Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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668 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>This table reflects the existence of two banks, <strong>Bank</strong> A <strong>and</strong><strong>Bank</strong> B, both of which have two options: either to refrain fromexp<strong>and</strong>ing credit or to adopt a policy of credit expansion. Ifboth banks simultaneously initiate credit expansion (assumingthere are no other banks in the industry), the ability toissue new monetary units <strong>and</strong> fiduciary media will yield thesame large profits to both. If either exp<strong>and</strong>s credit alone, itsviability <strong>and</strong> solvency will be endangered by interbank clearingmechanisms, which will rapidly shift its reserves to theother bank if the first fails to suspend its credit expansion policyin time. Finally it is also possible that neither of the banksmay exp<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> both may maintain a prudent policy of loanconcession. In this case the survival of both is guaranteed,though their profits will be quite modest. It is clear that given thechoices above, the two banks will face a strong temptation to arrive atan agreement <strong>and</strong>, to avoid the adverse consequences of acting independently,initiate a joint policy of credit expansion which will protectboth from insolvency <strong>and</strong> guarantee h<strong>and</strong>some profits. 97In lumping money <strong>and</strong> money substitutes together under thejoint title of “money” as if they were somehow the samething, Selgin <strong>and</strong> White fail to grasp that the issue of fiduciarymedia—an increase of property titles—is not the samething as a larger supply of property <strong>and</strong> that relative pricechanges effected through the issue of fiduciary media are anentirely different “externality” matter than price changeseffected through an increase in the supply of property. Withthis the fundamental distinction between property <strong>and</strong> aproperty title in mind, Huerta de Soto’s analogy betweenfractional reserve banking <strong>and</strong> the tragedy of the commonsmakes perfect sense. (Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Jörg GuidoHülsmann <strong>and</strong> Walter Block, “Against Fiduciary Media,” <strong>The</strong>Quarterly Journal of Austrian <strong>Economic</strong>s 1, no. 1 (1998): 23, footnote6)Furthermore <strong>Mises</strong> emphasizes that the chief economic effect of negativeexternal costs is to complicate economic calculation <strong>and</strong> discoordinatesociety, phenomena which clearly take place in the case of creditexpansion in fractional-reserve banking. See <strong>Mises</strong>, Human Action, pp.655ff.; <strong>and</strong> Philipp Bagus, “La tragedia de los bienes comunales y laescuela austriaca: Hardin, Hoppe, Huerta de Soto, y <strong>Mises</strong>,” Procesos deMercado 1, no. 2 (2004): 125–29.97 Table VIII-2 does not include any “weights” or values <strong>and</strong> is typicallyused to illustrate both cooperative games <strong>and</strong> “prisoner’s dilemmas”

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