2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files

2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files 2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files

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CAUTION:Rust or dirt on a wheel, or on the parts to whichit is fastened, can make wheel studs become looseafter a time. The wheel could come off and causean accident. When you change a wheel, removeany rust or dirt from places where the wheelattaches to the vehicle. In an emergency, you canuse a cloth or a paper towel to do this; but besure to use a scraper or wire brush later, ifyou need to, to get all the rust or dirt off.See “Changing a Flat Tire” in the Index.When It’s Time for New TiresOne way to tell when it’stime for new tires is tocheck the treadwearindicators, which willappear when your tires haveonly 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) orless of tread remaining.You need a new tire if any of the following statementsare true: You can see the indicators at three or more placesaround the tire. You can see cord or fabric showing through thetire’s rubber. The tread or sidewall is cracked, cut or snagged deepenough to show cord or fabric. The tire has a bump, bulge or split. The tire has a puncture, cut or other damage thatcan’t be repaired well because of the size or locationof the damage.6-41

Buying New TiresTo find out what kind and size of tires you need, look atthe Tire-Loading Information label.The tires installed on your vehicle when it was new hada Tire Performance Criteria Specification (TPC Spec)number on each tire’s sidewall. When you get new tires,get ones with that same TPC Spec number. That wayyour vehicle will continue to have tires that are designedto give proper endurance, handling, speed rating,traction, ride and other things during normal service onyour vehicle. If your tires have an all-season treaddesign, the TPC number will be followed byan “MS” (for mud and snow).If you ever replace your tires with those not having aTPC Spec number, make sure they are the samesize, load range, speed rating and construction type(bias, bias-belted or radial) as your original tires.CAUTION:Mixing tires could cause you to lose control whiledriving. If you mix tires of different sizes or types(radial and bias-belted tires), the vehicle may nothandle properly, and you could have a crash.Using tires of different sizes may also causedamage to your vehicle. Be sure to use the samesize and type tires on all wheels.CAUTION:If you use bias-ply tires on your vehicle, thewheel rim flanges could develop cracks aftermany miles of driving. A tire and/or wheel couldfail suddenly, causing a crash. Use only radial-plytires with the wheels on your vehicle.6-42

Buying New TiresTo find out what kind and size of tires you need, look atthe Tire-Loading Information label.The tires installed on your vehicle when it was new hada Tire Performance Criteria Specification (TPC Spec)number on each tire’s sidewall. When you get new tires,get ones with that same TPC Spec number. That wayyour vehicle will continue to have tires that are designedto give proper endurance, handling, speed rating,traction, ride and other things during normal service onyour vehicle. If your tires have an all-season treaddesign, the TPC number will be followed byan “MS” (for mud and snow).If you ever replace your tires with those not having aTPC Spec number, make sure they are the samesize, load range, speed rating and construction type(bias, bias-belted or radial) as your original tires.CAUTION:Mixing tires could cause you to lose control whiledriving. If you mix tires of different sizes or types(radial and bias-belted tires), the vehicle may nothandle properly, and you could have a crash.Using tires of different sizes may also causedamage to your vehicle. Be sure to use the samesize and type tires on all wheels.CAUTION:If you use bias-ply tires on your vehicle, thewheel rim flanges could develop cracks aftermany miles of driving. A tire and/or wheel couldfail suddenly, causing a crash. Use only radial-plytires with the wheels on your vehicle.6-42

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