to two pointsin the last seconds of the fight.This is the second year thatYork has won a silver medal atthe championships.He also made it into thethird round in the kata event.St Andrew’s thump CambridgeStephen penneyTHE St Andrew’s College 1st XV joined the rest of the rugbyclub in making a good start to their domestic season on Fridayafternoon, when they won their game comfortably against CambridgeHigh School.Getting quality possession deep in Cambridge’s territoryearly on in the game meant the St Andrew’s side were able toslip straight back into the effective attacking pattern of play thatthey had been working on in the preseason games and as a resultscored early in the game.This early score gave them the confidence to carry on playingin this manner. Because of the fast pace of the game theywere then able to play into the space that Cambridge left in defenceand create more great scoring opportunities. St Andrew’swon 79-9.Scorers summary: Tries by Ryan Black (3), Ryan Dugmore(2), Grant Prior, Benjamin Davies, Ian Herold, Liam Henderson,Jonny Ford, two tries and one conversion by Dane van derWesthuizen and one try and six conversions by Ntsiki Mlamleli.The results were as follows: 1st XV won 79–9, 2nd XV won38–3, 3rd XV won 33–5, 4th XV won 45–0, 5th XV won 63–0, 6th XVwon 56–0, 15A won 19–17, 15B won 20–14, 15C won 49–5, 14A won16–5, 14B won 24–0, 14C won 29–19.Sport in brief15Mixed fours bowlsThe Rose Maguire mixed fours bowls competition takesplace on 29 May and is hosted by the Albany Bowling Club.Teams are invited to enter on or before 22 May and a maximumor 36 teams will be accepted on a first come first servebasis. Entry fee for teams is R280 per team which includesgreen fees, lunch, tea and snacks. For more information or tosubmit your entry, contact Marlene Jacobs on 083 452 7092.Time trialRhodes University Athletics Club time trial results from 21 April:4km: Thendo Thenga 13:46, Darryn Huyssteen 14:31, AntonioBlom 16:07, Tim Ross 16:35, Zane Watkins 17:04, Nigel Sibanda19:08, Kirsten Huysamen 19:37, Bronywn Mathopo 20:50,Cynthia Ngwenya 20:55, Isla Mcquaid 21:52, Steve Baines22:38, Lithabiso Motanyane 23:27, Caroline Ross 25:26;8km: Madeleine Du Toit 43:53.Southern Kings styleThe Southern Kings franchise remains determined in itsquest to bring Super Rugby to the Eastern and SouthernCape from 2011. The Presidents of the three Provinces thatcomprise the Southern Kings met in Port Elizabeth recentlyto reaffirm their commitment to making Super Rugby participationa reality in the region. The meeting discussed anumber of issues that remain critical to the Southern Kings’participation in the Super 15 competition from 2011.In 2009, the SARU leadership indicated that the SouthernKings would participate in Super Rugby from 2011. Asrecently as January 2010, SARU changed its position, statingthat the Southern Kings could play from 2012. The latestSARU position is that the Southern Kings must be preparedfor participation from 2013.The Southern Kings leadership agreed that this was adelaying tactic by SARU in the hope that Super Rugby wasexpanded to 18 teams in 2013, which would allow for a sixthSouth African franchise.Springbok Test tickets on saleSpringbok supporters will have the opportunity to see theirteam play for as little as R150 when Test match rugby returnsto East London in June. Match tickets for the secondTest between the Springboks and Italy go on sale on 1 Maypriced between R150 and R250.“This is a fantastic opportunity not only to see the Springboksin East London but at a price that really is less than halfthe normal price at one of the bigger venues,” said OreganHoskins, president of the South African Rugby Union.Border are applying a differential pricing structure forthe fixture to make the game widely accessible. Tickets behindthe poles will cost R150, the open stand costs R200 andthe main stand R250. The public can contact the Border RugbyUnion on 043 743 5998 for general ticket enquiries.This is the first time East London will host a Test matchfeaturing a Six Nations opponent and it is only the third Testhosted by Border.Silver medal from 1974 Comrades finisherPrior to 1975 runners of colour were not eligible to competein the Comrades Marathon. For some this seemed extremelyunfair but due to South Africa’s racial policies at the time,runners of colour were excluded from the race.Bernard Fridman entered and ran the Comrades Marathonin 1972 and obtained a bronze medal with a finishingtime of 9:12:22. He decided to run again in 1974, however dueto the fact that non-white runners were excluded from participatingin the race, he ran unofficially to prevent discrimination.Bernard completed his unofficial race in a time approximatedat 06:30 which would have awarded him a silvermedal. In 1975 the Comrades Association decided to allowrunners of colour to enter the race officially.A special award ceremony was held at Comrades Houseon 12 April to officially recognise and award Bernard byComrades Marathon Chairman Dave Dixon.Rhodes win all threeThe Rhodes University men’s soccer team started theircampaign in the Port Elizabeth Football Association on ahigh note. The firsts played three matches and won all threeconvincingly. Their first assignment was against the leaguenewcomers, Eberspacher, on 11 April at Westbourne Ovaland Rhodes proved too strong for the minnows and wallopedthem 4–0.The second match was against the SANDF on 17 April atEP Command, the soldiers were given free soccer lessons bystudents and the final score was 3–1.On the following day, Rhodes again took on another lawenforcement agency, the SAPS at Kemsley Park. The policedid not give much resistance and were thrashed 3–0.Rhodes had a bye this past weekend which give the teama chance to relax and focus on their studies.BoatraceThe 2010 Mutual & Federal Universities Boatrace will beheld from 9 to 11 September from the Kowie River in PortAlfred.

16 27 April 2010***G’town athletesconquer IronmanStephen penneyTHE six local athletes who took part in Sunday’s Spec-SaversIronman South Africa all finished the gruelling event. richardHall, Keith Hoskin, Katjana Hoskin, Johan Conradie, Neil Currieand Mike Loewe all finished the triathlon which covered a3.8km sea swim, 180km cycle and a 42km run. For photographsand full results of the local athletes see Friday’s edition ofGrocott’s Mail.Rathbone’s finalStephen penneyWAyNE rathbone, a former rhodes University underwaterhockey player was the only referee from South Africa at theworld underwater hockey championships in oporto in Portugal.Among the many matches he reffed rathbone also reffed thewomen’s final, where Great Britain beat Columbia 2-1. TheSouth African men’s underwater hockey team won the men’ssection of the world champs. The men’s team beat France convincingly6-2 in the finals and the SA women’s team finishedthird. The tournament ended on Saturday.City Pirates keep on sailingandile nayikaTHE Makana Local Football League recently announced its winnersfor the 2009/10 season. reigning champions City Piratescontinued last season’s performance by coming top of the leagueonce again with 68 points in 28 games.“I feel good about the boys’ performance this season, we wonit for the second time so we had a strong self-belief from the start.of course there were challenges but as good sportsmen we treatedthem carefully and focused mainly on the positive rather thanthe negative side of it until we got where we are,” said formerPirates player and coach Thobile Baba.The local footballing club has proven to be a platform forgrooming youthful talent. Pirates striker Unathi Mantolo (19)managed to net 19 goals, while Menzikhaya Qakamfana (22) contributed13 of the 82 goals scored by Pirates this season.According to Baba, the team capitalised from the first leaguematch, making sure they remained champions, thus giving themanother chance to make up for last year’s failure in the Cacaduregional Cup play offs. After topping the 2008/9 league, Pirateswere selected to play in the regional league play offs, where thelocal club failed to progress. “We were not alerted on time aboutthe play offs dates, we only got the notice a day before the firstmatches so we didn’t have enough time to prepare, that is whywe ended up losing. But now we have learnt our lesson and arefully ready for the upcoming play offs and that we promise ourGrahamstown fans that we will do well,” added Baba. Piratescould be the third Grahamstown team to take part in the regionalleague after Phoenix Pioneers and Grocott’s Mail ElevenAttackers.Pirates will play several friendly games against teams likerhodes University Football Club which will serve as a good preparation.Pirates Captain Menekile Mayoli who draws his inspirationfrom the former Bafana Bafana and England’s Leeds Unitedcaptain and defender Lucas “ru” radebe says “The friendlieswill do us right as we are eager to join the regional league andopefully progress even to the Vodacom League. In doing so weill not only inspire other local teams but also give way for themo progress to higher leagues. Therefore we urge all local teamsnd fans to be behind us going to the regional play offs becausee will be representing the whole of the Grahamstown not justirates.” Advising other footballing captains Mayoli added “To becaptain doesn’t mean that you are suddenly better than otherlayers. A captain is chosen from his discipline and the exampleshe portrays to other players. Certainly one should be a goodleader.” According to the team, every opponent is as strong asthe next and require the same amount of preparation. “The teambelieves in the ability of its players and treats each other as familywithout ceasing to work hard,” said Baba.Mayoli gives all the credit to his players. “The players deserveall the respect because I did not do much alone as we wereall pushing it together as a team. We learn from our mistakes,doing assessments after every game we play.”As they sail on, Pirates would like to extend their thanks totheir fans, league executives and match officials for their tirelesswork over the past season.DETERMINED... Graeme College rugby teams played host to Grey High School from Port Elizabeth in various rugbymatches last week. The Graeme 1sts played better rugby in the second half, as their defence halted Grey from continuingwhere they left off, after Grey lead 41-6 at the half-time break. Results: Graeme 1sts lost 11-48,2nds lost 0-36, 3rds lost3-43, U15A lost 14-48, U15B lost 0-52 to Grey U15C, U14A lost 0-50, U14B lost 0-51 to Grey U14C. Here Jeandré Nel ofthe Graeme College 1st rugby team brushes off a Grey opponent. Photo: Stephen PenneyNombulelo top high schools leagueStephen penneyThe first round of the Grahamstown High Schools U17Football League is almost over with only one match remaining,between Mary Waters Secondary School andKhutliso Daniels Secondary School.This match was scheduled for 23 April but Mawas asked forpostponement as their team was to represent Cacadu in theEastern Cape U17 trials in East London on the same date.Staff RepoRteRFoUr Grahamstown athletes have been included in the EasternProvince Duathlon team to take part in the South AfricanDuathlon Championships.Three locals, Natalie ross (who finished first in the 20-24age group at the EP Duathlon champs), Terri-Lynn Penney(second in the 30-34 age category) and Stephen Penney (third inthe 35-39 age category) will compete in the olympic distance atNombulelo is top of the log after four games with eight points,while Mary Waters, who still have a game in hand, are secondwith five points.The league’s top scorer so far is Lelethu Makile of Nombulelowith eight goals, while Siyabonga Lwisani of Mary Waters isthe second top goal scorer with three goals and Sandiso Diko isthird with two goals.The second round of the Grahamstown High Schools U17Football League kicks off on 28 July.Position School P W D L GF GA GD Points12345NombuleloMawasKhutlisoMrwetyanaNtsikaFour in EP Duathlon side43344211102222000014117233the SA Champs. Matthew Archers, who finished third in the 16-19 category at the EP champs, will compete in the sprint eventat the SA Champs.The olympic distance covers a 10km run, followed by a40km cycle and then a 5km run. The sprint is over a 5km run,20km cycle and 2.5km run.The EP team is made up of 47 athletes, which include juniorsin the sprint and the various age categories, ranging from20-24 up to 65-69 in the olympic team.1305141042-2-1185550

Grocott’s <strong>Mail</strong> Tuesday, 27 April 2010SportBoys get down and girlyMeggan MccarthyBoys raided girls’ wardrobes to look the part for theRhodes inter-residence men’s netball tournament onWednesday. Participants took a while to realise that thiswas not basketball, with many struggling to stand still and followthe pattern of catch, step and pass. <strong>The</strong> only conformity tothe actual netball rules was the uniform, with many men decidingto wear skirts for the occasion.Over 14 residences, along with two oppidan teams, took partin the tournament. Teams played in a round robin, with matchesbeing ten minutes long.<strong>The</strong> first match was played by Stanley Kidd and Joe Slovoresidences. An excellent long-distance goal from the Slovo goalkeeper and a missed goal from Skidd ensured an early lead forthe Slovo team. Skidd struggled with an excellent defence fromthe Slovo centre who ensured that the ball couldn’t reach theirterritory for a while. Mike Chimhini from Skidd managed tobreak through the strong Slovo defence but lost the ball, givingSlovo an opportunity to get the ball to their goal shooter, whoseheight helped him to get an easy goal. Chimhini bounced back,managing to score an equalising goal. <strong>The</strong> teams were thenforced to go to sudden death. A weak defence and a missed goalby Slovo saw Chimhini score the winning goal, securing a 3-2victory for Skidd residence.<strong>The</strong> winner of the inter-residence netball was Centenaryresidence who beat Chris Hani in the final.COLOUR CO-ORDINATED... Some participants took greatcare in choosing their outfits for the men’s inter-residencenetball on Wednesday. Photo: Karen TennentSilver at SA karate champsStaff reporterYork SeniorYORK Senior, a Grade 9 pupilat St Andrew’s College,recently represented BorderJKA at the National SouthAfrican karate championshipswhich took place on 16 and 17April. <strong>The</strong> event was held atthe Standard Bank Arena inJohannesburg.York represented BorderJKA in both kumite (sparringor fighting against an opponent)and kata which is (setsof defence and attack movementsagainst an imaginaryopponent).York Senior shows off his moves at the National South African karate championship.Photo: SuppliedYork was awarded secondplace (silver) in the kumiteyouth elite black/brown beltboys in his category. <strong>The</strong> finalbout was closely contest withYork losing three to two pointsin the last seconds of the fight.This is the second year thatYork has won a silver medal atthe championships.He also made it into thethird round in the kata event.St Andrew’s thump CambridgeStephen penneyTHE St Andrew’s College 1st XV joined the rest of the rugbyclub in making a good start to their domestic season on Fridayafternoon, when they won their game comfortably against CambridgeHigh School.Getting quality possession deep in Cambridge’s territoryearly on in the game meant the St Andrew’s side were able toslip straight back into the effective attacking pattern of play thatthey had been working on in the preseason games and as a resultscored early in the game.This early score gave them the confidence to carry on playingin this manner. Because of the fast pace of the game theywere then able to play into the space that Cambridge left in defenceand create more great scoring opportunities. St Andrew’swon 79-9.Scorers summary: Tries by Ryan Black (3), Ryan Dugmore(2), Grant Prior, Benjamin Davies, Ian Herold, Liam Henderson,Jonny Ford, two tries and one conversion by Dane van derWesthuizen and one try and six conversions by Ntsiki Mlamleli.<strong>The</strong> results were as follows: 1st XV won 79–9, 2nd XV won38–3, 3rd XV won 33–5, 4th XV won 45–0, 5th XV won 63–0, 6th XVwon 56–0, 15A won 19–17, 15B won 20–14, 15C won 49–5, 14A won16–5, 14B won 24–0, 14C won 29–19.Sport in brief15Mixed fours bowls<strong>The</strong> Rose Maguire mixed fours bowls competition takesplace on 29 May and is hosted by the Albany Bowling Club.Teams are invited to enter on or before 22 May and a maximumor 36 teams will be accepted on a first come first servebasis. Entry fee for teams is R280 per team which includesgreen fees, lunch, tea and snacks. For more information or tosubmit your entry, contact Marlene Jacobs on 083 452 7092.Time trialRhodes University Athletics Club time trial results from 21 April:4km: <strong>The</strong>ndo <strong>The</strong>nga 13:46, Darryn Huyssteen 14:31, AntonioBlom 16:07, Tim Ross 16:35, Zane Watkins 17:04, Nigel Sibanda19:08, Kirsten Huysamen 19:37, Bronywn Mathopo 20:50,Cynthia Ngwenya 20:55, Isla Mcquaid 21:52, Steve Baines22:38, Lithabiso Motanyane 23:27, Caroline Ross 25:26;8km: Madeleine Du Toit 43:53.Southern Kings style<strong>The</strong> Southern Kings franchise remains determined in itsquest to bring Super Rugby to the Eastern and SouthernCape from 2011. <strong>The</strong> Presidents of the three Provinces thatcomprise the Southern Kings met in Port Elizabeth recentlyto reaffirm their commitment to making Super Rugby participationa reality in the region. <strong>The</strong> meeting discussed anumber of issues that remain critical to the Southern Kings’participation in the Super 15 competition from 2011.In 2009, the SARU leadership indicated that the SouthernKings would participate in Super Rugby from 2011. Asrecently as January 2010, SARU changed its position, statingthat the Southern Kings could play from 2012. <strong>The</strong> latestSARU position is that the Southern Kings must be preparedfor participation from 2013.<strong>The</strong> Southern Kings leadership agreed that this was adelaying tactic by SARU in the hope that Super Rugby wasexpanded to 18 teams in 2013, which would allow for a sixthSouth African franchise.Springbok Test tickets on saleSpringbok supporters will have the opportunity to see theirteam play for as little as R150 when Test match rugby returnsto East London in June. Match tickets for the secondTest between the Springboks and Italy go on sale on 1 Maypriced between R150 and R250.“This is a fantastic opportunity not only to see the Springboksin East London but at a price that really is less than halfthe normal price at one of the bigger venues,” said OreganHoskins, president of the South African Rugby Union.Border are applying a differential pricing structure forthe fixture to make the game widely accessible. Tickets behindthe poles will cost R150, the open stand costs R200 andthe main stand R250. <strong>The</strong> public can contact the Border RugbyUnion on 043 743 5998 for general ticket enquiries.This is the first time East London will host a Test matchfeaturing a Six Nations opponent and it is only the third Testhosted by Border.Silver medal from 1974 Comrades finisherPrior to 1975 runners of colour were not eligible to competein the Comrades Marathon. For some this seemed extremelyunfair but due to South Africa’s racial policies at the time,runners of colour were excluded from the race.Bernard Fridman entered and ran the Comrades Marathonin 1972 and obtained a bronze medal with a finishingtime of 9:12:22. He decided to run again in 1974, however dueto the fact that non-white runners were excluded from participatingin the race, he ran unofficially to prevent discrimination.Bernard completed his unofficial race in a time approximatedat 06:30 which would have awarded him a silvermedal. In 1975 the Comrades Association decided to allowrunners of colour to enter the race officially.A special award ceremony was held at Comrades Houseon 12 April to officially recognise and award Bernard byComrades Marathon Chairman Dave Dixon.Rhodes win all three<strong>The</strong> Rhodes University men’s soccer team started theircampaign in the Port Elizabeth Football Association on ahigh note. <strong>The</strong> firsts played three matches and won all threeconvincingly. <strong>The</strong>ir first assignment was against the leaguenewcomers, Eberspacher, on 11 April at Westbourne Ovaland Rhodes proved too strong for the minnows and wallopedthem 4–0.<strong>The</strong> second match was against the SANDF on 17 April atEP Command, the soldiers were given free soccer lessons bystudents and the final score was 3–1.On the following day, Rhodes again took on another lawenforcement agency, the SAPS at Kemsley Park. <strong>The</strong> policedid not give much resistance and were thrashed 3–0.Rhodes had a bye this past weekend which give the teama chance to relax and focus on their studies.Boatrace<strong>The</strong> 2010 Mutual & Federal Universities Boatrace will beheld from 9 to 11 September from the Kowie River in PortAlfred.

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