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Source: Galpin (2007), at Panaramio, http://www.panoramio.com/photo/36403835.2 San Francisco, California, United StatesSwiss Re buildingThe 30 St Mary Axe, widely known as theSources:5.2 San Francisco, USA‘Gherkin’ or ‘Swiss Re’ Building, is a 180mskyscraper - SFpark in London’s Pilot Project main Evaluation financial district (SFMTA, June Sources: 2014) SFpark Pilot Project Evaluation (SFMTA,and opened - U.S. in Parking May 2004. Policies: The An 41-floor Overview building of Management June Strategies 2014), and (Weinberger U.S. Parking et al., Policies: February An Overviewhosts 4,000 2010) people, mostly employees of Swiss of Management Strategies (Weinberger et al.,Re, a global insurance company. There is a net February 2010).46,000m² of On-street office space <strong>parking</strong>: and 1,400m² San Francisco’s for retail SFpark onthe first floor. San Francisco’s SFpark is the largest, and by On-street far the most sophisticated, <strong>parking</strong>: San on-street Francisco’s <strong>parking</strong> SFparkThe building reform project has no in <strong>parking</strong> the United spaces States. for SFpark is theSanbrandFrancisco’sfor the demonstrationSFpark is the<strong>parking</strong>largest,projectand byemployees by the or San visitors. Francisco It has Municipal 5 <strong>parking</strong> Transportation spaces for far the most sophisticated, on-street <strong>parking</strong>Agency (SFMTA), funded through thehandicapped,national13Departmentfor deliveries,of Transportation.52 for motorcycles reform project in the United States. SFpark isIn November 2008 SFMTA approved the legislation,and 118 for bicycles. There are two metro stationswithin 500m walking and two more within by the San Francisco Municipal Transportationthe brand for the demonstration <strong>parking</strong> projectin July 2010 installation of the meters began and in April 2011 the project started. It includes6,000 metered on-street <strong>parking</strong> spaces (25% of total supply) and 12,250 spaces in SFMTAadministeredgarages (75% of total supply). With the project the SFMTA uses pricing to help700m, as well as one train station within 500m. Agency (SFMTA), funded through the nationalMoreover there are 12 bus routes that pass the Department of Transportation. In Novemberbuilding. redistribute It has a bike the sharing demand station for <strong>parking</strong>. right The outside goal is to 2008 encourage SFMTA drivers approved to park the in legislation, garages and in Julyand the building lots, and to is almost connected always to have London’s one space bike available 2010 on every installation metered of block. the meters began and in Aprillane network. To The achieve smaller this, footprint SFpark uses at ground-levelallowed and a a public sophisticated plaza in data front management of the building. tool. Some on-street features of <strong>parking</strong> the system spaces are: (25% of total supply)new technologies 2011 including the project smart started. meters, <strong>parking</strong> It includes sensors, 6,000 meteredThe building - has Demand-responsive become iconic pricing. symbol of and 12,250 spaces in SFMTA-administeredLondon. In February The SFMTA 2007 gradually it was sold and periodically for CNY9.5 adjusted garages rates (75% at on-street of total meters supply). and With in garages the projectbillion, making up or down. it Britain’s The goal most is to expensive achieve a minimum office leveltheofSFMTAavailabilityusessopricingthat it wasto helpeasyredistributeto find athebuilding.demand for <strong>parking</strong>. The goal is to encourage<strong>parking</strong> space most of the time on every block and that garages always have some open spacesdrivers to park in garages and lots, and to almostavailable. Furthermore, meeting target availability also means improving utilization of <strong>parking</strong>always have one space available on every meteredblock.<strong>Beijing</strong> Parking, <strong>ITDP</strong>-<strong>China</strong> 1051 March 2015

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