Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...

Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles - The Ludwig von Mises ...


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646 <strong>Money</strong>, <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Credit</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Economic</strong> <strong>Cycles</strong>later, in 1920, that he expounded his famous theorem of theimpossibility of socialist economic calculation, initiating theimportant debate that would surround this topic in the followingdecades. No explicit evidence suggests <strong>Mises</strong> was awarethat the fundamental arguments he raised in 1920 on theimpossibility of socialism were also directly applicable to fractional-reservebanking, <strong>and</strong> especially to the establishment <strong>and</strong>operation of a central bank. However in the next section wewill defend the thesis that our analysis on fractional-reservebanking <strong>and</strong> the central bank is simply a specific case whicharises when the general theorem of the theoretical impossibilityof socialism is applied to the financial sphere. 71<strong>The</strong> classification of theorists into four schools (Fractional-ReserveFree <strong>Bank</strong>ing, Fractional-Reserve Central <strong>Bank</strong>ing, Free <strong>Bank</strong>ing with a100 percent reserve, <strong>and</strong> Central <strong>Bank</strong>ing with a 100 percent reserve) ismuch clearer <strong>and</strong> more accurate than the method chosen by (amongothers) Anna J. Schwartz <strong>and</strong> Lawrence H. White, who identify onlythree schools, the Currency School, the <strong>Bank</strong>ing School, <strong>and</strong> the Free-<strong>Bank</strong>ing School. (See Anna J. Schwartz, “<strong>Bank</strong>ing School, CurrencySchool, Free <strong>Bank</strong>ing School,” pp. 148–52.)71 On the development in Spain of the doctrine in favor of the centralbank <strong>and</strong> on this doctrine’s influence on the establishment of the Spanishbank of issue, see Luis Coronel de Palma, La evolución de un banco central(Madrid: Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, 1976), <strong>and</strong> thereferences cited therein. See also the writings of Rafael Anes, “El Bancode España, 1874–1914: un banco nacional,” <strong>and</strong> Pedro Tedde de Lorca,“La banca privada española durante la Restauración, 1874–1914.” Bothappear in volume 1 of La banca española en la Restauración (Madrid: Serviciode Estudios del Banco de España, 1974). Despite the valuable referencesincluded in these works, a history of Spanish economicthought on the debate between central- <strong>and</strong> free-banking supportershas yet to be written. <strong>The</strong> most important (fractional-reserve) free bankingtheorist in Spain was Luis María Pastor (1804–1872). See his bookLibertad de Bancos y Cola del de España (Madrid: B. Carranza, 1865).

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