Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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Central <strong>and</strong> Free <strong>Bank</strong>ing <strong>The</strong>ory 671Fractional-reserve banking distorts the productive structure<strong>and</strong> provokes widespread, intertemporal discoordination inthe economy, a situation bound to spontaneously reverse inthe form of an economic crisis <strong>and</strong> recession. Although in afractional-reserve free-banking system independent reversionprocesses tend to curb abuses sooner than in a system controlled<strong>and</strong> directed by a central bank, the most harmful effect offractional-reserve free banking is that it provides banks with animmensely powerful incentive to exp<strong>and</strong> loans jointly <strong>and</strong>, particularly,to urge authorities to create a central bank aimed at offeringsupport in times of economic trouble <strong>and</strong> organizing <strong>and</strong>orchestrating widespread, collective credit expansion.CONCLUSION: THE FAILURE OF BANKING LEGISLATIONSociety’s market process is made possible by a set of customaryrules of which it is also the source. <strong>The</strong>se rules constitutethe behavioral patterns embodied in criminal law <strong>and</strong> privatecontract law. No one has deliberately formulated them.Instead such rules are evolutionary institutions which emergefrom practical information contributed by a huge number ofactors over a very prolonged period of time. Substantive ormaterial law, in this sense, comprises a series of general,abstract rules or laws. <strong>The</strong>y are general because they applyequally to all people, <strong>and</strong> they are abstract because they establishonly a broad scope of action for individuals <strong>and</strong> do notpoint to any concrete result of the social process. In contrast tothis substantive conception of law, we find legislation, understoodas a set of coercive, statutory, <strong>and</strong> ad hoc orders or comm<strong>and</strong>swhich are the materialization of the illegitimate privileges<strong>and</strong> the systematic, institutional aggression with whichthe government attempts to dominate the processes of humaninteraction. 99 This concept of legislation implies the ab<strong>and</strong>onmentof the traditional notion of the law (explained above),<strong>and</strong> the replacement of it with “spurious law” composed of aconglomeration of administrative orders, regulations <strong>and</strong>99 Hayek, <strong>The</strong> Constitution of Liberty <strong>and</strong> Law, Legislation <strong>and</strong> Liberty. See alsoHuerta de Soto, Socialism, <strong>Economic</strong> Calculation <strong>and</strong> Entrepreneurship,chap. 3.

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