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specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...


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FTWIC-2235June, 2009applying water-based paints. Prime walls as recommeded by manufacturer which receiveCrafton paint.J. P-11 WOOD VARNISH:3.03 INSTALLATION:Surfaces to be clean and dry. Fill nail holes and other blemishes after staining with fillertinted to match wood or stain color.A. WOOD DOORS:Immediately after delivery, give top and bottom edges of wood doors one (1) heavy coatof spar varnish. After doors have been trimmed and fitted, finish edges and recoat topsand bottoms with varnish. Sand wood doors with No. 3/0 or No. 5/0 sandpaper and cleanbefore applying sealer. Sand and clean between each coat of finish.B. MILLWORK:Back Prime or seal exterior woodwork and exterior wood frames, trim and plywood.Prime or seal sides and backs of millwork that will be concealed once installed.C. BRUSH APPLICATION:Use only top quality hog hair or synthetic bristle brushes. Apply paint to form a uniformfilm of a thickness which is consistent with the specified coverage. Use sufficient crossbrushing to fill surface irregularities and complete coverage. Use care when paintingcorners and other restricted places so that a uniform application is obtained. Finalbrushing strokes shall be made in the same direction and toward the previously appliedpaint. Brush the final coats of enamel paints only enough to spread the coating evenlyand avoid excessive thickness.D. SPRAY APPLICATION:When paint is applied by spray, the air gun used shall be adjustable to regulate the air andpaint mixture. The equipment shall have a suitable water trap to remove moisture presentin the compressed air. Paint pots shall be equipped with a hand agitator to keep the paintmixed well. The width of the spray shall be not less than twelve (12") inches, nor morethan eighteen (18") inches. The pressure shall be suitable for type of paint used.E. PAINTING OVER SHOP COAT:Where an item to be painted has a shop coat of paint, primer may be omitted. Touch upmarred surfaces of shop coat before applying finish coats.F. BLOCK FILLER:Apply block filler for concrete masonry in two (2) heavy coats, at the rate of 75 squarefeet per gallon. Use a brush followed by roller to force the material into the pores of theblock.09901-6

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