Rose-scented geranium - CIMAP Staff - Central Institute of Medicinal ...

Rose-scented geranium - CIMAP Staff - Central Institute of Medicinal ... Rose-scented geranium - CIMAP Staff - Central Institute of Medicinal ...
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222 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2007) 90:215–223view. Reduction in citronellol concentration andincrease in geraniol concentration had earlier beennoted in three transgenic plants of lemon-geranium ofhairy root origin (Pellegrineschi et al. 1994).The present study once again highlights thesuccess of hairy root transformation strategy for thecreation of new fragrances through the easiest andquickest method of establishment of transgenic plantsfrom hairy root cultures.Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to theDepartment of Biotechnology, Government of India for thefinancial support and the Regional SophisticationInstrumentation Facility, CDRI, Lucknow for GC-MS of theoils. Thanks are also due to S. Sharma and S.A. Hasan for theirhelp in manuscript preparation and A.P. Dhiman forphotography.ReferencesAdams RP (1995) Identification of essential oils by gas chromatographymass spectroscopy. 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Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2007) 90:215–223 223Rodrigues MMA, <strong>Staff</strong>ord A, Cresswell R, Ariascastro C(1991) Bioreactors for growth <strong>of</strong> plant roots. Enz MicrobTechnol 13:697–702Saxena G, Banerjee S, Rahman L, Mallavarapu GR, Sharma S,Sushil Kumar (2000) An efficient in vitro procedure formicropropagation and generation <strong>of</strong> somaclones <strong>of</strong> rose<strong>scented</strong>Pelargonium. Plant Sci 155:133–140Shoyama Y, Zhu X, Nakai R, Shiraishi S, Kohda H (1997)Micropropagation <strong>of</strong> Panax notoginseng by somaticembryogenesis and RAPD analysis <strong>of</strong> regenerated plantlets.Plant Cell Rep 16:450–453Teisseire P (1987) Industrial quality control <strong>of</strong> essential oils bycapillary GC. In: Sandri P, Beichi C (ed) Capillary gaschromatography in essential oil analysis. Huethig, Heidelberg,pp 215–258Tempe J, Casse-Deebart F (1989) Plant gene vectors and genetictransformation: Agrobacterium Ri plasmids. In: Cellculture and somatic cell genetics <strong>of</strong> plants. MolecularBiology <strong>of</strong> Plant Nuclear genes, vol. 6. Academic Press,pp 26–49Tepfer D (1984) Transformation <strong>of</strong> several species <strong>of</strong> higherplants by Agrobacterium rhizogenes: sexual transmission<strong>of</strong> the transformed genotype and phenotype. Cell 37:659–967Yamazaki M, Kobayashi M, Saito K (1997) Transformation <strong>of</strong>Perilla frutescens var, crispa using Agrobacterium –Ribinary vector system. Plant Biotechnol 14:169–173Zehra M, Banerjee S, Naqvi AA, Kumar S (1998) Variation inthe growth and a production capability <strong>of</strong> the hairy roots<strong>of</strong> Hyoscyamus albus, H. muticus and their somatic hybrid.Plant Sci 136:93–99Zehra M, Banerjee S, Sharma S, Kumar S (1999) Influence <strong>of</strong>Agrobacterluin rhizogenes strains on biomass and alkaloidproductivity in hairy root <strong>of</strong> Hyoscyamus muticus andH. albus. Planta Med 65:60–63123

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