Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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720 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>Ten years after delivering this memo before the League ofNations, <strong>Mises</strong> once more defended a 100-percent reserverequirement, this time in the first German edition of his allembracingeconomic treatise, published as Nationalökonomie:<strong>The</strong>orie des H<strong>and</strong>elns und Wirtschaftens (<strong>Economic</strong>s: <strong>The</strong>ory ofAction <strong>and</strong> Exchange). Here <strong>Mises</strong> again presents his thesis thatthe ideas essential to the Currency School require the applicationof a 100-percent reserve requirement to all fiduciarymedia; that is, not only to banknotes, but also to bankdeposits. Moreover, in this book <strong>Mises</strong> advocates the abolitionof the central bank <strong>and</strong> indicates that while this institutioncontinues to exist, even if the issuance of new fiduciarymedia (bills <strong>and</strong> deposits) is strictly prohibited, there willalways be a danger that “emergency” budget difficulties willbe cited as political justification for issuing new fiduciarymedia to help finance the needs of the state. <strong>Mises</strong> implicitlyresponds thus to theorists of the Chicago School who in the1930s proposed that a 100-percent reserve requirement be setfor banking, but that the monetary base remain fiduciary, <strong>and</strong>that the responsibility for issuing <strong>and</strong> controlling the stock ofmoney continue to fall to the central bank. <strong>Mises</strong> does notconsider this the best solution. In this case, even with a 100-percent reserve requirement, money would still ultimatelydepend on a central bank <strong>and</strong> would therefore be subject toall sorts of pressures <strong>and</strong> influences, particularly the dangerthat in a financial emergency the state would exercise itspower to issue currency in order to finance itself. Accordingto <strong>Mises</strong>, the ideal solution would thus be to establish a systemof free banking (i.e., without a central bank) subject totraditional legal principles (<strong>and</strong> hence, a 100-percent reserverequirement). 5 In this book <strong>Mises</strong> accompanies his defense of5 <strong>Mises</strong>’s exact words follow:Wenn heute, dem Grundgedanken der Currency-Lehreentsprechend, auch für das Kassenführungsguthaben volle—hundertprozentige—Deckung verlangt wird, damit dieErweiterung der Umlaufsmittelausgabe auch in dieserGestalt unterbunden werde, dann ist das folgerichtiger Ausbauder Ideen, die jenem alten englischen Gesetz zugrundelagen.. . . Auch das schärfste Verbot der Erweiterung der

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