securing the insecure - Hakim

securing the insecure - Hakim securing the insecure - Hakim


Black Hat US 2011 khash kianikhash@thinksec.comOAuthsecuring the insecure

Black Hat US 2011 khash kianikhash@thinksec.comOAuth<strong>securing</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>insecure</strong>

oadmap‣ OAuth flow‣ <strong>insecure</strong> implementation1. <strong>insecure</strong> storage of secrets2. evil mobile and web OAuth apps3. flawed session management4. password reset‣ summary2

what’s OAuth?3

user-centric schemeuser controls authorizationFMTokenAIGTokenuserTwitterTokenTwitterToken4

actors:resource owner (user)resource consumer (client)resource provider (server)tokens:consumer credentialsrequest tokenaccess token5

authorization flow1. client app au<strong>the</strong>ntication2. get request token: POST oauth/request_token3. au<strong>the</strong>nticate user: GET oauth/authorize4. get access token: POST oauth/access_token6

Insecure Implementation7

<strong>insecure</strong> storage of secrets(consumer credentials)8

OAuth flowstep 1: register client9

1. public class TwitterClient { 2. 3. private static String key = "qSkJuxxxxxxxx76A"; 4. private static String secret = "Bs738xxxxxxxxxxxxxxZe9EhXw"; 10

server-side‣ isolate <strong>the</strong> credentials‣ protect <strong>the</strong> integrity11

native clients‣ native mobile app‣ desktop apps12

“... if twitter uses <strong>the</strong> client secret in installed applications foranything o<strong>the</strong>r than ga<strong>the</strong>ring statistics, well, <strong>the</strong>y shouldreconsider.”“So forget about using <strong>the</strong> consumer credentials for anythingo<strong>the</strong>r than somewhat reliable statistics.”- e. hammer lahav13

how about <strong>the</strong>se use cases:‣ fulfill specific business requirements- server must keep track of all clients‣ prevent phishing attacks14

popular implementations(native apps)1. omit <strong>the</strong> client credentials entirely2. embed in <strong>the</strong> client app itself15

threat(with embedded client credentials)‣ compromised credentials16

open source clients‣ source code‣ resource bundle17

<strong>the</strong> not so secret consumer secrets18

closed source clients‣ binary extraction on android oauth client:‣ astro file mgr to copy <strong>the</strong> client app‣ poke around‣ classes.dex‣ “dexdump classes.dex20

compromised credentialsimpact:‣ key rotation and kill switch‣ not meeting business requirements‣ anonymous publication by competition‣ susceptible to phishing attacks21

suboptimal solutions‣ client secret obfuscation (ProGuard for Android)‣ ProGuard for Android: Don’t put sensitive info in XML resource files!‣ negotiate credentials with your backend server‣ what will stop a rogue client?22

alternative mitigation‣ a deviated approach with automated provisioning23

alternate flow‣ au<strong>the</strong>nticate user to client’s web server‣ call home to get device id‣ store device id locally‣ proceed with oauth flow to get request token‣ validate device id to au<strong>the</strong>nticate client‣ proceed with <strong>the</strong> flow to grant access token24

uilding malicious OAuth clients(native and web apps)26

password <strong>the</strong>ft with Google client(a native iOS mobile app)27

OAuthSampleTouch mobile Google app‣ download‣ compile‣ run‣ edit controller28

modify <strong>the</strong> UIWebViewDelegate’s:webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationTypecallback methodto intercept <strong>the</strong>login page priorto sending <strong>the</strong>post request29

OAuth process withan embedded viewuser au<strong>the</strong>nticates andgrants permission30

output <strong>the</strong> Google credentials31

“but it looked so official!”OAuth provides <strong>the</strong> user with a false senseof safety in <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>ntication workflow32

ecommendations‣ client application developers: keep au<strong>the</strong>nticationoutside <strong>the</strong> app and inside <strong>the</strong> browser‣ users: do not trust clients that do not use a trustedneutral application such as safari to manage server auth‣ protocol designers: stricter policies aroundau<strong>the</strong>nticating clients to server. better browser API support33

fortune telling facebook app(a browser-based web application)a social engineering oauth application to establish user trust34

lure <strong>the</strong> victim to use your appdomain is trustworthy!phisheasy!35

70%* source: core impact client-side phishing campaign37

query private user messagesread <strong>the</strong>inboxmessages38

uild <strong>the</strong> trap to aid exploitationlink to executeajax post andcarry our CSRF39

assumptions‣ victim has an active session with his banking site‣ no CSRF protection by banking site!40

“but it looked so official!”OAuth provides <strong>the</strong> user with a false senseof safety in <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>ntication workflow41

Dear Facebook,what is <strong>the</strong> business need for a webapplication to read my private messages?42

flawed session management43

Avon selects twitterfeed to publish something44

- Avon is redirected to twitter’s authorization endpoint- Avon enters his twitter credentials and grants access45

- Avon is redirected back to complete <strong>the</strong> feed- Avon signs out of twitterfeed and walks away46

isks‣ unattended session‣ no session timeout‣ user remains logged in49

what can go wrong?50

problem, meet solution‣ invalidate server session‣ short-lived access token‣ no auto-processing53

a better approach54

can you really changeyour password?55

change password = old password still works!57

solution‣ ensure compromised credentials cannot be used‣ revoke tokens upon password changes- results from facebook access token leakage to 3 rd party apps59

conclusion- defeating password anti-pattern- implementation, not protocol- private vs. public APIs- open vs. closed source clients- keep callback url intact- trusting native mobile apps- don’t trust <strong>the</strong> logo- don’t trust <strong>the</strong> domain60

take-away:use it when it makes sense!61

please turn in your completed feedbackform at <strong>the</strong> registration deskTHANK YOU!khash@thinksec.com62

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