Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY

Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY

Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY


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2877682. Ratko MLADIC committed in concert with others, planned,instigated, ordered, and/or aided and abetted the taking of UN militaryobservers and peacekeepers as hostages. In addition, Ratko MLADIC knewor had reason to know that the taking of hostages was about to be or hadbeen committed by his subordinates, and he failed to take the necessary andreasonable measures to prevent such acts or punish the perpetrators thereof.83. As alleged in paragraphs 24 to 28 Ratko MLADIC participated in ajoint criminal enterprise to take hostages in order to compel NATO toabstain from conducting air strikes against Bosnian Serb military targets.Members of the joint criminal enterprise shared the intent to take hostages inorder to compel NATO to abstain from air strikes.84. In response to shelling attacks on Sarajevo and other areas of BiH byBosnian Serb Forces, NATO forces carried out air strikes against BosnianSerb military targets in BiH on 25 and 26 May 1995.85. Between approximately 26 May 1995 and 19 June 1995, Bosnian SerbForces detained over two hundred UN peacekeepers and military observersin various locations, including Pale, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, and Gorazde andheld them at various locations in the RS, including locations of strategic ormilitary significance, in order to render the locations immune from NATOair strikes and to prevent air strikes from continuing. Threats were issued tothird parties, including NATO and UN commanders, that further NATOattacks on Bosnian Serb military targets would result in the injury, death, orcontinued detention of the detainees. Some of the detainees were assaulted orotherwise maltreated during their captivity.Case No. IT- 09-92-1 36 1 June 2011

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