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Yuanwuqu area <strong>parking</strong> locationYuanwuqu area survey summaryThe Yuanwuqu area is located in the east ofGuangwai Jiedao, bounded by ChunshuguanJie, Guang’anmenwai Nan Jie, Yaziqiao Bei Jieand Guang’anmen Nan Binhe Lu. The on-streetsurvey from 7.00am-10.00pm shows that the<strong>parking</strong> demand in the area does not changemuch throughout the day, with the peak <strong>parking</strong>demand between 1-2pm. There are 235 formalon-street <strong>parking</strong> spaces, which are priced andoperated, and 87 formal setback <strong>parking</strong> spaces.The total <strong>parking</strong> demand is higher than theformal on-street <strong>parking</strong> supply, for two reasons:(1) on-street <strong>parking</strong> spaces are not formalized onmany streets, although the existing street design,available space and current use allow for on-street<strong>parking</strong> operation; (2) vehicles park illegally onsidewalks (3% of demand) and setbacks (16% ofdemand).The average <strong>parking</strong> duration is 4.14 hours,which is too high for on-street <strong>parking</strong> whichis rather intended for short-term <strong>parking</strong> ofmaximum 2-3 hours. If overnight <strong>parking</strong> wouldbe taken into account, this number would be evenhigher. Of all vehicles parked, 44% are parkedfor over 2 hours, of which 14% for over 8 hours.Average turnover of <strong>parking</strong> spaces is fairly low at3.6 cars/<strong>parking</strong> space during survey hours.Most street sections have paid <strong>parking</strong> followingofficial prices (although discounts can be negotiatedwith <strong>parking</strong> guards, especially for long-term<strong>parking</strong>), but 3 sections have private setback<strong>parking</strong>, 1 section is free and on 2 <strong>parking</strong> isforbidden. Illegal <strong>parking</strong> is common due to poorenforcement.16%3%81% of drivers park on-street. 16% parks on the setback,mostly along Guang’anmen Nan Binhe Lu. Sidewalk<strong>parking</strong> only Yuanwuqu accounts area for 3% <strong>parking</strong> of demand. duraton12%18%14%14%81%42%44% of vehicles are parked for over two hours, of which26% are parked for over 4 hours.on-streetsidewalksetback8 hrs450400350300306349369358 368 375403369353 352368 366 376 374 372322250PARKING DEMAND (PCU)2001501005007:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00Parking demandformal on‐street&setback <strong>parking</strong> supplyThe highest on-street <strong>parking</strong> demand of 403 vehicles (PCU) occurs at 1pm<strong>Beijing</strong> Parking, <strong>ITDP</strong>-<strong>China</strong> 481 March 2015

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