11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis

11. Interfacial Mechanism and Kinetics of Phase-Transfer Catalysis


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The fixed value <strong>of</strong> k app is called the apparent first-order reaction-rate constant. The overbardenotes the species in the organic phase. The reaction rate linearly increases withincreasing QY concentration. Equation (13) is established when the QY concentration isconstant. Most observed reaction rate would follow the pseudo-first-order kinetics for anexcess amount <strong>of</strong> aqueous reactant to that <strong>of</strong> organic reactant [37]. Wu [64] indicated thata pseudo-first-order hypothesis can be used to describe the PTC experiment data, eventhough the QY concentration is not kept constant. Wang <strong>and</strong> Wu [58] developed a comprehensivemodel in a sequential phosphazene reaction. Their experimental results wereconsistent with a first-order reaction rate; the pseudo-first-order reaction-rate constantwas not linearly related to the concentration <strong>of</strong> the catalyst, because the mass transfer<strong>of</strong> catalyst between the two phases influenced the reaction. Wang <strong>and</strong> Yang [57,65] <strong>and</strong>Wu [63] indicated that the QY concentration is constant over time when the molar ratio <strong>of</strong>nucleophile to catalyst is larger than unity. Therefore, in the general case, the QY concentrationcannot vary with time only when the ion-exchange rate in the aqueous phase ismore rapid than that in the organic phase [66], no mass transfer resistance <strong>of</strong> catalystbetween the two phases occurs, the molar ratio <strong>of</strong> nucleophile to catalyst is larger thanunity, <strong>and</strong> the ionic strength in the aqueous phase is high [67].The complicated nature <strong>of</strong> the LLPTC reaction system is attributed to two masstransfer steps <strong>and</strong> two reaction steps in the organic <strong>and</strong> aqueous phases. The equilibriumpartition <strong>of</strong> the catalysts between the two phases also affects the reaction rate. On the basis<strong>of</strong> the above factors <strong>and</strong> the steady-state two-film theory [60,63,64,68], a phase-planemodel to describe the dynamics <strong>of</strong> a liquid–liquid PTC reaction has been derived. Thismodel <strong>of</strong>fers physically meaningful parameters that demonstrate the complicated reactivecharacter <strong>of</strong> a liquid–liquid PT-catalyzed reaction. However, when the concentration <strong>of</strong>aqueous solution is dilute or the reactivity <strong>of</strong> aqueous reactant is weak, the onium cationhas to exist in the aqueous phase. The mathematical model cannot describe this completely.When the onium cation exists in the aqueous phase, several important phenomenainvolved in the liquid–liquid reaction need to be analyzed <strong>and</strong> discussed.ð14ÞOn the basis <strong>of</strong> Eq. (12), <strong>and</strong> mechanism (14) [64,68], the species balance equationswere solved by eliminating the time variable (phase-plane model). The relevant rate equationsaredy od ¼ y 1oy ody 1ody o¼ P 1 QYy oym 1aQY 1y 1oð15Þð16ÞCopyright © 2003 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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