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<strong>SZCZECIN</strong> <strong>UNIVERSITY</strong>FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCEBiotechnologyFull time studies 1 st and 2 nd gradesECTS Information PackageACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012

71- 415 Szczecin ul. Wąska 13tel. +91 444 15 15Dean: Dr hab. Agnieszka Popiela, prof. USFaculty ECTS Coordinator:Dr Renata Słomińska-Walkowiaktel. +91 444 15 14e-mail: usbiolcom@poczta.onet.plDepartmental ECTS Coordinator:Prof. dr hab. Ewa Kępczyńskatel.+91 444 15 27e-mail: ekepcz@univ.szczecin.pl1

ContentsI. Introduction to the ECTS 3II. The Faculty of Natural Science: general information 5III. 1 st and 2 nd grade courses with total number of hours 10IV. The graduate‟s profile 12V. List of the Faculty‟s units study area: biotechnology 13VI. List of University‟s units delivering courses complementing biotechnology courses 16VII. Course codes and list of courses taught in study area: biotechnology 17VIII. 1 st grade courses with allocated ECTS credits 20IX. Description of courses conducted at the Faculty of Natural Science study area:biotechnology 23X. 2 nd grade – Courses with allocated ECTS credits 53XI. Description of courses conducted at the Faculty of Natural Science study area:biotechnology 54XII. Professional practices 702

I. Introduction to the ECTSA. What is the ECTS system?Trips of Polish students to foreign universities and research centres have become a fact, andthe building of a "Europe without borders" will enable also foreign students to study at Polishuniversities. An essential condition of the development of this form of education is the fullrecognition of the period of studies taken abroad and of the awarded qualifications. TheEuropean Credit Transfer System (ECTS), designed as a pilot project within the framework ofERASMUS Programme, is the way to achieve this goal. This system is designed to streamlinethe procedures and fully recognise the period of studies taken abroad. The project is alsosupposed to make studying at Polish universities which are implementing the ECTS system,easier for Polish students."Full recognition" means that the period of studies taken abroad or at another Polishuniversity can replace a period of study at home university regardless of differences in thecurricula. The implementation of ECTS is based on mutual trust between partner universities,and each university selects its own partners for cooperation.B. How does the ECTS work?The implementation of the ECTS is based on the following documents:Information Package – contains information on the courses of studies,curricula, study regulations, conditions of enrolment, and administrativeregulations of the university. The Package, designed as a guide, addressesstudents and academic teachers from partner universities. It is intended to helpthem select and plan the appropriate study programme and obtain usefulinformation. The package is updated annually, and it is issued in printed orelectronic form.Learning Agreement – binds home university, host university and the student.The student, having chosen the university where s/he wants to study for someperiod of time, fills in the application form. In agreement with the ECTScoordinator of the home faculty, and on the basis of the information package ofthe receiving university, s/he selects courses to be attended. After acceptingstudent‟s application by the receiving university, all three parties (the studentand both universities) sign a learning agreement including the selected coursesand the number of ECTS credits allocated to them.Transcript of records – the document on the basis of which the period ofstudy and courses realised abroad by a particular student are fully recognised.The transcript serves also as the confirmation of the period of studies takenabroad for a future employer. The transcript contains a list of all the course thestudent has attended, along with the number of credits and grades awardedaccording to the grading system of a given university. Credits and grades give3

quantitative and qualitative description of the student's achievements abroad.The student's transcript of record enclosed with his/her application form sentby the home university is especially useful for the receiving university, givingan overview of the student‟s performance prior to going abroad.C. ECTS credits and rules of their allocatingThe ECTS credits are numerical values (from 1 to 60) associated with particular subjectsbased on the amount of work the student has to perform in order to pass. These points reflectthe work each of the subject requires with respect to the total amount of work that the studenthas to perform in order to pass the whole academic year at the given university. Therefore,points are associated with lectures, practical classes, seminars, consultations, group andindividual classes, field work, home or library work, and examinations. ECTS points are arelative (not absolute) measurement of work required from a student, because they describe,how large the part of work required in the whole academic year falls on the subjects in thecurriculum. The work required in the whole year equals 60 points, which usually gives 30points per semester. Points are given to all taught subjects, as long as they are an integral partof the curriculum and that they are marked.ECTS credits are allocated to course units and awarded to students after completing a givencourse following the requirements set by the host university. Credits are not awarded for goodgrades. The number of credits allocated to a given course is set beforehand. All students whomet the course requirements successfully are given the same number of credits. The quality ofwork required to complete the course is measured by grades.Home and host universities issue a transcript of record for each student participating in theECTS mobility before his/her departure. The home university recognises the number ofcredits awarded for courses completed at host universities. Credits accumulated outside thehome university replace the number of credits a student would be awarded at the homeuniversity. In this way the period of studies completed by a student at host university isrecognised.ATTENTION:ECTS INFROMATION PACKAGES ARE PUBLISHED EVERY YEAR. A PACKAGECOVERS THE PROGRAMME FOR STUDENTS BEGINNING THEIR STUDIES IN THEACADEMIC YEAR INDICATED ON THE FRONT PAGE OF A PACKAGE. PREVIOUSEDITIONS OF PACKAGES ARE AVAILABLE FROM DEPARTAMENTAL ECTSCOORDINATORS.4

II. The Faculty of Natural Science: general information *The Structure of the Faculty of Natural SciencesThe history of the Faculty of Natural Sciences is closely connected with the establishment ofSzczecin University in 1985. The Faculty of Biology and Marine Sciences was created in thesame year. Within its structure, the first Institute to be created in 1986, was the Institute ofBiology, comprising of eight departments, occupying the usable area of premises of only1,280m². In 1990, the Institute of Biology stopped existing and the institutes were transformedinto chairs. The structure of the Faculty was transformed in 1992, namely, the Institute ofPhysical Education was included into this institution, following the decision of SzczecinUniversity‟s Senate. Since then the Faculty existed under its present name: the Faculty ofNatural Sciences. In 2000 the Faculty adapted a modernised property in Wąska street withusable area of premises of around 3,500m². The Faculty was given a palace and park complexsituated in Małkocin. The structure of the Faculty changed in the same year and the Instituteof Marine Sciences was separated from the Natural Sciences Faculty, and reorganised into theFaculty of Earth Sciences.After numerous transformations concerning the structure of the Faculty of Natural Sciences,at present, there exist 14 biology chairs situated in the premises in Felczaka, Wąska street,Piastów avenue with usable area of premises of 6,000 m² and the Institute of PhysicalEducation. The faculty employs 116 academic personnel in the biology chairs: 89 academicteachers, 9 titular professors, 8 habilitated doctors , 50 doctors, 12 junior lecturers, 28engineering and technician staff and 7 administrative employees.Scientific activity of biological unitsThe Institute of Biology was established in very difficult conditions in 1986. It was the timeof political transformations and economic stagnation hence the institute‟s housing facility wasremarkably poor. All the institutes suffered from lack of space, the buildings were formelyoffice buildings, which caused that they were not adjusted to the functioning of units ofexperimental activity. New units were not being established due to lack of utility rooms. Thefunds granted for equipment, basic laboratory apparatus, reagents, teaching aids proved to beinsufficient. However, individual academics were actively collecting funds for the realisationof their research programmes. They conducted scientific research, above all, within theframework of the Central Programme of Basic Research, Departmental Programme of BasicResearch, Departmental Programme of Research and Development and freelance. Over theyears, with the development of the Faculty‟s personnel, the academic teachers startedpublishing their research results in renowned journals and participating actively in scientificconferences both in Poland and abroad.The highest international quality of the personnel as well as significant academicachievements of the biological units resulted in receiving the right to confer a degree of theDoctor of Biological Sciences in Biology upon academics in 1998.*The data used in the study comes from a publication by Kępczyński J. 2009. „25 Years ofBiology at Szczecin University‟25 years of Szczecin University monograph. SzczecinUniversity Scientific Publishing House. In press..5

Undoubtedly, it was the Faculty‟s remarkable attainment, thanks to which the institutiongained in prestige, and progressed further. In the years between 1986 and 1998 11 juniorlecturers were awarded doctorate outside Szczecin University.In the period between 2000 and 2009, 40 junior lecturers defended their doctoral dissertationswithin the Faculty. In September 2002 the Central Committee for Scientific Title andScientific Degree after consulting the Council on Higher Education, awarded the Faculty ofNatural Sciences the right to confer a degree of the Doctor Habilitatis of Biological Sciencesin Biology. That was a significant moment in the Faculty‟s history, which proved scientificdevelopment of the biological units, as well as a high level of research. That had a positiveeffect on further, dynamic progress of the Faculty. A year later the Faculty made a good useof its full academic rights, consequently, it organised a doctoral research. Though the Facultydid not receive funds for scholarships in 2003 and 2004, 19 doctoral students were accepted.Five university enrolments for Ph. D. studies have taken place so far at the Faculty, and atpresent ca. 30 Ph. D. students are educated.Both junior academics and senior researchers publish a few hundred works including severaldozen monographs. There appeared a tendency to publish in journals commended by thePhiladelphian Institute for Scientific Information (which publishes the Science CitationIndex). Until 2000 only a few works have been published in those journals. However, in 2007biologists published 70 articles in the journals and periodicals, thus a several dozen more thanin 2000, and twice as many in comparison to 2004. The publishing in the internationallyrenowned journals contributed to the fact that those articles were cited in the Philadelphianindex scientific journales. It is worth mentioning that the academic publications of theFaculty‟s academic staff were cited a few hundred times in the above mentioned journals,recommended by the Philadelphian Institute for Scientific Information.The introduction of the financial system concerning research grants, has undoubtedly creatednew opportunities of fund raising for the purpose of academic research. The academics andsenior researchers of the Faculty are among those in Szczecin University who receivenumerous research grants. Since the launch of the system, they have been awarded severaldozen grants. For instance, in the years between 2002 and 2008 the academic staff ofbiological units gained funds for the realisation of 30 grants financed by the State Committeefor Scientific Research, The Ministry of Science and Information Technology, Ministry ofScience and Higher Education, and the Foundation for Polish Science as well as the Ministerof Agriculture and Rural Development for the purchase of apparatus worth PLN 1.9 million.They also cooperated within a few grants with other academic centres. Today, the Facultyrealises 11 research grants of total PLN 1.7 million. In 2007 the Faculty was awarded fundsfor the Intercollegiate Environmental Research Laboratory apparatus, as a result 6 units wereequipped with professional apparatus worth more than PLN 1 million.The biologists have gained prestige in Poland as well as on the international arena because oftheir conscientious work over the years. This international acclaim derives from monographsand other publications appearing in both Polish and foreign journals (cited by thePhiladelphian Institute for Scientific Information). Additionally, the junior and senioracademics participate actively in a several dozen of conferences (both in Poland and abroad),and organise and co-organise numerous symposia. The biological units of the Faculty wereclassified as the 2nd category in a ranking of the State Committee for Scientific Research,which proves a high standard of professionalism among the biologists. Academic personnel‟s6

appreciation is expressed also by inviting them to be members of editorial committees ofscientific journals such as, Acta Physiologia Plantarum Annals of Agricultural andEnvironmental Medicine, Central European Journal of Immunology, Journal ofElementology, Monographiae Botanicae, The Open Zoology Journal, and Yearbooks ofPomeranian Environmental Protection. The Faculty‟s academic personnel participates activelyin innumerable scientific committees and boards, namely, they are vice-presidents of:Szczecin Scientific Society, Polish Association of Microbiologists, presidents of: the Sectionof Tissue Culture of Plants, the Section of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants of PolishBotanical Society, Biological Section of Szczecin Scientific Society, presidents of: SzczecinSection of Polish Botanical Society, Szczecin Section of Polish Zoological Society, SzczecinSection of Polish Anthropological Society, Szczecin Section of Polish Biochemical Society,Section of Veterinary Immunology of Polish Society of Clinical and ExperimentalImmunology. What is worth emphasising is the fact that the academic personnel are membersof Committees within the Polish Academy of Science, the State Committee for ScientificResearch, the Accociation for Human Genetics and Molecular Pathology, the Committee forMedical Science, Committee on Immunology and Ethiology of Human Infections, theNational Committee. Finally, the academics review grants, and are expert members in centraland regional offices, committees, scientific boards and councils and the FrameworkProgramme of the European Union.The Faculty‟s research personnel cooperates with most Polish universities and a VoivodshipOffice in Szczecin and Zielona Góra as well as with city halls and starost offices and boardsof national and landscape parks. They are recognised members of expert and scientificcouncils of the Drawa National Park, the Lower Odra Valley Landscape Park, the InskLandscape Park, and the Wolin National Park. The academic personnel of the chairs preparesexpert opinions and studies for the use of: flora and fauna protection, and wildlife parksorganisation. The academics maintain international cooperation within either bilateralagreements or informal contacts. The Faculty‟s most significant foreign partners include,among others: University Crne Gore (Podgorica, Montenegro), University in CzechBudziejowice (the Czech Republic), University of Dundee (Great Britain), UniversityKoblenz-Landau, (Koblenz, Landau, Germany), University of KwaZulu-Natal(Pietermaritzburg, the Republic of South Africa), University of Leeds (Great Britain), ParisNord (Paris, France), University de Poitiers (Poitiers, France), University of VeterinaryMedicine (Koszyce, Slovakia), Health Sci. and Soroka University Hospital (Israel), LincolnUniversity (New Zeland), Odessa State University (Ukraine), St. Petersburg University(Vilnus, Kłejpad), Sheffield University (Sheffield, Great Britain), Technical UniversityBraunschweig (Germany), Institutio Zooprofilacttico Sperimentale della Lombardii edell‟Emilia Romagna Brescia (Italy), The National Veterinary Institute (Uppsala, Sweden),The National Veterinary Institute (Brno, the Czech Republic), Mordun Research Institute(Edinburgh, Scotland), Laboratoire Central de Recherches Avicole et Porcie (Ploufragan,France). The above mentioned collaboration results in visits of foreign researchers in Szczecinas well as the faculty personnel‟s study trips to higher education establishments in variouscountries.Furthermore, the personnel‟s‟ involvement in fund raising needs mentioning; the collectedfinancial means, enabled the academics to conduct their research in renowned scientificcentres while the study could not be completed in Szczecin University. Additionally, theacademics took part in study trips in order to acquire more knowledge. They applied forscholarships to a number of institutions in different parts of the world. That resulted in foreignexchange programmes for a period between 1 month and 2 years to the following academic7

centres: University of Guelph Canada, International Centre for Genetic Engineering andBiotechnology Triest, Italy, University Pierre et Marie Curie Paris, France, University deGirono, Mediterraneum Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece, Centro de Investigation enSanidad Animal INIA Valdedmos Madrid, Spain, University degli Studi di Bari, Italy, CairoUniversity, Egypt, Institutio Zooprofilactico Sperimentale Bresci, Italy, Ruhr-University,Bochum, Germany.Both junior and senior academics represented a high degree of organisational initiative, whichresulted in an organisation of several dozen conferences. The hosting of the three conferences,the 10th, 15th and 20th anniversary of the Faculty‟s establishment, requires particularattention since those were the occasions to discuss the Faculty‟s outstanding scientificachievements. One shall emphasise the effort put in by the personnel during the twonationwide conferences: „9th Nationwide Conference on In Vitro Cultures and Biotechnologyof Plants‟ - „In Vitro Cultures the basis for Biotechnology of Plants‟ as well as the 54thNationwide Convention of the Polish Botanical Society, and an International Symposium‟The 1st International Symposium „Flora, Vegetation, and Landscape of Pomerania‟.The high scientific standard of the research teams, scientific facilities of the Faculty, theknowledge of diverse scientific methods, makes it possible that the scientific research takesplace on a molecular, cellular, organ, organism, population, and environmental level.Particular chairs conduct experiments in the following fields of study: mitochondrial andnucleus genome of plants and fish (Chair of Cell Biology); molecular biology of pathogenstransferred by ticks, molecular diagnostics of tick-borne diseases, mitochondrial heredity ofbivalve molluscs/mussels, genetic polymorphism in human population - genetic profiles ofhighly qualified sportsmen (Chair of Genetics); mechanisms of multi-drug resistance oftumour cells (Chair of Biochemistry); mechanism of hormonal regulation of somaticembryogenesis, releasing of seed dormancy, molecular bases of induction in plant resistanceto fungi pathogens, molecular bases of ethylene biosynthesis, role of bacteria in plant growthstimulation, seed enhancement (Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology); animalimmunity against virus and Chlamydia infections, construction on new-generation vaccine,molecular diagnostics of microorganisms, microbiologic examination of aquatic environment(Chair of Microbiology and Immunology); phytogeographical problems of NW of Poland,Elatine taxonomy and phytogeography, West Pomeranian atlas of plant and fungidistribution, plant and fungi allergens in Szczecin‟s air, higher fungi of Pomeraniabiocoenosis (Chair of Botany and Nature Protection); biodiversity and plant societies ofPoland, rare and endangered species of Pomerania‟s flora and fauna, (Chair of Botany andNature Protection, Chair of Ecology and Environmental Protection, Chair of Taxonomyand Phytogeography); plant floristics and taxonomy, anthropogenic flora transformations(Chair of Taxonomy and Phytogeography); forest ecology, genetic polymorphism ofselected ecotypes of grasses (Chair of Ecology and Environmental Protection); energeticmetabolism and oxidant status of human beigns and animals, adaptation of regulatorymechanisms in body homeostasis disorders (Chair of Physiology); ecology, restoration andprotection of anadromous and catadromous fish, parasitofauna of anadromous andcatadromous fish, breeding cycle of freshwater and sea bivalve molluscs; (Chair of GeneralZoology); growth, nutrition, environmental distribution and dispersion of aquaticinvertebrates (Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology); ecology and ethology ofbirds, immunohistochemistry, location and co-location of neuropeptides in internal organs‟nerves of birds, fauna, vertebrates protection of Western Pomerania Province (Chair ofAnatomy and Vertebrate Zoology); physical and motricity development among childrenand adolescents, development of involution processes among a population of elderly people(Chair of Anthropology).8

The academics make use of the Faculty‟s library collection. Nowadays the personnel has got11,000 books and 57 journals and scientific magazines (19 of them are foreign) at theirdisposal. The academic personnel uses in various computer software and 16 stable bases (e.g.Science Direct, Willey, InterScience, Ebesco, Oxford Journals, etc.) in their research. The fullacademic credentials of the Faculty of Natural Sciences enabled its authorities to award threeeminent scientists with a degree of doctor honoris causa in biological sciences. In 2006 prof.dr hab. Andrzej Legocki, the then president of the Polish Academy of Science, was conferreda Degree of Doctor of Honoris Causa of Szczecin Univeristy, taking place on the initiative ofthe Faculty of Natural Sciences. In 2007 this degree was conferred to prof. dr hab. AndrzejDubas from the Agriculture Academy in Poznań, and prof. John Barrow from CambridgeUniversity in England.Teaching activityThe first student enrolment for full-time studies in biology took place in 1986, during theorganisation of the Institute of Biology. In 1991 for the first time in the history of the Faculty,a degree of Master of Science in Biology was conferred upon 21 students.Today, studies in biology are divided into two specializations: general biology and generalbiology with fundamentals of environmental protection. Within the latter specialisationstudents may choose the following fields of study: biology of terrestrial environment, marinebiology, laboratory diagnostics.In 2001 full-time Bachelor of Science (BSc) programme in biotechnology, and later Master ofScience (MSc) programme was created. In the meantime, full-time MSc programme wasintroduced. In 2004 full-time, BSc programme in biology was started, and in 2007 full-timeMSc. A degree of Master of Science in Biology has been conferred upon 1448 students until2008, taking into consideration full-time or part-time MSc programme. A degree of Master ofScience in Biotechnology, after graduating a full-time MSc programme was conferred upon77 students. Moreover, 233 students graduated from full-time BSc programme inbiotechnology, and 176 students full-time BSc programme in environmental protection,respectively.Biology specialisation was granted accreditation from: the University AccreditationCommission in 2001 and the State Accreditation Committee in 2004. EnvironmentalProtection specialisation was given accreditation from the SAC in 2003 and 2009, whereasthe specialisation of Biotechnology in 2005 and 2007. Therefore, all the specialisations aregranted accreditation, which indicates their high standard of education.The undergraduates and graduates of the above mentioned specialisations find employment:in primary, lower-secondary and secondary schools, universities, medical, technicaluniversities, sanitary-epidemic stations, pharmaceutical companies, police departments andnational and landscape park boards. A considerable number of people studies also at otherfaculties or they are doctoral students at different universities both in Poland and abroad.Many students have graduated from universities of MSc programme inside and outside ofPoland. Some graduates are employed at universities and laboratories in the U.S.A., GreatBritain, Canada, Greece, Belgium and Germany.Within the framework of the Erasmus programme the Faculty‟s authorities signed agreementswith five foreign universities and scientific institutions concerning students exchange. In theyears between 2001 and 2003 over 30 students took part in the programme. Additionally, a9

ig number of students went to study at different Polish universities within the framework ofMost programme.16 scientific circles work actively within the Faculty, among others: Aquarist, Anthropologist,Biology of Lower Vertebrates Reproduction, Biologist of Ecological Education, Matrix CellBiology, Dendrologist, Ecologist, Forest Ecologist, Water Natural Ecosystem Research andProtection, Physiologist, Plant Biotechnologist, Geneticist, Microbiologist, EnvironmentalProtection, Invertebrate Zoology „Robal‟, and Vertebrate Zoology „Wąsatka‟ Circle. Thescientific circles organize annual symposia during which they present the results of theirresearch. Between 2005 and 2007 the representatives of the circles participated in 27conferences in Poland, receiving 18 awards.III. 1 st and 2 nd grade courses with total number of hoursLp.CoursesDimensionof hourA. COURSES OF GENERAL EDUCATION1 st grade1. English 1202. Informatics with bioinformatics 403. Humanistic courses:EthicsMicroevolution of Human PopulationsPhilosophy of Nature4. Physical Education 602 nd grade5. Bioinformatics 406. Humanistic courses:Social and Legal Aspects in Biotechnology 30380B. BASIC COURSES1 st grade1. Biochemistry 902. Cell Biology 453. Molecular Biology 754. General and Analitical Chemistry 905. Organic Chemistry 606. Physics 607. General Genetics 458. Bioprocess Engineering 609. Mathematics I 6010. Microbiology and Virology 7511. Biotechnology 9012. Environmental Protection 452 nd grade13. Biophysics and Physical 3014. Mathematics II 6088530303010

C. DIRECTIONS COURSES1 st grade1. Biology of Plant Resistance 452. Cytogenetics and Chromosomal Engineering 453. Molecular Diagnosis in Medicine 604. Plant Embrology 455. Animal Embrology 456. Enzymology 457. Phytohormones – mechanizm of action 458. Plant Physiology 759. Animal Physiology 7510. Histological Fundamentals of Animals biotechnology 4511. Immunology 4512. Genetic Engineering 9013. Mechanism of Animal Metabolism regulation 4514. Biotechnological Methods in Environmental Protection 6015. Industrial Microbiology 6016. Plant Cultures in vitro 6017. Unility Plants 6018. Water Self - Purification 6019. Selected Issues of Plant Anatomy 4520. Animal Cultures in vitro 6011102 nd grade21. Biotechnology of Seeds 4522. Production Economics 4523. The Mechanism and Diagnostic of Bacterial and Viral Infections 4524. Molecular Methods in Diagnostic 4525. Molecular principles of Cell Mechanism 4526. Mutations and Mutagenesis 4527. Plant‟s Active Substances in Pharmacology 3028. Transgenic Plants 303301 st grade29. Elective (lecture)* 3030. Bachelor;s Laboratory 9031. Bachelor‟s Seminary 301502 nd grade32. Elective (lecture) ** 1533. Courses to choice 1 4534. Courses to choice 2 4535. Specialistic Laboratory 12036. Master of Science Laboratory 21537. Master of Science Seminary 120560TOTAL 341511

*Elective lectureBiology of chromosomesMutations – genome stability - repairSpecific mapping of nucleotide sequences and genesApplication of biotechnology to breeding ornamental grassesRole of magnesium in life processes of animals and manRecent achievements in comparative and developmental immunologyAnimal biotechnology – selected topicsRecent data in diseases in infected people and animalsBiotechnology in breeding animals – embryological aspects**Elective lectureEnvironmental EducationEpidemiologyDangerous diseases in human and animalsInfectious immunologyCivilization‟s treatsApplication of Molecular Methods in Plant BreedingPlant Histology and AnatomyBiological reclamation of water reservoirs*Courses to choiceChromosome BiologySelected Problems of MycologySystematics of Utility PlantFunctional Base of Animal Organism DevelopmentIV. The graduate’s profileGraduates in biotechnology holding a bachelor‟s diploma have acquired theknowledge and skills necessary to pursue a career in various fields applying biotechnologicaltechniques (food, pharmaceutical and fodder industry, producing household chemicals). Theyshould have the knowledge of biotechnology applied in plants breeding and raising animals(in vitro techniques), health protection (molecular diagnosis) and environmental protection(biopreparations, biological treatment, biotransformation). The above skills and knowledgewill enable the graduates to start a career in research centres of higher education institutionsand the Polish Academy of Science as well as in various health service and environmentallaboratories.12

V. List of the Faculty’s units study area: biotechnologyUnitHead and doctors01 Chair of Anthropology Dr hab. Konstanty Sawicki, prof. US02 Chair of Biochemistry Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Tarasiuk03 Chair of Cell Biology Prof. dr hab. Stanisława Rogalska04 Chair of General Botany and NatureProtectionDr hab. Agnieszka Popiela, prof. USDr Małgorzata PucDr Małgorzata Stasińska05 Chair of Chemistry and Water Environment Dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. US06 Chair of Ecology and Environmentprotection07 Chair of Plant Physiology andBiotechnology – Department of PlantBiotechnology08 Chair of Plant Physiology andBiotechnology – Department of PlantPhysiology09 Chair of PhysiologyDepartment of Human PhysiologyDepartment of Animal PhysiologyProf. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiProf. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaDr Sylwia ZielińskaProf. dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiProf. dr hab. Jan Szopa-SkórkowskiDr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USDr hab. Wiesława Orowicz, prof. USDr hab. Maria Susuka, prof. US10 Chair of Genetics Prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Skotarczak11 Chair of Microbiology and Immunology Prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaProf. dr hab. Józef Kur12 Chair of Plant Taxonomy andPhytogeography13 Chair of Invertebrate Zoology andLimnologyDr Monika MyśliwyDr hab. Andrzej Zawal14 Chair of General Zoology Prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaResearch AreasChair of Anthropology – sociobiological and ecological characteristics of the former andcontemporary population of Western Pomerania and the Pomerania Euroregion; search foraccessible methods of developmental processes diagnosis (including ageing processes) as wellas health diagnosis used in self-control of family physical condition; anthropological aspects13

of professional and sport specialisation; usefulness of fitness tests in assessment of biologicalage; analysis of developmental diversity of the youth in Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan.Chair of Biochemistry – Molecular chemotherapy. Mechanisms of action of antitumourcompounds from the group of derivatives and analogues of anthraquinone. Mechanisms ofmultidrug resistance (MDR) of tumour cells and new strategies to overcome MDR.Invasiveness and metastatic potential of multidrug resistant tumour cells. Apoptosis ofmultidrug resistant tumour cells triggered by antitumour compounds from the group ofderivatives and analogues of anthraquinone. The role of metabolic activation of antitumourcompounds on restoring their activity against multidrug resistant tumour cells. Mechanisms ofaction of plant phenolic compounds on multidrug resistant tumour cells.Chair of Cell Biology - organization study of plant genome by means of methylation DNAanalysis ; localization of specific DNA nucleotide sequences ( retrotransposons, pseudogenes,insulators ) in cereal chromosomes by using FISH and GISH techniques; searching forpresence of specific genes in cereals and estimating of the level of genetic differentiationcertain population by application of molecular markers; phylogenetic investigations ofmitochondrial genomes in genus Secale using restriction and epigenetic methods;electrophoretic analysis of izoenzymes in selected genotypes of cereals.Chair of General Botany and Nature Protection – rare, endangered and protected speciesin selected ecosystems of West Pomeranian Province; participation in development of Atlasof Vascular Plants Distribution in Poland; vascular plants distribution in Pomerania (classesOxycocco-Sphagnetea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae and species characteristic ofQuerco-Fagetea class); macromycetes of selected Pomeranian biocenoses, taxonomy,ecology and geographical distribution; taxonomy of the orchidaceous plants; estimation ofpollen content in air (Szczecin area).Chair of Chemistry and Protection of Aquatic Environment – hydro- and biochemicalprocesses in waters (mineralisation, trophic status, eutrophisation), processes of massexchange between depth waters and sediments a) sediment coagulation and peptisation b)oxidation and reduction balance in the Odra estuary, Szczecin‟s municipal waters and springwaters of national and landscape parks.Chair of Ecology and Environment Protection- grass formation under condition of humanactivity; evaluation of usefulness of selected grass species with regard to reclamation ofdegraded areas; lichens as indicators of environment degradation; examination of homecrayfish population with regard to its restitution; marshy crayfish; biology and systematics ofBranchiobdella species; successive transformations in forest biocenoses and their effect onsurvival strategies of forest insects.Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – hormonal regulation of breaking dormancyand seed germination; role of phytohormones in this processes; role of phytohormones ingermination and development of fungal plant pathogens; plant resistance against fungal14

pathogens – physiological and molecular basis; improving of plant growth by soil bacteria;molecular bases of ethylene biosynthesis; biotechnological bases of somatic embryoproduction; seed biotechnology – physiological conditioning of seeds; ethylene in planttransformation process with the use of Agrobacterium;Chair of Physiology – mineral metabolism of man and polygastric animals (focus onbioelements) a) evaluation of homeostatic stability of lymph electrolytes, b) conditions ofmaintaining necessary element concentration (calcium, magnesium, iron) in variousphysiological states (pregnancy, lactation); c) conditions of maintaining necessary elementconcentration (calcium, magnesium, iron) in various pathological states (BLV virusinfection): element concentration in disease stages and following clinical phases determinedon the basis of haematological examination; transformation of minerals under the condition ofphysical effort; mineral effect on indirect lipid transformation; determination of physicalefficiency with regard to age, sex and fitness analysis; organism adaptation to physical effortconditions – evaluation of adaptation mechanisms (circulation and respiratory system);analysis of hormonal change in blood; analysis of muscle energy (metabolic protection).Chair of Genetics – Detection of DNA pathogens causing human diseases spread by Ixodesand examination of their genetic heterogeneity; molecular genetics methods of examiningfood contamination caused by Listeria monocytogenes; research on population genetics withthe use of molecular genetics methods (fresh water molluscs and crayfish); effect of fluorineand lead ions on human leukocyte chromosomes in vitro; research on micro- and macrostructure of Balantidium coli infusoria and its biology, invasive propensity in specific andnon-specific hosts.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology – animal immunity to viral and chlamydiainfections; Chlamydia and Chlamydiophilia viruses and microbes; resistance in rabbits in atwenty-four-hour cycle; influence of light on resistance in rabbits; fish immunity in health anddisease conditions; aquatic environment examination with regard to immunological, geneticand biochemical markers of animals (fish) inhabiting it.Chair of Plant Taxonomy and Phytogeography - vascular plants taxonomy;phytogeography, chorology; wildlife conservation (endangered vascular plant species; flora ofvascular plants in Poland (the Sudety mountains, Silesia and West Pomerania).Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – periphyton formations in heated andnatural waters; lichen formations growing on artificial breeding grounds; ways of influencingwater reservoirs by covering them with polyethylene foil; morphology and parasitism of watermite (Hydrachnidia) larvae on aquatic insects (Insecta Aquatica); water mites (Hydrachnidia)and odonates (Odonata) from Poland and Balkans – taxonomy, ecology; biology, ecology andmorphology of soil mites; biology, ecology, morphology and dispersion of ostracods(Ostracoda), water beetles (Aquatic Coleoptera) and molscs (Molusca); zoogeography ofprotected and threated invertebrates.15

Chair of General Zoology - restitution and protection of migratory fish (bull trout, salmon,western sturgeon, lamprey and young eel); reproduction system forming in bull trout andsalmon ontogenesis; maturing of acipenserids inhabiting Polish waters and the Caspian Sea;population structure and nutrition of salmon in Polish maritime economic zone; parasites ofsalmonid fish - bull trout, salmon and rainbow trout in the Baltic Sea; morphology, biologyand determination of salmon and bull trout hybrids; analysis of the reproduction cycle ofPolish fresh water mussel.VI. List of University’s units delivering courses complementingbiotechnology coursesUnitLectures and tutors99 Studium of Foreign Languages Katarzyna Radziecka M.A.99 Studium of Sports and Physical Education Bożena Szaradowska, M.A.Katarzyna Walkowiak M.A.Antoni Wysocki M.A.99 Pomeranian Medical Academy Prof. dr hab. Jan Lubiński99 Department of Philosophy of Culture Ks. Dr hab. Wiesław Dyk, prof. USDr Małgorzata Adamiec-Jadwiżak99 Institute of Technology of InorganicChemistry and Environmental ProtectionEngineering99 Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry,The Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań99 Department of Marine and EnvironmentPhysicsProf. dr hab. Ryszard KaleńczukProf. dr hab. Tomasz TwardowskiDr Barbara PawlakDr Jadwiga Mrożek-LejmanBożena Mikłaszewicz, M.A.99 Department of Non-linear Analysis Dr Agata Narloch99 Department of complex Analysis Ewa Ciechanowicz, M.A.99 Department of Enterprise Management Dr Katarzyna Kozioł16

VII. Course codes and list of courses taught in study area: biotechnology13.4IV34.S140113.4 – subject area code,IV – the code of the Faculty of Natural Science,34 – study area code,type of course:K – basic/obligatory,F – elective,14 – code of the Faculty‟s unit (see the List of the Faculty‟s Units),01 – course code (see the above table).1 st gradeName of courseCode01 Biochemistry 13.6IV34.K020102 Cell Biology 13.1IV34.K030203 Molecular Biology 13.1IV34.K030304 Biology of Plant Resistance 13.1IV34.K070405Biotechnology13.1IV34.K020513.1IV34.K070513.1IV34.K090513.1IV34.K110506 General and Analytical Chemistry 13.3IV34.K050607 Organic Chemistry 13.3IV34.K050708 Cytogenetics and Chromosomal Engineering 13.1IV34.K030809 Molecular Diagnosis in Medicine 12.1IV34.K990910 Plant Embryology 13.1IV34.K071011 Animal Embryology 13.1IV34.K141112 Enzymology 13.1IV34.K021213 Ethics 08.1IV34.K991314 Philosophy of Nature 08.1IV34.K991417

15 Phytohormones – mechanism of action 13.1IV34.K081516 Plant Physiology 13.1IV34.K081617 Animal Physiology 13.1IV34.K091718 Physics 13.2IV34.K991819 General Genetics 13.1IV34.K101920Histological fundamentals of animalsbiotechnology13.4IV34.K142021 Immunology 13.1IV34.K112122Informatics with bioinformatics13.1IV34.K072213.1IV34.K102223 Bioprocess Engineering 13.4IV34.K992324 Genetic Engineering 13.4IV34.K082425 English 09.1IV34.K992526 Mathematics I 11.1IV34.K992627 Mechanisms of Animal Metabolism Regulation 13.1IV34.K092728Biotechnological Methods in EnvironmentalProtection13.4IV34.K062829 Industrial Microbiology 13.4IV34.K992930 Microbiology and Virology 13.4IV34.K113031 Microevolution of Human Populations 13.1IV34.K013132 Environmental Protection 13.1IV34.K063233 Laboratory 13.4IV34.K..3334 Plant Cultures in vitro 13.4IV34.K073435 Utility Plants 13.4IV34.K123536 Water Self-Purification 13.1IV34.K133637 Bachelor‟s Seminar 13.4IV34.K..3738 Selected Issues of Plant Anatomy 13.4IV34.K043818

39 Physical Education 16.1IV34.K993940 Elective (lecture) 13.4IV34.F..4041 Animal Cultures in vitro 13.4IV34.K10412 nd gradeName of courseCode42 Biophysics and Physical 13.2IV34.K994243 Biotechnology of Seeds 13.4IV34.K084344 Bioinformatics11.0IV34.K074411.0IV34.K104445 Production Economics 13.4IV34.K994546 Mathematics II 11.1IV34.K994647The Mechanisms and Diagnostics of Bacterialand Viral Infections13.1IV34.K114748 Molecular Methods in Diagnostic 13.1IV34.K104849 Molecular Principles of Cell Mechanisms 13.4IV34.K034950 Mutations and Mutagenesis 13.4IV34.K035051 Master of Science Laboratory 13.4IV34.K...5152 Specialistic Laboratory 13.4IV34.K...5253 Courses to choice 1, 2* 13.4IV34.K...5354 Plant's Active Substances in Pharmacology 13.4IV34.K125455 Transgenic Plants 13.4IV34.K995556 Master of Science Seminary 13.4IV34.K...5657 Social and Legal Aspects in Biotechnology 13.4IV34.K995758 Elective (lecture)** 13.4IV34. F...5819

VIII. 1 st grade courses with allocated ECTS creditsR - total number of hoursW - lecture (Polish: wykład)S - seminar (Polish: seminarium)Ć - tutorial (Polish: ćwiczenia)L - language tutorial (Polish: lektorat)O – grade (Polish: ocena)E - examination (Polish: examin)Z - credit (Polish: zaliczenie)1 st semester1 st yearCourseTotal number of hoursR W S Ć LECTScreditsForm ofassessmentCourse codeHistologicalfundamentals ofanimals biotechnology45 15 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K1420Physics 60 30 30 5 E 13.2IV34.K9918General andAnalytical Chemistry90 30 60 8 E 13.3IV34K0506Ethics 30 30 3 O 08.1IV34.K9913English 30 30 1 O 09.1IV34.K9925Mathematics I 60 45 15 2 E 11.1IV34.K9926Physical Education 15 15 Z 16.1IV34.K9939Selected Issues ofPlant Anatomy45 15 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K0438Utility plants 60 30 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K1235TOTAL 435 195 210 30 3120

2 nd semesterCell Biology 45 15 30 6 E 13.1IV34.K0302Organic Chemistry 60 30 30 7 E 13.3IV34.K0507Plant Embryology 45 15 30 5 E 13.1IV34.K0710Animal Embryology 45 15 30 5 E 13.1IV34.K1411Philosophy of Nature 30 30 2 O 08.1IV34.K9914Informatics withbioinformatics40 40 3 E 11.0IV34.K072211.0IV34.K1022English 30 30 1 O 09.1IV34.K9925Physical Education 15 15 Z 16.1IV34.K9939TOTAL 310 105 175 30 293 rd semester2 nd yearBiochemistry 90 30 60 7 E 13.6IV34.K0201Plant Physiology 75 30 45 7 E 13.1IV34.K0816General Genetics 45 15 30 6 E 13.1IV34.K1019Cytogenetics andChromosome Engineering45 15 30 3 O 13.1IV34.K0308English 30 30 1 O 09.1IV34.K9925Molecular Biology 75 30 45 6 E 13.1IV34.K0303Biotechnology 90 60 30 4 E 13.4IV34...K05Physical Education 15 15 Z 16.1IV34.K9939TOTAL 465 180 225 30 3421

4 th semesterMicrobiology and Virology 75 30 45 6 E 13.4IV34.K1130Bioproces Engineering 60 30 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K9923Animal Physiology 75 30 45 6 E 13.1IV34.K0917English 30 30 2 O 09.1IV34.K9925Plant Cultures in vitro 60 15 45 4 E 13.4IV34.K0734Physical Education 15 15 Z 16.1IV34.K9939Animal Cultures in vitro 60 15 45 4 E 13.4IV34.K1041TOTAL 375 120 225 30 263 rd year5 th semesterBiology of Plant Resistance 45 15 30 3 E 13.1IV34.K0704Molecular Diagnosis inMedicine60 30 30 3 O 12.1IV34.K9909Genetic Engineering 90 30 60 6 E 13.4IV34.K0824Immunology 45 15 30 3 E 13.1IV34.K1121Phytohormones-Mechanismsof ActivityMechanisms of AnimalMetabolism Regulation45 15 30 3 O45 15 30 3 O13.1IV34.K081513.1IV34.K0927Environmental Protection 45 15 30 5 E 13.1IV34.K0632Bachelor‟s Seminar 15 15 2 O 13.4IV34.K..37Bachelor;s Laboratory 45 45 1 O 13.4IV34.K..32Elective (lecture)* 15 15 2 O 13.4IV34.F..40TOTAL 450 150 60 240 3022

6 th semesterMicroevolutionary ofHumans Populations30 30 2 O 13.1IV34.K0131Enzymology 45 15 30 3 E 13.1IV34.K0213Biotechnological Methods inEnvironmental Protection60 30 30 4 E 13.4IV34.K0628Industrial Microbiology 60 30 30 4 E 13.4IV34.K9929Bachelor`s Laboratory 45 45 1 O 13.4IV34.K..32Water Self-purification 60 30 30 3 O 13.1IV34.K1336Bachelor‟s Seminar 15 15 10 O 13.4IV34.K..37Elective (lecture)* 15 15 2 O 13.4IV34.F..40TOTAL 330 150 60 120 29IX. Description of courses conducted at the Faculty of Natural Sciencestudyarea: biotechnologyThe description of courses follows the following pattern:Name of courseCourse codeCourse formatYear and semesterForm of assessmentNumber of ECTS creditsLecture/tutorCourse codeRecommended reading23

1st semesterPhysicsCode: 13.2IV34.K9918Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester60 hours ( 30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutor: dr Barbara PawlakPhysical foundations of biological processes with emphasis on producing and storing energy,receiving, coding and transferring messages in the nervous system, mass transport in plantsand animals, controlling and homeostatis in an organism. Stochastic phenomena at themolecular level. Effect of selected physical factors on an organism and environment.Application of physical methods to examination of organisms and biological processes.Recommended reading:Barszczewska M., Leyko W., 1997, Biofizyka dla biologów, PWN, WarszawaKane I.W., Sternheim M.M., 1988, Fizyka dla przyrodników, PWN, WarszawaPilawski A., 1985, Podstawy biofizyki, PZWL, WarszawaGeneral and Analytical ChemistryCode: 13.3IV34.K0506Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester90 hours (30 hours of lecture + 60 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 8Lecturer and tutor: dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USStates of matter. Basic chemical reactions in acquatic solutions. Weigh and titrimetricanalysis, acid-base titration, redoximetry, complexometry, absortiometry. Electrical propertiesof solutions. Surface phenomena – adsorption. Elements of chemical kinetics. Fundamentalsof spectroscopy.Recommended reading:Kocjan R., 2000, Chemia analityczna, T. 1-2, PZWL, Warszawa24

Poleszczuk G., 1999, Wybór ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych z chemii ogólnej i analitycznej, Wyd.US, SzczecinPoleszczuk G., 2000, Materiały pomocnicze do ćwiczeń z chemii ogólnej i analitycznej, Wyd.US, SzczecinEthicsCode: 08.1IV34.K9913LectureGrade1 st year, 1 st semester30 hoursECTS credits: 3Lecturer: dr Małgorzata Adamiec-Jadwiżak (Faculty of Humanities)An outline of general ethics. Scope and nature. Morality and moral phenomenon.Construction of the ultimate goal in ethics. Ethical eudaemonism. Ethical intuitionism, ethicalformalism. Modern ethics of values; personality ethics, the concept of moral law. Biologicalconditioning of ethics, search for “new ethics”; perspectives on positive and negativeeugenics. Anthropological and axiological foundations of genetic bioethics. Peripheral casesof medical therapy. Limits of struggle against suffering. Aggression and death penalty vs.ethics.Recommended reading:Dyk W., 2001, Etyczny wymiar człowieka, SzczecinHołówka J., 2001, Etyka w działaniu, WarszawaTulibacki W., 1994, Etyka a nauki biologiczne, OlsztynEnglishCode: 09.1IV34.K9925Tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester30 hours of tutorialGradeECTS credits: 1Tutor: Katarzyna Radziecka, M.A. Studium of Foreign LanguagesThe aim of the course is to acquire practical knowledge of English language. It is taught atintermediate and advanced levels to be chosen by the students. The final examination takesplace at the end of the 2 nd year of studies.25

Histological fundamentals of animals biotechnologyCode: 13.1IV34.K1420Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semesterECTS credit: 4Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaReview of histological methods. Structure, function and application of epithelial, connective,muscle and nervous tissue in the biotechnology. Histology of endocrine, nervous, bloodcirculation, lymphatic, alimentary, respiratory and skin systems. Cloning and stem cells.Recommended reading:Sawicki W. Histologia. 2005, PZWL, Warszawa.Cichocki T. 2004. Kompendium histologii, skrypt AM Kraków, Textus Kraków.Bielańska-Osuchowska Z. 2004. Zarys organogenezy. PWN. Warszawa.Habib N. A., Gordon M. Y., Levicar N., Jiao L., Thomas-Black G. 2005. Stem Cell Repairand Regeneration. T. 1 i 2. Imperial College Press. London.Mathematics ICode: 11.1IV34.K9926Lecture1 st year, 1 st semesterECTS credit: 2Lecturer: dr Agata NarlochRecommended reading:Podręczniki akademickie (Matematyka cz. 1, 2, 3, 4), 1995, seria eit, Wyd. Naukowo-TechniczneWarszawa.Decewicz G., W. Żakowski, 1983, Matematyka, Wyd. Naukowo-Techniczne., Warszawa.Krysicki W., Włodarski L., 2003, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Wyd. Naukowe PWN,Warszawa.Selected Issues of Plant AnatomyCode: 13.4IV34.K0438Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semesterECTS credit: 4Lecturer: dr hab. Agnieszka Popiela, prof. US26

Root and shoot morphology. Histology – meristematic tissues and their derivatives. Histology– permanent tissues. Stem anatomical structure. Root anatomical structure. Leaf anatomicalstructure.Recommended reading:Hejnowicz Z. 2002. Anatomia i histogeneza roślin naczyniowych. PWN, Warszawa.Szweykowska A., Szweykowski J. 2001. Botanika. Tom I. PWN, Warszawa.Młodzianowski F., Woźny A. 1990. Wykłady i ćwiczenia z biologii komórki roślinnej. Wyd.Naukowe Uniw. im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań.Malinowski E. 1986. Anatomia roślin. PWN.Unility PlantsCode: 13.4IV34.K1235LectureGrade3 rd year, 5 th semester30 hoursECTS credits: 4Lecturer: dr Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń, dr Edyta StępieńHistory of herbalism and medical herbalism. Therapeutic shortlisting of herbal medicines.Collecting, drying and storing herbs. Environmental protection versus collecting wild herbsand herbal crops. Basic active compounds in medical plants. Division of medical plantsaccording to Polish Pharmakopeia. Review of medical plants, presentation of their diagnosticcharacteristics, habitat, chemical composition, effect, application, contraindications andmedicine form.Recommended reading:Broda B., 1975, Zarys botaniki farmaceutycznej, PZWLBroda B., Mowszowicz J., 1996, Przewodnik do oznaczania roślin leczniczych, trujących iużytkowych, Wyd. Lekarskie PZWLKohlmunzer S., 1985, Farmakognozja, WarszawaOżarowski A., 1980, Ziołolecznictwo. PZWL. WarszawaRumińska A., 1981, Rośliny lecznicze. Podstawy biologii i agrotechniki, Warszawa.Turowska J., Kozłowski J., Golicz L., 1980, Zarys zielarstwa, Warszawa.27

EnglishCode: 09.1IV34.K9925Tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester30 hours of tutorialGradeECTS credits: 1Tutor: Katarzyna Radziecka, M.A. Studium of Foreign LanguagesThe aim of the course is to acquire practical knowledge of English language. It is taught atintermediate and advanced levels to be chosen by the students. The final examination takesplace at the end of the 2 nd year of studies.2nd semesterCell BiologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0302Lecture and tutorialExamination1 st year, 2 nd semester45 hours ( 30 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaMethods of examining cells. Structure of a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. Plasmaticmembranes. Cell wall. Cell signalling Transport through membranes. Cytoskeleton. Nucleusand organisation of genetic material. Mitochondria and processes within them. Chloroplasts.Lysosomes, peroxisomes, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmatic reticulum and its biochemicalactivity. Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis. Apoptosis.Recommended reading:Alberts B, Bray D., Johnson A., Lewis J., M.Raff, K.Roberts, P.Walter, 1999, PodstawyBiologii Komórki, WN PWN WarszawaSmith and Wood, 1996, Cell Biology. ed. Chapman and Hall, London, New York. ( secondedition )Woźny A., Michejda J., Ratajczak L., 2001, Podstawy Biologii Komórki Roślinnej. WNUAM w Poznaniu28

Organic ChemistryCode: 13.3IV34.K0507Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester60 hours ( 30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 7Lecturer and tutor: dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USOrganic chemistry – chemistry of carbon compounds. Classification. Isomerism.Nomenclature of organic compounds. Mechanisms of organic chemical reactions.Multifunctional organic compounds. Identification of organic compounds: UV-Vis, IR, NMRand mass spectroscopy. Chemistry of sugars, lipids, aminoacids and proteins.Recommended reading:Morrison T.T., Boyd R.N.,1999, Chemia organiczna, T. 1-2, PWN, WarszawaPoleszczuk G., 2001, Laboratorium chemii organicznej dla biologów Cz.II, Wyd. US,SzczecinPoleszczuk G., Kosowska B., 2001, Laboratorium chemii organicznej dla biologów Cz. I,Wyd. US, SzczecinPlant EmbryologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0710Lecture and tutorialGrade1 st year, 2 nd semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaSexual and non-sexual propagation and its significance. The alteration of generations.Microsporogensis. Macrosporogenesis. Fertilisation in lower and higher plants. Plantembryogenesis. Plant morphogenesis and its regulation. Vegetative and generative phase.Growth and its regulation. Cell differentiation. Determination. Nucleus-cytoplasm interaction.Cell totipotence. Genetic control of developmental processes.Recommended reading:Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. (red.), 1998, Podstawy Fizjologii Roślin. Wydawnictwo NaukowePWN, WarszawaRodkiewicz B. i inni, 1996, Embriologia Angiospermae rozwojowa i eksperymentalna.Wydawnictwo UMCS, LublinThe Plant Cell, Vol. 9, 1997, American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville Maryland29

Animal EmbryologyCode: 13.1IV34.K1411Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaThe concept of growth and basic developmental processes of living organisms. Growth,differentiation, morphogenesis. Generality of sexual reproduction. Continuity of emryonicplasm. Formation of vertebrate gonads. Primary and secondary sex determination.Fertilisation. Fertilisation conditions, acrosomal reaction, fertilisation membrane, polysperm.Parthenogenesis. Gynogenesis. Androgenesis. Diversity of ooplasm. Ooplasm sergregation asone of diversity mechanisms. Gastrulation. Morphogenetic movements during gastrulationand tissue interactions (cell and tissue interactions). Differentiation mechanism. Embryologicmechanisms of evolutionary change. Evolution of early development. Diversification ofvertebrate mesoderm. Biotechnology in animal breeding – embryologic aspects.Recommended reading:Gilbert S. F., 1993, Developmental Biology. v. 1-3 Sinauer Associates Inc. PublishersSunderland, MassachusetsRodkiewicz B., 1998, Biologia rozwoju w zarysie. PWN WarszawaPhilosophy of NatureCode: 08.1IV34.K9914LectureGrade1 st year, 2 nd semester30 hoursECTS credits: 2Lecturer: dr hab. Wiesław Dyk, prof. US (Faculty of Humanities)Philosophy of inanimate nature. Nature of material beings. Properties of material beings.Material beings as systems. Branches of knowledge of life: general and theoretic biology,philosophy of biology and biophilosophy. Specificity of life: separate character of matter andlife, biological definition of life, character and types of the definition of life, life vs. biology,tomistic concept of life. Problems of life genesis. Philosophical aspects of evolution.30

Recommended reading:Heller M., Lubański M., Ślaga Sz.W., 1992, Zagadnienia filozoficzne współczesnej nauki.Wstęp do filozofii przyrody, WarszawaWciórka L., 1993, Filozofia przyrody, PoznańWojciechowski T., 1997, Zarys filozofii przyrody ożywionej, OpoleInformatics and bioinformaticsCode: 11.0IV34.K0822; 11.0IV34.K1022Tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester40 hoursGradeECTS credits: 3Tutor dr Sylwia Zielińska, dr Agnieszka Maciejewska, dr Beata WodeckaEnglishCode: 09.1IV34.K9925Tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester30 hours of tutorialGradeECTS credits: 1Tutor: Katarzyna Radziecka, Studium of Foreign LanguagesThe aim of the course is to acquire practical knowledge of English language. It is taught atintermediate and advanced levels to be chosen by the students. The final examination takesplace at the end of the 2 nd year of studies.3rd semesterBiochemistryCode: 13.6IV34.K0201Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester90 hours (30 hours of lecture + 60 hours of tutorial)31

ExaminationECTS credits: 7Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab Jolanta TarasiukMolecular cell components and their structure, properties and functions. Water and itssignificance in metabolic processes. Aminoacids: their structure and properties. Structure ofproteins and mechanisms of conformational transformations. Interdependance of proteinstruture and function. Enzymes and co-enzymes – their structure and function in cellmetabolism. Mechanisms of enzyme functioning and regulation of enzyme activity. Catalysisand kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Biological membranes, dynamics of their structure andtransport of metabolites. Cell metabolism, anabolic and katabolic processes. Main metabolicalpathways of sugars, lipides and nitrogen compounds. Photosynthesis and mechanism ofphotophosphorilation. Integration, coordination and regulation of metabolic pathways.Structure of nucleic acids. Biochemical aspects related to DNA replication, trancription andtranslation processes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Biochemical foundations with regardto DNA analysis, construction and cloning.Recommended reading:Horton I., Moran L.M., Rawn J.D., Scrimgeour K.G.,1996, Principles of Biochemistry,Prentice-Hall, Inc.Lehninger A., Nelson D.L., Cox M.M., 1993, Principles of Biochemistry, Worth PublishersStryer L., 1997, Biochemia, PWNPlant PhysiologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0816Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester75 hours (30 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 7Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiTransport through biological membranes. Water and mineral management. Nitrogenmanagement. Biological binding of atmospheric nitrogen. Photosynthesis. Photorespiration.Respiration. Organic compounds transport. Growth and development. Dormancy. Seedgermination. Vegetative growth. Phytochrome. Photomorphogenesis. Photoperiodic andthermal induction of flowering. Phytohormones – molecular aspects of their syntesis andactivity. Plant movements. Plant reaction to stress factors.Recommended reading:Davies P.J. (ed.), 1995, Plant Hormones. Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Kluwer Academic Publishers32

Kopcewicz J., Lewak S. (red.), 1998, Podstawy Fizjologii Roślin. Wydawnictwo NaukowePWN, WarszawaTaiz L., Zeiger E., 1991, Plant Physiology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New YorkGeneral GeneticsCode: 13.1IV34.K1019Lecture and tutorialExamination2 nd year, 3 rd semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakModern theory of inheritance. Mendel‟s laws and their deviations. Autosomal inheritance.Inheritance of sex-linked traits. Sex determination. Sources of genetic variability.Mutagenesis and its consequences. Population genetics. Techniques applied in moderngenetics.Recommended reading:Drewa G., 1996, Podstawy genetyki, Volumed WrocławMalinowski E., 1998, Genetyka, PWN WarszawaRodkiewicz B., Kerszman G., 1987, Zarys genetyki, PWN WarszawaCytogenetics and Chromosome EngineeringCode: 13.1IV34.K0308Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor : prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaMolecular structure of a prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome. Karyotype. Types ofchromosomes and artificial chromosomes. Physical chromosomal maps. Localisation ofrestrictive sites. Chromosome imprinting. Chromosomal aberrations and DNA repair. Meiosisin poliploids, hybrids and aberration forms. Variability of the chromosome number andchromosome systems. Poliploids. Monosomic and nullisomic lines. Translocation lines.33

Transferring chromosomes from other species. Adding whole genomes. Substitution ofchromosomes.Recommended reading:Clark M.S., Wall W.J., 1996, Chromosomes. The complex code. ed. Chapman and Hall,London, New YorkObe G., Basler A.,1987, Cytogenetics. ed. Springer –Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York,London, Paris, TokyoRogalska S.M., Walerych W., 1994, Podstawowe mechanizmy dziedziczenia. Wyd. NaukoweAR w PoznaniuRogalska S.M., Małuszyńska J., Olszewska J.M., 1999, Podstawy cytogenetyki roślin. WNPWN, Warszawa.EnglishCode: 09.1IV34.K992Tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester30 hours of tutorialGradeECTS credits: 1Tutor: Katarzyna Radziecka, Studium of Foreign LanguagesThe aim of the course is to acquire practical knowledge of English language. It is taught atintermediate and advanced levels to be chosen by the students. The final examination takesplace at the end of the 2 nd year of studies.Molecular BiologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0303Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester75 hours (30 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaDNA paradox of the C-value. Types of nucleotic sequences in DNA. Organisation ofprotokaryotic and eurkaryotic genoms. Biology of protokaryotic, eukaryotic and organellesgenomes. DNA replication. Transcription and post-transcriptional processing. Translation.Regulation mechanisms of replication, transcription and translation. RNA structure and34

function. Transposition. DNA and RNA isolation, purification and sequencing. Creating genelibraries. Vectors and gene transfer.Recommended reading:Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J., Roff M., Roberts K., Watson J.D., 1994, Molecular Biology ofthe cell. ( 3 wyd.) Garland Publ. Inc. New York and LondonWolfe S.L., 1993, Molecular and cellular biology. Wadsworth Publishing Company,Belmount, CaliforniaTurner. P.C., McLennan A.G., Bates A.D., White M.R.H., 1999, Biologia molekularna. WNPWN Warszawa.BiotechnologyCode: 13.4IV34.K0205, 13.4IV34.K0905; 13.4IV34.K1105Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester90 hours (60 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 4Lecturers and tutors: prof. dr hab. Ewa Kępczyńskaprof. dr hab. Jolanta Tarasiukprof. dr hab. Józef Kurdr hab. Maria Suska, prof. USBiotechnology, its definition and basic concepts. History of biotechnology. Traditional andmodern biotechnology. Successes in modern biotechnology. Plant and animal biotechnology.Place of fungi in biotechnology. Microbiological biotransformations. Plantbiotransformations. Using transgenic organisms as bioreactors. Genetically modified food.Biotechnology vs. legal regulations.Rules of DNA test development in genetic diseases. Chemoprevention of diseases.Outline of plant breeding methods. Inducted mutagenesis - methods of changing genotype.Remote hybrids. Production of secondary metabolites. Male sterility and heterosis.Modification of food quality: protein, lipids, brewery. Immunity to herbicides, high and lowtemperature and insects. Modeling reserve substances - starch. Transposonal gene marking.Transgenic plants. Haploids in plant breeding.Recommended reading:A basis for sustainability, 1992, Annual Report Agricultural and Food Research Counsil,Scotland35

Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry . 12. Haploids in Crop Improvement I., 1990, edt.YPS Bajaj, Spring-Verlag.Crop Breeding, 1983, ed. DR Wood, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Societyof America, Madison, WisconsinLindsey K, Jones M.G.K., 1989, Plant Biotechnology in Agriculture. ed. Open UniversityPress , Milton Keynes.4 th semesterMicrobiology and VirologyCode: 13.4IV34.K1130Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 4 th semester75 hours (30 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaOrigin and structure of a prokaryotic cell. Physiology and reproduction of bacteria, rickettsia,mycoplasms and viruses. Plasmids, bacteriophages, transposons. Pathogeny mechanisms ofbacterial and viral infection. Variability of bacteria and viruses. Systematics andcharacteristics of bacteria according to Bergey‟s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Generalcharacteristics of animal, plant and bacterial viruses according to ICTV. Viroids, virusoidsand prions. Morphology, characteristics and systematics of fungi. Sterilisation anddisinfection. Aseptic techniques. Methods of microorganism breeding. Microscopy. Diagnosisof selected viral disorders (breeding, serological and immunological methods).Recommended reading:Kańtoch M., 1997, Wirusologia lekarska. Wyd. Lek. PZWL, Warszawa 1997Kunicki-Goldfinger W.,1998, Życie Bakterii. PWN, WarszawaLarski Z., Truszczyński M., 1992, Zarys mikrobiologii weterynaryjnej. Wyd. ART.-OlsztynMarkiewicz Z., 1993, Struktura i funkcje osłon bakteryjnych. PWN, Warszawa 1993Zaremba M.L., Borowski J., 1994, Podstawy Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej. PZWL, WarszawaBioprocess EngineeringCode: 13.4IV34.K9924Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 4 th semester60 hours (30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)Grade36

ECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Ryszard KaleńczukFundamentals of bioreactor engineering. Balancing biochemical transformations – elementarybalance, reduction degrees, basic transformation. Fundamentals of kinetics of enzymaticreactions. Models of microorganisms growth and population. Balancing bioreactors. Ideal andnon-ideal bioreactors. Macro- and micromixing. Basic types of in-depth breeding. Enzymaticbioreactors. Bioreactors with stable biological material. Calculating and designingbioreactors. Methods of preparing raw-materials (up-steam processing). Separating biomassand cell desintegration. Membrane methods – dialysis, electrolysis, ultrafiltration,diafiltration, reverse osmosis. Electrokinetic methods. Sorptive methods. Precipitation.Vacuum and thin-layer distillation. Drying of biological material. Selection of methodss ofpurification and distribution of bioproducts.Recommended reading:Bartelmus G., Janecki D., Kos M., 1999, Inżynieria procesowa laboratorium. WydziałUniwersytetu Opolskiego, OpoleRatenbach R, Albrecht R., 1989, Membrane processes, Wiley J., CichesterSzewczyk K.W., 1995 Technologia biochemiczna, Oficyna Wydawnicza PolitechnikiWarszawskiej, WarszawaAnimal PhysiologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0917Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 4 th semester75 hours (30 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USMembrane potentials. Excitability and impulse transmitting. Regulation of organ activity.Homeostasis. Composition and structure of blood. Practical application of hematologicexamination. Serology an its application in diagnosis. Water and electrolite management.Kidney functions. Significance of measuring urine components. Digestion and absorption.Matter and energy conversion. Regulation of assimilation.Recommended reading:Bullock J., Boyle J. III, Wang M.B., 1997, Fizjologia. Urban & Partner, Wyd. Med. WrocławKonturek S., 2000, Fizjologia człowieka Wyd. VI (t. 1-5) Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,KrakówSchmidt-Nielsen K., Fizjologia zwierząt. Adaptacja do środowiska, PWN 199237

Traczyk W.Z. (red.),2001, Diagnostyka czynnościowa człowieka. Fizjologia stosowana, Wyd.Lek. PZWL, WarszawaEnglishCode: 09.1IV34.K9925Tutorial2 nd year, 4 th semester30 hours of tutorialGradeECTS credits: 2Tutor: Katarzyna Radziecka, Studium of Foreign LanguagesThe aim of the course is to acquire practical knowledge of English language. It is taught atintermediate and advanced levels to be chosen by the students. The final examination takesplace at the end of the 2 nd year of studies.Plant Cultures in vitroCode: 13.4IV34.K0734Lecture and tutorialGrade2 nd year, 4 th semester60 hours (15 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCultures in vitro in basic research and agriculture. Rules of applying in vitro cultures.Nourishing substances. Sterilization. Culture types. Callus induction. Direct and indirectorganogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis. Artificial seeds. Micropropagation.Biotransformation. Transgenic plants.Recommended reading:Chmiel A., 1991, Biotechnologia, PWNKępczyńska E., Kępczyński J., 1998, Biotechnologia roślin - kultury in vitro, WNP USZenkteler M., 1984, Hodowla komórek i tkanek, PWN38

Animal Cultures in vitroCode: 13.4IV34.K1041Lecture and tutorial2 nd year, 4 th semester60 hours (15 hours of lecture + 45 hours of tutorial)GradeETCS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakRules of collecting breeding material, starting, developing and completing breeding. Breedingparent cells. Application of in vitro breeding to genetic research. Applying in vitro breeding tosupported reproduction. Applying in vitro breeding to laboratory diagnosis. Methods ofintroducing genetic material to cells and tissues of breeding animals (animal improvement).Trangsenic organisms as “transgenic pharmaceutical factories”. Security issues related totransgenesis in animals. Cloning.Recommended reading:Barciszewski J., Łastowski K., Twardowski T., 1996, Nowe tendencje w biologiimolekularnej i inżynierii genetycznej oraz w medycynie; SORUS, PoznańConnor J., Ferguson-Smith M., 1997, Podstawy genetyki medycznej; PZWL, WarszawaKur J., 1994, Podstawy inżynierii genetycznej, Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk5 th semesterBiology of Plant ResistanceCode: 13.1IV34.K0704Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaConcept of stress. Abiotic stresses (water, thermal, light, air pollution stress). Biotic stresses(viruses, bacteria, fungi, pests). Pathogenesis and plant reaction to diseases. Mechanism ofplant resistence to abiotic and biotic stresses. Biological plant protection.Recommended reading:Agrios G.N., 1997, Plant Patology. Academic Press. San Diego California39

Grzesiuk S., Górecki R., 1999, Fizjologiczne podstawy odporności roślin na choroby. ARTOlsztyn.Larkins B.A., 1996, The Plant Cell. Special Reviews Issue on Plant-Microbe Interactions.Vol 8, 10: 1651-1913Molecular Diagnosis in MedicineCode: 12.1IV34.K9909Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester60 hours (30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jan LubińskiMolecular analyses in detecting hereditary predispositions to diseases. Techniques of directdetection of mutations. Diagnosis at the protein level. Techniques of indirect detection ofmutations (analysis of couplings and loss of heterozygosity). Monegenic forms of metabolicdisorders. Monogenic and multigenic forms of arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Monogenichereditary tumours. Modyfying genes and external modifying factors. Classification oftumours with use of molecular methods. Diagnosis of infectious diseases (HIV, HBV, HCV,tuberculosis). Molecular methods applied in leukaemia diagnosis. Identification of individualswith the use of molecular biology methods.Recommended reading:Bal J., 2001, Biologia Molekularna w Medycynie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Lubiński J., Gorski B., Kurzawski G., Jakubowska A., Dębniak T., Cybulski C., Byrski T.,Huzarski T. I inni, 2000, Analizy molekularne w diagnosyce wysokiej genetycznejpredyspozycji do nowotworów. Onk. Pol.Genetic EngineeringCode: 13.4IV34.0824Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester90 hours (30 hours of lecture + 60 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 6Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jan Szopa- Skórkowski (The University of Wrocław)Enzymes and gene cloning. Construction and analysis of recombined DNA. Analysis andcloning of eukaryotic genome DNA. Preparing DNA and RNA probes. Detection and analysis40

of cloned genes expression products. DNA amplification with the use of PRC method. DNAsequencing.Recommended reading:Recent subject literatureStryer L., 2001, Biochemistry, fourth edition. Freeman and company/New YorkMalepszy S., 2001, Biotechnologia Roślin. PWN SA Warszawa 2001Alberts B. ed., 1988, Molecular Biology of the Cell, third edition. Garland Publishing, Inc.New York & LondonImmunologyCode: 13.1IV34.K1121Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaEvolution and ontogenesis of the immune system. Specific, non-specific, humoral and cellularimmunity. Antigen path in the immune system. Alergy and autoimmunisation. Selected issuesin comparative immunology. Determination of specific and humoral immunity with selectedmethods. Monoclonal antibodies. Serological tests in immunology. Immunological tests indiagnosis.Recommended reading:Buczek J., Deptuła W., Gliński Z., Jarosz J., Stosik M., Wernicki A., 1999, Immunologiaporównawcza i rozwojowa zwierząt. PWN, Warszawa-PoznańDeptuła W., Stosik M., 2000, Immunologia dla biologów. Wyd. US, SzczecinJakóbisiak M., 1998, Immunologia. PWN, WarszawaPłytycz B., Gliński Z., Jarosz J., Książkiewicz-Kapralska M., Markowska M., Skwarło-SońtaK., 1999, Immunologia porównawcza. Wyd. UJPhytohormones – mechanism of actionCode: 13.1IV34.K0815Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester45 hours ( 15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 341

Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiBiosynthesis, degradation and inactivation of phytophormones. Genetic regulation ofphytohormone biosythesis pathway. Transportation mechanism. Sensitivity tophytohormones. Correlation phenomena. Regulation of germination and growth.Recommended reading:Davis P. J. (ed.), 1995, Plant Hormones. Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Kluwer Academic PublishersJankiewicz L. S. (red.), 1997, Regulatory wzrostu i rozwoju roślin. Zastosowanie wogrodnictwie, rolnictwie, leśnictwie i w kulturach tkanek, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN,WarszawaTaiz L., Zeiger E., 1998, Plant Physiology, Sinuer Associates, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland,MassachusettsMechanisms of Animal Metabolism RegulationCode: 13.1IV34.K0927Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExzaminationECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USHormones, their characteristics and functions. Mechanisms of information transmitting.Interaction hormone-receptor. Control systems. Homeostasis. Reverse couplings. Regulationof matter and energy conversion. Regulation of water and minerals distribution. Modulationof myosin motoric activity. Regulatory mechanisms of axon growth and neurondifferentiation. Sexual hormones.Recommended reading:Bullock J., Boyle J. III, Wang M.B., 1997, Fizjologia. Urban & Partner Wyd. MedyczneWrocławMurray R.K., Granner D.K., Mayes P.A., Rodwell V.W., 1995, Biochemia Harpera. Wyd.Lekarskie PZWL WarszawaSchmidt-Nielsen K., 1992, Fizjologia zwierząt. Adaptacja do środowiska. Wyd. NaukowePWN WarszawaTraczyk F.W., Trzebski A., 2001, Fizjologia człowieka z elementami fizjologii stosowanej.Wyd. Lekarskie PZWL Warszawa42

Environmental ProtectionCode: 13.1IV34.K062; 13.1IV34.K0732; 13.1IV34.K1432Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 5 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutors: prof. dr hab. Józef Domagałaprof. dr hab. Ewa Kępczyńskaprof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiHuman activity in natural environment and its consequences. Effect of air, water and soilpollution on life of organisms. Natural resources (renewable and non-renewable). Limitationof resources, perspectives of their exploitation and nature degradation. Local, regional andworldwide activity in the area of environmental protection and sustainable social andeconomic development. Technologies of sewage treatment, methods of sewage purification,types of sewage treatment plants, mechanical, physical, chemical and biological sewagetreatment, sediment processing. Waste management, waste classification, ways of reducingwaste, evaluation criteria of waste management, economical and adverse consequence ofwaste re-using. Air pollution, its types, sources and harmful effect, factors reducing airpollution. Rules of degraded areas reclamation, classification of degraded areas, biologicalactivity related to reclamation, physical and chemical processes in soil formation.Recommended reading:Krzywy E., 1999, Przyrodnicze zagospodarowanie ścieków i osadów. AR SzczecinLedwoń K., 1998, Ekologiczne podstawy kształtowania technosfery. PWN.Pyłka-Gutowska E., 1996, Ekologia z ochroną środowiska. W. O. W-waWojciechowski I., 1987, Ekologiczne podstawy kształtowania środowiska. PWNŻukowski P., 1987, Podstawowe problemy współczesnej techniki i ochrony środowiska. T1 i2 PWN6 th semesterMicroevolutionary of Humans PopulationsCode: 13.1IV34.K0131Lecture3 rd year, 6 th semester30 hoursGrade43

ECTS credits: 2Lecturer: dr hab. Konstanty Sawicki, prof. USAnthropometric techniques. Taxonomic methods of describing interspecies variability ofMan. Methods of paleoantropological research. Place of Man in primate systematics. Stagesof anthropogenesis. Relations between biological and cultural evolution. Interspeciesdifferentiation of Man. African and multiregional theory of origin of modern human races.Determinants, stimulants, modifiers and autoregulation of human development. Stages ofontogenesis. Concept of biological age. Determining individual and population developmentalstandards. Optimal standards. Evaluation of individual and population development and theirsignificance in health policy. Natural migrations of Man and methods of its description. Effectof environmental changes caused by industrial activity and interaction between humanpopulations on physical and behavioural traits of Man and settlement on the Earth.Recommended reading:Charzewski J. (red.), 1999, Antropologia. Wyd. Nauk. AWF im. J. Piłsudskiego, WarszawaMalinowski A., Strzałko J. (red.), 1985, Antropologia. PWN Warszawa-PoznańMalinowski A., 1999, Wstęp do antropologii i ekologii Człowieka. Wyd. UniwersytetuŁódzkiego, ŁódźObuchowicz L.,1990, Molekularne podstawy biologii rozwoju zwierząt. Wyd. NaukoweUAM PoznańStrzałko J., Ostoja-Zagórski J., 1995, Ekologia populacji ludzkich. Wyd. Nauk. UAM, Poznań1995Promińska E., 1998, Człowiek istota wyjątkowa. Studia i Monografie AWF im. J.Piłsudskiego, WarszawaEnzymologyCode: 13.1IV34.K0212Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 6 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukBasic concepts in enzymology. Enzymes and coenzymes and their relation to vitamins.Monomeric and oligomeric enzymes. Multienzymatic complexes. Strategy and tactics inenzyme purification. Selection of enzyme source. Methods of determining enzyme structure.Basic components in enzyme structure. Active site. Kinetics of enzymatic reactions.Inhibition and inactivation. Mechanisms of regulating enzymatic activity. Localisation ofenzymes in cell. Methods of physiological regulation of enzyme activity. Enzymes in industryand biotechnology. Immobilization of enzymes. Enzymes in biotranformation processes.Clinical aspects of enzymology. Artificial enzymes.44

Recommended reading:Godfrey, T., West S., 1996, Enzymology, Macmillian Press LtdPrice, N.C., Stevens, L., 2000, Fundamentals of Enzymology, Oxford University PressChapters on enzymology in modern biochemistry handbooks.Biotechnological Methods in Environmental ProtectionCode: 13.4IV.K0628Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 6 th semester60 hours (30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiBiological systems in nature. Degradation phenomena in nature. Biotechnological methods inenvironmental protection. Water pollution and treatment. Biotechnological methods ofpreventing soil degradation. Reclamation of degraded areas. Managing municipal andindustrial waste, managing sewage sediments. Biotechnological methods of environmentalmonitoring.Recommended reading:Chemia środwiska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 1997,Hafner M., 1999, Ochrona środowiska, Polski Klub EkologicznyKowal L., Świderska Bróż M., 1997, Oczyszczanie wody, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN,WarszawaKrebs Ch. J., Ekologia, 1997 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, WarszawaMaciak F., 1999, Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska, SGGW, WarszawaIndustrial MicrobiologyCode: 13.4IV34.K9929Lecture and tutorial3 rd year, 6 th semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Józef Kur45

Practical application of microorganisms. Characteristics, systematics, determination anddescription of selected groups. Basic biotechnical processes in bacteria. Fermentations.Biopolimers. Enzymatic specimens. Biosynthesis. Disintegration of biological material.Microorganisms in biosynthesis.Recommended reading:Daczkowska E., Dąbrowski W., 2001, Mikrobiologia Żywności. Skrypt do ćwiczeń.Wydawnictwo AR, SzczecinLibudzisz Z., Kowal K., 2000, Mikrobiologia techniczna. T I, II. Wyd. Politechniki Łódzkiej,ŁódźSingleton P., 2000, Bakterie w biologii, biotechnologii i medycynie. PWN, WarszawaChmiel B.: Biotechnologia. Podstawy mikrobiologiczne i biochemiczne. PWN 1994Water Self-purificationCode: 13.1IV34.K1336Lecture and tutorialGrade3 rd year, 6 th semester60 hours (30 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor : Dr hab. Andrzej Zawal, prof. USMethods of evaluating water purity and reclamation of water reservoirs. Mechanisms of waterself-purification process. Organisms participating in the self-purification process. Factorsdisturbing homeostasis of water reservoirs. Ways of intensifying natural self-purificationprocesses.Recommended reading:Allan J. D., 1998, Ekologia wód płynących.Kajak Z., 1998, Hydrobiologia limnologia. Ekosystemy wód śródlądowych.Lampert W. Sommer U., 1996, Ekologia wód śródlądowych.Bachelor’s SeminarCode: 13.4IV34.K..373 rd year, 5 th and 6 th semester15 hours + 15 hoursGradeECTS credits: 5 th semester - 26 th semester - 1046

Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0237Application of enzymes and immobilized enzymes in biotechnology.Discussion of issues related to the topic of diploma project:1. Application of biotechnological methods in medicine.2. Application of biotechnology to production of antibodies and drug carriers in targetedcancer treatment.3. Application of biotechnology to production of enzymes responsible for cell metabolism ofanti-cancer drugs.4. Application of biotechnology to production of proteins related to resistance in cancercells.Students will be required to present issues covered by their diploma papers (to be developedon the basis of the review of Polish and foreign literature as well as applied researchmethods).Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0337Izoenzymes as plant biochemical markers; extranucleic inheritace – chloroplasts andmitochondia; fundamentals of plant genome structure – physical mapping; molecular markersto be mapped; ways of tranferring genes between species. Collecting literature data for thediploma paper, development of the diploma paper.Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.K0537Processes of biochemical and chemical organic matter oxidation in natural waters. Methods ofexamining kinetics of organic matter oxidation. Active oxygen forms. Chemical homogenicand heterogenic catalysis. Biochemical processes. Effect of temperature on the pace ofchemical (diffusion and kinetic area) and biochemical processes of organic matter oxidation.Introduction to methods of conducting literature research, material preparation and diplomapaper development.Chair of Ecology - prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiCode:13.4IV34.K0637Living organisms as bioindicators. Biotechnology in protection of natural environment.Biological constructing of a sewage treatment plant. Types of environment contamination andits effect on flora and fauna. Transformations in ecosystems caused by anthropogenic factors.Biotechnology in ecology of natural landscape. Rules of developing diploma and scientificpapers.47

Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K0737Discussion of issues related to plant micropropagation and production of somatic embryos inin vitro cultures. Students will be required to present the results of literature research, methodsrelated to the diploma paper and results of conducted research.Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology –prof. dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0837Hormonal regulation of plant growth and development processes in in vitro culture. Effect ofgrowth regulators on shoot proliferation, rooting and callus formation. The students will berequired to present the results of the literature research related to the topic of the diplomapaper.Chair of Physiology – Department of Animal Physiology - dr hab. Maria Brzezińska,prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0937Mechanism of hormones activity. Effect of the hormone – membrane receptor interaction onthe permeability of cell membrane. Hormonal regulation of water and mineral management.The role of synapses and chemical transmitters in transmitting messages between neurons.The structure and function of the central nervous system. The role of phospholipides inintercellular transmitting. The students are expected to interpret issues related to the topic ofthe diploma paper and discuss the results of Polish and foreign literature research.Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1037During the seminar students will get acquainted with the methodology of developing papersand thesis on natural science. Rules of literature research and quotations. The students willconduct detailed literature research related to the topic of their diploma paper, developchapters of their paper as presentations and present completed chapters.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1137Discussion of research on immunity phenomena and pathogeny mechanisms in bacterial andviral infections. Characteristics of immunocompetent cells and their receptors having thedecisive role in infection. The students will be required to present the results of Polish andforeign subject literature research on immune phenomena in viral and chlamydial infections.48

Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K12371. Scope of the Chair‟s research, regulations and rules of work.2. Review of diploma papers developed in the Chair.3. Rules of collecting data for topic bibliography: selection.4. Writing a review based on the example of the selected diploma paper.5. Studying obligatory reading.6. Getting acquainted with fieldwork research methods applied in plant taxonomy andphytogeography.Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1437Reproduction and development of lower vertebrates with special emphasis on fish. Discussionof issues related to the topic of the diploma paper. The students will be expected to present theresults of subject literature research and the methods and results of research conducted fortheir diploma paper.LaboratoryCode: 13. 4IV34.K..33Tutorial3 rd year, 5 th and 6 th semester45 hours +45 hoursGradeECTS credits: 5 th semester - 16 th semester - 1Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0233The students will develop their diploma paper on the basis of the subject literature research.Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K033349

Electorophoresis – its types and conducting; restrictive enzymes and restrictive fragmentlength polymorphism analysis (RFLP), Southern‟s method; types of specific nucleotidesequences, methods of localisation of nucleotide sequences in chromosomes – FISH andGISH methods (fluorescent in situ hybridization and genomic in situ hybridization); vectorsof gene transfer, conventional methods of gene transfer.Chair of Ecology - prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0633Evaluation of environment condition on the basis of population analysis of selected species ofvascular plants, lichens, arthropoda and insects. Evaluation of selected plant species usabilitywith regard to reclaiming areas degraded by industry.Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K0730Methods and techniques necessary to develop the diploma paper. Interpretation of the results.Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology – prof.dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0833Methods and techniques necessary to develop the diploma paper. Interpretation of the results.Chair of Physiology – Department of Animal Physiology – dr hab. Maria Brzezińska,prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0933Methods of laboratory research. Preparing research material and conducting analyses.Interpretation of the results.Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1033The students get acquainted with molecular methods applied in the Chair as well as theapparatus (thermocycler, laminar chambers, centrifugal separators, automatic pipettes,electrophoresis apparatus) methods of research material collection, DNA isolation andamplification and interpretation of the results.Collecting research material, research sample description. Positive and negative control ingenetic research. DNA isolation and purification, DNA amplification, electophoresis, theinterpretation of the results, documenting the results.Processing and interpretation of the results.50

Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1133Presentation of methods used to examine the reaction of cells of the immune system andmolecular biology methods used to differentiate viral and chlamydial strains. Developingexperiment scheme and collecting results of conducted research.Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K12331. Selecting the topic of the diploma paper and presentation of the current state ofresearch related to the selected topic.2. Collecting and processing material.3. Presentation of the draft of the diploma paper.4. Presentation of the diploma paper and final examination.Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1433The students will get acquainted with methods of developing diploma paper, operatingapparatus and conducting laboratory and field experiments.ElectivesCode: 13.4IV34.F..40Lectures3 rd year, 5 th and 6 th semester15 hours and 15 hoursGradeECTS credits: 2Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0340(10 hours, 5 x 2 hours)1. Biology of chromosomes.2. Mutations – genome stability - repair.3. Specific mapping of nucleotide sequences and genes.Chair of Ecology - prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiCode: 13.4IV34.F064051

Application of biotechnology to breeding ornamental grasses.Chair of Physiology – Department of Animal Physiology - dr hab. Wiesława Orowicz,prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0940„Role of magnesium in life processes of animals and man”.Metabolic pathways with magnesium – biochemical data. Physiological role of magnesium.Magnesium supply and sources. Reasons of hypomagnesemia. Consequences of deficiency ofmagnesium (biochemical, nervous, muscle, psychic and heart disorders). Magnesium asvaluable cation in diagnosis and therapy.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław Deptuła; dr hab.Michał Stosik, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K11401. Recent achievements in comparative and developmental immunologyimmunity types with regard to new trends concerning inborn immunity among others,characteristics of antigen path in the immune system,autoimmunisation as a process caused by environmental factors – pathogeny sitesamong others2. Animal biotechnology – selected topicsBiotechnology in view of new biological databiotechnological methods in diagnosis of infectious diseases and aging in people andanimals;biotechnology in industry, “production” – organism cloning,Ethics in biotechnological research3. Recent data in diseases in infected people and animalsCharacteristics of pathogenic and infectious factors of bioterrorismpresentation of pathogenic factors as elements of microrevolution and causes ofcivilisation diseasesDo infectious diseases pose a threat to life? – “peaceful microbes”Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1440Biotechnology in breeding animals – embryological aspects52

X. 2 nd grade – Courses with allocated ECTS credits1 st semesterCourse1 st yearTotal nuber of hoursR W S Ć LECTScreditsForm ofassessmentCourse codeBiophysics and Physical 30 15 15 2 O 13.2IV34.K9942Mathematics II 60 45 15 3 E 11.1IV34.K9946Molecular Methods inDiagnosticMolecular Principles ofCell MechanismsMutations andMutagenesis45 15 30 4 E 13.1IV34.K104845 15 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K034945 15 30 3 Z 13.4IV34.K0350Courses to choice 1* 45 15 30 4 O 13.4IV34.K...54Specialistic Laboratory 60 60 7 O 13.4IV34.K...52Master of ScienceSeminary30 30 3 O 13.4IV34.K...56TOTAL 345 120 30 210 302 nd semesterBiotechnology of Seeds 45 15 30 5 E 13.4IV34.K0843Bioinformatics 40 40 3 EThe Mechanisms andDiagnostics of Bacterialand Viral InfectionsSocial and Legal Aspectsin Biotechnology11.0IV34.K074411.0IV34.K104445 15 30 5 E 13.1IV34.K114730 30 3 O 13.4IV34.K9957Production Economics 45 45 4 E 13.4IV34.K9945Specialistic Laboratory 60 60 7 O 13.4IV34.K...52Master of ScienceSeminary30 30 3 O 13.4IV34.K...56TOTAL 295 105 30 160 3053

2 nd year3 rd semesterTransgenic Plants 30 15 15 4 E 13.4IV34.K9955Plant's Active Substancesin PharmacologyMaster of ScienceLaboratoryMaster of ScienceSeminary30 30 3 O 13.4IV34.K1254110 110 15 O 13.4IV34.K...5130 30 3 O 13.4IV34.K...56Courses to choice 2* 45 15 30 4 O 13.4IV34. F...53TOTAL 245 60 30 155 294 th semesterMaster of ScienceLaboratoryMaster of ScienceSeminary105 105 8 O 13.4IV34.K...5130 30 20 O 13.4IV34.K...56Elective (lecture)** 15 15 3 O 13.4IV34. F...62TOTAL 150 15 30 105 31XI. Description of courses conducted at the Faculty of Natural Sciencestudy area: biotechnologyThe description of courses follows the following pattern:Name of courseCourse codeCourse formatYear and semesterForm of assessmentNumber of ECTS creditsLecture/tutorCourse codeRecommended reading54

1 st semesterBiophysics and PhysicalCode: 13.2IV34.K9942Lecture and tutorialGrade1 st year, 1 st semester30 hours (15 hours of lecture + 15 hours of tutorial)ECTS credits: 2Lecturer and tutor: dr Jadwiga Mrożek-Lejman, Bożena Mikłaszewicz, M.A.Recommended reading:Barszczewska M., Leyko W., 1997, Biofizyka dla biologów, PWN, Warszawa.Kane I.W., Sternheim M.M., 1988, Fizyka dla przyrodników, PWN, Warszawa.Pilawski A., 1985, Podstawy biofizyki, PZWL, Warszawa.Mathematics IICode: 11.1IV34.K9946Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester60 hours (45 hours of lecture + 15 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 3Lecturer: dr Agata Narloch, Ewa Ciechanowicz, M.A.Recommended reading:Podręczniki akademickie (Matematyka cz. 1, 2, 3, 4), 1995, seria eit, Wyd. Naukowo-TechniczneWarszawa.Decewicz G., W. Żakowski, 1983, Matematyka, Wyd. Naukowo-Techniczne., Warszawa.Krysicki W., Włodarski L., 2003, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Wyd. Naukowe PWN,Warszawa.55

Molecular Methods in DiagnosticCode: 13.1IV34.K1048Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakMolecular Principles of Cell MechanismsCode: 13.4IV34.K0349Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)GradeECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaBiological catalysts:the active sites and molecular specifity of enzymes. Mechanisms ofenzyme catalysis; activation, inhibition. An overview of cell metabolism: oxidation andreduction; glicolysis and fermentation; regulation of metabolism; divergence of katabolic andanabolic pathways; mechanism of lysosome action. Structure and function of membraneproteins: membrane domains and cell polarity; nerve impulses; the acetycholine receptor.Photosynthetic units and reaction centers; oxidative phosphorylation. Inhibition of electrontransport used in weeds control. Photoinhibition. Peroxisomes and photorespiration. Methodsof investigation of: cytomemebrans; autoradiography; green fluorescent protein; system of“free cell”; biochemical analysis of cell subfractions; SRP and chaperones. Biosynthesis ofmembranes in RE; glycosylation in Golgi System and ER; distribution of lysosmal proteins.Centrosome structure: dynamics of microtubule; types and function of intermediate filaments;structure of myosin – molecular motor for actin filaments. Muscle contraction: molecularbasis of contraction; molecular basis of muscle dystrophy; cell movement. Protein kinase rolein the cell cycle; forces for mitotic movements; cytokinesis. Intercellular signals: receptors oftyrosine kinases; Ras proteins; cascade of MAP kinase. Cancer: phenotypes of cancer cells.Some problems of cell and molecular bases of immunity. Totipotentia and cell differentiation.Recommended reading:Gerald Karp. 2002. Cell and molecular biology (3 ed) John Viley &Sons. INCSmith Wood. Cell Biology. 1996Kłyszejko_Stefanowska L. 1995. Cytobiochemia. Wn PWN, W-wa56

Mutations and MutagenesisCode: 13.4IV34.K0350Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 1 st semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)CreditECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaDefinition of mutation. Classification of mutations. Mutation types. Mutation of chromosomenumber. Structural mutation of chromosomes. Factors and environments of origin ofchromosome mutations. Role of chromosome mutation in evolution, research and practice.Gene mutations-point mutations. Kind of gene mutations. Mutagenesis – process of mutationand factors inducing mutation. Molecular basis of gene mutations. Mutagenes: physical,chemical and environmental. Identification of mutated genes in fungus, bacteria, flies, plantsand humans. Importance of gene mutation in evolution, science and breeding practice.Mutators-genes. Induction of mutation. Mechanisms of repair of mutation; suppressormutations; excise of damaged region of DNA; repair of double strand breaking of DNA; “bypass”of mutated region of DNA; repair of miss-match of nucleotides. Consequences of badfunction of repair mechanism (Xeroderma pigmentosum). Mutation as a basis foridentification of gene . Application of mutants in science and genetic engineering. Mutationspectrum.Recommended reading:Rogalska S, Małuszyńska J, Olszewska J. 2005. Podstawy cytogenetyki roślin. (Principles ofplant cytogenetic) (2 ed). WN – PWN , W-waSuzuki, Griffith, Miller and Lewontin. 1986. An introduction to genetic analysis.2 nd semesterBiotechnology of SeedsCode: 13.4IV34.K0843Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)57

ExaminationECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiBioinformaticsCode: 11.0IV34.K0744;11.0IV34.K1044Tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester40 hours of tutorialExaminationECTS credits: 3Tutor: dr Sylwia Zielińska, dr Agnieszka Maciejewska, dr Beata WodeckaThe Mechanisms and Diagnostics of Bacterial and Viral InfectionsCode: 13.4IV34.K1147Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester45 hours (15 hours of lecture + 30 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 5Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaComprehensive characteristics of chosen pathogens and diseases with the mechanism oftheir‟s pathogenic interaction. The diagnosic of those diseases with the use of moderntechniques. The diagnostics of innate and adaptive defects of immune system as a platform ofinfectious diagnostic. The diagnostic of zoonoses and pathogens used as biological weapon.The diagnostics and mechanism of danger pathogens for human, present in the environment.Recommended reading:Zaremba L., 2000, Podstawy mikrobiologii lekarskiej, Wydawnictwo PZWL, Warszawa.Nicklin J., Graeme-Cook K., Paget T., Killington N., 2000, Krótkie wykłady: Mikrobiologia,Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.Virella G, 2000, Mikrobiologia i choroby zakaźne, Wydawnictwo Medyczne Urban &Partner, Wrocław.58

Social and Legal Aspects in BiotechnologyCode: 13.4IV34.K9957Lecture1 st year, 1 st semester30 hours of lectureGradeECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: prof. dr hab. Tomasz TwardowskiProduction EconomicsCode: 13.4IV34.K9945Tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester45 hours of tutorialExaminationECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: dr Katarzyna KoziołSpecialistic LaboratoryCode: 13.4IV34.K...521 st year, 1 st and 2 nd semester60 hours + 60 hoursGradeECTS credits: 7Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0252Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0352Students acknowledge with a special instruments and research methods applied in their MrScexperiments. There are electrophoresis of protein and nucleic acids; PCR reaction; RFLP;59

making a chromosome preparations ;Giemsa ; conventional staining of chromosomes; FISH,GISH; hybridization DNA/DNA; isolation and purification of DNA and RNA.Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.K0552Chair of Ecology - prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0652Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K0752Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology – prof.dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0852Chair of Physiology – dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0952Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1052Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1152Introduction to laboratory work with animals (rabbits). Introduction to research cycle with theuse of animals and infectious factors. Introduction to haematological, immunological andgenetic research. Teaching of methods and interperation of haematological andimmunological results. Introduction to molekular biology used in bacteriology and virusology– PCR, electrophoresis, restriction analysis. Choice of M.A. subjects and planning ofexperiments.Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K1252Scientific problems of Department on the background of the current development oftaxonomy and chorology in Europe, methods to identify the main taxonomic groups, testingmethods related to the topic of thesis.60

Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – dr Andrzej ZawalCode: 13.4IV34.K1352Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1452Knowledge of basic investigating methods of histology and embryology of lower vertebratesand invertebrates applied in the Chair. Conducting laboratory and field experiments, takingsamples in a field, depend of master work‟s title.Master of Science SeminaryCode: 13.4IV34.K...561 st year, 1 st and 2 nd semester30 hours + 30 hoursGradeECTS credits: 3Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0256Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0356Some problems of cytogenetic, epigenetic and molecular biology. Chromatin structure and itsgenetic activity. Gene mutations. Diagnosis genotypic changes in organisms. Muatation inplant breeding. Study of literature – translation and interpretation of foreign language writtenresearch article student‟ duty.Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.K0556Chair of Ecology - prof. dr hab. Maciej RogalskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0656Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K075661

Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology – prof.dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0856Chair of Physiology – dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0956Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1056Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1156The chosen issues of etics and humanism in research work (especially laboratory work withanimals). Ways of writing: original papers, reviews and conference reports. Developing anddiscussing infectious immunology subjects, with a special attention on viral and chlamydialinfections.Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K1256Introduction to the problems in biotechnology research, systematic botany.Presentation of research techniques: biometrics, statistical, taxonomic and chorological.Collection of literature, writing reviews, the choice of research topics.Choice of research methods, research area, representation from the selected area, develop aplan for research, a review of a sample of work, the concept of self-employment.Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – dr Andrzej ZawalCode: 13.4IV34.K1356Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1456Knowledge of the investigating issue of Chair. Students their-self prepare and make reportsabout their master work3 rd and 4 th semesterTransgenic PlantsCode: 13.4IV34.K9955Lecture and tutorial1 st year, 2 nd semester62

30 hours (15 hours of lecture + 15 hours of tutorial)ExaminationECTS credits: 4Lecturer and tutor: prof dr hab. Jan Szopa-SkórkowskiPlant's Active Substances in PharmacologyCode: 13.4IV34.K1254Tutorial2 nd year, 3 rd semester30 hours of tutorialExaminationECTS credits: 3Lecturer and tutor: dr B. BosiackaRichness of plant, the breakdown of utility plants: nutriens, veterinary, cosmetic, spices,tinctoria, ornamental, poisonous.Medicinal plant materials: herba, folia, flores, rhizoma, radix, semen and others.The review of active substances, a review of the major groups of plants, medicinal rawmaterials regions in the world, the areas of material in Europe (specially from Mediterraneanarea) Asia, Africa, North America, Central, South America, Australia.Natural resources of medicinal plants and their protection. Methods.Protection of natural environment, bioindication of chemical contamination of medicinalplants.Causes and effects of the reduction in the volume of natural raw materials, protection ofspecies of plants in Poland, the cultivation of medicinal plants on plantations in Poland.Recommended reading:Borkowski B. (red.), Lutomski J., Skrzydlewska E., Zygmunt B. 1994. Rośliny lecznicze wfititerapii. Inst. Roślin i Przetworów Ziel. Poznań.Kohmunzer S. 1980. Farmakognozja - podręcznik dla studentów farmacji, PZWL, Warszawa.Ożaroswki A., Jaroniewski W. 1989. Rośliny lecznicze i ich praktyczne zastosowanie, Wyd.Zw. Zawodowych, Warszawa.Courses to choice 1 st and 2 nd yearCode: 13.4IV34.F...53Lectures1 st and 2 nd year,1 st and 3 rd semesterLecture :15 hours and 15 hours63

Tutorial: 30 hours and 30 hoursGradeECTS credits: 4Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode: 13.4IV34.F0353Chromosome BiologyChromatin structure. Proteins of chromosomes. Histones- fractions, characteristics, genetics.SMC-structural maintenance of chromosomes - protein complexes. Cohesins, kondensins,separine. Characteristics of SMC and their action. Types of nucleotide sequences of DNA andtechniques of identification. Chromosome behavior during cell divisions. Posttranslationmodification of histones. Histone code. Genetics of plant meiosis. Plant cell cycle and genesof the cell cycle. Sex chromosomes: inactivation of X chromosome.Mechanisms ofepigenetic.Chair of General Botany – dr Małgorzata StasińskaCode: 13.4IV34.F0453Selected Problems of MycologyGeneral aspects of mycology: characteristics of fungi and their taxonomic position,requirements and manifestations of life in fungi – ecology of fungi, geographical distribution;quantitative aspects of mycology. Macromycetes in plant communities. Trophic and habitatgroups of fungi (symbiotic fungi, saprobic fungi, parasitic fungi, endophytic fungi).Mycorrhiza – ectomycorrhiza, endomycorrhiza, ectendomicorrhiza. Participation and role offungi in forest phytocoenoses. Applied mycology: active fungi in pharmaceutical processes;fungi as aetiological factors of human and animal diseases; edible and poisonous fungi –mushroom poisonings; cultivated mushrooms. Fungi protection.Chair of Physiology – dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.F0953Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.F1053Chair of Plant Taxonomy and Phytogeography - dr Agnieszka Grinn-Gofroń, dr EdytaStępieńCode: 13.4IV34.F1253Systematics of Utility PlantOverview of the main groups of utility plants, introducing the history of crops utility, the roleof utility plants in the development of civilization.Overview: grasses, vegetables, coffee, cocoa, tea, spices, tropical fruits, sugar plants,medicinal plants.64

Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.F1453Functional Base of Animal Organism DevelopmentIntroduction to investigation of animal development. Fertilisation – origin new organism.Cleavage - becoming multi-cellular organism. Gastrulation – cell movement andreorganization within the embryo. Early development of vertebrates. Diversification of threeprimary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Mechanism of embryonicdevelopment. Biotechnology of animals (embryologic aspects), embryo transplantation,fertilisation of eggs in vitro, elements of genetic and cellular engineering animal‟s breeding.Master of Science LaboratoryCode: 13.4IV34.K...512 nd year, 3 rd and 4 th semester110 hours and 105 hoursGradeECTS credits: 3 rd semester – 154 th semester – 8Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0251Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0351Electrophoresis- student practice; separation of protein and restriction fragments of DNA.Restriction analysis of DNA- student practice. Southern‟hybridization and PCR reaction –student practice. FISH and GISH- student practice. Preparations for chromosome studying –student practice- student practice. Karyotyping- student practice. Molecular markers foridentification of genes industrially important- student practice.Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.K0551Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K075165

Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology – prof.dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0851Chair of Physiology –dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0951Conversion of obtained quantity results. Microscopic analysis of obtained smears. Quantityand quality assessment. Statistical calculations. Comparision with reference values. Writing athesis.Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1051Collecting the study material, isolation and purification of DNA, amplification, RFLP,electrophoresis, interpretation and evidence of the results.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1151Research results developing. Collecting of literature connected with the subject of M.A.diplomas. Consultations in accordance of writing M.A. diploma.Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K1251Choice of research topic, literature and research methods, the development of materials in thelaboratory production of data, preparation of working version.Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – dr hab. Andrzej Zawal, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K1351Former collected material elaboration basing on former knowledge of scientific methods.Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1451Working out material of master work. Statistic analysis of getting data. Interpretation anddiscussion getting data on the base of references. Writing master work.66

Master of Science SeminaryCode: 13.4IV34.K...562 nd year, 3 rd and 4 th semester30 hours and 30 hoursGradeECTS credits: 3 rd semester – 34 th semester – 20Chair of Biochemistry – prof. dr hab. Jolanta TarasiukCode: 13.4IV34.K0251Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.K0351Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.K0551Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Biotechnology –prof. dr hab. Ewa KępczyńskaCode: 13.4IV34.K0751Chair of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology – Department of Plant Physiology – prof.dr hab. Jan KępczyńskiCode: 13.4IV34.K0851Chair of Physiology –dr hab. Maria Brzezińska, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K0951Chair of Genetics – prof. dr hab. Bogumiła SkotarczakCode: 13. 4IV34.K1051Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode: 13.4IV34.K1151Chair of Plant Taxonomy and PhytogeographyCode: 13.4IV34.K1251Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – dr hab. Andrzej Zawal, prof. USCode: 13.4IV34.K1351Chair of General Zoology – prof. dr hab. Józef DomagałaCode: 13.4IV34.K1451Discussion about methods and getting data on the base of the latest references. Making reportabout chapters of master work.67

Elective (lecture)**Code: 13.4IV34. F...58Lectures2 nd year, 4 th semester15 hoursGradeECTS credits: 3Chair of Plant Taxonomy and Phytogeography - dr Helena Więcław, dr Agnieszka Grinn-GofrońCode:13.4IV34.F1258Environmental Education.Introduction to the protection of the environment, objectives and methods of environmentaleducation on the basis of the International and the National Ecological Strategy.The structure of the biosphere, levels of organizational of ecology.A brief profile of the basic organizational levels (population, biota, the ecosystem, mutualdependence, biogeochemical cycles, food chain, the flow of energy).Anthropogenic transformation of the environment and its impact on human health.Protecting the environment: legal, technological, psychological.Protection of biodiversity, ecopolitic, balanced plant. International environmental law.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode:13.4IV34.F1158EpidemiologyThe role and tasks of epidemiology in modern medicine. The division of epidemiology.Infectious diseases – dangerous and often bacterial, viral and fungal infections in human.Hospital infections. Vaccination. Chosen diagnostic tests in screening studies. Methods andtechniques of epidemiological studies. Statistics in epidemiology.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode:13.4IV34.F1158Dangerous diseases in human and animalsInfectious elements as part of microevolution. Infectious elements as a danger for health inhuman and animals. Infectious elements as bioterrorism. Non-traditional infectious elements(prions, viroids, transpozones) in pathogenesis of human and animal diseases.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode:13.4IV34.F1158Infectious immunology68

Innate and adaptive immunity. TLR receptors and others and their role in immunity systemstimulation. Cytotoxity and antiviral role of T lymphocytes as the basis of innate immunity.The role of saprofit and pathogen flora in stabilization of immunological system in mammals.Pathways of antigen in immunological system – cell and molecular level. autoimmunizationas a process established as the result of environmental conditions and infectious elements.Local immunity – skin, eye, gut, urea. Biological substance (vaccines and serums) and theirrole in construction of immunological status in mammals.Chair of Microbiology and Immunology - prof. dr hab. Wiesław DeptułaCode:13.4IV34.F1158Civilization’s treatsElements compounding civilization‟s threats and their characteristic: environment al –biological elements, psychiatric elements. Characteristic and effect of interaction betweenhuman and environment in biological, psychological, interpersonal and social aspect. Personaland racial features of human. Human physiology, immunology and genetics as element ofhuman health and public health. Characteristics of chosen biological elements (viruses,bacteria, fungi). Plaques of XX and XXI century (AIDS, mycobacterium, rabies, SARS,zoonoses, bioterrorism). Elements of life threats on the basis of I – 1992, II – 1997, III – 2003Earth Summit.Chair of Chemistry – dr hab. Gorzysław Poleszczuk, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.F0558Chair of Cell Biology – prof. dr hab. Stanisława RogalskaCode:13.4IV34.F0358Application of Molecular Methods in Plant Breeding.Laws of heredity. Types of crossing. Selection methods. Sources of genetic variation.Introduction of a new genes- backcrosses and transformation. Application of biotechnologicalmethods in plant breeding : tissue culture, cell culture and protoplasts culture. Modernmolecular techniques in plant breeding: molecular markers : RAPD, RFLP, SSR, AFLP, ISSRand protein markers ( izoenzymes).Chair of General Botany – dr hab. Agnieszka Popiela, prof. USCode:13.4IV34.F0458Plant Histology and AnatomyClassification and characteristics of major tissue types – cytological features as the adaptationto fulfilled functions. Tissue systems. Functioning of meristems in different plant taxonomicgroups. Primary plant structure. Secondary growth occurring in different organs andsecondary structure formation in perennial seed plants; secondary growth anomalies.Chair of Microbiology, US Interuniversity Department of Molecular Biology – Prof. drhab. Józef KurCode:13.4IV34.F995869

Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Limnology – dr Andrzej ZawalCode:13.4IV34.F1358Biological reclamation of water reservoirsCharacteristic of different type of water reservoirs and water environments, natural succesionand degradation by human activity. Susceptibility of different type of water reservoirs todegradation and so-called environmental capacity. Protection of different type of waterreservoirs. Technical methods of reclamation and their efficiency evaluation. Different typebiomanipulation – using: plankton (phytoplankton, zooplankton), periphyton(phytoperiphyton and zooperiphyton), benthos, vascular plants and fishes. Evaluation ofbiomanipulation efficiency (bottom-up and top-down)XII. Professional practice70

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