Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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666 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>effects on the real economy by provoking bank crises <strong>and</strong> economicrecessions. 93Not only is fractional-reserve free-banking incapable ofavoiding credit expansion <strong>and</strong> the appearance of cycles, but itactually tempts bankers in general to exp<strong>and</strong> their loans, <strong>and</strong>the result is a policy in which all bankers, to one extent oranother, are carried away by optimism in the granting of loans<strong>and</strong> in the creation of deposits. 94 It is a well-known fact thatwhenever property rights are not adequately defined—<strong>and</strong>this is the case with fractional-reserve banking, which by definitioninvolves the violation of depositors’ traditional propertyrights—the “tragedy of the commons” effect tends toappear. 95 Thus a banker who exp<strong>and</strong>s his loans brings in ah<strong>and</strong>some, <strong>and</strong> larger, profit (if his bank does not fail), while93 Charles A.E. Goodhart states: “<strong>The</strong>re were plenty of banking crises<strong>and</strong> panics prior to the formation of central banks” <strong>and</strong> cites O.B.W.Sprague’s book, History of Crises <strong>and</strong> the National <strong>Bank</strong>ing System, firstpublished in 1910 <strong>and</strong> reprinted in New Jersey by Augustus M. Kelleyin 1977. See Charles A.E. Goodhart, “What Should Central <strong>Bank</strong>s Do?What Should be their Macroeconomic Objectives <strong>and</strong> Operations?” p.1435. See also the article by the same author, “<strong>The</strong> Free <strong>Bank</strong>ing Challengeto Central <strong>Bank</strong>s,” published in Critical Review 8, no. 3 (Summer1994): 411–25. A collection of the most important writings of CharlesA.E. Goodhart has been published as <strong>The</strong> Central <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>and</strong> the FinancialSystem (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995).94 On banks’ optimism <strong>and</strong> the “passive inflationism” which arises frombankers’ fear of aborting artificial expansion in time, see <strong>Mises</strong>, HumanAction, pp. 572–73. Moreover <strong>Mises</strong> argues that benefits derived fromprivileges tend to run out (in the realm of banking this is due to anincrease in branches, expenses, etc.), thus sparking dem<strong>and</strong>s for furtherdoses of inflation (ibid., p. 749).95 <strong>The</strong> expression “tragedy of the commons” came into use followingGarret Hardin’s article, “<strong>The</strong> Tragedy of the Commons,” Science (1968);reprinted on pp. 16–30 of Managing the Commons, Garret Hardin <strong>and</strong>John Baden, eds. (San Francisco: Freeman, 1970). However the processhad already been fully described twenty-eight years earlier by <strong>Ludwig</strong><strong>von</strong> <strong>Mises</strong> in his “Die Grenzen des Sondereigentums und das Problemder external costs und external economies,” section 6 of chapter 10 ofpart 4 of Nationalökonomie: <strong>The</strong>orie des H<strong>and</strong>elns und Wirtschaftens(Geneva: Editions Union, 1940; Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 1980), pp.599–605.

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