Manager's Message

Manager's Message

Manager's Message

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PAGE 2 CanewS SPRING 2006Manager’s <strong>Message</strong>by Janice GriffithThe big newshas been thevisit by HRHPrince Andrew,the Duke of Yorkon May 11, hisagreement to beour Royal Patron,and theacquisition of three Royal Family Canoesinto our collection on long term loan.A lot goes into a project like this andthanks are due to many people whohelped make it happen. Terry Guest andDon Ross were instrumental in the ideataking hold. Don Curtis was of great helpin the overall planning and organization ofthe day, as was Verne McKay’s steadyleadership. Thanks are due to the CanadianMilitary for bringing the Royal Canoesfrom Great Britain to Trenton.McWIlliams Moving and Storage volunteeredto transport them – 600 poundcrates and all to the Museum.Kim Watson and Jeremy Ward andvolunteers in the artisan area worked longhours in unloading, uncrating and preparingthe canoes for exhibit on a very tighttime frame.Mike Paterson, our new volunteergoodwill ambassador worked with theExaminer to prepare copy for the fourpageinsert May 3.Tina Meiklejohn was in charge of gettingthe invitations printed and out andvolunteers at the front desk did the stuffingand stamping. When it became apparentthat many of our invitations hadnot arrived in a timely manner, Tina organizeda telephone blitz.Ralph Green did a special cleaningand waxing to make the floors shine.Kenner students helped direct traffic inthe parking lot. Peter Southall of thePublic Works Department provided trafficbarriers and had the boulevard in front ofthe museum reseeded.Security was provided by the RCMPand the Lakefield Peterborough Police.BJ Curtis and her hospitality committeetook care of the cake and tea. NeilBroadfoot donated one of his originalwatercolours as a gift from the Museumto HRH.Mike Cullen was our official photographer.John Mariasine took on the role ofbriefing and managing the media duringthe visit.Barry Diceman and Kim Watsonmanned the security check-in and MarkLamb helped place people in their respectivepositions to meet HRH. Verneand Pat McKay along with myself, actedas hosts to HRH during his visit.Carolyn Hyslop and her team of animatorsalong with students from the MillbrookHome School Collective demonstratedEducation programs.Freshwater Trade played the NationalAnthem and the drummers and singersfrom Curve Lake entertained.And the largest vote of thanks goes, ofcourse, to the Duke of York, for making itPhoto: Mike Cullenpossible for the canoes to come to us andfor visiting our Museum and giving all ofus a tremendous boost.While it would be hard to top thePrince’s visit, there are many more excitingthings coming up this spring andsummer. June 2 we host David Breretonan anthropologist who will be giving alecture. Once again our friends fromKenner Collegiate will be running theKawartha Family Fun Day on June 3 –paddle from Lakefield to Peterborough,plus much more. A new feature in thisevent will be the first annual cardboardcanoe race – sure to be memorable!On June 11 we will open what is shapingup to be a very thoughtful, and poignantexhibit on canoe safety featuring thePère Lallemant – one of four canoes involvedin the 1978 tragedy on LakeTemiskaming that resulted in the loss of13 young lives (see article on page opposite).Please be sure to check the upcomingevents section on page 8.

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