Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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A Proposal for <strong>Bank</strong>ing Reform:<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory of a 100-Percent Reserve Requirement 803Thus would be the end of the final stage in the privatizationof the banking <strong>and</strong> financial sector, <strong>and</strong> economic agentswould reinitiate the spontaneous market process of experimentationin the field of money <strong>and</strong> finance, a process whichwas historically interrupted by the nationalization of money<strong>and</strong> the creation <strong>and</strong> fortification of central banks.THE APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF BANKING ANDFINANCIAL REFORM TO THE EUROPEAN MONETARY UNIONAND THE BUILDING OF THE FINANCIAL SECTOR IN ECONOMIESOF THE FORMER EASTERN BLOC<strong>The</strong> above remarks on the reform of the western banking<strong>and</strong> financial system might be helpful in the design <strong>and</strong> managementof the European Monetary Union, a topic that is currentlysparking great interest among specialists in the field. 107<strong>The</strong>se considerations provide at least an indication of thedirection European monetary reform should take at all times<strong>and</strong> of the dangers to avoid. It is evident we should steer clearof a system of monopolistic national currencies which competewith each other in a chaotic environment of flexibleexchange rates. Moreover we should avoid maintaining aEuropean central bank which prevents competition betweencurrencies in a broad economic area, fails to meet the challengesof banking reform (100-percent reserve requirement),fails to guarantee a level of monetary stability at least as highas that of the most stable national currency at any given pointin history <strong>and</strong>, in short, represents an insurmountable obstacleto subsequent reforms, i.e., the elimination of the centralfinancial planning agency (the central bank). <strong>The</strong>refore perhapsthe most workable <strong>and</strong> appropriate model in the short107 For example, see the book, España y la unificación monetaria europea:una reflexión crítica, Ramón Febrero, ed. (Madrid: Editorial Abacus,1994). Other relevant works on this debate include: Pascal Salin, L’unitémonétaire européenne: au profit de qui? (Paris: <strong>Economic</strong>a, 1980); <strong>and</strong> RobinLeigh Pemberton, <strong>The</strong> Future of Monetary Arrangements in Europe (London:Institute of <strong>Economic</strong> Affairs, 1989). On the different ideas ofEurope <strong>and</strong> the role of its nations, see Jesús Huerta de Soto, “A <strong>The</strong>oryof Liberal Nationalism,” Il Politico LX, no. 4 (1995): 583–98.

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