11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis


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interface, (3) bulkiness <strong>of</strong> the quaternary salt, <strong>and</strong> (4) sharpness <strong>of</strong> the interface. Starksindicated that three <strong>of</strong> the more important factors affecting the amount <strong>of</strong> interfacial areainclude interfacial tension, the presence <strong>of</strong> surfactants, <strong>and</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong> stirring or agitation.The interfacial area under steady-state stirring conditions will increase with decreasinginterfacial tension. The chemical natures <strong>of</strong> the organic <strong>and</strong> the aqueous phasesdetermine the interfacial tension that exists between these two phases. The quaternarysalt present in the reaction mixture may lower interfacial tension because <strong>of</strong> its surfactantproperties. Elegant ESCA studies [132,133] suggest that if the anion is highly hydrated itwill not be tightly bound at the interface with the quaternary cation, but rather tend to bemore dispersed in solution, removed from the interface.Reuben <strong>and</strong> Sjoberg [134] indicated that all boundaries are difficult to cross: political,legal, <strong>and</strong> geographical boundaries, <strong>and</strong> also phase boundaries in chemical systems.The interfacial mechanism is the most widely accepted mechanism for PTC reactions in thepresence <strong>of</strong> a base<strong>Interfacial</strong> tension is an important property in the process design <strong>of</strong> liquid–liquidprocesses. The decrement <strong>of</strong> interfacial tension between both phases leads to an increasedinterfacial area [135]. Because the volumetric rate <strong>of</strong> extraction was found to be dependenton the interfacial area, interfacial tension data are useful in underst<strong>and</strong>ing the effect <strong>of</strong>interfacial area on the volumetric rate <strong>of</strong> extraction <strong>and</strong> overall reaction rates for a PTcatalyzedreaction. Dutta <strong>and</strong> Patil [136] reported that the effect on the interfacial tension<strong>of</strong> the water/toluene system has been studied in the presence <strong>of</strong> four PT catalysts, i.e.,tricaprylmethyl ammonium chloride, hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium chloride, hexadecytrimethylammonium bromide, <strong>and</strong> hexadecyltributyl phosphonium bromide. Thedecrease in interfacial tension by surfactants increases the interfacial contact area, enhancingthe volumetric rate <strong>of</strong> extraction.Juang <strong>and</strong> Liu [74,75] presented that the interfacial tensions between water/n-hexane<strong>and</strong> water/toluene in the synthesis <strong>of</strong> ether–ester compounds by PTC could be measured.These two-phase systems contained PT catalyst, an aqueous phase reactant, <strong>and</strong>/or alkali.The interfacial data could be well described by the Gibbs adsorption equation coupledwith the Langmuir monolayer isotherm.III.LIQUID–SOLID–LIQUID PHASE TRANSFER CATALYSISLLPTC is the most widely synthesized method for solving the problem <strong>of</strong> the mutualinsolubility <strong>of</strong> nonpolar <strong>and</strong> ionic compounds [27–31]. Two compounds in immisciblephases are able to react because <strong>of</strong> the PT catalyst. However, processes using a twophasePT-catalytic reaction always encounter the separation problem <strong>of</strong> purifying thefinal product from the catalyst. Regen [137] first used a solid-phase catalyst [triphasecatalyst (TC) or polymer-support catalyst], in which a tertiary amine was immobilizedon a polymer support, in the reaction <strong>of</strong> an organic reactant <strong>and</strong> an aqueous reactant.From the industrial application point <strong>of</strong> view, the supported catalyst can be easily separatedfrom the final product <strong>and</strong> the unreacted reactants simply by filtration or centrifugation.In addition, either the plug flow reactor (PFR) or the continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR) can be used to carry out the reaction. The most synthetic methods used for triphasecatalysis were studied by Regen <strong>and</strong> Beese [137–141] <strong>and</strong> Tomoi <strong>and</strong> coworkers [142–146].Another advantage <strong>of</strong> triphase catalysis is that it can be easily adapted to continuousprocesses [147–149]. Therefore, triphase catalysis possesses high potential in industrialscaleapplications for synthesizing organic chemicals from two immiscible reactants.Copyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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