11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis


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The ion-exchange reaction occurs at the interfacial zone to form QY, then conducting theintrinsic reaction:M þ Y ðorgÞþQ þ X ðorgÞ $Q þ Y ðorgÞþM þ X ðorgÞQ þ Y ðorgÞþRX ðorgÞ !RY ðorgÞþQ þ X ðorgÞð147Þð148ÞThe regenerated Q þ X ðorgÞ continues to catalyze the formation <strong>of</strong> Q þ Y ðorgÞ, <strong>and</strong>M + X (org) is always in equilibrium with MX(s):M þ X ðorgÞ $MX ðsÞð149ÞThe rate <strong>of</strong> equation is derived asd½RXŠdt¼ k org ½RXŠ½Q þ Y Š¼ k org K e½M þ Y Š½M þ X Š ½RXŠ½Qþ X ŠK e ¼ ½Qþ Y Š½M þ X Š½Q þ X Š½M þ Y Šð150Þð151ÞIf the value f ¼½M þ Y Š=½M þ X Š is approximately a constant, the rate <strong>of</strong> the equation canbe expressed in a pseudo-first-order form:d½RXŠ¼ kdt app ½RXŠk app ¼ k org K e f ½Q þ X Šð152Þð153ÞDuring the course <strong>of</strong> reaction, when the value <strong>of</strong> f is gradually diminished, the initialreaction rate <strong>and</strong> deactivation rate should be applied. With or without adding waterinfluences the mass transfer rate from the interface into the organic phase.D. Kinetic Modeling <strong>of</strong> Heterogeneous SolubilizationNaik <strong>and</strong> Doraiswamy [206] developed a mathematical model for the case <strong>of</strong> heterogeneoussolubilization that involves the steps <strong>of</strong> ion exchange in the solid phase, interphasetransport <strong>of</strong> the catalyst <strong>and</strong> the intermediate, <strong>and</strong> the organic reaction. In this model, ionexchange occurring within the solid phase is assumed due to the possible deposition <strong>of</strong> theproduct salt MX on the solid surface retarding formation <strong>of</strong> the catalytic intermediate.The controlling step can either be the liquid-phase transfer steps, the diffusion within thereactive solid, the adsorption–desorption steps, the surface ion-exchange reaction, or theliquid organic reaction. This treatment is similar to that in gas–solid catalytic reaction.The controlling step may shift to another step continuously with time. The reaction <strong>of</strong>organic RX with solid MY in the presence <strong>of</strong> PT catalyst QX is considered, <strong>and</strong> a poroussolid wherein the ion-exchange reaction takes place throughout the whole pellet, ratherthan at a sharp interface due to the liquid penetrating into it is assumed. The governingequations are derived as follows [206]:RX ðorgÞþMY ðsÞ ! QX RY ðorgÞ MX ðsÞ ð154ÞWithin the solid phase:Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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