Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY

Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY

Prosecution's second amended indictment - ICTY


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28799VRS and the MUP to carry out crimes committed in furtherance of theirobjective.28. Ratko MLADIC significantly contributed to achieving the objectiveof taking hostages in one or more of the ways set out in paragraph 13(a), (b),(d), (f) and (j) in relation to the objective of taking hostages.Planning, Instigating, Ordering, and/or Aiding and Abetting29. In addition to his liability through his participation in these jointcriminal enterprises, Ratko MLADIC is individually criminally responsiblefor planning, instigating, ordering and/or aiding and abetting the crimescharged in this <strong>indictment</strong> through the acts and omissions described inparagraph 13.30. Ratko MLADIC planned (through acts including those described inparagraph 13(b), ( c), and/or (f) in relation to the individual crimes charged),instigated (through acts and omissions including those described inparagraph 13 (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h) and/or (j) in relation to the individualcrimes charged), and ordered (through acts including those described inparagraph 13 (b), (c), (d) and/or (k) in relation to the individual crimescharged) each of the crimes charged in this <strong>indictment</strong>. He directly intendedor was aware of the substantial likelihood that the execution of his plans andorders, and/or the carrying out of the acts and conduct which he instigated,would involve or result in the crimes charged in this <strong>indictment</strong>. RatkoMLADIC aided and abetted the crimes charged in this <strong>indictment</strong> throughacts and omissions including those described in paragraph 13 (a), (b), (c),(d), ( e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j) and/or (k) in relation to the individual crimescharged. He was aware of the probability that the crimes charged would beCase No. IT- 09-92-1 13 1 June 2011

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