specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...


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.FTWIC-2235June 2009H. Use care in piercing waterproofing. After the part piercing the waterproofing has beenset in place, seal the opening and make it absolutely watertight.I. Provide chrome-plated spring-clipped escutcheon plates where exposed conduit passesthrough finished walls, floors, or ceilings. Cover sleeves and the entire opening made forthe pipe with escutcheon plates. All conduit openings through floor slabs, masonrywalls, and continuous partitions shall be air and watertight. On fire rated walls or floors,use fire rated foam or equivalent unless otherwise noted.J. Seal equipment or components exposed to the weather and make watertight and insectproof. Protect equipment outlets and conduit openings with temporary plugs or caps atall times that work is not in progress.K. Exposed parts of electrical equipment and the interior of panels, cabinets andswitchboards shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, cement, plaster and other materials. Allscratched or damaged materials shall be replaced or refinished to the original condition.3.02 CUTTING AND PATCHING:Provide adequate support during cutting operations to prevent any damage to the affectedmasonry. Where openings are cut through masonry walls, provide lintels or structural supports toprotect the remaining masonry. The cutting of structural members shall not be permitted withoutthe specific written approval of the <strong>Contract</strong>ing Officer.3.03 PAINTING:Painting shall be in accordance with Section 09901, ARCHITECTURAL PAINTING. Maintainthe original factory finish on material and equipment installed, unless specifically indicated onthe plans or <strong>specifications</strong>. If the finish is marred in transit or during installation, re-finish to aneat, workmanlike appearance. Leave equipment clean and free of grease, dirt, rust, and in asuitable condition for painting.3.04 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING:A. Make excavations to the proper depth, allowing for floor slabs, forms, beams, etc.Compact the ground under the conduit before its installation. Install exterior conduitwith a minimum of 30" inches of cover below the finished grade, unless otherwiseindicated.B. Field check and verify the locations of underground utilities and avoid disturbing them asmuch as possible. If existing utilities are broken into and damaged, repair them to maketheir operation equal to their original undamaged condition.3.05 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION:A. The identification of electrical equipment shall be in accordance with Section 01080,IDENTIFICATION OF SYSTEMS. Identify electrical equipment in accordance with theNEC, the local authorities, and as specified.16010-9

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