translation studies - Facultatea de Litere - Dunarea de Jos

translation studies - Facultatea de Litere - Dunarea de Jos

translation studies - Facultatea de Litere - Dunarea de Jos


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Carmen Ciobanu<br />

The ‘Talk Much’ Paradigms in English and Romanian<br />

20 As complexes of verbal action and modifier, MOSVs can <strong>de</strong>fine all the parametres of the communicative situation, that<br />

is, Speaker (role, age, sex, temperamental type, etc.), Message (vocal, articulatory or auditory characteristics), Addressee,<br />

Patient and Evaluation. The main distinction that operates within the reference structure of these verbs is between<br />

Participants and accompanying Circumstances, i.e. Cause of the action (e.g. a particular emotion), Purpose, Result,<br />

Surroundings or Hierarchy among participants.<br />

21 Extensively used in the Bible, and possibly generated by mis<strong>translation</strong>, this <strong>de</strong>vice was labelled “construcţie bumerang”<br />

(i.e. boomerang construction) by Corneliu Dimitriu (1986: 37-39). The structure may contain either the same or two<br />

synonymous LAVs in different inflexional forms or a verb of movement and a LAV, e.g.: “... so then he goes and says...”<br />

Compare the English and the Romanian versions: “And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt,<br />

saying, ... Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every<br />

man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers.” (THE HOLY BIBLE, Exodus, Chapter 12, p.71) – Apoi a grăit<br />

Domnul cu Moise şi Aaron în pământul Egiptului şi le-a zis: ... Spune dar la toată obştea fiilor lui Israel şi le zi: În ziua a<br />

zecea alunii acesteia să-şi ia fiecare din capii <strong>de</strong> familie un miel...” (BIBLIA, Cap. 12 Ieşirea, p. 79) Aurelia Merlan<br />

(1998: 175) wrote that such structures illustrate a process of reformulation typical of vernacular varieties of Italian,<br />

French, Romanian as well as of English, when the speaker’s thought moves back to an element of the initial syntacticosemantic<br />

project.<br />

22 Bolinger, Dwight, 1972, Degree Words, Mouton, The Hague. Paris. For Bolinger, intensification is „the linguistic<br />

expression of exaggeration and <strong>de</strong>preciation...,” (1972: 2) and an intensifier is “any <strong>de</strong>vice that scales a quality, whether<br />

up or down or somewhere between the two,” (i<strong>de</strong>m: 19), e.g. She’ll talk your head off (she talks a blue streak).<br />

23 So is consi<strong>de</strong>red to be a “relatively grammaticized” intensifier which “quite closely matches, in meaning, the<br />

intensifiable feature of the verb.” (Bolinger 1972: 174)<br />

24 Intra- and inter-corpora feed back has also contributed to the selection of field members. For example, gossip, marked<br />

[-Transitive] belongs with talk and chat, whereas bârfi is [+/-Transitive], e.g. a bârfi verzi şi uscate.<br />

25 Cf. CCD: TALK3 (vi) ‘to use speech to express your feelings’; TALK 4 (vi) ‘to chat’; Cf. DEX: VORBI 1 (vt) , in<br />

phrases like: a vorbi multe şi <strong>de</strong> toate / vrute şi nevrute / verzi şi uscate câte-n lună şi în stele; VORBI 2 (vi) ‘a sta <strong>de</strong><br />

vorbă’, ‘a discuta’; VORBI2 (vt) ‘a discuta’<br />

26 Drawing on William Croft’s (1991) approach to semantic classes (i.e. Objects, Properties and Actions) and pragmatic<br />

functions (i.e. Reference, Modification and Predication), we consi<strong>de</strong>r all the constituents of the field to be instantiations<br />

of verbal communication as action.<br />

27 This subparadigm seems to be richer in Romanian.<br />

28 MOSVs whose Source field <strong>de</strong>notational meaning gets a familiar everyday connotational meaning, have emerged as<br />

‘implicite metaphors’ through the semantic process of ‘metacommunication’, or as or ‘figurative synonyms’ of concrete<br />

terms, as in: bootlick (AmE v i,t), bootlicking, bootlicker ‘ (‘flatterer’) – peria ( v.i), periere, periuţă.<br />

29 The axiological value of words <strong>de</strong>noting animal metaphors cannot be separated from their stylistic value.<br />

30 We have approached this paradigm in Ciobanu Carmen, ‘Articulator Metaphors: GURĂ - MOUTH’ (in print).<br />

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şi <strong>de</strong> Misiune Ortodoxă al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române<br />

o *** THE HOLY BIBLE CONTAINING THE OLD AND THE NEW TESTAMENTS. Translated out of the original<br />

tongues and with the former <strong>translation</strong>s diligently compared and revised by His Majesty’s special command.<br />

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