2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files

2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files 2001 Cadillac Catera Owners Manual - Files

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Brake System Warning LightYour vehicle’s hydraulic brake system is divided intotwo parts. If one part isn’t working, the other part canstill work and stop you. For good braking, though, youneed both parts working well.If the warning light comes on, there is a brake problem.Have your brake system inspected right away.If the light comes on while you are driving, pull off theroad and stop carefully. You may notice that the pedal isharder to push. Or, the pedal may go closer to the floor.It may take longer to stop. If the light is still on, have thevehicle towed for service. See “Towing Your Vehicle” inthe Index.CAUTION:United StatesCanadaYour brake system may not be working properlyif the brake system warning light is on. Drivingwith the brake system warning light on can leadto an accident. If the light is still on after you’vepulled off the road and stopped carefully, havethe vehicle towed for service.This light should come on briefly when you turn theignition key to ON. If it doesn’t come on then, haveit fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there’sa problem.When the ignition is on, the brake system warning lightwill also come on when you set your parking brake. Thelight will stay on if your parking brake doesn’t releasefully. If it stays on after your parking brake is fullyreleased, it means you have a brake problem.2-75

Anti-Lock Brake System Warning LightWith the anti-lock brakesystem, the light(s) willcome on when your engineis started and may stayon for several seconds.That’s normal.Traction Control System Warning LightThe warning light will flashwhen the system senses atraction change.If the light stays on, turn the ignition to OFF. Or, if thelight comes on when you’re driving, stop as soon aspossible and turn the ignition off. Then start the engineagain to reset the system. If the light still stays on, orcomes on again while you’re driving, your vehicle needsservice. If the regular brake system warning light isn’ton, you still have brakes, but you don’t have anti-lockbrakes. If the regular brake system warning light is alsoon, you don’t have anti-lock brakes and there’s aproblem with your regular brakes. See “Brake SystemWarning Light” earlier in this section.The anti-lock brake system warning light should comeon briefly when you turn the ignition key to ON. If thelight doesn’t come on then, have it fixed so it will beready to warn you if there is a problem.2-76If it stays on, or comes on and stays on steady whenyou’re driving, there may be a problem with yourtraction control system and your vehicle may needservice. When this warning light is on, the system willnot limit wheel spin. Adjust your driving accordingly.The traction control system warning light may come onfor the following reasons:If there’s a brake system problem that is specificallyrelated to traction control, the traction control systemwill turn off and the warning light will come on. If the traction control system is affected by anengine-related problem, the system will turn off andthe warning light will come on.If the traction control system warning light comes onand stays on for an extended period of time when thesystem is turned on, your vehicle needs service.

Brake System Warning LightYour vehicle’s hydraulic brake system is divided intotwo parts. If one part isn’t working, the other part canstill work and stop you. For good braking, though, youneed both parts working well.If the warning light comes on, there is a brake problem.Have your brake system inspected right away.If the light comes on while you are driving, pull off theroad and stop carefully. You may notice that the pedal isharder to push. Or, the pedal may go closer to the floor.It may take longer to stop. If the light is still on, have thevehicle towed for service. See “Towing Your Vehicle” inthe Index.CAUTION:United StatesCanadaYour brake system may not be working properlyif the brake system warning light is on. Drivingwith the brake system warning light on can leadto an accident. If the light is still on after you’vepulled off the road and stopped carefully, havethe vehicle towed for service.This light should come on briefly when you turn theignition key to ON. If it doesn’t come on then, haveit fixed so it will be ready to warn you if there’sa problem.When the ignition is on, the brake system warning lightwill also come on when you set your parking brake. Thelight will stay on if your parking brake doesn’t releasefully. If it stays on after your parking brake is fullyreleased, it means you have a brake problem.2-75

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