domestic violence in the adventist church - Southern Adventist ...

domestic violence in the adventist church - Southern Adventist ... domestic violence in the adventist church - Southern Adventist ...

Andrews UniversityFamily Life ConferenceRene’ DrummDuane McBrideMarciana PopescuJan WrennJerry ThayerRonda WestmanJuly 25, 2004

Methodology• Stratified random sample of <strong>church</strong>es– Conference– Church size• In-person presentation followed bysurvey and group participation,collection box• Presentation followed by <strong>in</strong>dividualparticipation, SASE

Data Collection• Churches:– Brief presentation of study;– Surveys distributed directly;– Self-addressed envelopes and lockedcollection box provided.

Negative Actions BetweenPartnersLifetimeCurrentTold you want to do and expectedobedience44% 31%Insulted, swore at you, or called younames40% 26%Ignored or discounted youraccomplishments or activities33% 22%Made big family and householddecisions without consult<strong>in</strong>g you28% 18%Limited your <strong>in</strong>volvement with o<strong>the</strong>rs 28% 17%Was extremely jealous or accusedyou of hav<strong>in</strong>g an affair24% 13%

Negative Actions BetweenPartners – Cont.Lifetime CurrentDeprived you of heat, food, or sleep 7% 3%Beat you up 7% 2%Threatened to use a weapon on you 6% 2%Raped you 6% 1%Threatened to abuse your children 5% 2%Used a weapon on you 2%

Physical AssaultActions Female MalePushed, shoved, or grabbed you 29% 17%Used you sexually aga<strong>in</strong>st your will 18% 8%Beat you up 9% 2%Overall physical assault rate for this 19% 9%populationOverall physical assault rate forgeneral population22% 7%

Problem-Solv<strong>in</strong>g and Cop<strong>in</strong>gBehaviorsHelp-Seek<strong>in</strong>g and Cop<strong>in</strong>g BehaviorsMost TriedPrayed about it 97%Talked <strong>the</strong> situation over with <strong>the</strong> person 81%Talked it over with a friend 76%Talked it over with a relative 64%Talked it over with a <strong>church</strong> member 59%Went to see <strong>the</strong> pastor 44%Went to a professional counselor 43%Bought a self-help book about it 42%Went to a support group 27%Discussed it with family doctor or OB/GYN 19%

Rank Difference Between Effortsand EffectivenessHelp-Seek<strong>in</strong>g andCop<strong>in</strong>g Behaviors% TriedSignificantDifference/SolvedProblemRankDifferencePrayed about it 97% 75% -0-Talked <strong>the</strong> situation over with<strong>the</strong> person81% 45% -2Talked it over with a friend 76% 49% +1Talked it over with a relative 64% 43% -1Talked about it with a <strong>church</strong>member59% 41% -1

Rank Difference Between Effortsand Effectiveness – Cont.Help-Seek<strong>in</strong>g andCop<strong>in</strong>g Behaviors% TriedSignificantDifference/SolvedProblemRankDifferenceWent to see <strong>the</strong> pastor 44% 37% -2Went to see a professionalcounselor43% 46% +4Bought a self-help book 42% 39% +1Went to a support group 27% 34% -0-Discussed it with my familydoctor or OB/GYN19% 25% -0-

Negative Cop<strong>in</strong>g BehaviorsBehaviorsLifetimeOverate or ate too little 46%Took a tranquilizer or o<strong>the</strong>r drugs 18%Drank alcohol 17%Secretly got revenge 14%Violently struck back 13%

Effects of Family Difficulties –Physical HealthBehavior(In <strong>the</strong> past year)1 or2/MonthYour spouse dr<strong>in</strong>ks alcohol 8%You used alcohol 11%Your spouse takes illegal drugs 1%You took illegal drugs 1%

Effects of Family Difficulties –Emotional HealthBehavior(In <strong>the</strong> past month)1 or2/MonthFelt worn out or tired 33%Felt very nervous 32%Felt your life was our of control 26%Felt so sad, blue, down-<strong>in</strong>-<strong>the</strong>-dumps thatnoth<strong>in</strong>g could cheer youAvoided th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g about difficulties <strong>in</strong> yourpast26%24%

Effects of Family Difficulties –Spiritual HealthBehavior(In <strong>the</strong> past month)1 or2/MonthTook away time from your personaldevotions23%Discouraged you from go<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>church</strong> 21%Held you back from your Christian witness 21%Decreased your <strong>church</strong> activities 20%Led you to distrust God 20%

Programm<strong>in</strong>g Plann<strong>in</strong>gWhat might help?ActivityEncourage children toparticipate <strong>in</strong> abuseprevention programsAttend a <strong>church</strong>-sponsoredworkshop <strong>in</strong> streng<strong>the</strong>n<strong>in</strong>grelationshipsTalk to <strong>the</strong> pastor about <strong>the</strong>problem if he/she hasspecialized tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>abusive issuesWouldDef<strong>in</strong>itelyMightUseWouldNot Use58% 36% 6%49% 43% 8%47% 43% 10%

Programm<strong>in</strong>g Plann<strong>in</strong>gWhat might help?ActivityRead books about <strong>violence</strong>supplied by <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>Attend a sem<strong>in</strong>ar orweekend workshop to dealwith past abuse issuesTalk to <strong>the</strong> pastor about <strong>the</strong>problemGo to a counselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>community that my pastorrecommended for helpWouldDef<strong>in</strong>itelyMightUseWouldNot Use41% 47% 12%39% 48% 14%35% 47% 18%32% 54% 14%

Programm<strong>in</strong>g Plann<strong>in</strong>gWhat might help?ActivityGo to a shelter for <strong>Adventist</strong>sor ChristiansTalk to a lay-person <strong>in</strong> my<strong>church</strong> who <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> hasidentified as hav<strong>in</strong>g expertise<strong>in</strong> abusive relationshipsAttend a support group <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> if I knew it wasconfidentialWouldDef<strong>in</strong>itelyMightUseWouldNot Use32% 46% 23%29% 51% 21%29% 50% 21%

Programm<strong>in</strong>g Plann<strong>in</strong>gWhat might help?ActivityGo to a counselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>church</strong> that my pastorrecommended for helpGo to a shelter <strong>in</strong> mycommunityKeep <strong>the</strong> issues of abuseout of <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> and leave itto <strong>the</strong> community to dealwithWouldDef<strong>in</strong>itelyMightUseWouldNot Use28% 52% 20%18% 42% 40%8% 28% 65%

Op<strong>in</strong>ions andAttitudesStronglyDisagreeDisagree Neutral AgreeStronglyAgreeDomestic abuse is aserious problem <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Adventist</strong> <strong>church</strong>If women would submit to<strong>the</strong>ir husbands as Goddesires <strong>the</strong>re would beless spouse abuseIf a woman submits toher husband as Goddesires, God will give her<strong>the</strong> strength to endure<strong>the</strong> abuse2% 10% 42% 32% 13%37% 37% 15% 8% 3%51% 30% 11% 6% 3%

Op<strong>in</strong>ions andAttitudesThe severity of<strong>domestic</strong> abuse hasbeen exaggerated by<strong>the</strong> “women’smovement”If <strong>the</strong> couple goes forcounsel<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> abusewill likely stopMany men use<strong>violence</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>stwomen to ga<strong>in</strong> powerand controlAbuse only occurs ifphysical <strong>violence</strong>happensStronglyDisagree Disagree Neutral Agree StronglyAgree33% 33% 21% 10% 3%6% 37% 42% 13% 2%2% 4% 10% 48% 35%57% 35% 3% 2% 4%

Op<strong>in</strong>ions andAttitudesEmotional abusecan be just asharmful as physicalabuseAs a Christian, Ishould be will<strong>in</strong>g toaccept a marriage <strong>in</strong>which some<strong>violence</strong> is present,ra<strong>the</strong>r thanseparation ordivorceThe Bible is <strong>the</strong>answer to ALLhuman problemsStronglyDisagree Disagree Neutral Agree StronglyAgree5% 3% 1% 27% 64%48% 32% 11% 7% 2%6% 14% 17% 27% 36%

Childhood Violence HistoryCompared to children you knew as youwere grow<strong>in</strong>g up, would you say youhad more, about <strong>the</strong> same, or lessphysical punishment than <strong>the</strong>y did?Less Same More31% 46% 23%Left a MarkWere you ever punished to <strong>the</strong> po<strong>in</strong>t that<strong>the</strong> punishment caused <strong>in</strong>jury that…. 32%

Childhood Violence History –Cont.Look<strong>in</strong>g back,how severe doyou see thatpunishmenttoday?NotAbusePossiblyAbusiveProbablyAbusiveDef<strong>in</strong>itelyAbusive68% 12% 6% 14%

Childhood Violence History –Cont.Did your parents ever prevent you from eat<strong>in</strong>g ordeprive you of food as a punishment?Yes12%Did your parents ever deprive you of medical care? 4%Were you exposed to emotional/verbal abuse as a child? 36%Were you exposed to sexual abuse as a child? 14%Were you exposed to neglect as a child? 9%Were you exposed to no abuse as a child? 49%

Childhood Violence History –Cont.WeeklyOnce aMonthFewTimesa YearCoupleofTimesOnceNeverIf <strong>the</strong>re were times when yourfa<strong>the</strong>r hit your mo<strong>the</strong>r or threwsometh<strong>in</strong>g at her, how often doyou remember that happen<strong>in</strong>g?How about your mo<strong>the</strong>r hitt<strong>in</strong>gyour fa<strong>the</strong>r? How often did thathappen?Were <strong>the</strong>re times when yourmo<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally orverbally abusive to your fa<strong>the</strong>r?Were <strong>the</strong>re times when yourfa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally orverbally abusive to yourmo<strong>the</strong>r?3% 2% 4% 7% 5% 79%1% 1% 2% 6% 4% 86%8% 6% 11% 13% 2% 60%13% 6% 12% 11% 3% 56%

RECOMMENDATIONS• Promote an environment of peace <strong>in</strong> ourfamilies• Condemn <strong>violence</strong> <strong>in</strong> any form• Use <strong>church</strong>-approved mediums tocommunicate about <strong>the</strong>se goals

RECOMMENDATIONS, Cont.• Use past behavior to predict futurebehavior <strong>in</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terventions– Prayer– Informal networks; communication– Pastoral counsel<strong>in</strong>g– Professional counsel<strong>in</strong>g

RECOMMENDATIONS, Cont.• Use <strong>in</strong>formation about past effectivenessto improve future effectiveness– Communication sem<strong>in</strong>ars– Pastor tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g– Promote <strong>the</strong> use of professional counselors– Develop a library of materials for members touse

RECOMMENDATIONS, Cont.• Use <strong>in</strong>formation about what respondentssay <strong>the</strong>y will use– Develop and promote <strong>violence</strong> preventionprograms for children– Tra<strong>in</strong> pastors to understand <strong>the</strong> dynamics of<strong>violence</strong>– Identify and support <strong>Adventist</strong> shelters

RECOMMENDATIONS, Cont.• Use <strong>in</strong>formation about what respondentssay <strong>the</strong>y will use– Sponsor weekend sem<strong>in</strong>ars for members todeal with past abuse– Sponsor workshops to streng<strong>the</strong>nrelationships– Develop outside resources <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> communityfor <strong>church</strong> members who are hurt<strong>in</strong>g

Who is most likely to talk to a lay person?An older person with a lower <strong>in</strong>comeModel12Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.336 .092 25.299 .000Income -.055 .018 -.110 -3.026 .003(Constant) 2.215 .108 20.508 .000Income -.058 .018 -.116 -3.171 .002Age .036 .017 .078 2.127 .034a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Talk to a lay-person <strong>in</strong> my <strong>church</strong> with expertise

Who is most likely to go to a counselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>community that <strong>the</strong> pastor recommends?A person with neglect issuesCoefficients(a)Model1UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.178 .025 88.632 .000Exposedto neglectabuse asa child?.204 .083 .089 2.469 .014a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Go to a counselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> community recommendedby my pastor

Who is most likely to use <strong>the</strong> services of acounselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>?An older male with lower educationCoefficients(a)Model1UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.389 .106 22.517 .000Your educationlevel-.068 .022 -.110 -3.063 .002(Constant) 2.240 .119 18.845 .0002Your educationlevel-.072 .022 -.117 -3.261 .001Age .046 .017 .099 2.750 .006(Constant) 2.118 .133 15.934 .0003Your educationlevel-.076 .022 -.123 -3.426 .001Age .045 .017 .095 2.652 .008Sex .104 .051 .073 2.035 .042a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Go to a counselor <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> that my pastorrecommended

Who is most likely to go to a community shelter?Older femalesModel12Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.336 .092 25.299 .000Income -.055 .018 -.110 -3.026 .003(Constant) 2.215 .108 20.508 .000Income -.058 .018 -.116 -3.171 .002Age .036 .017 .078 2.127 .034a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Go to a shelter <strong>in</strong> my community

Who is most likely to go to an <strong>Adventist</strong> shelter?Older, very conservative femalesCoefficients(a)Model1234Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized CoefficientsB Std. Error Betat Sig.(Constant) 2.536 .081 31.206 .000Sex -.332 .055 -.221 -6.068 .000(Constant) 2.812 .114 24.668 .000Sex -.323 .054 -.215 -5.946 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.130 .038 -.124 -3.421 .001(Constant) 2.820 .114 24.836 .000Sex -.313 .054 -.208 -5.769 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.135 .038 -.128 -3.553 .000Don't recall abuse as a child? -.410 .155 -.096 -2.652 .008(Constant) 2.611 .140 18.582 .000Sex -.324 .054 -.215 -5.969 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.109 .039 -.104 -2.799 .005Don't recall abuse as a child? -.413 .154 -.096 -2.678 .008Age .046 .018 .094 2.515 .012a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Go to a shelter for <strong>Adventist</strong>s or Christians

Who is most likely to talk <strong>the</strong> situation over with <strong>the</strong> pastor?Conservative males with low education, frequentlyattend <strong>church</strong>ModelCoefficients(a)Unstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientsB Std. Error BetatSig.1(Constant) 2.514 .085 29.676 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.159 .036 -.158 -4.377 .000(Constant) 2.286 .109 20.912 .0002Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.165 .036 -.163 -4.558 .000Sex .170 .052 .117 3.272 .001(Constant) 2.616 .143 18.287 .0003Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.156 .036 -.155 -4.333 .000Sex .184 .052 .127 3.548 .000Your education level -.079 .022 -.126 -3.540 .000(Constant) 2.126 .232 9.159 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.118 .039 -.117 -3.060 .0024Sex .182 .052 .125 3.526 .000Your education level -.084 .022 -.135 -3.788 .000Church attendance .120 .045 .102 2.672 .008(Constant) 2.300 .247 9.307 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.117 .039 -.116 -3.050 .0025Sex .193 .052 .133 3.726 .000Your education level -.085 .022 -.137 -3.835 .000Church attendance .116 .045 .099 2.592 .010Parents prevent you from eat<strong>in</strong>g or deprive you of food aspunishment?-.154 .076 -.072 -2.021 .044a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Talk to <strong>the</strong> pastor about <strong>the</strong> problem

Who are most likely to talk to a tra<strong>in</strong>ed pastor about <strong>the</strong> problem?Conservative males who attend <strong>church</strong> often, low education, medium <strong>in</strong>comeModelCoefficients(a)Unstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientsB Std. Error BetatSig.1(Constant) 2.602 .079 32.969 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.113 .034 -.119 -3.316 .001(Constant) 2.430 .102 23.912 .0002Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.118 .034 -.125 -3.475 .001Sex .131 .049 .096 2.672 .008(Constant) 2.062 .205 10.038 .0003Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.092 .036 -.098 -2.561 .011Sex .129 .049 .094 2.635 .009Church attendance .087 .042 .078 2.063 .039(Constant) 2.212 .216 10.230 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.083 .036 -.088 -2.295 .0224Sex .137 .049 .100 2.800 .005Church attendance .096 .042 .086 2.266 .024Your education level -.046 .021 -.078 -2.175 .030(Constant) 2.102 .222 9.478 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.087 .036 -.092 -2.403 .0175Sex .127 .049 .093 2.584 .010Church attendance .098 .042 .089 2.333 .020Your education level -.059 .022 -.102 -2.703 .007Income .038 .018 .080 2.138 .033a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Talk to <strong>the</strong> pastor about <strong>the</strong> problem if tra<strong>in</strong>ed

Among females, who would talk to a tra<strong>in</strong>ed pastor?Conservative with low educationCoefficients(a)ModelUnstandardizedCoefficientsStandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetatSig.(Constant) 2.600 .104 24.993 .00012Practice <strong>the</strong>doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your<strong>church</strong>-.136 .045 -.139 -2.995 .003(Constant) 2.931 .168 17.476 .000Practice <strong>the</strong>doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your<strong>church</strong>Your educationlevel-.124 .045 -.127 -2.728 .007-.078 .031 -.116 -2.506 .013a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Talk to <strong>the</strong> pastor about <strong>the</strong> problem if tra<strong>in</strong>edb Select<strong>in</strong>g only cases for which Sex = Female

Who would attend a support group?Older, low education, childhood abuse issuesCoefficients(a)Model1UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.512 .106 23.747 .000Your education level -.095 .022 -.156 -4.324 .000(Constant) 2.364 .118 20.060 .0002Your education level -.100 .022 -.163 -4.547 .000Age .047 .017 .101 2.799 .005(Constant) 1.979 .181 10.920 .000Your education level -.097 .022 -.158 -4.423 .0003Age .049 .017 .106 2.967 .003Parents everdeprive you ofmedical care?.347 .124 .100 2.789 .005a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Attend a support group <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong> if I knewit was confidential

Who would read books supplied by <strong>the</strong> <strong>church</strong>?Conservative people, with low education whoattend oftenModel123Unstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientsB Std. Error Beta(Constant) 2.573 .078 32.986 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es ofyour <strong>church</strong>tSig.-.128 .034 -.136 -3.783 .000(Constant) 2.194 .196 11.206 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es ofyour <strong>church</strong>-.101 .036 -.107 -2.804 .005Church attendance .088 .042 .080 2.104 .036(Constant) 2.364 .210 11.279 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es ofyour <strong>church</strong>Coefficients(a)-.092 .036 -.098 -2.555 .011Church attendance .095 .042 .087 2.282 .023Your education level -.046 .021 -.080 -2.230 .026a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Read books about <strong>violence</strong> supplied by <strong>the</strong><strong>church</strong>

Who is likely to go to a weekend sem<strong>in</strong>ar to deal with past abuse issues?People who attend frequently, were deprived of medical care and<strong>the</strong>ir fa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally abusive to mo<strong>the</strong>rCoefficients(a)Model1UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 1.736 .128 13.548 .000Parents ever deprive you of medical care? .491 .121 .147 4.071 .0002(Constant) 1.702 .128 13.319Parents ever deprive you of medical care? .419 .122 .125 3.442.000.001Fa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally or verballyabusive to mo<strong>the</strong>r.044 .013 .120 3.291 .001(Constant) 1.305 .189 6.896.0003Parents ever deprive you of medical care? .407 .121 .122 3.355 .001Fa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally or verballyabusive to mo<strong>the</strong>r.045 .013 .122 3.372 .001Church attendance .112 .040 .101 2.834 .005a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Attend a sem<strong>in</strong>ar or weekend workshop todeal with past abuse issues

Who is most likely to attend a <strong>church</strong>-sponsored workshop?People who attend often, hold conservative views and wereneglected as childrenCoefficients(a)Model1234Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficientst Sig.B Std. Error Beta(Constant) 2.764 .073 37.633 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.152 .032 -.169 -4.792 .000(Constant) 2.632 .079 33.307 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.148 .031 -.165 -4.722 .000Mo<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally or verbally abusive to fa<strong>the</strong>r .054 .013 .148 4.240 .000(Constant) 2.636 .079 33.476 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.148 .031 -.165 -4.750 .000Mo<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally or verbally abusive to fa<strong>the</strong>r .045 .013 .123 3.420 .001Exposed to neglect abuse as a child? .224 .083 .097 2.692 .007(Constant) 2.254 .187 12.072 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your <strong>church</strong> -.120 .033 -.135 -3.606 .000Mo<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally or verbally abusive to fa<strong>the</strong>r .046 .013 .127 3.540 .000Exposed to neglect abuse as a child? .222 .083 .096 2.673 .008Church attendance .087 .039 .084 2.250 .025a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Attend a <strong>church</strong>-sponsored workshop <strong>in</strong>streng<strong>the</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g relationships

Who would encourage <strong>the</strong>ir children to attendprevention workshops?Females who attend frequently and wereneglected as childrenModel123Unstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientsB Std. Error Beta(Constant) 2.060 .131 15.763 .000Church attendance .127 .036 .128 3.567 .000(Constant) 2.044 .131 15.660 .000Church attendance .127 .035 .128 3.585 .000Exposed to neglectabuse as a child?tSig..178 .077 .082 2.304 .021(Constant) 2.172 .144 15.117 .000Church attendance .127 .035 .128 3.604 .000Exposed to neglectabuse as a child?Coefficients(a).180 .077 .083 2.343 .019Sex -.093 .044 -.075 -2.109 .035a Dependent Variable: If Abusive: Encourage children to participate <strong>in</strong> abuseprevention programs

Who is most likely to see <strong>domestic</strong> abuse as aserious problem?Older, highly educated females, who weresexually abused as childrenCoefficients(a)Model4UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.957 .214 13.809 .000Sex -.292 .078 -.157 -3.733 .000Age .090 .027 .142 3.381 .001Your educationlevelExposed to sexualabuse as a child?.110 .035 .131 3.102 .002.340 .110 .130 3.093 .002a Dependent Variable: Domestic abuse is a serious problem <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Adventist</strong><strong>church</strong>

People that would tend to agree with this statement:Conservative, older maleLower education and low <strong>in</strong>comeReceived physical <strong>in</strong>jury when punishedFa<strong>the</strong>r was not emotionally or verbally abusive to mo<strong>the</strong>rModel6Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.325 .232 10.006 .000Sex .448 .070 .209 6.435 .000Your education level -.190 .030 -.207 -6.343 .000Age .065 .024 .094 2.738 .006Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es ofyour <strong>church</strong>Fa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally orverbally abusive to mo<strong>the</strong>rPhysical <strong>in</strong>jury caused bypunishment-.134 .050 -.091 -2.688 .007-.054 .019 -.096 -2.807 .005.051 .025 .069 2.039 .042a Dependent Variable: If women would submit to <strong>the</strong>ir husbands <strong>the</strong>re would beless spouse abuse

People that would tend to agree with this statement:Conservative, older person who was punished as achild by be<strong>in</strong>g deprived of foodModel3Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 1.583 .232 6.811 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>esof your <strong>church</strong>-.211 .058 -.158 -3.615 .000Age .082 .029 .123 2.834 .005Parents prevent youfrom eat<strong>in</strong>g or depriveyou of food aspunishment?.253 .120 .088 2.103 .036a Dependent Variable: If a woman submits to her husband, God will give her <strong>the</strong>strength to endure

People that would tend to agree with this statement:Conservative, older menLower education and <strong>in</strong>comeFa<strong>the</strong>r was not emotionally or verbally abusive tomo<strong>the</strong>rModel6Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.343 .242 9.690 .000Sex .559 .071 .254 7.856 .000Age .078 .024 .112 3.291 .001Your education level -.101 .032 -.107 -3.172 .002Fa<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally orverbally abusive to mo<strong>the</strong>rPractice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es ofyour <strong>church</strong>-.071 .019 -.123 -3.769 .000-.149 .051 -.098 -2.928 .004Income -.061 .026 -.079 -2.342 .019a Dependent Variable: The severity of <strong>domestic</strong> abuse has been exaggerated by<strong>the</strong> "women's movement"

People that would tend to agree withthis statement:Women with higher educationCoefficients(a)Model2UnstandardizedCoefficientsBStd.ErrorStandardizedCoefficientsBetatSig.(Constant) 4.207 .190 22.147 .000Sex -.397 .077 -.217 -5.135 .000Youreducationlevel.097 .035 .118 2.786 .006a Dependent Variable: Men use <strong>violence</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>st women to ga<strong>in</strong> power andcontrol

People that would tend to agree with this statement:Older menLower <strong>in</strong>comes and educationNot punished with food deprivationCoefficients(a)Model5UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 2.063 .247 8.363 .000Your education level -.120 .032 -.162 -3.755 .000Age .077 .024 .136 3.238 .001Sex .201 .069 .124 2.917 .004Income -.064 .026 -.103 -2.405 .017Parents prevent you fromeat<strong>in</strong>g or deprive you offood as punishment?-.217 .104 -.088 -2.093 .037a Dependent Variable: Abuse only occurs if physical <strong>violence</strong> happens

People that would tend to agree withthis statement:Women who were sexually abusedModel2Coefficients(a)UnstandardizedCoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 4.632 .138 33.621 .000Exposed tosexualabuse as achild?.283 .126 .097 2.249 .025Sex -.179 .090 -.085 -1.992 .047a Dependent Variable: Emotional abuse can be just as harmful as physicalabuse

People that would tend to agree with this statement:Conservative, older maleLower educationMo<strong>the</strong>r did not hit fa<strong>the</strong>r, but was emotionallyabusive to fa<strong>the</strong>rModel6Coefficients(a)Unstandardized CoefficientsB Std. Error BetaStandardizedCoefficients t Sig.(Constant) 1.793 .218 8.238 .000Sex .421 .066 .210 6.372 .000Practice <strong>the</strong> doctr<strong>in</strong>es of your<strong>church</strong>-.150 .047 -.109 -3.180 .002Your education level -.085 .028 -.099 -3.003 .003How about your mo<strong>the</strong>r hitt<strong>in</strong>gyour fa<strong>the</strong>r? How often did thathappen?Mo<strong>the</strong>r was emotionally orverbally abusive to fa<strong>the</strong>r-.134 .042 -.119 -3.183 .002.061 .021 .108 2.872 .004Age .050 .022 .078 2.258 .024a Dependent Variable: I should be will<strong>in</strong>g to accept a marriage with some<strong>violence</strong>

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