Download the 2012 Annual Report - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Download the 2012 Annual Report - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Download the 2012 Annual Report - Arkansas Children's Hospital

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When Laura and her husband, Mike, ticked<strong>the</strong> “special needs” box on <strong>the</strong>ir adoptionpaperwork, <strong>the</strong>ir five-year wait quickly cameto an end 14 days later.The baby girl <strong>the</strong>y brought home from China in 2007faced an uphill battle to correct a severe cleft lip andpalate – a condition that would certainly impactevery aspect of <strong>the</strong>irdaughter’s life.In 2010, before <strong>the</strong> ageof four, Chloe had herfirst two surgeries. InJanuary 2010, doctorsat <strong>Arkansas</strong> Children’s<strong>Hospital</strong> repaired herpalate and <strong>the</strong>n, just twomonths later, repairedher lip.This past year, Chloeendured two more tripsinto <strong>the</strong> operating room,having her tonsils and adenoids removed in May of<strong>2012</strong> in preparation for follow-up surgery to leng<strong>the</strong>nher palate in June.Looking ahead, Chloe will have a bone graft transplantedfrom her hip in order to correct a hole in herpalate. “Chloe is missing bone in her upper jaw,“explained Emily Copeland, ENT specialty nurse andCleft Team coordinator. “Without this surgery, herpermanent teeth would have no place to reside. Inaddition, <strong>the</strong> surgery will enhance her facial growth,as well as her speech.”One final procedure will take place when Chloereaches <strong>the</strong> age of 16, when she’ll have surgeryto straighten <strong>the</strong> septum in her nose and improveher breathing. In addition, Chloe continues to havespeech <strong>the</strong>rapy sessions twice a week.Chloe’s mom often thinks about what her daughter’schallenges would be had she not received ACH’sexpert care. How would she smile? How would sheapproach life? In Chloe’scase, surgery has changed<strong>the</strong> entire course of herlife, revealing a differentchild.The new Chloe isconfident, happier,outgoing. Being more atease, she enjoys makingnew best friends in herpre-kindergarten class,and has even startedtaking piano lessons.Chloe, a typical daddy’sgirl, has so much to look forward to now. Including<strong>the</strong> family’s annual “Gotcha Day” celebrationcommemorating <strong>the</strong> day <strong>the</strong>y brought home <strong>the</strong>irlittle girl. And because of this family’s commitmentto getting her <strong>the</strong> very best care, Chloe can greet notjust Gotcha Day, but every day, with a big smile.<strong>2012</strong> was more than ayear of celebration.It was <strong>the</strong> yearChloe’s smile wastransformed.The Possibility of GivingMore than $26.7 million was raised for <strong>the</strong> constructionof <strong>the</strong> South Wing, <strong>the</strong> largest expansion in <strong>the</strong> hospital’s100-year history. But <strong>the</strong> need doesn’t end <strong>the</strong>re. With yourhelp, even more kids can receive <strong>the</strong> critical care <strong>the</strong>y need.1617

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