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Halal Certification for Logistics Provider:Principles of Shariah&the Integration with Food, Pharmaceuticals& Cosmetics<strong>HALAL</strong> HUB DIVISIONDEPARTMENT OF ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT <strong>MALAYSIA</strong>

Introduction• Increasing awareness of Muslim consumers ontheir religious obligations creates greater demandfor halal food and other consumer goods• ~ 2 billion Muslims out of > 6.5 billion worldpopulation• Majority are in OIC member countries

Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC)

The size of the Global Halal Food Market is projectedat more than USD 640 billion in 2010700Global Halal Food Market680660640USD620600Global Halal FoodMarket580560Expon. (Global HalalFood Market)5405202004 2005 2009 2010 2012e 2015e5Size of Global Halal Food Market (2004) : USD 587.2 billionGrowth : 1.5% per annumMarket size by 2010 : USD 641.5 billion

Global Halal Market 2005 ~ US$3.1 trillion / year ~Food(US$ 0.58trillion)Non-Food(US$ 1.52trillion)Services(US$ 1.0trillion)Non-food Services FoodSource : Third Industrial Master Plan6

MARKET FOR <strong>HALAL</strong> PRODUCTSPrimary meatProcessed food& beveragesFMCG sectorPharmaceuticalNutraceuticalsConfectioneryCosmetics &personal careBakery products• Approximately 67% ofpotentially Halal productsare categorized as fastmoving consumer goods(FMCG)• “Potentially halal” markethas been quantified as thetarget market that canpotentially be captured• Food FMCG and primarymeat together account for62% of the marketGlobal market for potentially Halal products,2005** Percent

’ طيباً‏ ‘ the • Food industry globally are looking atconcept as a new tool for marketingحالالً‏• To tap this lucrative market, the industry mustunderstand and appreciate the religious andscientific basis of halal requirement

28 JULY 2010 TESCO9

يَٰٓأَيُهَا ٱلّنَاسُ‏ كُلُىاْ‏ مِّمَا فِى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ‏ حَلَٰالً۬‏ طَّيِبً۬اوَلَاتَّتَبِعُىاْخُطُىَٲتِ‏ ٱلّشَّيۡطَٰنِ‏ ۚ إِّنَهُۥ لَكُمۡ‏ عَدُوٌ۬‏ مُبِّينٌ‏“O ye people! Eat of what is on earth, Lawful and good; and do not followthe footsteps of the evil one, for he is to you an avowed enemy.” Al-Baqarah(168)From Abi Abdillah Al-Nu’man bin Bashir r.a said, Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda:“Halal is clear and Haram is clear; in between these two are certain thingsthat are shubhah (suspected). Many people may not know whether thoseitems are Halal or Haram. Whosoever leaves them, he is innocent towardshis religion and his conscience.10

<strong>HALAL</strong> <strong>CERTIFICATION</strong>• Halal certification refers to a process started by anapplication followed by an inspection of food / productprocesses in its preparation, slaughtering, cleaning,processing, handling, disinfection, storage,transportation and management practices and resultedby an approval upon issuing a halal certificate to theapplicant, then the process continued by monthlyschedule surveillance audit to the halal certificateholders• Concept of halal food “from farm to table”

Online ApplicationSubmission of SupportingDocuments7 STAGES IN<strong>HALAL</strong>APPLICATIONApplication received byJAKIMPayment of FeesCompliance AuditApplicantIssuance of CertificateJAKIMSurveillance Audit

Consists of the flow of products & services from:• Raw materials• Component & intermediate manufacturers• Final product manufacturers• Wholesalers & distributors• Retailers*Connected by transportation & storage activities

Practical guidelines for the food industrieson the preparation and handling of halalfood and as a basic requirement for foodproduct and food trade or business inMalaysia.

MS 1500:2009 REQUIREMENT• Management responsibility• Premises• Processing, handling, distribution and serving• Devices, utensils, machine and processing aids• Storage, transportations, display, sale andservings of halal food• Hygiene, sanitation and food safety• Packaging , labeling and advertising

STORAGE• Non halal product / raw material should notbe in the storage area• The surrounding of storage must be clean andfree from any contamination• Storage for wet and dry raw ingredientsshould be separated, well arranged andsystematic

DISTRIBUTION & LOGISTICS• Transportation and warehouse are assignedfor halal products only• Suitable temperature based on the productcharacteristics

PREMISE & BUILDING• The plant and structure of building• Segregation of operations(by air curtains, partitions, doors or otherexclusionary system as appropriate)• Walls, floors and ceiling are constructed tofacilitate cleaning and repair• Toilet facilities• Facilities for workers (changing room/surau /pantry / etc.)

Practical guidelines & a basic requirementfor for halal cosmetics and personal careindustry and trade or business in Malaysiawhich focus on the preparation andhandling of it

MS 2200 : PART 1 : 2008REQUIREMENT• Source of halal pharmaceuticals• Cleanliness in the preparation & handling ofmaterials or pharmaceuticals products• Other aspects in preparation of materials forpharmaceuticals• Product processing, handling & distribution• Devices, utensils, machines & processing aids• Packaging & labeling• Other requirements

General guidelines in the manufacturing &handling of halal pharmaceuticals

MS 2424 : 2010 REQUIREMENT• Quality Management• Management Responsibility• Halal Assurance System• Fundamental for halal Pharmaceuticals in GMP• Halal Quality Control• Personnel & Responsibility• Training

MS 2424 : 2010 REQUIREMENT• Personal Hygiene• Premise & Equipment• Production & Storage Areas• Quality Control Areas• Ancillary Areas• Documentation• Production• Materials

MS 2424 : 2010 REQUIREMENT• Packaging Materials• Contract Manufacture & Analysis• Self Inspection• Legal Requirement

MANUAL PROCEDURE OF <strong>HALAL</strong><strong>CERTIFICATION</strong> <strong>MALAYSIA</strong>• Guidelines for halal auditors and halal food andconsumer goods manufacturers with the objectiveto clarify halal requirement that should be compliedto obtain halal certificate.• Coverage of application, inspection, monitoring andenforcement procedures.

Issues in Halal Industry• Halal concept is simple, however, the industry is becomingmore complex and sometimes confusing due to breathtakingtechnological development today and the diversification ofsources in the market• It is very challenging and increase difficulty for Muslims toensure the halal status of products in the market• This trend has raised concerns among Muslim consumersregarding new processed food and consumer products

CONCLUSIONHope that the industrial players, thegovernment authorities and scholarsshould commit and understand the halalcertification programme, Halal guidelines,Halal procedures and the importancerequirement, so that both the Muslimconsumers and the industries areprotected.36

Department of Islamic Development Malaysia,Halal Hub DivisionGround Floor, Block 2200Enterprise Building 3Persiaran APEC63000 CyberjayaMalaysiaWeb: www.halal.gov.myTel: 03-83150200Fax: 03-83187044

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