specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...

specifications - FAACO - Federal Aviation Administration Contract ...


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FTWIC-2235June, 2009E. Wipe surfaces galvanized steel with cleaning solvent to remove oil and grease. Etch withsolution of copper sulphate crystals or etching solution.3.02 SPECIAL PREPARATION:A. P-1 WOOD:Surfaces shall be dry. Sand smooth and remove saw cuts or rasp marks. Sand with thegrain, not against the grain. Spot prime knots and sap streaks. Putty nail holes andcracks after primer is applied.B. P-2 GALVANIZED IRON:Clean thoroughly and remove grease, residue and corrosion with solvent wash.C. P-3 STEEL, SOLVENT CLEANING SSPC-SP 1-63:Remove oil, grease, dirt, soil or contaminants by cleaning with solvent or steam.D. P-4 STEEL, HAND TOOL CLEANING SSPC-SP 2-63:Remove loose rust, loose mill scale and loose paint to firm surface by hand chipping,scraping, sanding or wire brushing.E. P-5 STEEL POWER TOOL CLEANING SSPC-SP 3:Remove loose rust, loose mill scale and loose paint by power tool chipping, descaling,sanding, wire brushing and grinding.F. P-7 BRUSH OFF BLAST CLEANING SSPC-SP 7:Blast clean loose material only.G. P-8 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS AT ESU:Remove dirt, loose or excess mortar and dry thoroughly. Patch interior defects asnecessary with latex concrete mix.H. P-9 CONCRETE:Patch where necessary with latex concrete. Remove loose dirt and dust. Apply concretesealer or masonry conditioner. Concrete must be cured for a period of thirty (30) days ata temperature of 75 degrees F or above. Curing compounds and sealers must becompatible with the paint applied to the surface.I. P-10 DRYWALL:Drywall surfaces shall be clean and dry. Joint treatment shall be thoroughly dry. Textureshall be applied and defects repaired. Cracks or voids shall be filled with spacklecompound to match adjacent surfaces. Prime metal casing and corner heads before09901-5

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