Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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A Proposal for <strong>Bank</strong>ing Reform:<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory of a 100-Percent Reserve Requirement 717<strong>The</strong> possibility of causing temporary fluctuations in theexchange ratios between goods of higher <strong>and</strong> of lowerorders by the issue of fiduciary media, <strong>and</strong> the perniciousconsequences connected with a divergence between the natural<strong>and</strong> money rates of interest, are circumstances leadingto the same conclusion. Now it is obvious that the only way ofeliminating human influence on the credit system is to suppressall further issue of fiduciary media. <strong>The</strong> basic conception of Peel’sAct ought to be restated <strong>and</strong> more completely implemented than itwas in the Engl<strong>and</strong> of his time by including the issue of credit inthe form of bank balances within the legislative prohibition.<strong>Mises</strong> adds:It would be a mistake to assume that the modern organizationof exchange is bound to continue to exist. It carrieswithin itself the germ of its own destruction; the development ofthe fiduciary medium must necessarily lead to its breakdown.1<strong>Mises</strong> again considers the model for an ideal banking systemin his 1928 book, Geldwertstabilisierung und Konjunkturpolitik(Monetary stabilization <strong>and</strong> cyclical policy). <strong>The</strong>re weread:1 <strong>Mises</strong>, <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>ory of <strong>Money</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, pp. 446–48; italics added. This isthe best <strong>and</strong> most recent English edition of <strong>Mises</strong>’s book. <strong>The</strong> aboveexcerpt, in <strong>Mises</strong>’s exact words, follows:Es leuchtet ein, dass menschlicher Einfluss aus dem Umlaufsmittelwesennicht <strong>and</strong>ers ausgeschaltet werden kann alsdurch die Unterdrückung der weiteren Ausgabe <strong>von</strong> Umlaufsmitteln.Der Grundgedanke der Peelschen Akte müsstewieder aufgenommen und durch Miteinbeziehung der inForm <strong>von</strong> Kassenführungsguthaben ausgegebenen Umlaufsmittelin das gesetzliche Verbot der Neuausgabe in vollkommenererWeise durchgeführt werden als dies seinerzeitin Engl<strong>and</strong> geschah. . . . Es wäre ein Irrtum, wollte manannehmen, dass der Best<strong>and</strong> der modernen Organisation desTauschverkehres für die Zukunft gesichert sei. Sie trägt inihrem Innern bereits den Keim der Zerstörung. Die Entwicklungdes Umlaufsmittels muss notwendigerweise zu ihremZusammenbruch führen. (<strong>Mises</strong>, <strong>The</strong>orie des Geldes und derUmlaufsmittel, pp. 418–19)

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