HRMOIR Data Definitions version 1.5 - Public Sector Commission

HRMOIR Data Definitions version 1.5 - Public Sector Commission HRMOIR Data Definitions version 1.5 - Public Sector Commission
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HUMAN RESOURCE MINIMUM OBLIGATORY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (HRMOIR)2012/13 Financial YearCalculation of Paid Full Time Equivalent (FTE), Average Paid FTE andHeadcountAn essential component of the quarterly HRMOIR census return is the collection of staffing numbersfor the WA State Government Sector. Staffing numbers are based on a standardised unit of measurefor all employees called the Paid Full‐Time Equivalent (FTE).Paid FTEPaid FTE is automatically calculated as follows: Fortnightly Ordinary Time Hours Paid Field 4.112 Standard Weekly Award Hours Field 4.12Include:• all employees directly paid by the entity (i.e. on the entity’s payroll).• paid leave hours for hours in the fortnight (see Field 4.11 for further inclusions)Exclude:• Board Members , unless they are on the entity’s payroll (see page 6);• Trainees engaged via any Traineeship program, Award or Agreement (see page 6);• any hours that are not Ordinary Time Hours Paid for the fortnight such as overtime or flexhours (see Field 4.11 for further exclusions)Example:An employee is paid for 52.5 hours worked in a fortnight and 7.5 hoursfor one day sick leave with pay. Their Award/Agreement specifies 37.5 hours per week. Therefore theFTE is 52.5 7.5⁄ 2 37.5 0.8.Average Paid FTEAverage Paid FTE aims to address seasonal fluctuations that occur in some entities from one quarter tothe next. It is calculated by averaging the Paid FTE of the current quarter and the preceding threequarters. This is used by the Department of Treasury to monitor entities’ FTE Ceiling.HeadcountHeadcount is automatically calculated as follows:Headcount = the total number of employee recordsless all separations in the quarter unless the separation reason refers to anemployee who is seconded out but continues to be paid by the entity;less any seconded in employees who were not paid by the entity in the snapshot;less board members; andless casuals who did not work in the fortnightly snapshot.Higher Duties/Acting PositionsIf an employee is acting in a different position during the census fortnight, the employee’s informationshould reflect the position that is currently being occupied. This generally affects the EmploymentData and Salary Details sections (Field 4.1 to Field 5.1).6

HUMAN RESOURCE MINIMUM OBLIGATORY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (HRMOIR)2012/13 Financial YearSeconded employeesIf an employee is seconded out of your entity, the employee must be coded as “S04” under Reason forSeparation (Field 2.6). If your entity continues to pay this employee, Ordinary Time Hours Paid(Snapshot Period) (Field 4.11) should not be zero.If an employee is seconded in to your entity, the employee must be coded as “A04” under Mode ofCommencement (Field 2.5). If your entity does not pay this employee via the HR payroll, recordOrdinary Time Hours Paid (Snapshot Period) (Field 4.11) as zero.Example 1 – Employee X• has been seconded from Entity A to Entity B;• is still being paid through Entity A’s payroll; and• worked 75 hours over the fortnight.Entity AEntity BReason for Separation (Field 2.6) S04 Mode of Commencement (Field 2.5) A04Ordinary Time Hours Paid (Field 4.11) 75.00 Ordinary Time Hours Paid (Field 4.11) 0.00(fortnight period)(fortnight period)Example 2 – Employee X• has been seconded from Entity A to Entity B;• is being paid through Entity B’s payroll; and• worked 75 hours over the fortnight.Entity AEntity BReason for Separation (Field 2.6) S04 Mode of Commencement (Field 2.5) A04Ordinary Time Hours Paid (Field 4.11) 0.00 Ordinary Time Hours Paid (Field 4.11) 75.00(fortnight period)(fortnight period)Errors and WarningsFatal Errors and Warnings appears in WACA when HRMOIR data submitted by an entity falls outside ofthe tolerances set (Refer to the Technical Summary for field specific tolerances).Fatal tolerances are set at the point where any data is very unlikely to occur. This may be because it islegally inadmissible, numerically impossible or illogical. Occasionally, there are exceptions where thedata is correct. In such cases, entities submitting the data are required to send an email to the StateAdministrator explaining the circumstances.Warnings appear when the data is at the extreme range of what is permissible or possible. Thewarnings are designed to alert the entities that the data should be checked for accuracy. If an entity issatisfied that the data is accurate, they may finalise the data. Entities are not required to advise theState Administrator about the warnings. However, it is likely that during the quality assurance processthe warnings will be scrutinised for the likelihood of data being incorrect.7

HUMAN RESOURCE MINIMUM OBLIGATORY INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS (<strong>HRMOIR</strong>)2012/13 Financial YearCalculation of Paid Full Time Equivalent (FTE), Average Paid FTE andHeadcountAn essential component of the quarterly <strong>HRMOIR</strong> census return is the collection of staffing numbersfor the WA State Government <strong>Sector</strong>. Staffing numbers are based on a standardised unit of measurefor all employees called the Paid Full‐Time Equivalent (FTE).Paid FTEPaid FTE is automatically calculated as follows: Fortnightly Ordinary Time Hours Paid Field 4.112 Standard Weekly Award Hours Field 4.12Include:• all employees directly paid by the entity (i.e. on the entity’s payroll).• paid leave hours for hours in the fortnight (see Field 4.11 for further inclusions)Exclude:• Board Members , unless they are on the entity’s payroll (see page 6);• Trainees engaged via any Traineeship program, Award or Agreement (see page 6);• any hours that are not Ordinary Time Hours Paid for the fortnight such as overtime or flexhours (see Field 4.11 for further exclusions)Example:An employee is paid for 52.5 hours worked in a fortnight and 7.5 hoursfor one day sick leave with pay. Their Award/Agreement specifies 37.5 hours per week. Therefore theFTE is 52.5 7.5⁄ 2 37.5 0.8.Average Paid FTEAverage Paid FTE aims to address seasonal fluctuations that occur in some entities from one quarter tothe next. It is calculated by averaging the Paid FTE of the current quarter and the preceding threequarters. This is used by the Department of Treasury to monitor entities’ FTE Ceiling.HeadcountHeadcount is automatically calculated as follows:Headcount = the total number of employee recordsless all separations in the quarter unless the separation reason refers to anemployee who is seconded out but continues to be paid by the entity;less any seconded in employees who were not paid by the entity in the snapshot;less board members; andless casuals who did not work in the fortnightly snapshot.Higher Duties/Acting PositionsIf an employee is acting in a different position during the census fortnight, the employee’s informationshould reflect the position that is currently being occupied. This generally affects the Employment<strong>Data</strong> and Salary Details sections (Field 4.1 to Field 5.1).6

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