Palm Oil: A Success Story in Green Technology Innovations

Palm Oil: A Success Story in Green Technology Innovations

Palm Oil: A Success Story in Green Technology Innovations


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PALM OIL PRODUCTIONPlant<strong>in</strong>g → Harvest<strong>in</strong>g → <strong>Palm</strong> oil mill → <strong>Palm</strong> oil ref<strong>in</strong>ery

Why did palm oil <strong>in</strong>dustry use greentechnologies?• Responsible bus<strong>in</strong>ess entity• <strong>Green</strong> technologies susta<strong>in</strong> basic land resources• Government helped to spur growth of greentechnologies <strong>in</strong> some cases by putt<strong>in</strong>g legislations <strong>in</strong>place• In return this is beneficial for the cultivation of oil palm• Quantum leaps <strong>in</strong> green technology took place <strong>in</strong> lasttwo decades• Co<strong>in</strong>cided with time of awareness of climate changewhen environment friendly technologies sought

<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> – A Choice Raw Material for BiodieselProduction Us<strong>in</strong>g Malaysian Patented TechnologiesMalaysia 1 st Commercial <strong>Palm</strong>Biodiesel PlantCarot<strong>in</strong>o Sdn. Bhd., Johor.Sime Darby Biodiesel Sdn. Bhd.W<strong>in</strong>ter-Grade <strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel Plant,Home Grown MPOB <strong>Technology</strong>

The greenhouse-gas perspective• EU Renewable Energy Directive requires reduction of GHG emissions by at least35% compared with fossil fuels, so that one biofuel is classified as "susta<strong>in</strong>able"and therefore meets the objectives and requirements• <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> :Discrim<strong>in</strong>atory element <strong>in</strong> RED - typical value ("state of thetechnology") vs. default value ("worst case scenario") <strong>in</strong> the "calculation" ofGHG substitution:Biofuel / source Typical value Default valueEthanol / sugar-beet 61% 52%biodiesel / rapeseed 45% 38%biodiesel / sunflower oil 58% 51%biodiesel / palmoil(full methane capture)36%(62%)19%(56%)Adapted from Dr. Gernot Pehnelt, IPOSC 2010 10

US EPA: <strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel LCA Analysis us<strong>in</strong>g GREET Model<strong>Green</strong>house Gas Emissions (GHG; g CO 2e/MJ)Co-Product Method:Hybrid HybridAllocation AllocationDisplacement<strong>Palm</strong> Kernels,Co-Products <strong>Palm</strong> Kernels,<strong>Palm</strong> Kernels,<strong>Palm</strong> BiomassCreditedGlycer<strong>in</strong>Glycer<strong>in</strong>Glycer<strong>in</strong>Farm Equipment 0.9 0.8 1.4Farm Chemicals 5.0 4.5 7.5Feedstock Transport 0.7 0.6 1.0<strong>Oil</strong> Extraction 0.8 0.7 1.2POME methane 4.0 3.6 5.9<strong>Oil</strong> Transport 0.3 0.3 0.3Transesterification 5.2 5.2 5.4BD T&D 3.2 3.2 3.2Fuel Combustion 4.4 4.4 4.4<strong>Palm</strong> Kernel Credit -3.6Glycer<strong>in</strong> Credit -21.5Total Fuel Cycle 24.5 23.3 5.3Reduction from Diesel 74.1% 75.4% 94.4%The Well To Wheel (WTW) analysis of palm biodiesel <strong>in</strong>dicates that from a GHGperspective, a m<strong>in</strong>imum 74.1% reduction <strong>in</strong> fuel cycle GHG sav<strong>in</strong>gs are achievedcompared to basel<strong>in</strong>e California Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel is achieved .

GHG Emissions (g CO2 e / mmBtu) over 100 yearsLife Cycle Analysis of <strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel: US GREET MODEL Includ<strong>in</strong>g LUC5,000,0004,000,0003,000,0002,000,0001,000,000050% ReductionFuel ProductionFarm Inputs & N2OFuel & Feed TransportTailpipeiLUC excl N cycle<strong>Palm</strong> Plantation LUC/dLUC-1,000,0002005 Diesel Basel<strong>in</strong>e<strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel base<strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel high yield<strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel Malaysia only LUCNet EmissionsRFS2: Biodiesel with 50% GHGReduction compared to Fossil DieselQualifies As an Advanced Diesel<strong>Palm</strong> Biodiesel Should Thus QualifyS<strong>in</strong>ce it has greater than 50% reduction

Susta<strong>in</strong>ability criteria: EU Directive• M<strong>in</strong>imum 35% greenhouse gas emission sav<strong>in</strong>g compared to fossil fuel• No conversion of land with high carbon stock s<strong>in</strong>ce January 2008(wetlands, cont<strong>in</strong>uously forested areas, peatlands)• No raw material from land that had high biodiversity value from January2008 (primary forest, biodiverse grassland, nature protection areas)• (EU raw materials must meet EU rules on agro-environmental practices)There will be some further elements to report on– Commission to determ<strong>in</strong>e them soon; no consequencesBased on presentation of Mr. Ewout DEURWAARDER (European Commission)

Developed countries should be fair to develop<strong>in</strong>gcountries to use some forest to alleviate poverty70 % Forest6050403020100Average: 25.5% Average: 57%

The Carbon Cycle of a <strong>Palm</strong> Plantation <strong>in</strong>cludes Harvested Wood, Rootsand Other Biomass Products Apart from its <strong>Oil</strong> and Kernels.BranchesWood productsHerbaceousvegetationLitterDead woodSoil CarbonRoots<strong>Palm</strong> plantations sequester carbon – up to 5 tonnes C/ha/year or 110 tons C forthe lifecycle of the plantation (25 years) . A natural forest sequesters a bit slower ifstart<strong>in</strong>g also from scratch (around 1 tonne) but the stock is much higher.The iLUC and LUC for palm must be better <strong>in</strong>tegrated to accurately take <strong>in</strong>toaccount these effects. Most current LUC models take <strong>in</strong>to account the <strong>in</strong>itialrelease from clear<strong>in</strong>g land. However, the uptake from the palm tree and rootsystems is seldom accounted for.

The Wet Weight of Potential <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Palm</strong>Biomass Available <strong>in</strong> Malaysia <strong>in</strong> 2009Sources of <strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> Biomass<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> Trunk (OPT)Million tonnes per year15.2UnitMillion cubic meter peryear23.6<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Palm</strong> Frond (OPF)83.0-Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB)Total17.5115.7-23.6Total oil palm planted area = 4.7 million hectares

1. EMPTY FRUIT BUNCHES37 tonnes per ha (dwb)17.5 mil tonnes (wet )65 % moisturePALM FIBRESFronds: 9.7 tonnes per ha (dwb)11.3 mil. tonnes(wet)Moisture 42 %

Solid Fuel• Conventionallycombusted <strong>in</strong> mills• Used by alternative<strong>in</strong>dustry• Independent heatgeneration <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustrialplants supply<strong>in</strong>g energyto <strong>in</strong>dustries <strong>in</strong> vic<strong>in</strong>ity• <strong>Palm</strong> biomass briquettes

<strong>Palm</strong> Biomass Briquettes• Treated EFB can be used as a raw material for the production of palmbased biomass briquettes100% Pulverized EFB(PEFB)Pulverized EFB + sawdust(PEFB+SD) ( 50:50)EFB Fibre + sawdust(FEFB+SD) (50:50)• As a substitute raw material for commercial sawdust briquette <strong>in</strong>dustry• Made either from 100% palm biomass or mixed with sawdust.


Waste Management● Treated palm oil mill effluent (POME) conta<strong>in</strong>s high level of plant nutrientsthat may replace <strong>in</strong>organic fertilizers● Treated POME applied to land improves the soil and <strong>in</strong>creases yield22

Reduced Emissions = Susta<strong>in</strong>abilityAverage 40 tonne/hr FFB MillC02 e Removed <strong>in</strong> Covered Pond =34,486 t/yearAdditional C02 e Removed whenmethane used for electricity= 8,966 t/yearTotal = 43,452 t/year less 5,431site generated emissions= 38,021 t/year C02 e. Over 400Mills this = over 15 million t/yCurrent CDM Value = RM800m/y

Gaseous Fuel (Biogas)Ponds & Tank Digester80% of palm oil mills deploypond<strong>in</strong>g system for POMEtreatmentUP POME treatment systemGas Eng<strong>in</strong>e

Renewable Energy to the GridTSH Bioenergy Sdn. Bhd.• 8 MW palm biomass based gridconnected power plant• Expected to supply a maximumof 7 MW electricity to the grid.Source: (FSDP Special Issue- Cogen3)

log10 rescaled norm exprRESEARCH IN OIL PALM TISSUE CULTURE• Solid culture system• Liquid culture system• Development of biomarkerExpression Profile of Embryogenic MarkersExplantEgRLK1OPZE5EgRLK1 EgRLK2 EgRLK3EgRLK2 OPZE3CallogenesisOPZE5 OPZE3EgRLK3Embryogenic calliNon-embryogenic calliEgPER1 EgHOX1 (conta<strong>in</strong>s PEMs)Selection of calli for <strong>in</strong>itiation of suspensionOPHb1 EgPK1OPZE3EgRLK3 EgPER1 EgHOX1 Suspensioncultures EgNAC1 OPZE5EgRLK2 EgRLK1 OPHb1Proliferation of embryogenic calli/early stage embryosProgression of embryogenesis suppressed by aux<strong>in</strong>sEgPER1OPZE3EgNAC1Hormone-free mediumEgPER1 Expression profile <strong>in</strong> AM12-14 ProfileOPZE5Rapid progression of embryogenesisPattern formation10OPHb1 Meristem establishmentOPZE5EgPER1Transferred to solid media 1 for embryoid maturation(white & green embryoids)EgNAC1OPZE30.1OPZE3Shoot<strong>in</strong>gEgRLK1EgRLK3OPZE5 0.01EgRLK2T0 T1d T7d T1m T2m T3m T3mA T4m T5m T6m T6mA T9m T9mARoot<strong>in</strong>gstagesPre-nurseryAM12(L) LOW AM13(0) ZERO AM14(H) HIGHCourtesy: DG, MPOB

TISSUECULTUREOIL PALM CLONING PROCESS (SOLID MEDIUM)Tak<strong>in</strong>g of leaf cabbage/palm crownCutt<strong>in</strong>g of young leaves Leaf explant culture Callus formation6 months 9 monthsEmbryoid formation24monthsIn field nursery8-9 months(Field plant<strong>in</strong>g at 1 year old)Acclimatization of ramets3 -4 months3 monthsRoot<strong>in</strong>g stage4 monthsShootdevelopment stage2 monthsPolyembryoidmultiplication stageCourtesy: DG, MPOB

CLONING OF PALMS WITH SPECIAL TRAITS• <strong>Palm</strong>s with special traits from the‘fast- track’ breed<strong>in</strong>g programmewere cloned:TISSUECULTURE‣ High bunch <strong>in</strong>dex‣ High vitam<strong>in</strong> E‣ High carotene‣ Long stalk‣ Low height <strong>in</strong>crementHigh-bunch <strong>in</strong>dex dura of 0.68 (virescenttype)High-bunch <strong>in</strong>dextenera of 0.58High vitam<strong>in</strong> E dura & tenera (1551 &1392 ppm, respectively)Long stalk tenera (35.5cm)High-carotene oleiferaramets (4000 ppm)Courtesy: DG, MPOB

GENOME SEQUENCINGDeli Dura5 crossesProgeny tested<strong>in</strong> 3 trials18 crosses Progenytested <strong>in</strong> 3 trialsDura(Sh + Sh + )Pisifera(Sh - Sh - )0.212/70 0.182/77Completed Genome Sequenc<strong>in</strong>g of 3 <strong>Palm</strong>s• 17.2 x - Oleifera genome• 16.5 x - Pisifera genome• 34.7 x - Dura genome• 68.4 x TotalDeciphered the transcriptome of 17 <strong>Palm</strong> tissues (will complete another 13 palm tissues <strong>in</strong> 2010)Courtesy: DG, MPOB

Relative Genome SizesArabidopsisMossRiceSorghumCloverTomatoSoybeanCanolaElaeisoleiferaGENOME ANALYSIS<strong>Oil</strong> <strong>Palm</strong>Genome AnalysisLoliumCornTobaccoWheat• Genome Size: est. to be > 1,710 MB• 93.4% of the genome <strong>in</strong> sequence contigs• 95.4% of genetic markers <strong>in</strong> sequence contigsCourtesy: DG, MPOB

ROADMAP OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED OIL PALMCross<strong>in</strong>g GMX Non-GMScreenhousePlant<strong>in</strong>g/Proof ofconceptSelf<strong>in</strong>g ofprogenies w/obar geneScreen<strong>in</strong>gw/o Bar geneScreen<strong>in</strong>g of D& P withtransgeneCross<strong>in</strong>g ofselected D& PIP audit<strong>in</strong>g &RegulatoryapprovalCommercialization ofGM oilpalm2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040Courtesy: DG, MPOB


PATENTED TECHNOLOGY : RECOVERY OF PHENOLICANTIOXIDANTS FROM PALM OIL MILLING WASTEHold<strong>in</strong>g TankPlate heatexchangers forcool<strong>in</strong>gPOMEUpper oilphasePelletedsolidsCentrifugalsystemLower aqueousphaseconta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gnutraceuticalsHold<strong>in</strong>gTank<strong>Palm</strong> oil millSeries of membrane systemsPhenolic FlavonoidAntioxidant richfiltratePatents granted <strong>in</strong> USA, Malaysia, IndonesiaThe follow-up R&D on biological properties of this phenolic antioxidant or <strong>Palm</strong>Fruit Juice has yielded additional 9 patents through collaborations between MPOB,CSIRO (Australia), MIT (USA), Brandeis (USA).Await<strong>in</strong>g COMMERCIALIZATION

Capitaliz<strong>in</strong>g on America’s Fear of Heart Disease:<strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> is the major <strong>in</strong>gredient <strong>in</strong> the AmericanHeart Association’s (AHA) Recommended Diet

SMART BALANCE FAMILY Based OF on FOODS our Patents(Sundram et al. ) andthe Brand name“SMART BALANCE”, aUS public listedcompany paid US$465million (RM 1.58 Billion)to acquire this bus<strong>in</strong>ess.AMAZING PALM OIL INDEED!Company trades on theNasdaq as “SmartBalance Inc.” - annualturnover of US250Million<strong>Palm</strong> oil thus ticks even<strong>in</strong> the mostsophisticated markets!

How and Why Has the Malaysian <strong>Palm</strong> <strong>Oil</strong> Industry InnovatedHowIndustry is taxed through an Act of Parliament and pays RM11 perMT of CPO/CPKO produced for R&D and RM2 for promotion.This provides for at least RM200 million for R&D (MPOB) and RM36million for promotional activities (MPOC).In addition we compete actively for government grants.We have created a reasonable pool of experts who are <strong>in</strong> greatdemand (and actively be<strong>in</strong>g fished by overseas producers).WHYWe cannot afford to play second fiddle <strong>in</strong> the global oilsand fats markets. We rema<strong>in</strong> the prime movers and willhold this position for as long as possible!!!

THANK YOUwww.mpoc.org.mywww.mpoc.org.my

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