specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...


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B. CEMENT; TYPE:FTWIC-2235June, 20091. Type "I" Portland Cement, general purpose, conforming to ASTM C-150; usedfor all concrete.2. Type "III" Portland Cement, high early strength conforming to ASTM C-150;may be used only with written approval of the COR.C. FLY ASH/POZZOLANS:Conforming to ASTM C-618, Class "F" fly ash; used in all classes of concrete. Asupplier's certificate of the analysis and composition of the fly ash shall be supplied.D. ADMIXTURES:Concrete of 3000 psi or stronger shall contain air-entraining admixtures. When jobconditions dictate, water-reducing and set-controlling admixtures may be used. Onlyspecified admixtures shall be used. Admixtures shall be batched at the batch plant.1. Air-Entraining Admixture: Conforming to ASTM C-260. The total average aircontent shall be in accordance with recommendations of ACI 211.1; 5% +/- 0.5%for 1-1/2" maximum size aggregate.2. Water Reducing Admixtures: Conforming to ASTM C-494; Types "A" or "D"only; accurately measured and added to the mix according to the manufacturer'srecommendations.3. Set Retarding Admixtures: Conforming to ASTM C-494; Types "B" and "D"only; accurately measured and added to the mix in according to themanufacturer's recommendations.4. Water Reducing Admixtures - High Range (HRWR): High Range WaterReducer shall comply with ASTM C-494, Type "F" or "G". HRWR shall beaccurately measured in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.HRWR shall be added to the concrete mix at the concrete batch plant. HRWRmay not be added at placement site except to redose a batch and only afterapproval of the HRWR manufacturer. The high range water reducing admixtureshall be able to maintain the plasticity range for extended periods of time (2hours if necessary) without a rise in concrete temperature. Type "F" or "G"admixtures may be used in all concrete except in Class E concrete. With the useof these admixtures, slump limit shall be between 7" and 9" unless otherwiseauthorized by the manufacturer. Other admixtures may only be used with theHRWR if approved by the HRWR manufacturer. A representative of the HRWRmanufacturer shall be present during any large placement, placement of slabs, orduring times of unusual circumstance which may require changes to the productformulation. High range water reducing agent shall be by Grace ConstructionProducts, "Daracem 100", or approved equal.03300-12

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