Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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Central <strong>and</strong> Free <strong>Bank</strong>ing <strong>The</strong>ory 675not be to permit the exploitation of the lucrative possibilitieswhich always arise from credit expansion. Instead free bankingshould be seen as an indirect route to the ideal free-banking system,one subject to legal principles, i.e., a 100-percent reserverequirement. All legal means available in a constitutional stateshould be applied at all times in the direct pursuit of this goal.4A CRITICAL LOOK AT THE MODERNFRACTIONAL-RESERVE FREE-BANKING SCHOOL<strong>The</strong> last twenty years have seen a certain resurgence of theold economic <strong>Bank</strong>ing School doctrines. Defenders of theseviews claim that a fractional-reserve free-banking systemwould not only give rise to fewer distortions <strong>and</strong> economiccrises than central banking, but would actually tend to eliminatesuch problems. Given that these theorists base their reasoningon different variations of the Old <strong>Bank</strong>ing School arguments,some more sophisticated than others, we will groupthe theorists under the heading, “Neo-<strong>Bank</strong>ing School,” or“modern pro-Fractional-Reserve Free-<strong>Bank</strong>ing School.” Thisschool is composed of a curious alliance of scholars, 103 among103 As David Laidler accurately points out, recent interest in free banking<strong>and</strong> the development of the Neo-<strong>Bank</strong>ing School originated withFriedrich A. Hayek’s book on the denationalization of money (F.A.Hayek, Denationalization of <strong>Money</strong>: <strong>The</strong> Argument Refined, 2nd ed. [London:Institute of <strong>Economic</strong> Affairs, 1978]). Prior to Hayek, BenjaminKlein offered a similar proposal in his article, “<strong>The</strong> Competitive Supplyof <strong>Money</strong>,” published in the Journal of <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>ing 6(November 1974): 423–53. Laidler’s reference to the above two authorsappears in his brief but stimulating article on banking theory, “Free<strong>Bank</strong>ing <strong>The</strong>ory,” found in <strong>The</strong> New Palgrave: A Dictionary of <strong>Money</strong> <strong>and</strong>Finance (London <strong>and</strong> New York: Macmillan Press, 1992), vol. 2, pp.196–97. According to Oskari Juurikkala, the current debate among freebankingtheorists (pro-100-percent reserve requirement versus pro-fractionalreserve) is strictly parallel to the nineteenth century French debatebetween Victor Modeste (<strong>and</strong> Henry Cernuschi) <strong>and</strong> J. Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil.See his article, “<strong>The</strong> 1866 False-<strong>Money</strong> Debate in theJournal des Economistes: Déjà Vu for Austrians?”

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